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Example 1 with TooManyTermsInQueryException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ChangeIndexRewriter method rewriteImpl.

 * Rewrite a single predicate subtree.
 * @param in predicate to rewrite.
 * @param index index whose schema determines which fields are indexed.
 * @param opts other query options.
 * @param leafTerms number of leaf index query terms encountered so far.
 * @return {@code null} if no part of this subtree can be queried in the index directly. {@code
 *     in} if this subtree and all its children can be queried directly in the index. Otherwise, a
 *     predicate that is semantically equivalent, with some of its subtrees wrapped to query the
 *     index directly.
 * @throws QueryParseException if the underlying index implementation does not support this
 *     predicate.
private Predicate<ChangeData> rewriteImpl(Predicate<ChangeData> in, ChangeIndex index, QueryOptions opts, MutableInteger leafTerms) throws QueryParseException {
    in = IsSubmittablePredicate.rewrite(in);
    if (isIndexPredicate(in, index)) {
        if (++leafTerms.value > config.maxTerms()) {
            throw new TooManyTermsInQueryException();
        return in;
    } else if (in instanceof LimitPredicate) {
        // and included that in their limit computation.
        return new LimitPredicate<>(ChangeQueryBuilder.FIELD_LIMIT, opts.limit());
    } else if (!isRewritePossible(in)) {
        if (in instanceof IndexPredicate) {
            throw new QueryParseException("Unsupported index predicate: " + in.toString());
        // magic to indicate "in" cannot be rewritten
        return null;
    int n = in.getChildCount();
    BitSet isIndexed = new BitSet(n);
    BitSet notIndexed = new BitSet(n);
    BitSet rewritten = new BitSet(n);
    BitSet changeSource = new BitSet(n);
    List<Predicate<ChangeData>> newChildren = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        Predicate<ChangeData> c = in.getChild(i);
        Predicate<ChangeData> nc = rewriteImpl(c, index, opts, leafTerms);
        if (isSameInstance(nc, c)) {
        } else if (nc == null) /* cannot rewrite c */
        } else {
            if (nc instanceof ChangeDataSource) {
    if (isIndexed.cardinality() == n) {
        // All children are indexed, leave as-is for parent.
        return in;
    } else if (notIndexed.cardinality() == n) {
        // Can't rewrite any children, so cannot rewrite in.
        return null;
    } else if (rewritten.cardinality() == n) {
        // All children were rewritten.
        if (changeSource.cardinality() == n) {
            return copy(in, newChildren);
        return in.copy(newChildren);
    return partitionChildren(in, newChildren, isIndexed, index, opts);
Also used : ChangeDataSource( TooManyTermsInQueryException( IndexPredicate( BitSet(java.util.BitSet) LimitPredicate( ChangeData( QueryParseException( IndexPredicate( Predicate( OrPredicate( AndPredicate( NotPredicate( IsSubmittablePredicate( ChangeStatusPredicate( LimitPredicate(

Example 2 with TooManyTermsInQueryException

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class ReviewersUtil method suggestAccounts.

private List<Account.Id> suggestAccounts(SuggestReviewers suggestReviewers) throws BadRequestException {
    try (Timer0.Context ctx = metrics.queryAccountsLatency.start()) {
        // For performance reasons we don't use AccountQueryProvider as it would always load the
        // complete account from the cache (or worse, from NoteDb) even though we only need the ID
        // which we can directly get from the returned results.
        Predicate<AccountState> pred = Predicate.and(AccountPredicates.isActive(), accountQueryBuilder.defaultQuery(suggestReviewers.getQuery()));
        logger.atFine().log("accounts index query: %s", pred);
        boolean useLegacyNumericFields = accountIndexes.getSearchIndex().getSchema().useLegacyNumericFields();
        FieldDef<AccountState, ?> idField = useLegacyNumericFields ? AccountField.ID : AccountField.ID_STR;
        ResultSet<FieldBundle> result = accountIndexes.getSearchIndex().getSource(pred, QueryOptions.create(indexConfig, 0, suggestReviewers.getLimit(), ImmutableSet.of(idField.getName()))).readRaw();
        List<Account.Id> matches = result.toList().stream().map(f -> fromIdField(f, useLegacyNumericFields)).collect(toList());
        logger.atFine().log("Matches: %s", matches);
        return matches;
    } catch (TooManyTermsInQueryException e) {
        throw new BadRequestException(e.getMessage());
    } catch (QueryParseException e) {
        logger.atWarning().withCause(e).log("Suggesting accounts failed, return empty result.");
        return ImmutableList.of();
    } catch (StorageException e) {
        if (e.getCause() instanceof TooManyTermsInQueryException) {
            throw new BadRequestException(e.getMessage());
        if (e.getCause() instanceof QueryParseException) {
            return ImmutableList.of();
        throw e;
Also used : GroupBackend( Inject( BadRequestException( ReviewerModifier( EnumSet(java.util.EnumSet) FieldDef( ImmutableSet( GroupBaseInfo( Timer0( Account( FillOptions( AccountQueryBuilder( Set(java.util.Set) AccountIndexCollection( Sets( GroupReference( Objects(java.util.Objects) TooManyTermsInQueryException( List(java.util.List) Nullable( Url( MetricMaker( LazyArgs.lazy( FluentLogger( Singleton( AccountLoader( PermissionBackendException( IndexConfig( ConfigInvalidException(org.eclipse.jgit.errors.ConfigInvalidException) ReviewerState( ResultSet( AccountPredicates( GroupMembers( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Strings( ImmutableList( QueryParseException( Description( FieldBundle( AccountIndexRewriter( Predicate( SuggestedReviewerInfo( AccountControl( CurrentUser( AccountField( StorageException( Units( ProjectState( QueryOptions( NoSuchProjectException( ChangeNotes( IOException( Collectors.toList( Provider( Project( AccountState( ServiceUserClassifier( Collections(java.util.Collections) TooManyTermsInQueryException( FieldBundle( AccountState( QueryParseException( BadRequestException( Timer0( StorageException(


Predicate ( QueryParseException ( TooManyTermsInQueryException ( Strings ( ImmutableList ( ImmutableSet ( Sets ( FluentLogger ( LazyArgs.lazy ( Nullable ( Account ( GroupReference ( Project ( StorageException ( ReviewerState ( GroupBaseInfo ( SuggestedReviewerInfo ( BadRequestException ( Url ( FieldDef (