use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class StreamEventsApiListener method getApprovalAttribute.
private ApprovalAttribute getApprovalAttribute(LabelTypes labelTypes, Entry<String, Short> approval, Map<String, Short> oldApprovals) {
ApprovalAttribute a = new ApprovalAttribute();
a.type = approval.getKey();
if (oldApprovals != null && !oldApprovals.isEmpty()) {
if (oldApprovals.get(approval.getKey()) != null) {
a.oldValue = Short.toString(oldApprovals.get(approval.getKey()));
LabelType lt = labelTypes.byLabel(approval.getKey());
if (lt != null) {
a.description = lt.getName();
if (approval.getValue() != null) {
a.value = Short.toString(approval.getValue());
return a;
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class EventFactory method asApprovalAttribute.
* Create an ApprovalAttribute for the given approval suitable for serialization to JSON.
* @param approval
* @param labelTypes label types for the containing project
* @return object suitable for serialization to JSON
public ApprovalAttribute asApprovalAttribute(PatchSetApproval approval, LabelTypes labelTypes) {
ApprovalAttribute a = new ApprovalAttribute();
a.type = approval.getLabelId().get();
a.value = Short.toString(approval.getValue()); = asAccountAttribute(approval.getAccountId());
a.grantedOn = approval.getGranted().getTime() / 1000L;
a.oldValue = null;
LabelType lt = labelTypes.byLabel(approval.getLabelId());
if (lt != null) {
a.description = lt.getName();
return a;