use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class CherryPickChange method cherryPick.
public Change.Id cherryPick(BatchUpdate.Factory batchUpdateFactory, @Nullable Change.Id sourceChangeId, @Nullable PatchSet.Id sourcePatchId, @Nullable Branch.NameKey sourceBranch, @Nullable String sourceChangeTopic, Project.NameKey project, ObjectId sourceCommit, CherryPickInput input, String targetRef, RefControl targetRefControl) throws OrmException, IOException, InvalidChangeOperationException, IntegrationException, UpdateException, RestApiException {
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(targetRef)) {
throw new InvalidChangeOperationException("Cherry Pick: Destination branch cannot be null or empty");
String destinationBranch = RefNames.shortName(targetRef);
IdentifiedUser identifiedUser = user.get();
try (Repository git = gitManager.openRepository(project);
// before patch sets are updated.
ObjectInserter oi = git.newObjectInserter();
ObjectReader reader = oi.newReader();
CodeReviewRevWalk revWalk = CodeReviewCommit.newRevWalk(reader)) {
Ref destRef = git.getRefDatabase().exactRef(targetRef);
if (destRef == null) {
throw new InvalidChangeOperationException(String.format("Branch %s does not exist.", destinationBranch));
CodeReviewCommit mergeTip = revWalk.parseCommit(destRef.getObjectId());
CodeReviewCommit commitToCherryPick = revWalk.parseCommit(sourceCommit);
if (input.parent <= 0 || input.parent > commitToCherryPick.getParentCount()) {
throw new InvalidChangeOperationException(String.format("Cherry Pick: Parent %s does not exist. Please specify a parent in" + " range [1, %s].", input.parent, commitToCherryPick.getParentCount()));
Timestamp now = TimeUtil.nowTs();
PersonIdent committerIdent = identifiedUser.newCommitterIdent(now, serverTimeZone);
final ObjectId computedChangeId = ChangeIdUtil.computeChangeId(commitToCherryPick.getTree(), mergeTip, commitToCherryPick.getAuthorIdent(), committerIdent, input.message);
String commitMessage = ChangeIdUtil.insertId(input.message, computedChangeId).trim() + '\n';
CodeReviewCommit cherryPickCommit;
try {
ProjectState projectState = targetRefControl.getProjectControl().getProjectState();
cherryPickCommit = mergeUtilFactory.create(projectState).createCherryPickFromCommit(oi, git.getConfig(), mergeTip, commitToCherryPick, committerIdent, commitMessage, revWalk, input.parent - 1, false);
Change.Key changeKey;
final List<String> idList = cherryPickCommit.getFooterLines(FooterConstants.CHANGE_ID);
if (!idList.isEmpty()) {
final String idStr = idList.get(idList.size() - 1).trim();
changeKey = new Change.Key(idStr);
} else {
changeKey = new Change.Key("I" +;
Branch.NameKey newDest = new Branch.NameKey(project, destRef.getName());
List<ChangeData> destChanges = queryProvider.get().setLimit(2).byBranchKey(newDest, changeKey);
if (destChanges.size() > 1) {
throw new InvalidChangeOperationException("Several changes with key " + changeKey + " reside on the same branch. " + "Cannot create a new patch set.");
try (BatchUpdate bu = batchUpdateFactory.create(db.get(), project, identifiedUser, now)) {
bu.setRepository(git, revWalk, oi);
Change.Id result;
if (destChanges.size() == 1) {
// The change key exists on the destination branch. The cherry pick
// will be added as a new patch set.
ChangeControl destCtl = targetRefControl.getProjectControl().controlFor(destChanges.get(0).notes());
result = insertPatchSet(bu, git, destCtl, cherryPickCommit, input);
} else {
// Change key not found on destination branch. We can create a new
// change.
String newTopic = null;
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(sourceChangeTopic)) {
newTopic = sourceChangeTopic + "-" + newDest.getShortName();
result = createNewChange(bu, cherryPickCommit, targetRefControl.getRefName(), newTopic, sourceBranch, sourceCommit, input);
if (sourceChangeId != null && sourcePatchId != null) {
bu.addOp(sourceChangeId, new AddMessageToSourceChangeOp(changeMessagesUtil, sourcePatchId, destinationBranch, cherryPickCommit));
return result;
} catch (MergeIdenticalTreeException | MergeConflictException e) {
throw new IntegrationException("Cherry pick failed: " + e.getMessage());