use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class PrologRuleEvaluatorIT method convertsPrologToSubmitRecord.
public void convertsPrologToSubmitRecord() {
PrologRuleEvaluator evaluator = makeEvaluator();
StructureTerm verifiedLabel = makeLabel(LabelId.VERIFIED, "may");
StructureTerm labels = new StructureTerm("label", verifiedLabel);
List<Term> terms = ImmutableList.of(makeTerm("ok", labels));
SubmitRecord record = evaluator.resultsToSubmitRecord(null, terms);
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class PrologRuleEvaluatorIT method abortsEarlyWithOkayRecord.
* The Prolog behavior is everything but intuitive. Several submit_rules can be defined, and each
* will provide a different SubmitRecord answer when queried. The current implementation stops
* parsing the Prolog terms into SubmitRecord objects once it finds an OK record. This might lead
* to tangling results, as reproduced by this test.
* <p>Let's consider this file (equivalent to the code in this test)
* <pre>{@code
* submit_rule(submit(R)) :-
* gerrit:uploader(U),
* R = label('Verified', reject(U)).
* submit_rule(submit(CR, V)) :-
* gerrit:uploader(U),
* V = label('Code-Review', ok(U)).
* submit_rule(submit(R)) :-
* gerrit:uploader(U),
* R = label('Any-Label-Name', reject(U)).
* }</pre>
* The first submit_rule always fails because the Verified label is rejected.
* <p>The second submit_rule is always valid, and provides two labels: OK and Code-Review.
* <p>The third submit_rule always fails because the Any-Label-Name label is rejected.
* <p>In this case, the last two SubmitRecords are used, the first one is discarded.
public void abortsEarlyWithOkayRecord() {
PrologRuleEvaluator evaluator = makeEvaluator();
SubmitRecord.Label submitRecordLabel1 = new SubmitRecord.Label();
submitRecordLabel1.label = LabelId.VERIFIED;
submitRecordLabel1.status = SubmitRecord.Label.Status.REJECT;
submitRecordLabel1.appliedBy =;
SubmitRecord.Label submitRecordLabel2 = new SubmitRecord.Label();
submitRecordLabel2.label = LabelId.CODE_REVIEW;
submitRecordLabel2.status = SubmitRecord.Label.Status.OK;
submitRecordLabel2.appliedBy =;
SubmitRecord.Label submitRecordLabel3 = new SubmitRecord.Label();
submitRecordLabel3.label = "Any-Label-Name";
submitRecordLabel3.status = SubmitRecord.Label.Status.REJECT;
submitRecordLabel3.appliedBy =;
List<Term> terms = new ArrayList<>();
StructureTerm label1 = makeLabel(submitRecordLabel1.label, "reject", admin);
StructureTerm label2 = makeLabel(submitRecordLabel2.label, "ok", admin);
StructureTerm label3 = makeLabel(submitRecordLabel3.label, "reject", user);
terms.add(makeTerm("not_ready", makeLabels(label1)));
terms.add(makeTerm("ok", makeLabels(label2)));
terms.add(makeTerm("not_ready", makeLabels(label3)));
// When
SubmitRecord record = evaluator.resultsToSubmitRecord(null, terms);
// assert that
SubmitRecord expectedRecord = new SubmitRecord();
expectedRecord.status = SubmitRecord.Status.OK;
expectedRecord.labels = new ArrayList<>();