use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ChangeEditUtil method publish.
* Promote change edit to patch set, by squashing the edit into its parent.
* @param updateFactory factory for creating updates.
* @param notes the {@code ChangeNotes} of the change to which the change edit belongs
* @param user the current user
* @param edit change edit to publish
* @param notify Notify handling that defines to whom email notifications should be sent after the
* change edit is published.
public void publish(BatchUpdate.Factory updateFactory, ChangeNotes notes, CurrentUser user, ChangeEdit edit, NotifyResolver.Result notify) throws IOException, RestApiException, UpdateException {
Change change = edit.getChange();
try (Repository repo = gitManager.openRepository(change.getProject());
ObjectInserter oi = repo.newObjectInserter();
ObjectReader reader = oi.newReader();
RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(reader)) {
PatchSet basePatchSet = edit.getBasePatchSet();
if (! {
throw new ResourceConflictException("only edit for current patch set can be published");
RevCommit squashed = squashEdit(rw, oi, edit.getEditCommit(), basePatchSet);
PatchSet.Id psId = ChangeUtil.nextPatchSetId(repo, change.currentPatchSetId());
PatchSetInserter inserter = patchSetInserterFactory.create(notes, psId, squashed).setSendEmail(!change.isWorkInProgress());
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Patch Set ").append(inserter.getPatchSetId().get()).append(": ");
// Previously checked that the base patch set is the current patch set.
ObjectId prior = basePatchSet.commitId();
ChangeKind kind = changeKindCache.getChangeKind(change.getProject(), rw, repo.getConfig(), prior, squashed);
if (kind == ChangeKind.NO_CODE_CHANGE) {
message.append("Commit message was updated.");
inserter.setDescription("Edit commit message");
} else {
message.append("Published edit on patch set ").append(basePatchSet.number()).append(".");
try (BatchUpdate bu = updateFactory.create(change.getProject(), user, {
bu.setRepository(repo, rw, oi);
bu.addOp(change.getId(), inserter.setMessage(message.toString()));
bu.addOp(change.getId(), new BatchUpdateOp() {
public void updateRepo(RepoContext ctx) throws Exception {
ctx.addRefUpdate(edit.getEditCommit().copy(), ObjectId.zeroId(), edit.getRefName());
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class DeleteComment method apply.
public Response<CommentInfo> apply(HumanCommentResource rsrc, DeleteCommentInput input) throws RestApiException, IOException, ConfigInvalidException, PermissionBackendException, UpdateException {
CurrentUser user = userProvider.get();
if (input == null) {
input = new DeleteCommentInput();
String newMessage = getCommentNewMessage(user.asIdentifiedUser().getName(), input.reason);
DeleteCommentOp deleteCommentOp = new DeleteCommentOp(rsrc, newMessage);
try (BatchUpdate batchUpdate = updateFactory.create(rsrc.getRevisionResource().getProject(), user, {
batchUpdate.addOp(rsrc.getRevisionResource().getChange().getId(), deleteCommentOp).execute();
ChangeNotes updatedNotes = notesFactory.createChecked(rsrc.getRevisionResource().getProject(), rsrc.getRevisionResource().getChangeResource().getId());
List<HumanComment> changeComments = commentsUtil.publishedHumanCommentsByChange(updatedNotes);
Optional<HumanComment> updatedComment = -> c.key.equals(rsrc.getComment().key)).findFirst();
if (!updatedComment.isPresent()) {
// This should not happen as this endpoint should not remove the whole comment.
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("comment not found: " + rsrc.getComment().key);
return Response.ok(commentJson.get().newHumanCommentFormatter().format(updatedComment.get()));
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ReviewProjectAccess method updateProjectConfig.
// TODO(dborowitz): Hack MetaDataUpdate so it can be created within a BatchUpdate and we can avoid
// calling setUpdateRef(false).
protected Change.Id updateProjectConfig(ProjectControl projectControl, ProjectConfig config, MetaDataUpdate md, boolean parentProjectUpdate) throws IOException, OrmException, PermissionDeniedException {
RefControl refsMetaConfigControl = projectControl.controlForRef(RefNames.REFS_CONFIG);
if (!refsMetaConfigControl.isVisible()) {
throw new PermissionDeniedException(RefNames.REFS_CONFIG + " not visible");
if (!projectControl.isOwner() && !refsMetaConfigControl.canUpload()) {
throw new PermissionDeniedException("cannot upload to " + RefNames.REFS_CONFIG);
Change.Id changeId = new Change.Id(seq.nextChangeId());
RevCommit commit = config.commitToNewRef(md, new PatchSet.Id(changeId, Change.INITIAL_PATCH_SET_ID).toRefName());
if (commit.getId().equals(base)) {
return null;
try (ObjectInserter objInserter = md.getRepository().newObjectInserter();
ObjectReader objReader = objInserter.newReader();
RevWalk rw = new RevWalk(objReader);
BatchUpdate bu = updateFactory.create(db, config.getProject().getNameKey(), projectControl.getUser(), TimeUtil.nowTs())) {
bu.setRepository(md.getRepository(), rw, objInserter);
bu.insertChange(changeInserterFactory.create(changeId, commit, RefNames.REFS_CONFIG).setValidate(false).setUpdateRef(// Created by commitToNewRef.
} catch (UpdateException | RestApiException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
ChangeResource rsrc;
try {
rsrc = changes.parse(changeId);
} catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
if (parentProjectUpdate) {
return changeId;
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class ChangeRebuilderIT method rebuildAutomaticallyWithinBatchUpdate.
public void rebuildAutomaticallyWithinBatchUpdate() throws Exception {
setNotesMigration(true, true);
PushOneCommit.Result r = createChange();
final Change.Id id = r.getPatchSetId().getParentKey();
assertChangeUpToDate(true, id);
// Update ReviewDb and NoteDb, then revert the corresponding NoteDb change
// to simulate it failing.
NoteDbChangeState oldState = NoteDbChangeState.parse(getUnwrappedDb().changes().get(id));
String topic = name("a-topic");
try (Repository repo = repoManager.openRepository(project)) {
new TestRepository<>(repo).update(RefNames.changeMetaRef(id), oldState.getChangeMetaId());
assertChangeUpToDate(false, id);
// Next NoteDb read comes inside the transaction started by BatchUpdate. In
// reality this could be caused by a failed update happening between when
// the change is parsed by ChangesCollection and when the BatchUpdate
// executes. We simulate it here by using BatchUpdate directly and not going
// through an API handler.
final String msg = "message from BatchUpdate";
try (BatchUpdate bu = batchUpdateFactory.create(db, project, identifiedUserFactory.create(user.getId()), TimeUtil.nowTs())) {
bu.addOp(id, new BatchUpdateOp() {
public boolean updateChange(ChangeContext ctx) throws OrmException {
PatchSet.Id psId = ctx.getChange().currentPatchSetId();
ChangeMessage cm = new ChangeMessage(new ChangeMessage.Key(id, ChangeUtil.messageUuid()), ctx.getAccountId(), ctx.getWhen(), psId);
return true;
try {
fail("expected update to fail");
} catch (UpdateException e) {
assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("cannot copy ChangeNotesState");
// TODO(dborowitz): Re-enable these assertions once we fix auto-rebuilding
// in the BatchUpdate path.
//// As an implementation detail, change wasn't actually rebuilt inside the
//// BatchUpdate transaction, but it was rebuilt during read for the
//// subsequent reindex. Thus it's impossible to actually observe an
//// out-of-date state in the caller.
//assertChangeUpToDate(true, id);
//// Check that the bundles are equal.
//ChangeNotes notes = notesFactory.create(dbProvider.get(), project, id);
//ChangeBundle actual = ChangeBundle.fromNotes(commentsUtil, notes);
//ChangeBundle expected = bundleReader.fromReviewDb(getUnwrappedDb(), id);
// Iterables.transform(
// notes.getChangeMessages(),
// ChangeMessage::getMessage))
// .contains(msg);
use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.
the class PrimaryStorageMigrator method releaseReadOnlyLeaseInNoteDb.
private void releaseReadOnlyLeaseInNoteDb(Project.NameKey project, Change.Id id) throws OrmException {
// (In practice retrying won't happen, since we aren't using fused updates at this point.)
try {
retryHelper.execute(updateFactory -> {
try (BatchUpdate bu = updateFactory.create(db.get(), project, internalUserFactory.create(), TimeUtil.nowTs())) {
bu.addOp(id, new BatchUpdateOp() {
public boolean updateChange(ChangeContext ctx) {
ctx.getUpdate(ctx.getChange().currentPatchSetId()).setReadOnlyUntil(new Timestamp(0));
return true;
return null;
} catch (RestApiException | UpdateException e) {
throw new OrmException(e);