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Example 1 with JsonWriter

use of in project che by eclipse.

the class DtoImpl method quoteStringLiteral.

     * Create a textual representation of a string literal that evaluates to the given value.
protected String quoteStringLiteral(String value) {
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    try (JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(sw)) {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected I/O failure: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
    return sw.toString();
Also used : StringWriter( IOException( JsonWriter(

Example 2 with JsonWriter

use of in project elastic-job by dangdangdotcom.

the class GsonFactoryTest method assertRegisterTypeAdapter.

public void assertRegisterTypeAdapter() {
    Gson beforeRegisterGson = GsonFactory.getGson();
    GsonFactory.registerTypeAdapter(GsonFactoryTest.class, new TypeAdapter() {

        public Object read(final JsonReader in) throws IOException {
            return null;

        public void write(final JsonWriter out, final Object value) throws IOException {
    assertThat(beforeRegisterGson.toJson(new GsonFactoryTest()), is("{}"));
    assertThat(GsonFactory.getGson().toJson(new GsonFactoryTest()), is("test"));
Also used : TypeAdapter( Gson( JsonReader( IOException( JsonWriter( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with JsonWriter

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class WorkerProcess method ensureLaunchAndHandshake.

public synchronized void ensureLaunchAndHandshake() throws IOException {
    if (handshakePerformed) {
    LOG.debug("Starting up process %d using command: \'%s\'", this.hashCode(), Joiner.on(' ').join(processParams.getCommand()));
    launchedProcess = executor.launchProcess(processParams);
    JsonWriter processStdinWriter = new JsonWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(launchedProcess.getOutputStream())));
    JsonReader processStdoutReader = new JsonReader(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(launchedProcess.getInputStream())));
    protocol = new WorkerProcessProtocolZero(executor, launchedProcess, processStdinWriter, processStdoutReader, stdErr);
    int messageID = currentMessageID.getAndAdd(1);
    LOG.debug("Sending handshake to process %d", this.hashCode());
    LOG.debug("Receiving handshake from process %d", this.hashCode());
    handshakePerformed = true;
Also used : InputStreamReader( BufferedReader( JsonReader( OutputStreamWriter( JsonWriter( BufferedWriter(

Example 4 with JsonWriter

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class WorkerProcessProtocolZeroTest method testSendCommandResponse.

public void testSendCommandResponse() throws IOException {
    StringWriter jsonSentToWorkerProcess = new StringWriter();
    WorkerProcessProtocol protocol = new WorkerProcessProtocolZero(fakeProcessExecutor, fakeLaunchedProcess, new JsonWriter(jsonSentToWorkerProcess), dummyJsonReader, newTempFile());
    int messageID = 123;
    protocol.sendCommandResponse(messageID, "result", 0);
    String expectedJson = String.format("{\"id\":%d,\"type\":\"result\",\"exit_code\":0}", messageID);
    assertThat(jsonSentToWorkerProcess.toString(), Matchers.containsString(expectedJson));
Also used : StringWriter( JsonWriter( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with JsonWriter

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class WorkerProcessProtocolZeroTest method testProcessIsStillDestroyedEvenIfErrorOccursWhileClosingStreams.

public void testProcessIsStillDestroyedEvenIfErrorOccursWhileClosingStreams() throws IOException {
    JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(new StringWriter());
    // write an opening bracket now, so the writer doesn't throw due to invalid JSON when it goes
    // to write the closing bracket
    JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new StringReader("invalid JSON"));
    WorkerProcessProtocol protocol = new WorkerProcessProtocolZero(fakeProcessExecutor, fakeLaunchedProcess, writer, reader, newTempFile());
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        assertThat(e.getMessage(), Matchers.containsString("malformed JSON"));
        // assert that process was still destroyed despite the exception
Also used : StringWriter( StringReader( JsonReader( IOException( JsonWriter( Test(org.junit.Test)


JsonWriter ( StringWriter ( OutputStreamWriter ( Gson ( IOException ( Test (org.junit.Test)9 JsonReader ( Writer ( StringReader ( SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)3 JsonObject ( JsonDataSources ( Map (java.util.Map)3 JsonElement ( TypeAdapter ( DataExtractor ( CloudFileManager ( ExtraInput ( VendorDynamicInput ( BufferedWriter (