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Example 1 with StatementExecutor

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class SchemaUpdaterTest method update.

public void update() throws OrmException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    final Path site = Paths.get(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
    final SitePaths paths = new SitePaths(site);
    SchemaUpdater u = Guice.createInjector(new FactoryModule() {

        protected void configure() {
            TypeLiteral<SchemaFactory<ReviewDb>> schemaFactory = new TypeLiteral<SchemaFactory<ReviewDb>>() {
            bind(Key.get(schemaFactory, ReviewDbFactory.class)).toInstance(db);
            Config cfg = new Config();
            cfg.setString("user", null, "name", "Gerrit Code Review");
            cfg.setString("user", null, "email", "gerrit@localhost");
            bind(AllProjectsName.class).toInstance(new AllProjectsName("All-Projects"));
            bind(AllUsersName.class).toInstance(new AllUsersName("All-Users"));
            bind(GitRepositoryManager.class).toInstance(new InMemoryRepositoryManager());
            install(new ConfigNotesMigration.Module());
    for (SchemaVersion s = u.getLatestSchemaVersion(); s.getVersionNbr() > 1; s = s.getPrior()) {
        try {
            assertThat(s.getPrior().getVersionNbr()).named("schema %s has prior version %s. Not true that", s.getVersionNbr(), s.getPrior().getVersionNbr()).isEqualTo(s.getVersionNbr() - 1);
        } catch (ProvisionException e) {
            // version.
    u.update(new UpdateUI() {

        public void message(String msg) {

        public boolean yesno(boolean def, String msg) {
            return def;

        public boolean isBatch() {
            return true;

        public void pruneSchema(StatementExecutor e, List<String> pruneList) throws OrmException {
            for (String sql : pruneList) {
    final SystemConfig sc = db.getSystemConfig();
Also used : SystemConfig( InMemoryRepositoryManager( SystemConfig( Config(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config) GerritServerConfig( SitePaths( StatementExecutor( ProvisionException( TypeLiteral( OrmException( ReviewDb( GerritPersonIdent( Path(java.nio.file.Path) SchemaFactory( GerritServerConfig( AnonymousCowardName( AllProjectsName( FactoryModule( GitRepositoryManager( ConfigNotesMigration( AllUsersName( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with StatementExecutor

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class Schema_145 method migrateData.

protected void migrateData(ReviewDb db, UpdateUI ui) throws OrmException, SQLException {
    JdbcSchema schema = (JdbcSchema) db;
    SqlDialect dialect = schema.getDialect();
    try (StatementExecutor e = newExecutor(db)) {
        try {
            dialect.dropIndex(e, "account_external_ids", "account_external_ids_byEmail");
        } catch (OrmException ex) {
        // Ignore.  The index did not exist.
        e.execute("CREATE INDEX account_external_ids_byEmail" + " ON account_external_ids" + " (email_address)");
Also used : JdbcSchema( OrmException( SqlDialect( StatementExecutor(

Example 3 with StatementExecutor

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class Schema_89 method migrateData.

protected void migrateData(ReviewDb db, UpdateUI ui) throws OrmException, SQLException {
    SqlDialect dialect = ((JdbcSchema) db).getDialect();
    try (StatementExecutor e = newExecutor(db)) {
        dialect.dropIndex(e, "patch_set_approvals", "patch_set_approvals_openByUser");
        dialect.dropIndex(e, "patch_set_approvals", "patch_set_approvals_closedByU");
Also used : JdbcSchema( SqlDialect( StatementExecutor(

Example 4 with StatementExecutor

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class Schema_102 method migrateData.

protected void migrateData(ReviewDb db, UpdateUI ui) throws OrmException, SQLException {
    JdbcSchema schema = (JdbcSchema) db;
    SqlDialect dialect = schema.getDialect();
    try (StatementExecutor e = newExecutor(db)) {
        // Drop left over indexes that were missed to be removed in schema 84.
        // See "Delete SQL index support" commit for more details:
        // d4ae3a16d5e1464574bd04f429a63eb9c02b3b43
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^changes_(allOpen|allClosed|byBranchClosed)$", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
        String table = "changes";
        Set<String> listIndexes = dialect.listIndexes(schema.getConnection(), table);
        for (String index : listIndexes) {
            if (pattern.matcher(index).matches()) {
                dialect.dropIndex(e, table, index);
        dialect.dropIndex(e, table, "changes_byProjectOpen");
        if (dialect instanceof DialectPostgreSQL) {
            e.execute("CREATE INDEX changes_byProjectOpen" + " ON " + table + " (dest_project_name, last_updated_on)" + " WHERE open = 'Y'");
        } else {
            e.execute("CREATE INDEX changes_byProjectOpen" + " ON " + table + " (open, dest_project_name, last_updated_on)");
Also used : Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) JdbcSchema( DialectPostgreSQL( SqlDialect( StatementExecutor(

Example 5 with StatementExecutor

use of in project gerrit by GerritCodeReview.

the class Schema_105 method migrateData.

protected void migrateData(ReviewDb db, UpdateUI ui) throws SQLException, OrmException {
    JdbcSchema schema = (JdbcSchema) db;
    SqlDialect dialect = schema.getDialect();
    Map<String, OrmException> errors = new HashMap<>();
    try (StatementExecutor e = newExecutor(db)) {
        for (String index : listChangesIndexes(schema)) {
            ui.message("Dropping index " + index + " on table " + TABLE);
            try {
                dialect.dropIndex(e, TABLE, index);
            } catch (OrmException err) {
                errors.put(index, err);
    for (String index : listChangesIndexes(schema)) {
        String msg = "Failed to drop index " + index;
        OrmException err = errors.get(index);
        if (err != null) {
            msg += ": " + err.getMessage();
Also used : JdbcSchema( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) OrmException( SqlDialect( StatementExecutor(


StatementExecutor ( JdbcSchema ( SqlDialect ( OrmException ( FactoryModule ( CurrentSchemaVersion ( SystemConfig ( ReviewDb ( GerritPersonIdent ( AllProjectsName ( AllUsersName ( AnonymousCowardName ( GerritServerConfig ( SitePaths ( GitRepositoryManager ( ConfigNotesMigration ( InMemoryRepositoryManager ( JdbcExecutor ( DialectPostgreSQL ( SchemaFactory (