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Example 1 with JSError

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class FixingErrorManager method getAllFixes.

 * Returns fixes for errors first, then fixes for warnings.
public Collection<SuggestedFix> getAllFixes() {
    boolean containsFixableShorthandModuleWarning = containsFixableShorthandModuleWarning();
    Collection<SuggestedFix> fixes = new ArrayList<>();
    for (JSError error : getErrors()) {
        // don't apply the extra/missing require fix.
        if (containsFixableShorthandModuleWarning && (error.getType().equals(EXTRA_REQUIRE_WARNING) || error.getType().equals(MISSING_REQUIRE_STRICT_WARNING) || error.getType().equals(MISSING_REQUIRE_WARNING))) {
        // Don't apply this fix.
        } else {
    for (JSError warning : getWarnings()) {
        if (warning.getType().equals(EXTRA_REQUIRE_WARNING) && containsFixableShorthandModuleWarning) {
        // As above, don't apply the extra-require fix.
        } else {
    return fixes;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JSError(

Example 2 with JSError

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class ErrorToFixMapperTest method testImplicitNullability2.

public void testImplicitNullability2() {
    String originalCode = "/** @param {Object} o */ function f(o) {}";
    compiler.compile(// Externs
    ImmutableList.<SourceFile>of(), ImmutableList.of(SourceFile.fromCode("test", originalCode)), options);
    JSError[] warnings = compiler.getWarnings();
    JSError warning = warnings[0];
    List<SuggestedFix> fixes = ErrorToFixMapper.getFixesForJsError(warning, compiler);
    // First fix is to add "!"
    String newCode = ApplySuggestedFixes.applySuggestedFixesToCode(ImmutableList.of(fixes.get(0)), ImmutableMap.of("test", originalCode)).get("test");
    assertThat(newCode).isEqualTo("/** @param {?Object} o */ function f(o) {}");
    // Second fix is to add "?"
    newCode = ApplySuggestedFixes.applySuggestedFixesToCode(ImmutableList.of(fixes.get(1)), ImmutableMap.of("test", originalCode)).get("test");
    assertThat(newCode).isEqualTo("/** @param {!Object} o */ function f(o) {}");
Also used : JSError( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with JSError

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class GwtRunner method toNativeErrorArray.

 * Convert a list of {@link JSError} instances to a JS array containing plain objects.
private static JavaScriptObject[] toNativeErrorArray(List<JSError> errors) {
    JavaScriptObject[] out = new JavaScriptObject[errors.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < errors.size(); ++i) {
        JSError error = errors.get(i);
        DiagnosticType type = error.getType();
        out[i] = createError(error.sourceName, error.description, type != null ? type.key : null, error.lineNumber, error.getCharno());
    return out;
Also used : JavaScriptObject( DiagnosticType( EntryPoint( JSError(

Example 4 with JSError

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TranspilationException method format.

private static String format(SourceExcerptProvider source, JSError[] errors, JSError[] warnings) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("Transpilation failed:\n");
    MessageFormatter formatter = source != null ? ErrorFormat.SINGLELINE.toFormatter(source, false) : ErrorFormat.SOURCELESS.toFormatter(source, false);
    for (JSError error : errors) {
    for (JSError warning : warnings) {
    return sb.toString();
Also used : MessageFormatter( JSError(

Example 5 with JSError

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class DebuggerGwtMain method updateUi.

private void updateUi(Compiler compiler, Result result) {
    rightPane.add(new HTML("<h4>Output</h4>"));
    String outputCode = compiler.toSource();
    rightPane.add(new Label(outputCode));
    rightPane.add(new HTML("<h4>Warnings</h4>"));
    List<JSError> errors = Arrays.asList(result.errors);
    List<JSError> warnings = Arrays.asList(result.warnings);
    rightPane.add(new Label(Joiner.on("\n\n").join(Iterables.concat(errors, warnings))));
    rightPane.add(new HTML("<h4>AST</h4>"));
    String outputAst = compiler.getRoot().toStringTree();
    rightPane.add(new Label(outputAst));
Also used : Label( HTML( JSError(


JSError ( Test (org.junit.Test)3 MessageFormatter ( EntryPoint ( JavaScriptObject ( HTML ( Label ( BasicErrorManager ( CheckLevel ( CompilationLevel ( CompilerOptions ( DiagnosticType ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 SecurityContext (org.structr.common.SecurityContext)1 PropertyMap (