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Example 1 with QualifiedName

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class NewTypeInference method analyzeLValueFwd.

private LValueResultFwd analyzeLValueFwd(Node expr, TypeEnv inEnv, JSType requiredType, boolean insideQualifiedName) {
    LValueResultFwd lvalResult = null;
    switch(expr.getToken()) {
        case THIS:
                if (this.currentScope.hasThis()) {
                    lvalResult = new LValueResultFwd(inEnv, envGetType(inEnv, THIS_ID), this.currentScope.getDeclaredTypeOf(THIS_ID), new QualifiedName(THIS_ID));
                } else {
                    lvalResult = new LValueResultFwd(inEnv, UNKNOWN, null, null);
        case NAME:
                String varName = expr.getString();
                JSType varType = analyzeExprFwd(expr, inEnv).type;
                lvalResult = new LValueResultFwd(inEnv, varType, this.currentScope.getDeclaredTypeOf(varName), varType.hasNonScalar() ? new QualifiedName(varName) : null);
        case GETPROP:
        case GETELEM:
                Node obj = expr.getFirstChild();
                Node prop = expr.getLastChild();
                QualifiedName pname = expr.isGetProp() || prop.isString() ? new QualifiedName(prop.getString()) : null;
                LValueResultFwd recvLvalue = analyzeReceiverLvalFwd(obj, pname, inEnv, requiredType);
                if (!recvLvalue.type.isSubtypeOf(TOP_OBJECT)) {
                    EnvTypePair pair = analyzeExprFwd(prop, recvLvalue.env, requiredType);
                    lvalResult = new LValueResultFwd(pair.env, requiredType, null, null);
                JSType indexType = recvLvalue.type.getIndexType();
                // (1) A getelem where the receiver is an IObject
                if (expr.isGetElem() && indexType != null) {
                    lvalResult = analyzeIObjectElmLvalFwd(prop, recvLvalue, indexType);
                // (2) A getelem where the prop is a string literal is like a getprop
                if (expr.isGetProp() || prop.isString()) {
                    lvalResult = analyzePropLValFwd(obj, pname, recvLvalue, requiredType, insideQualifiedName);
                // (3) All other getelems
                // TODO(dimvar): there is some recomputation here; the receiver will be
                // analyzed again. Some more refactoring can fix this.
                EnvTypePair pair = analyzeExprFwd(expr, recvLvalue.env, requiredType);
                lvalResult = new LValueResultFwd(pair.env, pair.type, null, null);
        case VAR:
                // Can happen iff its parent is a for/in or for/of.
                checkState(expr.getParent().isForIn() || expr.getParent().isForOf());
                Node nameNode = expr.getFirstChild();
                String name = nameNode.getString();
                // For/in and for/of can never have rhs of its VAR
                maybeSetTypeI(nameNode, requiredType);
                if (expr.getParent().isForIn()) {
                    return new LValueResultFwd(inEnv, STRING, null, new QualifiedName(name));
                } else {
                    JSType declType = this.currentScope.getDeclaredTypeOf(name);
                    return new LValueResultFwd(inEnv, requiredType, declType, new QualifiedName(name));
                // Expressions that aren't lvalues should be handled because they may
                // be, e.g., the left child of a getprop.
                // We must check that they are not the direct lvalues.
                EnvTypePair pair = analyzeExprFwd(expr, inEnv, requiredType);
                return new LValueResultFwd(pair.env, pair.type, null, null);
    maybeSetTypeI(expr, lvalResult.type);
    mayWarnAboutUnknownType(expr, lvalResult.type);
    return lvalResult;
Also used : JSType( QualifiedName( Node( DiGraphNode(

Example 2 with QualifiedName

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class NewTypeInference method isFunctionBind.

private boolean isFunctionBind(Node callee, TypeEnv env, boolean isFwd) {
    if (NodeUtil.isFunctionBind(callee)) {
        if (isFwd) {
            analyzeExprFwdIgnoreResult(callee, env);
        return true;
    if (!callee.isGetProp() || !callee.isQualifiedName() || !callee.getLastChild().getString().equals("bind")) {
        return false;
    Node recv = callee.getFirstChild();
    JSType recvType;
    if (isFwd) {
        recvType = analyzeExprFwd(recv, env).type;
        maybeSetTypeI(callee, recvType.getProp(new QualifiedName("bind")));
    } else {
        recvType = analyzeExprBwd(recv, env).type;
    return !recvType.isUnknown() && recvType.isSubtypeOf(commonTypes.topFunction());
Also used : JSType( Node( DiGraphNode( QualifiedName(

Example 3 with QualifiedName

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class NewTypeInference method analyzeEnumObjLitBwd.

private EnvTypePair analyzeEnumObjLitBwd(Node objLit, TypeEnv outEnv, JSType requiredType) {
    if (objLit.getFirstChild() == null) {
        return new EnvTypePair(outEnv, requiredType);
    String pname = NodeUtil.getObjectLitKeyName(objLit.getFirstChild());
    JSType enumeratedType = requiredType.getProp(new QualifiedName(pname)).getEnumeratedTypeOfEnumElement();
    if (enumeratedType == null) {
        return new EnvTypePair(outEnv, requiredType);
    TypeEnv env = outEnv;
    for (Node prop = objLit.getLastChild(); prop != null; prop = prop.getPrevious()) {
        env = analyzeExprBwd(prop, env, enumeratedType).env;
    return new EnvTypePair(env, requiredType);
Also used : JSType( QualifiedName( Node( DiGraphNode( TypeEnv(

Example 4 with QualifiedName

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SimpleInference method inferPropAccess.

private JSType inferPropAccess(Node recv, String pname, NTIScope scope) {
    if (recv.isGetProp() && recv.getLastChild().getString().equals("prototype")) {
        return inferPrototypeProperty(recv.getFirstChild(), pname, scope);
    QualifiedName propQname = new QualifiedName(pname);
    JSType recvType = null;
    if (recv.isQualifiedName()) {
        QualifiedName recvQname = QualifiedName.fromNode(recv);
        Declaration decl = scope.getDeclaration(recvQname, false);
        if (decl != null) {
            EnumType et = decl.getEnum();
            if (et != null && et.enumLiteralHasKey(pname)) {
                return et.getPropType();
            Namespace ns = decl.getNamespace();
            if (ns != null) {
                return inferDeclaration(ns.getDeclaration(propQname));
            recvType = decl.getTypeOfSimpleDecl();
    if (recvType == null) {
        recvType = inferExprRecur(recv, scope);
    if (recvType == null) {
        return null;
    if (recvType.isScalar()) {
        recvType = recvType.autobox();
    FunctionType ft = recvType.getFunTypeIfSingletonObj();
    if (ft != null && pname.equals("call")) {
        return this.commonTypes.fromFunctionType(ft.transformByCallProperty());
    } else if (ft != null && pname.equals("apply")) {
        return this.commonTypes.fromFunctionType(ft.transformByApplyProperty());
    if (recvType.mayHaveProp(propQname)) {
        return recvType.getProp(propQname);
    return null;
Also used : JSType( EnumType( QualifiedName( FunctionType( DeclaredFunctionType( Declaration( FunctionNamespace( Namespace(

Example 5 with QualifiedName

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class SimpleInference method inferInstantiatedCallee.

FunctionType inferInstantiatedCallee(Node call, FunctionType calleeType, boolean bailForUntypedArguments, NTIScope scope) {
    Node callee = call.getFirstChild();
    Preconditions.checkArgument(calleeType.isGeneric(), "Expected generic type for %s but found %s", callee, calleeType);
    // The receiver type is useful for inference when calleeType has a @this annotation
    // that includes a type variable.
    JSType recvType = null;
    if (callee.isGetProp() && callee.getFirstChild().isQualifiedName()) {
        Node recv = callee.getFirstChild();
        QualifiedName recvQname = QualifiedName.fromNode(recv);
        Declaration decl = scope.getDeclaration(recvQname, false);
        if (decl != null) {
            recvType = decl.getTypeOfSimpleDecl();
    ImmutableList.Builder<JSType> argTypes = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (Node argNode = call.getSecondChild(); argNode != null; argNode = argNode.getNext()) {
        JSType t = inferExprRecur(argNode, scope);
        if (t == null) {
            if (bailForUntypedArguments && !argNode.isFunction()) {
                // Used for @const inference, where we want to be strict.
                return null;
            } else {
                // Used when inferring a signature for unannotated callbacks passed to generic
                // functions. Whatever type variable we can't infer will become unknown.
                t = this.commonTypes.BOTTOM;
    return calleeType.instantiateGenericsFromArgumentTypes(recvType,;
Also used : JSType( ImmutableList( Node( QualifiedName( Declaration(


QualifiedName ( JSType ( Node ( DiGraphNode ( TypeEnv ( DeclaredFunctionType ( FunctionNamespace ( FunctionType ( Namespace ( Declaration ( ImmutableList ( ObjectLiteralCast ( EnumType ( RawNominalType ( JSDocInfo (