Search in sources :

Example 1 with ParseResult

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class ParserTest method parseError.

 * Verify that the given code has the given parse errors.
 * @return If in IDE mode, returns a partial tree.
private Node parseError(String source, String... errors) {
    TestErrorReporter testErrorReporter = new TestErrorReporter(errors, null);
    ParseResult result = ParserRunner.parse(new SimpleSourceFile("input", false), source, createConfig(), testErrorReporter);
    Node script = result.ast;
    // check expected features if specified
    // verifying that all errors were seen
    return script;
Also used : TestErrorReporter( ParseResult( NodeSubject.assertNode( Node( SimpleSourceFile(

Example 2 with ParseResult

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class ParserTest method testParseSourceMapRelativeURL.

public void testParseSourceMapRelativeURL() {
    String code = "var X = (function () {\n" + "    function X(input) {\n" + "        this.y = input;\n" + "    }\n" + "    return X;\n" + "}());\n" + "console.log(new X(1));\n" + "//#";
    ParseResult result = doParse(code);
Also used : ParseResult(

Example 3 with ParseResult

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class TypeTransformationParser method parseTypeTransformation.

 * Takes a type transformation expression, transforms it to an AST using
 * the ParserRunner of the JSCompiler and then verifies that it is a valid
 * AST.
 * @return true if the parsing was successful otherwise it returns false and
 * at least one warning is reported
public boolean parseTypeTransformation() {
    Config config = Config.builder().setLanguageMode(Config.LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT6).setStrictMode(Config.StrictMode.SLOPPY).build();
    // TODO(lpino): ParserRunner reports errors if the expression is not
    // ES6 valid. We need to abort the validation of the type transformation
    // whenever an error is reported.
    ParseResult result = ParserRunner.parse(sourceFile, typeTransformationString, config, errorReporter);
    Node ast = result.ast;
    // Check that the expression is a script with an expression result
    if (!ast.isScript() || !ast.getFirstChild().isExprResult()) {
        warnInvalidExpression("type transformation", ast);
        return false;
    Node expr = ast.getFirstFirstChild();
    // The AST of the type transformation must correspond to a valid expression
    if (!validTypeTransformationExpression(expr)) {
        // No need to add a new warning because the validation does it
        return false;
    // Store the result if the AST is valid
    typeTransformationAst = expr;
    return true;
Also used : ParseResult( Node(

Example 4 with ParseResult

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class ParserTest method testParseSourceMapAbsoluteURL.

 * In the future, we may want absolute URLs to be mapable based on how the server exposes the
 * sources. See: b/62544959.
public void testParseSourceMapAbsoluteURL() {
    String code = "console.log('asdf');\n" + "//# sourceMappingURL=/some/absolute/path/to/";
    ParseResult result = doParse(code);
Also used : ParseResult(

Example 5 with ParseResult

use of in project closure-compiler by google.

the class ParserTest method testParseSourceMapAbsoluteURLHTTP.

 * In the future, we may want absolute URLs to me mapable based on how the server exposes the
 * sources. See: b/62544959.
public void testParseSourceMapAbsoluteURLHTTP() {
    String code = "console.log('asdf');\n" + "//# sourceMappingURL=";
    ParseResult result = doParse(code);
Also used : ParseResult(


ParseResult ( Node ( NodeSubject.assertNode ( SimpleSourceFile ( TestErrorReporter (