use of in project binnavi by google.
the class CallResolver method resolveFunctions.
private void resolveFunctions(final Module module) {
if (!module.isLoaded()) {
final Map<Address, Function> functionMap = new HashMap<Address, Function>();
for (final Function function : module.getFunctions()) {
final Address rebasedAddress = target.getDebugger().toImagebase(module, function.getAddress());
functionMap.put(rebasedAddress, function);
resolvedFunctions.put(module, functionMap);
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class IndirectCallFinder method find.
* Returns information about all indirect call instructions of a module.
* @param module The module whose indirect call instructions are found.
* @return A list of indirect call information.
public static List<IndirectCall> find(final Module module) {
final Set<Address> importedFunctionCalls = getDirectFunctionCalls(module);
final Map<Address, Function> functionMap = new HashMap<Address, Function>();
for (final Function function : module.getFunctions()) {
functionMap.put(function.getAddress(), function);
// TODO (timkornau): make sure to only include the call sides which we are willing to
// take a look at depending on the architecture of the module.
final String callMnemonics = // x86
"'call', " + // MIPS
"'bal', 'bgezal', 'bgezall', 'bltzal', 'bltzall', 'jal', 'jalr', " + // ARM
"'bl', 'blx', " + // PowerPC
"'bcctrl', 'bcctr'";
final String registerOrdinal = String.valueOf(ExpressionType.Register.ordinal() + 1);
final String dereferenceOrdinal = String.valueOf(ExpressionType.MemDeref.ordinal() + 1);
final String query = "SELECT ft.address AS faddress, it.address AS iaddress " + " FROM " + TableNames.FUNCTIONS_TABLE + " AS ft " + " JOIN " + TableNames.FUNCTION_VIEWS_TABLE + " AS fvt ON ft.address = fvt.function " + " AND ft.module_id = fvt.module_id" + " JOIN " + TableNames.NODES_TABLE + " AS nt ON fvt.view_id = nt.view_id " + " JOIN " + TableNames.CODENODE_INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE + " AS cit ON = cit.node_id " + " AND cit.module_id = ft.module_id " + " JOIN " + TableNames.INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE + " AS it ON it.address = cit.address " + " AND it.module_id = cit.module_id" + " JOIN " + TableNames.OPERANDS_TABLE + " AS ot ON it.address = ot.address " + " AND it.module_id = ot.module_id" + " JOIN " + TableNames.EXPRESSION_TREE_MAPPING_TABLE + " AS etm ON ot.expression_tree_id = etm.tree_id " + " AND etm.module_id = ft.module_id" + " JOIN " + TableNames.EXPRESSION_TREE_TABLE + " AS et ON = etm.tree_node_id " + " AND et.module_id = ft.module_id" + " WHERE ft.module_id = " + module.getId() + " and mnemonic in (" + callMnemonics + ") " + " AND (et.type in (" + registerOrdinal + ", " + dereferenceOrdinal + "))" + " GROUP BY faddress, iaddress";
final List<IndirectCall> addresses = new ArrayList<IndirectCall>();
try {
final ResultSet resultSet = module.getDatabase().executeQuery(query);
try {
while ( {
final Address address = new Address(resultSet.getLong("iaddress"));
if (importedFunctionCalls.contains(address)) {
final Address faddress = new Address(resultSet.getLong("faddress"));
final Function function = functionMap.get(faddress);
addresses.add(new IndirectCall(module, function, address));
} finally {
return addresses;
} catch (final SQLException exception) {
return new ArrayList<IndirectCall>();