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Example 1 with FunctionBlock

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class PathFinder method connectFunctions.

 * Connects the functions in the view using inlining edges.
 * @param view The view where the edges are created.
 * @param startNode The start node of the path.
 * @param targetNode The target node of the path.
 * @param passedFunctions All functions that lie on the path.
 * @param entryNodes Keeps track of the entry nodes of all functions.
 * @param exitNodes Keeps track of the exit nodes of all functions.
 * @param functionMap Keeps track to what function a node belongs to.
 * @return Node pair that contains the updated start node and target node.
private static NodePair connectFunctions(final View view, final ViewNode startNode, final ViewNode targetNode, final Collection<FunctionBlock> passedFunctions, final Map<Function, ViewNode> entryNodes, final ArrayListMultimap<Function, ViewNode> exitNodes, final Map<ViewNode, Function> functionMap) {
    ViewNode realStartNode = startNode;
    ViewNode realTargetNode = targetNode;
    final Set<ViewNode> handled = new HashSet<ViewNode>();
    while (true) {
        boolean splitNode = false;
        start: for (final ViewNode node : view.getGraph().getNodes()) {
            if (handled.contains(node)) {
            if (!(node instanceof CodeNode)) {
            final CodeNode cnode = (CodeNode) node;
            for (final Instruction instruction : cnode.getInstructions()) {
                for (final FunctionBlock functionBlock : passedFunctions) {
                    final Function function = functionBlock.getFunction();
                    if (callsFunction(instruction, function)) {
                        // A function call to a function on the path was found.
                        // At this point we have to split the code node after
                        // the function call.
                        final NodePair result = splitBlock(view, functionMap.get(cnode), cnode, instruction);
                        if (realStartNode == cnode) {
                            // Of course it is possible that the start node was split,
                            // therefore we have to update the start node to the upper
                            // part of the new node.
                            realStartNode = result.getFirst();
                        if (realTargetNode == cnode) {
                            // Of course it is possible that the target node was split,
                            // therefore we have to update the target node to the upper
                            // part of the new node.
                            realTargetNode = result.getFirst();
                        // too.
                        for (final FunctionBlock functionBlock2 : passedFunctions) {
                            final Function function2 = functionBlock2.getFunction();
                            if (entryNodes.get(function2) == cnode) {
                                // Update the entry nodes
                                entryNodes.put(function2, result.getFirst());
                            if (exitNodes.get(function2).contains(cnode)) {
                                // Update the exit nodes
                                if (result.getSecond() != null) {
                                    exitNodes.remove(function2, cnode);
                                    exitNodes.put(function2, result.getSecond());
                        if (functionMap.containsKey(cnode)) {
                            final Function f = functionMap.get(cnode);
                            functionMap.put(result.getFirst(), f);
                        if (result.getSecond() == null) {
                            for (final ViewEdge edge : node.getOutgoingEdges()) {
                                for (final ViewNode currentExitNode : exitNodes.get(function)) {
                                    final ViewEdge leaveEdge = view.createEdge(currentExitNode, edge.getTarget(), EdgeType.LeaveInlinedFunction);
                            final ViewEdge enterEdge = view.createEdge(result.getFirst(), entryNodes.get(function), EdgeType.EnterInlinedFunction);
                        } else {
                            // The node was split. We simply have to connect both split parts to the
                            // called function.
                            final ViewEdge enterEdge = view.createEdge(result.getFirst(), entryNodes.get(function), EdgeType.EnterInlinedFunction);
                            for (final ViewNode currentExitNode : exitNodes.get(function)) {
                                final ViewEdge leaveEdge = view.createEdge(currentExitNode, result.getSecond(), EdgeType.LeaveInlinedFunction);
                        splitNode = true;
                        break start;
        if (!splitNode) {
    return new NodePair(realStartNode, realTargetNode);
Also used : Function( CodeNode( ViewEdge( ViewNode( Instruction( FunctionBlock( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 2 with FunctionBlock

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class PathFinder method createInitialEdges.

 * Creates view edges for all edges in the passed functions.
 * @param view The view where the edges are created.
 * @param passedFunctions All functions that lie on the path.
 * @param nodeMap Maps between the basic blocks of the functions and their corresponding code
 *        nodes.
private static void createInitialEdges(final View view, final Collection<FunctionBlock> passedFunctions, final Map<BasicBlock, ViewNode> nodeMap) {
    for (final FunctionBlock functionBlock : passedFunctions) {
        final Function function = functionBlock.getFunction();
        for (final BlockEdge edge : function.getGraph().getEdges()) {
            final ViewEdge newEdge = view.createEdge(nodeMap.get(edge.getSource()), nodeMap.get(edge.getTarget()), edge.getType());
Also used : Function( BlockEdge( ViewEdge( FunctionBlock(

Example 3 with FunctionBlock

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class PathFinder method createPath.

 * Creates a view that shows all possible paths between two blocks of a module.
 * @param module The module for which the view is created.
 * @param startBlock The basic block where the path begins (must be null if startFunction is not
 *        null).
 * @param targetBlock The basic block where the path ends (must be null if targetFunction is not
 *        null).
 * @param startFunction The function where the path starts (must be null if startBlock is not
 *        null).
 * @param targetFunction The function where the path ends (must be null if targetBlock is not
 *        null).
 * @return The view that contains all possible paths between the start block and the target block.
 * @throws CouldntLoadDataException
 * @throws PartialLoadException
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
public static View createPath(final Module module, final BasicBlock startBlock, final BasicBlock targetBlock, final Function startFunction, final Function targetFunction) throws CouldntLoadDataException, PartialLoadException {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(module, "Error: Module argument can't be null");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(module.isLoaded(), "Error: Module is not loaded");
    if ((startBlock == null) && (startFunction == null)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: No valid start given");
    if ((targetBlock == null) && (targetFunction == null)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: No valid target given");
    if ((startFunction != null) && !startFunction.isLoaded()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: Start function is not loaded");
    if ((targetFunction != null) && !targetFunction.isLoaded()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: Target function is not loaded");
    // The algorithm works like this:
    // 1. Find all functions that lie between the start function and the target function.
    // 2. Insert all of these functions into the new view.
    // 3. Connect the individual functions at function calls and split code nodes if necessary.
    // 4. Determine what nodes are actually on the path by taking the successors of the start
    // node and set-unioning those with the predecessors of the target node.
    // 5. Delete all the nodes which are not on the path.
    // At first we determine the function where the path starts and the function where the path
    // ends.
    final Function realStartFunction = startFunction != null ? startFunction : startBlock.getParentFunction();
    final Function realTargetFunction = targetFunction != null ? targetFunction : targetBlock.getParentFunction();
    if (realStartFunction.getGraph().nodeCount() == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: Functions with zero nodes can not be used for pathfinding");
    // Determine the real start and end blocks of the path with the help of the function flow graphs
    final BasicBlock realStartBlock = startBlock != null ? startBlock : findEntryNode(realStartFunction);
    final BasicBlock realTargetBlock = targetBlock != null ? targetBlock : findEntryNode(realTargetFunction);
    // Find out what functions are called on the way between the first block and the second block.
    final LinkedHashSet<FunctionBlock> passedFunctions = findPassedFunctions(module.getCallgraph(), realStartFunction, realTargetFunction);
    // Create the view that represents the calculated path
    final String endAddress = realTargetBlock != null ? realTargetBlock.getAddress().toHexString() : realTargetFunction.getAddress().toHexString();
    final View view = module.createView("New Pathfinder View", String.format("%s -> %s", realStartBlock.getAddress().toHexString(), endAddress));
    // Maps basic blocks of functions to their corresponding node in the new view.
    final Map<BasicBlock, ViewNode> nodeMap = new HashMap<BasicBlock, ViewNode>();
    // Keeps track of the entry nodes for each function,
    final Map<Function, ViewNode> entryNodes = new HashMap<Function, ViewNode>();
    // Keeps track of the exit nodes for each function,
    final ArrayListMultimap<Function, ViewNode> exitNodes = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    // Keeps track of the function a view node belongs to.
    // TODO (timkornau): This should actually be accessible from the plug in API.
    final Map<ViewNode, Function> functionMap = new HashMap<ViewNode, Function>();
    // Create a code node for all basic blocks of the passed functions.
    createInitialBlocks(view, passedFunctions, nodeMap, functionMap);
    // Create view edges for all edges in the passed functions.
    createInitialEdges(view, passedFunctions, nodeMap);
    // Find the entry and exit nodes for all passed functions.
    findEntryExitNodes(passedFunctions, nodeMap, functionMap, entryNodes, exitNodes);
    ViewNode startNode = nodeMap.get(realStartBlock);
    ViewNode targetNode = realTargetBlock == null ? entryNodes.get(realTargetFunction) : nodeMap.get(realTargetBlock);
    // Connect the nodes of the different functions on function calls.
    final NodePair splitResult = connectFunctions(view, startNode, targetNode, passedFunctions, entryNodes, exitNodes, functionMap);
    startNode = splitResult.getFirst();
    targetNode = splitResult.getSecond();
    // all paths end here.
    for (final ViewEdge edge : targetNode.getOutgoingEdges()) {
    // Delete all nodes that are not on the path.
    deleteNodesNotOnPath(view, startNode, targetNode);
    if (startNode.getOutgoingEdges().isEmpty()) {
        // no path exists between the two nodes
        return null;
    try {;
    } catch (final CouldntSaveDataException exception) {
    return view;
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CouldntSaveDataException( BasicBlock( View( Function( ViewEdge( ViewNode( FunctionBlock(

Example 4 with FunctionBlock

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class PathFinder method findEntryExitNodes.

 * Finds the entry nodes and exit nodes of all functions that lie on the path. This is necessary
 * for function inlining.
 * @param passedFunctions All functions that lie on the path.
 * @param nodeMap Maps between the basic blocks of the functions and their corresponding code
 *        nodes.
 * @param functionMap Keeps track to what function a view node belongs to.
 * @param entryNodes Keeps track of the entry nodes of all functions.
 * @param exitNodes Keeps track of the exit nodes of all functions.
private static void findEntryExitNodes(final Collection<FunctionBlock> passedFunctions, final Map<BasicBlock, ViewNode> nodeMap, final Map<ViewNode, Function> functionMap, final Map<Function, ViewNode> entryNodes, final ArrayListMultimap<Function, ViewNode> exitNodes) {
    // actually do have basic blocks.
    for (final FunctionBlock functionBlock : passedFunctions) {
        final Function function = functionBlock.getFunction();
        if (function.getType() != FunctionType.Import) {
            entryNodes.put(function, nodeMap.get(findEntryNode(function)));
            for (final BasicBlock block : findExitNode(function.getGraph())) {
                exitNodes.put(function, nodeMap.get(block));
    // Afterwards we find the entry and exit nodes of the imported functions.
    for (final Map.Entry<ViewNode, Function> p : functionMap.entrySet()) {
        final Function function = p.getValue();
        if (function.getType() == FunctionType.Import) {
            final ViewNode node = p.getKey();
            entryNodes.put(function, node);
            exitNodes.put(function, node);
Also used : Function( BasicBlock( ViewNode( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) FunctionBlock(

Example 5 with FunctionBlock

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class PathFinder method createInitialBlocks.

 * Creates the initial nodes for all basic blocks in the passed functions.
 * @param view The view where the nodes are created.
 * @param passedFunctions All functions that lie on the path.
 * @param nodeMap Maps basic blocks of the functions on the path to their corresponding view
 *        nodes.
 * @param functionMap Keeps track to what function a node belongs to.
 * @throws CouldntLoadDataException Thrown if a function could not be loaded.
private static void createInitialBlocks(final View view, final Collection<FunctionBlock> passedFunctions, final Map<BasicBlock, ViewNode> nodeMap, final Map<ViewNode, Function> functionMap) throws CouldntLoadDataException {
    for (final FunctionBlock functionBlock : passedFunctions) {
        final Function function = functionBlock.getFunction();
        if (function.getType() == FunctionType.Import) {
            // Imported functions to not have any basic blocks, for those functions
            // we simply create a function node.
            final FunctionNode newNode = view.createFunctionNode(function);
            functionMap.put(newNode, function);
        // TODO (timkornau): Assign a proper color to the node.
        // TODO (timkornau): Properly treat forwarded functions.
        } else {
            for (final BasicBlock block : function.getGraph().getNodes()) {
                final CodeNode newNode = view.createCodeNode(function, block.getInstructions());
                nodeMap.put(block, newNode);
                functionMap.put(newNode, function);
Also used : Function( CodeNode( FunctionNode( BasicBlock( FunctionBlock(


FunctionBlock ( Function ( BasicBlock ( ViewEdge ( ViewNode ( CodeNode ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)2 BlockEdge ( CouldntSaveDataException ( FunctionNode ( Instruction ( View ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Map (java.util.Map)1