use of in project binnavi by google.
the class PostgreSQLProjectFunctions method getViewsWithAddresses.
* Searches for the views of the project that contain a given address.
* The project must be stored in the database connected to by the provider argument.
* @param provider The connection to the database.
* @param project The project to search through.
* @param addresses The addresses to search for.
* @param all True, to search for views that contain all addresses. False, for any addresses.
* @return The views that contain the search addresses.
* @throws CouldntLoadDataException Thrown if the views could not be loaded.
public static List<INaviView> getViewsWithAddresses(final AbstractSQLProvider provider, final INaviProject project, final List<UnrelocatedAddress> addresses, final boolean all) throws CouldntLoadDataException {
checkArguments(provider, project);
Preconditions.checkNotNull(addresses, "IE00523: Addresses argument can not be null");
final StringBuilder queryBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (addresses.size() == 0) {
return new ArrayList<INaviView>();
} else if (addresses.size() == 1) {
queryBuilder.append("SELECT " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + ".project_id, " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + ".view_id " + " FROm " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + " JOIN " + CTableNames.NODES_TABLE + " ON " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + ".view_id = " + CTableNames.NODES_TABLE + ".view_id " + " JOIN " + CTableNames.CODENODE_INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE + " ON " + CTableNames.NODES_TABLE + ".id = " + CTableNames.CODENODE_INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE + ".node_id " + " WHERE project_id = " + project.getConfiguration().getId() + " AND " + CTableNames.CODENODE_INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE + ".address = " + addresses.get(0).getAddress().toBigInteger().toString());
} else if (all) {
boolean needsComma = false;
int counter = 0;
queryBuilder.append("select view_id from ");
for (final UnrelocatedAddress address : addresses) {
if (needsComma) {
queryBuilder.append(" inner join ");
needsComma = true;
queryBuilder.append("(select " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + ".project_id, " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + ".view_id " + " from " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + " " + " join " + CTableNames.NODES_TABLE + " on " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + ".view_id = " + CTableNames.NODES_TABLE + ".view_id " + " join " + CTableNames.CODENODE_INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE + " on " + CTableNames.NODES_TABLE + ".id = " + CTableNames.CODENODE_INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE + ".node_id " + " where " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + ".project_id = " + project.getConfiguration().getId() + " " + " and " + CTableNames.CODENODE_INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE + ".address = " + address.getAddress().toLong() + ") as t" + counter);
queryBuilder.append(" using (view_id)");
} else {
queryBuilder.append("select " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + ".project_id, " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + ".view_id from " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + " join " + CTableNames.NODES_TABLE + " on " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + ".view_id = " + CTableNames.NODES_TABLE + ".view_id join " + CTableNames.CODENODE_INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE + " on " + CTableNames.NODES_TABLE + ".id = " + CTableNames.CODENODE_INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE + ".node_id where " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + ".project_id = " + project.getConfiguration().getId() + " and " + CTableNames.CODENODE_INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE + ".address in (");
boolean needsComma = false;
for (final UnrelocatedAddress address : addresses) {
if (needsComma) {
queryBuilder.append(", ");
needsComma = true;
queryBuilder.append(") group by " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + ".view_id, " + CTableNames.PROJECT_VIEWS_TABLE + ".project_id");
return PostgreSQLHelpers.getViewsWithAddress(provider.getConnection(), queryBuilder.toString(), "project_id", new CProjectViewFinder(provider));