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the class CGraphDebuggerTest method testToggleBreakpoint3.
public void testToggleBreakpoint3() {
final MockModule module = new MockModule();
m_debugger.setAddressTranslator(module, m_fileBase, m_imageBase);
final DebugTargetSettings target = new ModuleTargetSettings(module);
final DebuggerProvider debuggerProvider = new DebuggerProvider(target);
final CFunction function = new CFunction(module, new MockView(), new CAddress(0x123), "Mock Function", "Mock Function", "Mock Description", 0, 0, 0, 0, FunctionType.NORMAL, "", 0, null, null, null, m_provider);
final ArrayList<IComment> comments = Lists.<IComment>newArrayList(new CComment(null, CommonTestObjects.TEST_USER_1, null, "Mock Comment"));
final INaviCodeNode codeNode = new CCodeNode(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Color.RED, Color.RED, false, false, comments, function, new HashSet<CTag>(), new MockSqlProvider());
codeNode.addInstruction(new CInstruction(true, module, new CAddress(0x123), "nop", new ArrayList<COperandTree>(), new byte[] { (byte) 0x90 }, "x86-32", m_provider), null);
codeNode.addInstruction(new CInstruction(true, module, new CAddress(0x124), "nop", new ArrayList<COperandTree>(), new byte[] { (byte) 0x90 }, "x86-32", m_provider), null);
CGraphDebugger.toggleBreakpoint(debuggerProvider, codeNode, 2);
assertEquals(1, m_debugger.getBreakpointManager().getNumberOfBreakpoints(BreakpointType.REGULAR));
assertEquals(0x124, m_debugger.getBreakpointManager().getBreakpoint(BreakpointType.REGULAR, 0).getAddress().getAddress().getAddress().toLong());
assertEquals(BreakpointStatus.BREAKPOINT_INACTIVE, m_debugger.getBreakpointManager().getBreakpointStatus(BreakpointType.REGULAR, 0));
CGraphDebugger.toggleBreakpoint(debuggerProvider, codeNode, 2);
assertEquals(0, m_debugger.getBreakpointManager().getNumberOfBreakpoints(BreakpointType.REGULAR));
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the class CCodeNodeParser method addInstruction.
* Adds an instruction to a code node.
* @param node The code node where the instruction is added.
* @param line The raw instruction data to add.
private void addInstruction(final CCodeNode node, final InstructionLine line) {
final CInstruction instruction = InstructionConverter.createInstruction(line, sqlProvider);
localCommentIdToInstruction.put(line.getLocalInstructionCommentId(), new Pair<INaviInstruction, INaviCodeNode>(instruction, node));
globalCommentIdToInstruction.put(line.getGlobalInstructionComment(), instruction);
localCommentIdToCodeNode.put(line.getLocalNodeCommentId(), node);
globalCommentIdToCodeNode.put(line.getGlobalNodeCommentId(), node);
node.addInstruction(instruction, null);
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the class InstructionConverter method createInstruction.
* This line creates an instruction from the information of a raw instruction line.
* @param line The instruction line.
* @param provider The connection to the database.
* @return The instruction object generated from the instruction line.
public static CInstruction createInstruction(final InstructionLine line, final SQLProvider provider) {
final ArrayList<COperandTree> operands = new ArrayList<COperandTree>();
final INaviModule module = line.getModule();
for (final OperandTree rawTree : line.getOperands()) {
operands.add(generateTree(rawTree, provider, module));
final IAddress address = line.getAddress();
final String mnemonic = line.getMnemonic();
final String architecture = line.getArchitecture();
final CInstruction instruction = new CInstruction(true, module, address, mnemonic, operands, line.getData(), architecture, provider);
return instruction;
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the class ViewGraphHelpersTest method setUp.
public void setUp() throws CouldntLoadDataException, LoadCancelledException,, PartialLoadException {
final MockSqlProvider provider = new MockSqlProvider();
final TagManager tagManager = new TagManager(new MockTagManager(TagType.NODE_TAG));
final TagManager viewTagManager = new TagManager(new CTagManager(new Tree<CTag>(new TreeNode<CTag>(new CTag(1, "", "", TagType.VIEW_TAG, provider))), TagType.VIEW_TAG, provider));
final Database database = new Database(new MockDatabase());
final CModule internalModule = new CModule(1, "", "", new Date(), new Date(), "00000000000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 0, 0, new CAddress(0), new CAddress(0), null, null, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, provider);
final Module module = new Module(database, internalModule, tagManager, viewTagManager);
final CModuleViewGenerator generator = new CModuleViewGenerator(provider, internalModule);
final INaviView internalView = generator.generate(1, "My View", "My View Description",, GraphType.MIXED_GRAPH, new Date(), new Date(), 1, 2, new HashSet<CTag>(), new HashSet<CTag>(), false);
m_view = new View(module, internalView, tagManager, viewTagManager);
final List<INaviInstruction> instructions = new ArrayList<INaviInstruction>();
instructions.add(new CInstruction(false, internalModule, new CAddress(0x123), "nop", new ArrayList<COperandTree>(), new byte[] { (byte) 0x90 }, "x86-32", provider));
instructions.add(new CInstruction(false, internalModule, new CAddress(0x124), "nop", new ArrayList<COperandTree>(), new byte[] { (byte) 0x90 }, "x86-32", provider));
instructions.add(new CInstruction(false, internalModule, new CAddress(0x125), "nop", new ArrayList<COperandTree>(), new byte[] { (byte) 0x90 }, "x86-32", provider));
final INaviCodeNode codeNode = internalView.getContent().createCodeNode(null, instructions);
final List<INaviViewNode> nodes1 = new ArrayList<INaviViewNode>();
final List<INaviEdge> edges1 = new ArrayList<INaviEdge>();
final CFunction internalFunction = new CFunction(internalModule, new MockView(nodes1, edges1, provider), new CAddress(0x123), "Mock Function", "Mock Function", "Mock Description", 0, 0, 0, 0, FunctionType.NORMAL, "", 0, null, null, null, provider);
final Function function = new Function(module, internalFunction);
final CFunctionNode functionNode = new CFunctionNode(0, internalFunction, 0, 0, 0, 0, Color.RED, false, false, null, new HashSet<CTag>(), provider);
m_codeNode = new CodeNode(m_view, codeNode, tagManager);
m_functionNode = new FunctionNode(m_view, functionNode, function, tagManager);
m_textNode = new TextNode(m_view, new MockTextNode(), tagManager);
final List<ViewNode> nodes = Lists.newArrayList(m_codeNode, m_functionNode, m_textNode);
final List<ViewEdge> edges = Lists.newArrayList(new ViewEdge(new MockEdge(1, provider), nodes.get(0), nodes.get(0)));
m_graph = new ViewGraph(nodes, edges);
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the class InstructionTest method testReil.
public void testReil() throws InternalTranslationException, CouldntLoadDataException, LoadCancelledException {
final SQLProvider provider = new MockSqlProvider();
final CModule internalModule = new CModule(123, "Name", "Comment", new Date(), new Date(), "12345678123456781234567812345678", "1234567812345678123456781234567812345678", 55, 66, new CAddress(0x555), new CAddress(0x666), new DebuggerTemplate(1, "Mock Debugger", "localhaus", 88, provider), null, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, provider);
final COperandTreeNode rootNode1 = new COperandTreeNode(1, IOperandTree.NODE_TYPE_REGISTER_ID, "eax", null, new ArrayList<IReference>(), provider, internalModule.getTypeManager(), internalModule.getContent().getTypeInstanceContainer());
final COperandTreeNode rootNode2 = new COperandTreeNode(1, IOperandTree.NODE_TYPE_REGISTER_ID, "ebx", null, new ArrayList<IReference>(), provider, internalModule.getTypeManager(), internalModule.getContent().getTypeInstanceContainer());
final COperandTree operand1 = new COperandTree(rootNode1, provider, internalModule.getTypeManager(), internalModule.getContent().getTypeInstanceContainer());
final COperandTree operand2 = new COperandTree(rootNode2, provider, internalModule.getTypeManager(), internalModule.getContent().getTypeInstanceContainer());
final List<COperandTree> operands = Lists.newArrayList(operand1, operand2);
final CInstruction internalInstruction = new CInstruction(false, internalModule, new CAddress(0x123), "mov", operands, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }, "x86-32", provider);
final Instruction instruction = new Instruction(internalInstruction);