Search in sources :

Example 1 with IAddress

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class CMemoryMenu method createMenu.

 * Creates the context menu of a memory viewer component.
 * @param offset The memory offset where the context menu will be shown.
 * @return The context menu for the specified address.
public JPopupMenu createMenu(final long offset) {
    final JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu();
    final IDebugger debugger = m_debugger.getCurrentSelectedDebugger();
    if (debugger == null) {
        return null;
    menu.add(CActionProxy.proxy(new CSearchAction(m_parent, m_debugger, m_memoryView)));
    menu.add(CActionProxy.proxy(new CGotoAction(m_parent, m_memoryView, m_debugger)));
    if (canReadDword(debugger.getProcessManager().getMemoryMap(), offset)) {
        final byte[] data = debugger.getProcessManager().getMemory().getData(offset, 4);
        final IAddress dword = new CAddress(ByteHelpers.readDwordLittleEndian(data, 0));
        if (canReadDword(debugger.getProcessManager().getMemoryMap(), dword.toLong())) {
            menu.add(CActionProxy.proxy(new CFollowDumpAction(m_debugger, dword)));
    final long firstOffset = m_memoryView.getHexView().getBaseAddress();
    final int size = m_memoryView.getHexView().getData().getDataLength();
    menu.add(new CLoadAllAction(m_parent, debugger, new CAddress(firstOffset), size));
    // Offer the option to dump memory
    final JMenu dumpMenu = new JMenu("Dump to file");
    dumpMenu.add(CActionProxy.proxy(new CDumpMemoryRangeAction(m_parent, debugger, m_memoryView.getHexView().getData(), new CAddress(firstOffset), size)));
    final BookmarkManager manager = debugger.getBookmarkManager();
    // At first offer the option to add or remove a bookmark
    // at the specified position.
    final CBookmark bookmark = manager.getBookmark(new CAddress(offset));
    if (bookmark == null) {
        menu.add(new JMenuItem(CActionProxy.proxy(new CCreateBookmarkAction(manager, new CAddress(offset)))));
    } else {
        menu.add(new JMenuItem(CActionProxy.proxy(new CDeleteBookmarkAction(manager, bookmark))));
    if (manager.getNumberOfBookmarks() != 0) {
        // Afterwards list all currently active bookmarks.
        final JMenu bookmarksItem = new JMenu("Bookmarks");
        for (int i = 0; i < manager.getNumberOfBookmarks(); i++) {
            bookmarksItem.add(CActionProxy.proxy(new CGotoBookmarkAction(m_debugger, manager.getBookmark(i))));
    return menu;
Also used : CDeleteBookmarkAction( CFollowDumpAction( CGotoBookmarkAction( CGotoAction( CLoadAllAction( JPopupMenu(javax.swing.JPopupMenu) IDebugger( IAddress( CAddress( BookmarkManager( CCreateBookmarkAction( CBookmark( CSearchAction( CDumpMemoryRangeAction( JMenuItem(javax.swing.JMenuItem) JMenu(javax.swing.JMenu)

Example 2 with IAddress

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class CMemoryFunctions method searchMemory.

 * Shows a Search dialog and searches through the memory of target process afterwards.
 * @param parent Parent window used for dialogs.
 * @param debugger Debugger that requests the target memory.
 * @param memoryView Memory view where the search result is shown.
public static void searchMemory(final Window parent, final IDebugger debugger, final CMemoryViewer memoryView) {
    checkArguments(parent, debugger);
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(memoryView, "IE01431: Memory view argument can not be null");
    // Show the search dialog
    final CSearchDialog dlg = new CSearchDialog(parent);
    final byte[] data = dlg.getSearchData();
    // Make sure that the user entered data and clicked the OK button
    if (data != null && data.length != 0) {
        final JHexView hexView = memoryView.getHexView();
        final long start = hexView.getCurrentOffset();
        final int size = (int) (hexView.getLastOffset() - hexView.getCurrentOffset());
        final CSearchWaiter waiter = new CSearchWaiter(debugger, new CAddress(start), size, data);
        CProgressDialog.showEndless(parent, "Loading memory" + " ...", waiter);
        if (waiter.getException() == null) {
            final SearchReply reply = waiter.getReply();
            if (reply != null) {
                final IAddress offset = reply.getAddress();
                if (reply.success()) {
                    // Make sure that the memory data is actually available
                    if (hexView.isEnabled() && hexView.getDefinitionStatus() == DefinitionStatus.DEFINED) {
                        // It is not necessary to make sure that the offset is
                        // actually part of the currently visible memory range.
                        // If it is not, the new memory range is loaded automatically.
                        hexView.colorize(5, offset.toLong(), data.length, Color.BLACK, Color.YELLOW);
                } else {
                    // Tell the user that the search string was not found
                    CMessageBox.showInformation(parent, "The specified search string was not found.");
        } else {
            final String innerMessage = "E00079: " + "Could not search through memory";
            final String innerDescription = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription("It was not possible to send the search request to the debug client.", new String[] { "There was a problem with the connection to the debug client." }, new String[] { "The search operation could not be started." });
  , innerMessage, innerDescription, waiter.getException());
Also used : JHexView( CSearchDialog( SearchReply( IAddress( CAddress(

Example 3 with IAddress

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class CMemoryFunctions method gotoOffset.

 * Shows the Goto Offset dialog and sets the caret of a hex control to the entered offset.
 * @param parent Parent window used for dialogs.
 * @param view Hex view to focus after the Goto operation.
 * @param model Model that contains the memory viewer where the offset is changed.
public static void gotoOffset(final JFrame parent, final CMemoryViewer view, final CDebugPerspectiveModel model) {
    final IDebugger debugger = model.getCurrentSelectedDebugger();
    if (debugger == null) {
    final TargetProcessThread activeThread = debugger.getProcessManager().getActiveThread();
    final Memory memory = debugger.getProcessManager().getMemory();
    final CDefaultMemoryExpressionBinding binding = new CDefaultMemoryExpressionBinding(activeThread, memory);
    final CGotoDialog dlg = new CGotoDialog(parent, model.getCurrentSelectedDebugger().getProcessManager().getMemoryMap(), binding, model.getGotoAddress());
    final IAddress value = dlg.getValue();
    if (value != null) {
        model.setActiveMemoryAddress(value, true);
Also used : TargetProcessThread( Memory( IDebugger( CGotoDialog( IAddress(

Example 4 with IAddress

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class TypeSubstitutionDialog method createOrUpdateSubstitution.

private void createOrUpdateSubstitution(final TypeSelectionPath path) throws CouldntSaveDataException {
    final int offset = path.determineTotalMemberOffset();
    final BaseType baseType = path.getRootType();
    final int position = selectedNode.getOperandPosition();
    final IAddress address = selectedNode.getInstructionAddress();
    final TypeSubstitution substitution = selectedNode.getTypeSubstitution();
    final List<TypeMember> memberPath = path.getMembers();
    if (substitution == null) {
        typeManager.createTypeSubstitution(selectedNode, baseType, memberPath, position, offset, address);
    } else {
        typeManager.updateTypeSubstitution(selectedNode, substitution, baseType, path.getMembers(), offset);
Also used : TypeSubstitution( BaseType( TypeMember( IAddress(

Example 5 with IAddress

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class CDataflowViewCreator method create.

 * Creates a new dataflow view.
 * @param container The container in which the dataflow view is created.
 * @param view The normal view that provides the control-flow information.
 * @return The created dataflow view.
 * @throws InternalTranslationException Thrown if the input view could not be translated to REIL.
public static INaviView create(final IViewContainer container, final INaviView view) throws InternalTranslationException {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(container, "IE00411: Module argument can not be null");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(view, "IE00414: View argument can not be null");
    final Map<IAddress, INaviInstruction> instructions = new HashMap<IAddress, INaviInstruction>();
    for (final CCodeNode codeNode : view.getBasicBlocks()) {
        for (final INaviInstruction instruction : codeNode.getInstructions()) {
            instructions.put(instruction.getAddress(), instruction);
    final ReilFunction function = view.getContent().getReilCode();
    final OperandGraph operandGraph = OperandGraph.create(function.getGraph());
    final INaviView dfView = container.createView(String.format("Data flow view of '%s'", view.getName()), "");
    final Map<OperandGraphNode, INaviCodeNode> nodeMap = new HashMap<OperandGraphNode, INaviCodeNode>();
    final Map<INaviInstruction, CCodeNode> instructionMap = new HashMap<INaviInstruction, CCodeNode>();
    for (final OperandGraphNode operandGraphNode : operandGraph) {
        final ReilInstruction reilInstruction = operandGraphNode.getInstruction();
        final INaviInstruction instruction = instructions.get(ReilHelpers.toNativeAddress(reilInstruction.getAddress()));
        if (instructionMap.containsKey(instruction)) {
            nodeMap.put(operandGraphNode, instructionMap.get(instruction));
        final CCodeNode codeNode = dfView.getContent().createCodeNode(null, Lists.newArrayList(instruction));
        nodeMap.put(operandGraphNode, codeNode);
        instructionMap.put(instruction, codeNode);
    for (final OperandGraphEdge edge : operandGraph.getEdges()) {
        final INaviCodeNode source = nodeMap.get(edge.getSource());
        final INaviCodeNode target = nodeMap.get(edge.getTarget());
        if (source.equals(target)) {
        dfView.getContent().createEdge(source, target, EdgeType.JUMP_UNCONDITIONAL);
    return dfView;
Also used : ReilInstruction( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ReilFunction( IAddress( OperandGraph( INaviCodeNode( INaviView( OperandGraphEdge( CCodeNode( OperandGraphNode( INaviInstruction(


IAddress ( INaviModule ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)23 CAddress ( INaviFunction ( INaviInstruction ( Test (org.junit.Test)14 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)12 CouldntLoadDataException ( ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)11 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)10 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)10 INaviCodeNode ( COperandTree ( INaviOperandTreeNode ( INaviView ( CConnection ( CouldntSaveDataException ( ReilFunction ( List (java.util.List)6