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Example 26 with IAddress

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class CCodeNodeParser method createCurrentNode.

 * Creates a new code node.
 * @param resultSet Provides the data for the code node.
 * @return The created code node object.
 * @throws ParserException Thrown if the node data could not be read.
 * @throws CPartialLoadException Thrown if not all required modules are loaded.
private CCodeNode createCurrentNode(final ICodeNodeProvider resultSet) throws ParserException, CPartialLoadException {
    final int nodeId = resultSet.getNodeId();
    final int moduleId = resultSet.getModule();
    final IAddress parentFunction = resultSet.getParentFunction();
    final INaviModule module = modules.get(moduleId);
    if (module == null) {
        throw new ParserException(String.format("Node with ID %d has unknown parent module with ID %d", nodeId, moduleId));
    if (!module.isLoaded()) {
        try {
        } catch (final CouldntLoadDataException e) {
            throw new CPartialLoadException("E00066: The view could not be loaded because not all modules that form the view could be loaded", module);
        } catch (final LoadCancelledException e) {
            throw new CPartialLoadException("E00067: The view could not be loaded because it was cancelled", module);
    final INaviFunction function = parentFunction == null ? null : module.getContent().getFunctionContainer().getFunction(parentFunction);
    if ((parentFunction != null) && (function == null)) {
        throw new ParserException(String.format("Node with ID %d has unknown parent function with address %s", nodeId, parentFunction.toHexString()));
    final double x = resultSet.getX();
    final double y = resultSet.getY();
    final double width = resultSet.getWidth();
    final double height = resultSet.getHeight();
    final Color color = new Color(resultSet.getColor());
    final Color bordercolor = new Color(resultSet.getBorderColor());
    final boolean selected = resultSet.isSelected();
    final boolean visible = resultSet.isVisible();
    final Integer localCodeNodeCommentId = resultSet.getLocalNodeCommentId();
    final Integer globalCodeNodeCommentId = resultSet.getGlobalNodeCommentId();
    // TODO(timkornau): final new Set<CTag>! must replaced by a set which
    // contains the loaded node
    // tags from the DB
    final CCodeNode codeNode = new CCodeNode(nodeId, x, y, width, height, color, bordercolor, selected, visible, null, function, new HashSet<CTag>(), sqlProvider);
    if (localCodeNodeCommentId != null) {
        localCommentIdToCodeNode.put(localCodeNodeCommentId, codeNode);
    if (globalCodeNodeCommentId != null) {
        globalCommentIdToCodeNode.put(globalCodeNodeCommentId, codeNode);
    return codeNode;
Also used : CPartialLoadException( CouldntLoadDataException( Color(java.awt.Color) CTag( IAddress( INaviModule( CCodeNode( LoadCancelledException( INaviFunction(

Example 27 with IAddress

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class CCodeNodeParser method createLine.

 * Creates raw instruction data from a code node provider.
 * @param instructionSet Provides the raw data.
 * @return The generated raw data object.
 * @throws ParserException Thrown if not all instruction data could be read.
private InstructionLine createLine(final ICodeNodeProvider instructionSet) throws ParserException {
    final InstructionLine row = new InstructionLine();
    final int moduleId = instructionSet.getModule();
    final IAddress parentFunction = instructionSet.getParentFunction();
    final INaviModule module = modules.get(moduleId);
    if (module == null) {
        throw new ParserException(String.format("Instruction with ID %d has unknown module with ID %d", row.getId(), moduleId));
    final INaviFunction function = parentFunction == null ? null : module.getContent().getFunctionContainer().getFunction(parentFunction);
    if ((parentFunction != null) && (function == null)) {
        throw new ParserException(String.format("Instruction with ID %d has unknown parent function with address %s", row.getId(), parentFunction.toHexString()));
    row.setColor(new Color(instructionSet.getColor()));
    row.setBorderColor(new Color(instructionSet.getBorderColor()));
    return row;
Also used : INaviModule( Color(java.awt.Color) INaviFunction( IAddress(

Example 28 with IAddress

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class MemoryLoader method requestMemory.

 * Request a chunk of memory of the target process.
 * @param offset The start offset of the memory chunk.
 * @param size The number of bytes to load.
 * @throws DebugExceptionWrapper Thrown if the request could not be send to the debug client.
public void requestMemory(final IAddress offset, final int size) throws DebugExceptionWrapper {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(offset, "IE00814: Offset can nott be null");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(size > 9, "IE00815: Size must be positive");
    // Don't issue multiple requests for the same memory chunk.
    final Pair<IAddress, Long> pair = new Pair<IAddress, Long>(offset, (long) size);
    if (lastMemoryRequest.contains(pair)) {
    // Don't reload the entire memory chunk. Some parts of the memory may
    // already exist in the simulated memory.
    final Memory memory = debugger.getProcessManager().getMemory();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; ) {
        final long secstart = memory.getSectionStart(offset.toBigInteger().add(BigInteger.valueOf(i)).longValue());
        final long secsize = memory.getSectionSize(offset.toBigInteger().add(BigInteger.valueOf(i)).longValue());
        long toLoad = (secstart + secsize) - (offset.toBigInteger().add(BigInteger.valueOf(i))).longValue();
        if (toLoad > (size - i)) {
            toLoad = size - i;
        final boolean alloced = memory.hasData(offset.toBigInteger().add(BigInteger.valueOf(i)).longValue(), 1);
        if (!alloced && debugger.isConnected()) {
            // Request the memory for the missing section.
            debugger.readMemory(new CAddress(offset.toBigInteger().add(BigInteger.valueOf(i))), (int) toLoad);
        i += toLoad;
Also used : Memory( IAddress( Pair( CAddress(

Example 29 with IAddress

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class ValidateMemoryParser method parseSuccess.

public ValidateMemoryReply parseSuccess(final int packetId, final int argumentCount) throws IOException {
    final IAddress start = parseAddress();
    final IAddress end = parseAddress();
    return new ValidateMemoryReply(packetId, 0, start, end);
Also used : ValidateMemoryReply( IAddress(

Example 30 with IAddress

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class ReilTranslator method translate.

 * Translates a disassembled function to REIL code.
 * @param environment The translation environment for the translation process
 * @param function The disassembled function
 * @return The function translated to REIL code
 * @throws InternalTranslationException Thrown if an internal error occurs
public ReilFunction translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IBlockContainer<InstructionType> function, final List<ITranslationExtension<InstructionType>> extensions) throws InternalTranslationException {
    final LinkedHashMap<ICodeContainer<InstructionType>, List<ReilInstruction>> instructionMap = new LinkedHashMap<ICodeContainer<InstructionType>, List<ReilInstruction>>();
    final Map<IInstruction, ReilInstruction> firstMap = new HashMap<IInstruction, ReilInstruction>();
    final Map<IInstruction, ReilInstruction> lastMap = new HashMap<IInstruction, ReilInstruction>();
    final List<List<ReilInstruction>> delayedTrueBranches = new ArrayList<List<ReilInstruction>>();
    for (final ICodeContainer<InstructionType> block : function.getBasicBlocks()) {
        final Iterable<InstructionType> blockInstructions = block.getInstructions();
        final IInstruction lastBlockInstruction = Iterables.getLast(blockInstructions);
        final boolean endsWithInlining = isInlineSource(block);
        final ArrayList<ReilInstruction> instructions = new ArrayList<ReilInstruction>();
        instructionMap.put(block, instructions);
        for (final InstructionType instruction : blockInstructions) {
            final ITranslator<InstructionType> translator = m_translators.get(instruction.getArchitecture().toUpperCase());
            if (translator == null) {
                throw new InternalTranslationException("Could not translate instruction from unknown architecture " + instruction.getArchitecture());
            try {
                final List<ReilInstruction> result = translator.translate(environment, instruction, extensions);
                if (endsWithInlining && (instruction == lastBlockInstruction)) {
                    // We skip the last JCC instruction of blocks that were split by inlining. In 99%
                    // of all cases this should be the inlined call; unless the user removed the
                    // call from the block.
                    final ReilInstruction lastInstruction = instructions.get(instructions.size() - 1);
                    if (lastInstruction.getMnemonic().equals(ReilHelpers.OPCODE_JCC) && lastInstruction.getMetaData().containsKey("isCall")) {
                        instructions.remove(instructions.size() - 1);
                        result.remove(result.size() - 1);
                firstMap.put(instruction, getFirstInstruction(result));
                lastMap.put(instruction, getLastInstruction(result));
            } catch (final InternalTranslationException exception) {
                throw exception;
        // In this step we have to consider delayed branches of the form
        // We basically re-order the instructions to
        final IInstruction secondLastInstruction = Iterables.size(block.getInstructions()) > 2 ? Iterables.get(block.getInstructions(), Iterables.size(block.getInstructions()) - 2, null) : null;
        if (secondLastInstruction != null) {
            final List<ReilInstruction> secondLastReil = getReilInstructions(secondLastInstruction, instructions);
            if (ReilHelpers.isDelayedBranch(secondLastReil.get(secondLastReil.size() - 1))) {
                final IInstruction lastInstruction = getLastInstruction(block);
                final List<ReilInstruction> lastReil = getReilInstructions(lastInstruction, instructions);
                if (secondLastReil.get(secondLastReil.size() - 1).getMnemonic().equals(ReilHelpers.OPCODE_JCC)) {
                    instructions.addAll(instructions.size() - 1, lastReil);
            } else if (ReilHelpers.isDelayedTrueBranch(secondLastReil.get(secondLastReil.size() - 1))) {
                final IInstruction lastInstruction = getLastInstruction(block);
                final List<ReilInstruction> lastReil = getReilInstructions(lastInstruction, instructions);
    // In this step we determine all jump targets of the input graph.
    // We need them later because not all original jump targets can be
    // found in the translated REIL graph. The reason for this is that
    // source instructions of edges in the input graph do not necessarily
    // have a reference to the address of the edge target. This happens
    // for example when removing the first instruction from a code node.
    // The edge still goes to the code node, but the jump instruction now
    // refers to the removed instruction.
    final Collection<IAddress> nativeJumpTargets = getBlockAddresses(function);
    final Pair<List<ReilBlock>, List<ReilEdge>> pair = ReilGraphGenerator.createGraphElements(instructionMap.values(), nativeJumpTargets);
    final List<ReilBlock> nodes = pair.first();
    final List<ReilEdge> edges = pair.second();
    // In a post-processing step all edges which could not be determined
    // from the REIL instructions alone are inserted into the graph.
    insertNativeEdges(function.getBasicBlockEdges(), nodes, edges, firstMap, lastMap);
    handleDelayedTrueBranches(nodes, edges, delayedTrueBranches);
    return new ReilFunction("REIL - " + function.getName(), new ReilGraph(nodes, edges));
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) IInstruction( ICodeContainer( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ReilGraph( ReilInstruction( ReilEdge( ReilBlock( ReilFunction( IAddress(


IAddress ( INaviModule ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)23 CAddress ( INaviFunction ( INaviInstruction ( Test (org.junit.Test)14 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)12 CouldntLoadDataException ( ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)11 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)10 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)10 INaviCodeNode ( COperandTree ( INaviOperandTreeNode ( INaviView ( CConnection ( CouldntSaveDataException ( ReilFunction ( List (java.util.List)6