use of in project binnavi by google.
the class CMemoryFunctions method searchMemory.
* Shows a Search dialog and searches through the memory of target process afterwards.
* @param parent Parent window used for dialogs.
* @param debugger Debugger that requests the target memory.
* @param memoryView Memory view where the search result is shown.
public static void searchMemory(final Window parent, final IDebugger debugger, final CMemoryViewer memoryView) {
checkArguments(parent, debugger);
Preconditions.checkNotNull(memoryView, "IE01431: Memory view argument can not be null");
// Show the search dialog
final CSearchDialog dlg = new CSearchDialog(parent);
final byte[] data = dlg.getSearchData();
// Make sure that the user entered data and clicked the OK button
if (data != null && data.length != 0) {
final JHexView hexView = memoryView.getHexView();
final long start = hexView.getCurrentOffset();
final int size = (int) (hexView.getLastOffset() - hexView.getCurrentOffset());
final CSearchWaiter waiter = new CSearchWaiter(debugger, new CAddress(start), size, data);
CProgressDialog.showEndless(parent, "Loading memory" + " ...", waiter);
if (waiter.getException() == null) {
final SearchReply reply = waiter.getReply();
if (reply != null) {
final IAddress offset = reply.getAddress();
if (reply.success()) {
// Make sure that the memory data is actually available
if (hexView.isEnabled() && hexView.getDefinitionStatus() == DefinitionStatus.DEFINED) {
// It is not necessary to make sure that the offset is
// actually part of the currently visible memory range.
// If it is not, the new memory range is loaded automatically.
hexView.colorize(5, offset.toLong(), data.length, Color.BLACK, Color.YELLOW);
} else {
// Tell the user that the search string was not found
CMessageBox.showInformation(parent, "The specified search string was not found.");
} else {
final String innerMessage = "E00079: " + "Could not search through memory";
final String innerDescription = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription("It was not possible to send the search request to the debug client.", new String[] { "There was a problem with the connection to the debug client." }, new String[] { "The search operation could not be started." });, innerMessage, innerDescription, waiter.getException());