use of in project binnavi by google.
the class CLineHighlighter method highlightLine.
* Highlights or unhighlights a line in a code node.
* @param node The node where the user clicked.
* @param codeNode The node that provides the raw data for the node.
* @param y The y location where the user clicked.
private void highlightLine(final NaviNode node, final INaviCodeNode codeNode, final double y) {
final double yPos = y - node.getY();
final int row = node.positionToRow(yPos);
final INaviInstruction instruction = CCodeNodeHelpers.lineToInstruction(codeNode, row);
if (instruction == null) {
if (m_highlightedInstructions.contains(instruction)) {
codeNode.setInstructionColor(instruction, CHighlightLayers.HIGHLIGHTING_LAYER, null);
} else {
codeNode.setInstructionColor(instruction, CHighlightLayers.HIGHLIGHTING_LAYER, new Color(0x36D0FE));
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the class CGraphDebugger method toggleBreakpoint.
* Sets or removes a breakpoint at a given line of a code node.
* @param debuggerProvider Debugger provider that contains all possible debuggers for the code
* node.
* @param codeNode The code node where the breakpoint is set.
* @param row The code node row where the breakpoint is set.
public static void toggleBreakpoint(final BackEndDebuggerProvider debuggerProvider, final INaviCodeNode codeNode, final int row) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(debuggerProvider, "IE01719: Debugger provider argument can not be null");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(codeNode, "IE01720: Code node argument can not be null");
final INaviInstruction instruction = CCodeNodeHelpers.lineToInstruction(codeNode, row);
if (instruction == null) {
final IDebugger debugger = getDebugger(debuggerProvider, instruction);
if (debugger == null) {
toggleBreakpoint(debugger.getBreakpointManager(), instruction.getModule(), new UnrelocatedAddress(instruction.getAddress()));
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class CFollowInDumpMenu method addFollowInDumpMenu.
* Adds the menu that follow in dump menu for the clicked instruction.
* @param menu The code node menu that is extended.
* @param model The graph model that provides information about the graph.
* @param node The node whose menu is created.
* @param clickedObject The object that was clicked.
* @param y The y-coordinate of the click.
public static void addFollowInDumpMenu(final JPopupMenu menu, final CGraphModel model, final NaviNode node, final Object clickedObject, final double y) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(menu, "IE02371: menu argument can not be null");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(model, "IE02372: model argument can not be null");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "IE02373: node argument can not be null");
final int line = node.positionToRow(y);
if (line == -1) {
final INaviCodeNode codeNode = (INaviCodeNode) node.getRawNode();
final INaviInstruction instruction = CCodeNodeHelpers.lineToInstruction(codeNode, line);
if (instruction != null) {
final IDebugger debugger = CGraphDebugger.getDebugger(model.getDebuggerProvider(), instruction);
if ((debugger != null) && (clickedObject instanceof COperandTreeNode)) {
final TargetProcessThread activeThread = debugger.getProcessManager().getActiveThread();
if (activeThread != null) {
final CDebugPerspectiveModel viewModel = (CDebugPerspectiveModel) model.getGraphPanel().getViewModel().getModel(PerspectiveType.DebugPerspective);
final COperandTreeNode treeNode = (COperandTreeNode) clickedObject;
final boolean added = addFollowInDumpMenu(menu, viewModel, debugger, activeThread, instruction.getModule(), treeNode);
if (added) {
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class CNodeFunctions method splitAfter.
* Splits a node.
* @param view View the node belongs to.
* @param originalNode Node to split.
* @param instruction Instruction after which the node is split.
public static void splitAfter(final INaviView view, final INaviCodeNode originalNode, final INaviInstruction instruction) {
final Iterable<INaviInstruction> oldInstructions = originalNode.getInstructions();
if (instruction == Iterables.getLast(oldInstructions)) {
// Step I: Find out what instructions belong to the new upper block and what
// instructions belong to the new lower block.
final List<INaviInstruction> upperInstructions = new ArrayList<INaviInstruction>();
final List<INaviInstruction> lowerInstructions = new ArrayList<INaviInstruction>();
List<INaviInstruction> currentInstructions = upperInstructions;
for (final INaviInstruction oldInstruction : oldInstructions) {
if (oldInstruction == instruction) {
currentInstructions = lowerInstructions;
// Step II: Create the two new code nodes.
INaviFunction parentFunction = null;
try {
parentFunction = originalNode.getParentFunction();
} catch (final MaybeNullException e) {
// No parent function
final INaviCodeNode newNode1 = view.getContent().createCodeNode(parentFunction, upperInstructions);
final INaviCodeNode newNode2 = view.getContent().createCodeNode(parentFunction, lowerInstructions);
// Step III: Transfer node comments and instruction comments from the old node
// to the new nodes.
transferLocalCodeNodeComments(originalNode, newNode1, newNode2);
// Step IV: Connect the two new nodes.
view.getContent().createEdge(newNode1, newNode2, EdgeType.JUMP_UNCONDITIONAL);
for (final INaviEdge incomingEdge : originalNode.getIncomingEdges()) {
view.getContent().createEdge(incomingEdge.getSource(), newNode1, incomingEdge.getType());
for (final INaviEdge outgoingEdge : originalNode.getOutgoingEdges()) {
view.getContent().createEdge(newNode2, outgoingEdge.getTarget(), outgoingEdge.getType());
// Step VI: Get rid of the old node.
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the class InternalNodeCallBack method zoomToAddress.
* Zooms to an address in a code node.
* @param graph The graph where zooming happens.
* @param address The address to zoom to.
* @param animate True, to animate the zoom operation.
* @param node The node to zoom to if it contains the address.
* @param codeNode The code node that backs the visible node.
* @return True, if the node contains the address and was zoomed to.
static boolean zoomToAddress(final ZyGraph graph, final IAddress address, final boolean animate, final NaviNode node, final INaviCodeNode codeNode) {
for (final INaviInstruction instruction : codeNode.getInstructions()) {
if (instruction.getAddress().equals(address)) {
if (!node.isVisible()) {
graph.showNode(node, true);
ZoomFunctions.zoomToNode(graph, node, CCodeNodeHelpers.instructionToLine(codeNode, instruction), animate);
return true;
return false;