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Example 11 with INaviModule

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class CViewInserterTest method test.

public void test() throws CouldntLoadDataException, CPartialLoadException, LoadCancelledException, FileReadException, CouldntSaveDataException {
    final INaviModule mockModule = new MockModule();
    final MockSqlProvider mockProvider = new MockSqlProvider();
    final CUserManager userManager = CUserManager.get(mockProvider);
    final IUser user = userManager.addUser(" VIEW INSERTER USER ");
    final CModuleViewGenerator generator = new CModuleViewGenerator(mockProvider, mockModule);
    final CView view = generator.generate(1, "", "", ViewType.NonNative, GraphType.MIXED_GRAPH, new Date(), new Date(), 0, 0, new HashSet<CTag>(), new HashSet<CTag>(), false);
    final MockFunction mockFunction = new MockFunction(mockProvider);
    final CFunctionNode fnode1 = view.getContent().createFunctionNode(mockFunction);
    final CFunctionNode fnode2 = view.getContent().createFunctionNode(mockFunction);
    @SuppressWarnings("unused") final CNaviViewEdge edge1 = view.getContent().createEdge(fnode1, fnode2, EdgeType.JUMP_UNCONDITIONAL);
    final MockInstruction instruction1 = new MockInstruction();
    final CCodeNode cnode1 = view.getContent().createCodeNode(mockFunction, Lists.newArrayList(instruction1));
    final CCodeNode cnode2 = view.getContent().createCodeNode(mockFunction, Lists.newArrayList(instruction1));
    @SuppressWarnings("unused") final CNaviViewEdge edge2 = view.getContent().createEdge(cnode1, cnode2, EdgeType.JUMP_UNCONDITIONAL);
    final ArrayList<IComment> comments = Lists.<IComment>newArrayList(new CComment(null, CommonTestObjects.TEST_USER_1, null, "Foo"));
    final CTextNode tnode1 = view.getContent().createTextNode(comments);
    @SuppressWarnings("unused") final CNaviViewEdge edge3 = view.getContent().createEdge(cnode1, tnode1, EdgeType.JUMP_UNCONDITIONAL);
    final CGroupNode gnode1 = view.getContent().createGroupNode(Lists.newArrayList((INaviViewNode) fnode1, (INaviViewNode) fnode2));
    gnode1.appendComment("TEST GROUP NODE COMMENT 1");
    final CView view2 = generator.generate(2, "", "", ViewType.NonNative, GraphType.MIXED_GRAPH, new Date(), new Date(), 0, 0, new HashSet<CTag>(), new HashSet<CTag>(), false);
    CViewInserter.insertView(view, view2);
    final List<INaviViewNode> nodes = view2.getGraph().getNodes();
    assertEquals(view2.getNodeCount(), 6);
    assertEquals(mockFunction, ((INaviFunctionNode) nodes.get(0)).getFunction());
    assertEquals(nodes.get(5), ((INaviFunctionNode) nodes.get(0)).getParentGroup());
Also used : MockFunction( CFunctionNode( CModuleViewGenerator( IComment( CTag( CUserManager( Date(java.util.Date) CView( CComment( CNaviViewEdge( MockInstruction( INaviModule( MockModule( MockSqlProvider( CCodeNode( IUser( INaviViewNode( CTextNode( CGroupNode( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 12 with INaviModule

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class CPostgreSQLZyGraphTest2 method testSave.

public void testSave() throws CouldntSaveDataException, CouldntLoadDriverException, CouldntConnectException, InvalidDatabaseException, CouldntInitializeDatabaseException, CouldntLoadDataException, InvalidExporterDatabaseFormatException, InvalidDatabaseVersionException, CPartialLoadException, LoadCancelledException {
    m_view.getGraph().getNodes().get(1).setColor(new Color(123));
    final INaviView newView = m_graph.saveAs(new CModuleContainer(m_database, m_module), "New View", "New View Description");
    final INaviModule module = m_database2.getContent().getModules().get(0);
    final Iterable<INaviView> views = CViewFilter.getFlowgraphViews(module.getContent().getViewContainer().getViews());
    final INaviView loadedNewView = Iterables.getLast(views);
    assertEquals(loadedNewView.getNodeCount(), newView.getNodeCount());
    assertEquals(true, loadedNewView.getGraph().getNodes().get(0).isSelected());
    assertEquals(0xFF00007B, loadedNewView.getGraph().getNodes().get(1).getColor().getRGB());
    assertEquals(456, loadedNewView.getGraph().getNodes().get(2).getX(), 0);
    assertEquals(789, loadedNewView.getGraph().getNodes().get(3).getY(), 0);
Also used : INaviView( INaviModule( Color(java.awt.Color) CModuleContainer( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 13 with INaviModule

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class PostgreSQLAddressSpaceLoader method loadAddressSpaces.

   * Loads the address spaces of a project.
   * The project, the debugger manager, and all modules in the module list must be stored in the
   * database connected to by the provider argument.
   * @param provider The SQL provider that provides the connection.
   * @param project The parent project of the address spaces to load.
   * @param debuggerManager Debugger manager of the database.
   * @param list A list of all modules that belong to the database.
   * @return A list that contains the address spaces of the project.
   * @throws CouldntLoadDataException Thrown if the address spaces could not be loaded.
public static List<CAddressSpace> loadAddressSpaces(final AbstractSQLProvider provider, final INaviProject project, final DebuggerTemplateManager debuggerManager, final List<INaviModule> list) throws CouldntLoadDataException {
    checkArguments(provider, project);
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(debuggerManager, "IE01543: Debugger provider argument can not be null");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(list, "IE01545: Modules argument can not be null");"Loading address spaces of project %s", project.getConfiguration().getName());
    final CConnection connection = provider.getConnection();
    final List<CAddressSpace> addressSpaces = new ArrayList<CAddressSpace>();
    final String query = "SELECT id, name, description, creation_date, modification_date, debugger_id " + " FROM " + CTableNames.ADDRESS_SPACES_TABLE + " WHERE project_id = " + project.getConfiguration().getId();
    try {
        final ResultSet resultSet = connection.executeQuery(query, true);
        try {
            while ( {
                final int addressSpaceId = resultSet.getInt("id");
                final Map<INaviModule, IAddress> imageBases = loadImageBases(connection, addressSpaceId, list);
                final String name = PostgreSQLHelpers.readString(resultSet, "name");
                final String description = PostgreSQLHelpers.readString(resultSet, "description");
                final Timestamp creationDate = resultSet.getTimestamp("creation_date");
                final Timestamp modificationDate = resultSet.getTimestamp("modification_date");
                final DebuggerTemplate debuggerDescription = debuggerManager.findDebugger(resultSet.getInt("debugger_id"));
                addressSpaces.add(new CAddressSpace(addressSpaceId, name, description, creationDate, modificationDate, imageBases, debuggerDescription, provider, project));
            return addressSpaces;
        } finally {
    } catch (final SQLException e) {
        throw new CouldntLoadDataException(e);
Also used : DebuggerTemplate( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) CouldntLoadDataException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Timestamp(java.sql.Timestamp) IAddress( CConnection( INaviModule( ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) CAddressSpace(

Example 14 with INaviModule

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class PostgreSQLAddressSpaceLoader method loadImageBases.

   * Loads the image bases of the given modules within the given address space.
   * The address space ID and the modules in the module list must all reference items that are
   * stored in the database connected to by connection argument.
   * @param connection Connection to the database.
   * @param addressSpaceId ID of the address space.
   * @param list Modules whose image bases are loaded.
   * @return A mapping of modules -> image bases for all modules in the address space.
   * @throws CouldntLoadDataException Thrown if the image bases could not be loaded.
private static Map<INaviModule, IAddress> loadImageBases(final CConnection connection, final int addressSpaceId, final List<INaviModule> list) throws CouldntLoadDataException {
    final HashMap<INaviModule, IAddress> imageBases = new HashMap<INaviModule, IAddress>();
    final String query = "SELECT module_id, image_base FROM " + CTableNames.SPACE_MODULES_TABLE + " WHERE address_space_id = " + addressSpaceId;
    try {
        final ResultSet resultSet = connection.executeQuery(query, true);
        try {
            while ( {
                try {
                    final INaviModule module = findModule(list, resultSet.getInt("module_id"));
                    imageBases.put(module, PostgreSQLHelpers.loadAddress(resultSet, "image_base"));
                } catch (final MaybeNullException exception) {
                    // I can not think of a scenario where this can happen.
        } finally {
        return imageBases;
    } catch (final SQLException exception) {
        throw new CouldntLoadDataException(exception);
Also used : INaviModule( MaybeNullException( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) CouldntLoadDataException( ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet) IAddress(

Example 15 with INaviModule

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class PostgreSQLInstructionFunctions method createInstructions.

   * Saves an instruction to the database.
   * @param provider The provider used to access the database.
   * @param instructions The instruction to save.
   * @throws SQLException Thrown if the instruction could not be created.
public static void createInstructions(final SQLProvider provider, final Iterable<INaviInstruction> instructions) throws SQLException {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(provider, "IE01550: Provider argument can not be null");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(instructions, "IE01554: Instruction argument can not be null");
    final String query = "INSERT INTO " + CTableNames.INSTRUCTIONS_TABLE + "(module_id, address, mnemonic, data, native, architecture, comment_id) " + "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
    final PreparedStatement insertStatement = provider.getConnection().getConnection().prepareStatement(query);
    final ArrayList<INaviInstruction> instructionsWithUnsavedComments = new ArrayList<INaviInstruction>();
    final List<List<COperandTree>> operands = new ArrayList<List<COperandTree>>();
    for (final INaviInstruction instruction : instructions) {
        final String mnemonic = instruction.getMnemonic();
        final byte[] data = instruction.getData();
        final INaviModule module = instruction.getModule();
        final IAddress address = instruction.getAddress();
        final int moduleID = module.getConfiguration().getId();
        final List<IComment> comments = instruction.getGlobalComment();
        final Integer commentId = comments == null ? null : comments.size() == 0 ? null : Iterables.getLast(comments).getId();
        if ((comments != null) && (comments.size() != 0) && (commentId == null)) {
        try {
            insertStatement.setInt(1, moduleID);
            insertStatement.setObject(2, address.toBigInteger(), Types.BIGINT);
            insertStatement.setString(3, mnemonic);
            insertStatement.setBytes(4, data);
            insertStatement.setBoolean(5, false);
            insertStatement.setObject(6, instruction.getArchitecture(), Types.OTHER);
            if (commentId == null) {
                insertStatement.setNull(7, Types.INTEGER);
            } else {
                insertStatement.setInt(7, commentId);
        } finally {
    // unsaved comments.
    for (final INaviInstruction instruction : instructionsWithUnsavedComments) {
        final ArrayList<IComment> instructionComments = new ArrayList<IComment>();
        for (final IComment comment : instruction.getGlobalComment()) {
            try {
                final Integer commentId = PostgreSQLInstructionFunctions.appendGlobalInstructionComment(provider, instruction, comment.getComment(), comment.getUser().getUserId());
                final IComment newComment = new CComment(commentId, comment.getUser(), comment.getParent(), comment.getComment());
            } catch (final CouldntSaveDataException exception) {
    for (final List<COperandTree> operand : operands) {
        int position = 0;
        for (final COperandTree operandTree : operand) {
            createOperandTree(provider, operandTree, position);
Also used : IComment( CouldntSaveDataException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) IAddress( BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) CComment( INaviModule( COperandTree( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) INaviInstruction(


INaviModule ( Test (org.junit.Test)105 ExpensiveBaseTest ( INaviFunction ( CAddress ( INaviView ( UnrelocatedAddress ( IAddress ( MockModule ( BreakpointAddress ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)19 INaviInstruction ( CView ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)13 CTag ( CouldntSaveDataException ( CTagManager ( CouldntLoadDataException ( CAddressSpace ( COperandTree (