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the class CModuleContainerNodeTest method testUnloaded.
public void testUnloaded() throws IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException {
final CRawModule rawModule = new CRawModule(1, "", 0, false, m_provider);
final CModule module1 = new CModule(123, "Module 1", "Comment", new Date(), new Date(), "12345678123456781234567812345678", "1234567812345678123456781234567812345678", 55, 66, new CAddress(0x555), new CAddress(0x666), new DebuggerTemplate(1, "Mock Debugger", "localhaus", 88, m_provider), rawModule, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, m_provider);
final CModule module2 = new CModule(123, "Module 2", "Comment", new Date(), new Date(), "12345678123456781234567812345678", "1234567812345678123456781234567812345678", 55, 66, new CAddress(0x555), new CAddress(0x666), new DebuggerTemplate(1, "Mock Debugger", "localhaus", 88, m_provider), rawModule, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, m_provider);
final CModuleContainerNode node = new CModuleContainerNode(m_tree, m_database);
assertEquals("Modules (0)", node.toString());
assertEquals(0, node.getChildCount());
assertEquals("Modules (2)", node.toString());
assertEquals(2, node.getChildCount());
assertEquals("Module 1 (55/66)", node.getChildAt(0).toString());
assertEquals("Module 2 (55/66)", node.getChildAt(1).toString());
assertEquals("Modules (1)", node.toString());
assertEquals(1, node.getChildCount());
assertEquals("Module 2 (55/66)", node.getChildAt(0).toString());
assertTrue(((Collection<?>) ReflectionHelpers.getField(ReflectionHelpers.getField(m_database, "listeners"), "m_listeners")).isEmpty());
assertTrue(((Collection<?>) ReflectionHelpers.getField(ReflectionHelpers.getField(m_database.getContent().getDebuggerTemplateManager(), "listeners"), "m_listeners")) == null);
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the class ZyGraphFactory method generateTestGraph.
public static ZyGraph generateTestGraph() throws FileReadException, CouldntLoadDataException, LoadCancelledException, CouldntSaveDataException {
final MockDatabase database = new MockDatabase();
final SQLProvider provider = new MockSqlProvider();
final CModule module = new CModule(1, "", "", new Date(), new Date(), CommonTestObjects.MD5, CommonTestObjects.SHA1, 0, 0, new CAddress(0), new CAddress(0), null, null, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, provider);
final ZyGraphViewSettings settings = new ZyGraphViewSettings(new CallGraphSettingsConfigItem());
final MockDatabaseManager manager = new MockDatabaseManager();
final CView m_view = module.getContent().getViewContainer().createView("name", "description");
final LinkedHashMap<Node, NaviNode> nodeMap = new LinkedHashMap<Node, NaviNode>();
final ZyGraph2DView g2dView = new ZyGraph2DView();
final LinkedHashMap<Edge, NaviEdge> edgeMap = new LinkedHashMap<Edge, NaviEdge>();
final Node node1 = g2dView.getGraph2D().createNode();
final COperandTreeNode rootNode1 = new COperandTreeNode(-1, IOperandTree.NODE_TYPE_SIZE_PREFIX_ID, "b4", null, new ArrayList<IReference>(), provider, module.getTypeManager(), module.getContent().getTypeInstanceContainer());
final COperandTreeNode childNode1 = new COperandTreeNode(-1, IOperandTree.NODE_TYPE_REGISTER_ID, "eax", null, new ArrayList<IReference>(), provider, module.getTypeManager(), module.getContent().getTypeInstanceContainer());, childNode1);
final COperandTreeNode rootNode2 = new COperandTreeNode(-1, IOperandTree.NODE_TYPE_SIZE_PREFIX_ID, "b4", null, new ArrayList<IReference>(), provider, module.getTypeManager(), module.getContent().getTypeInstanceContainer());
final COperandTreeNode childNode2 = new COperandTreeNode(-1, IOperandTree.NODE_TYPE_REGISTER_ID, "ebx", null, new ArrayList<IReference>(), provider, module.getTypeManager(), module.getContent().getTypeInstanceContainer());, childNode2);
final COperandTree operand1 = new COperandTree(rootNode1, provider, module.getTypeManager(), module.getContent().getTypeInstanceContainer());
final COperandTree operand2 = new COperandTree(rootNode2, provider, module.getTypeManager(), module.getContent().getTypeInstanceContainer());
final ArrayList<COperandTree> operands1 = Lists.newArrayList(operand1, operand2);
final List<INaviInstruction> instructions1 = Lists.newArrayList((INaviInstruction) new MockInstruction(new CAddress(0x123456), "mov", operands1, null, module));
final INaviCodeNode rawNode1 = m_view.getContent().createCodeNode(null, instructions1);
final ZyLabelContent content = ZyCodeNodeBuilder.buildContent(rawNode1, settings, null);
nodeMap.put(node1, new NaviNode(node1, new ZyNormalNodeRealizer<NaviNode>(content), rawNode1));
final Node node2 = g2dView.getGraph2D().createNode();
final List<INaviInstruction> instructions2 = Lists.newArrayList((INaviInstruction) new MockInstruction());
final INaviCodeNode rawNode2 = m_view.getContent().createCodeNode(null, instructions2);
final ZyLabelContent content2 = ZyCodeNodeBuilder.buildContent(rawNode2, settings, null);
nodeMap.put(node2, new NaviNode(node2, new ZyNormalNodeRealizer<NaviNode>(content2), rawNode2));
final CTag tag = new CTag(0, "Tag", "Description", TagType.NODE_TAG, new MockSqlProvider());
final Node node3 = g2dView.getGraph2D().createNode();
final String mnemonicName = "call";
final List<COperandTree> operandTrees = new ArrayList<COperandTree>();
final int type = ExpressionType.REGISTER.ordinal();
final CReference reference = new CReference(new CAddress(0x123), ReferenceType.CALL_DIRECT);
final List<IReference> referencea = new ArrayList<IReference>();
final COperandTreeNode root = new COperandTreeNode(0, type, "eax", null, referencea, provider, module.getTypeManager(), module.getContent().getTypeInstanceContainer());
final COperandTree operandTree = new COperandTree(root, provider, module.getTypeManager(), module.getContent().getTypeInstanceContainer());
operandTrees.add(0, operandTree);
final List<INaviInstruction> instructions3 = Lists.newArrayList((INaviInstruction) new MockInstruction(mnemonicName, operandTrees, m_globalComment));
final INaviCodeNode rawNode3 = m_view.getContent().createCodeNode(null, instructions3);
final ZyLabelContent content3 = ZyCodeNodeBuilder.buildContent(rawNode3, settings, null);
nodeMap.put(node3, new NaviNode(node3, new ZyNormalNodeRealizer<NaviNode>(content3), rawNode3));
final Edge edge = g2dView.getGraph2D().createEdge(node1, node2);
final INaviEdge rawEdge = m_view.getContent().createEdge(rawNode1, rawNode2, EdgeType.JUMP_UNCONDITIONAL);
edgeMap.put(edge, new NaviEdge(nodeMap.get(node1), nodeMap.get(node2), edge, new ZyEdgeRealizer<NaviEdge>(new ZyLabelContent(null), null), rawEdge));
final Edge edge2 = g2dView.getGraph2D().createEdge(node2, node3);
final INaviEdge rawEdge2 = m_view.getContent().createEdge(rawNode2, rawNode3, EdgeType.JUMP_UNCONDITIONAL);
edgeMap.put(edge2, new NaviEdge(nodeMap.get(node2), nodeMap.get(node3), edge, new ZyEdgeRealizer<NaviEdge>(new ZyLabelContent(null), null), rawEdge2));
return new ZyGraph(m_view, nodeMap, edgeMap, settings, g2dView);
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class PostgreSQLModuleFunctions method readModule.
public static CModule readModule(final CConnection connection, final int moduleId, final INaviRawModule rawModule, final SQLProvider provider) throws CouldntLoadDataException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(rawModule, "IE01797: Raw module argument can not be null");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(provider, "IE01798: Provider argument can not be null");
final String query = "SELECT id, " + CTableNames.MODULES_TABLE + ".name, md5, sha1, " + " description, import_time, modification_date, image_base, file_base, stared, " + " initialization_state " + " FROM " + CTableNames.MODULES_TABLE + " WHERE id = " + moduleId + " ORDER by id";
try {
final ResultSet resultSet = connection.executeQuery(query, true);
try {
while ( {
final String name = PostgreSQLHelpers.readString(resultSet, "name");
final String md5 = PostgreSQLHelpers.readString(resultSet, "md5");
final String sha1 = PostgreSQLHelpers.readString(resultSet, "sha1");
final String comment = PostgreSQLHelpers.readString(resultSet, "description");
final Timestamp importTime = resultSet.getTimestamp("import_time");
final Timestamp modificationDate = resultSet.getTimestamp("modification_date");
final int functionCount = rawModule.getFunctionCount();
final int viewCount = 0;
final IAddress imageBase = PostgreSQLHelpers.loadAddress(resultSet, "image_base");
final IAddress fileBase = PostgreSQLHelpers.loadAddress(resultSet, "file_base");
final boolean isStared = resultSet.getBoolean("stared");
final int initializationState = resultSet.getInt("initialization_state");
return new CModule(moduleId, name, comment, importTime, modificationDate, md5, sha1, functionCount, viewCount, fileBase, imageBase, null, rawModule, initializationState, isStared, provider);
} finally {
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new CouldntLoadDataException(e);
throw new CouldntLoadDataException("Error: No module with the given ID exists");
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the class PostgreSQLDatabaseFunctions method loadModules.
* Loads the modules of a database.
* @param provider The SQL provider that provides the connection.
* @param rawModules Previously loaded raw module objects.
* @param debuggerManager Debugger manager object that belongs to the given database.
* @return A list of modules that contains the modules stored in the database.
* @throws CouldntLoadDataException Thrown if the modules could not be loaded from the database.
public static List<INaviModule> loadModules(final AbstractSQLProvider provider, final List<INaviRawModule> rawModules, final DebuggerTemplateManager debuggerManager) throws CouldntLoadDataException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(rawModules, "IE02043: rawModules argument can not be null");
PostgreSQLDatabaseFunctions.checkArguments(provider, debuggerManager);
final List<CModule> modules = new ArrayList<>();
final CConnection connection = provider.getConnection();
if (!PostgreSQLHelpers.hasTable(connection, CTableNames.MODULES_TABLE)) {
return new ArrayList<INaviModule>(modules);
final String query = "SELECT id, raw_module_id, " + CTableNames.MODULES_TABLE + ".name, " + " md5, sha1, description, import_time, modification_date, file_base, image_base, stared, " + " initialization_state, debugger_id, " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM " + CTableNames.FUNCTIONS_TABLE + " " + " WHERE id = " + CTableNames.FUNCTIONS_TABLE + ".module_id) " + " AS function_count, " + " (SELECT count(*) FROM " + CTableNames.MODULE_VIEWS_TABLE + " JOIN " + CTableNames.VIEWS_TABLE + " ON view_id = id " + " WHERE type = 'non-native' and module_id = " + CTableNames.MODULES_TABLE + ".id) " + " AS view_count FROM " + CTableNames.MODULES_TABLE + " " + " WHERE raw_module_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY id";
try (ResultSet resultSet = connection.executeQuery(query, true)) {
while ( {
final int moduleId = resultSet.getInt("id");
final String name = PostgreSQLHelpers.readString(resultSet, "name");
final String md5 = PostgreSQLHelpers.readString(resultSet, "md5");
final String sha1 = PostgreSQLHelpers.readString(resultSet, "sha1");
final String comment = PostgreSQLHelpers.readString(resultSet, "description");
final Timestamp timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp("import_time");
final Timestamp modificationDate = resultSet.getTimestamp("modification_date");
int functionCount = resultSet.getInt("function_count");
final int viewCount = resultSet.getInt("view_count");
final IAddress imageBase = PostgreSQLHelpers.loadAddress(resultSet, "image_base");
final IAddress fileBase = PostgreSQLHelpers.loadAddress(resultSet, "file_base");
final int debuggerId = resultSet.getInt("debugger_id");
final boolean isStared = resultSet.getBoolean("stared");
final int initializationState = resultSet.getInt("initialization_state");
final DebuggerTemplate description = debuggerManager.findDebugger(debuggerId);
final int rawModuleId = resultSet.getInt("raw_module_id");
final INaviRawModule rawModule = PostgreSQLDatabaseFunctions.findRawModule(rawModuleId, rawModules);
if ((functionCount == 0) && (rawModule != null)) {
functionCount = rawModule.getFunctionCount();
modules.add(new CModule(moduleId, name, comment, timestamp, modificationDate, md5, sha1, functionCount, viewCount, fileBase, imageBase, description, rawModule, initializationState, isStared, provider));
} catch (final SQLException e) {
throw new CouldntLoadDataException(e);
return new ArrayList<INaviModule>(modules);
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the class BasicBlockTest method testConstructor.
public void testConstructor() throws InternalTranslationException {
final MockSqlProvider provider = new MockSqlProvider();
final CModule internalModule = new CModule(1, "", "", new Date(), new Date(), "00000000000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 0, 0, new CAddress(0), new CAddress(0), null, null, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, provider);
final CFunction internalFunction = new CFunction(internalModule, new MockView(), new CAddress(0x123), "Mock Function", "Mock Function", "Mock Description", 0, 0, 0, 0, FunctionType.NORMAL, "", 0, null, null, null, provider);
final List<INaviInstruction> instructions = new ArrayList<INaviInstruction>();
instructions.add(new MockInstruction(0x123));
final INaviBasicBlock bblock = new CBasicBlock(1, "Hannes", instructions);
final IBlockNode node = new CBlockNode(bblock);
final Function pFunction = new Function(ModuleFactory.get(), internalFunction);
final BasicBlock block = new BasicBlock(node, pFunction);
assertEquals(0x123, block.getAddress().toLong());
assertEquals(pFunction, block.getParentFunction());
assertEquals("Hannes", block.getComment());
assertEquals(0x123, block.getInstructions().get(0).getAddress().toLong());
assertEquals("123 nop \n", block.toString());