use of in project binnavi by google.
the class BtcTranslator method translate.
* Translates a BTC instruction to REIL code.
* @param environment A valid translation environment
* @param instruction The BTC instruction to translate
* @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
* @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction is
* not a BTC instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
TranslationHelpers.checkTranslationArguments(environment, instruction, instructions, "btc");
if (instruction.getOperands().size() != 2) {
throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not a btc instruction (invalid number of operands)");
final long baseOffset = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
long offset = baseOffset;
final IOperandTree targetOperand = instruction.getOperands().get(0);
final IOperandTree sourceOperand = instruction.getOperands().get(1);
// Load the target operand.
final TranslationResult targetResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, targetOperand, true);
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
// Load the source operand.
final TranslationResult sourceResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, sourceOperand, true);
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
final String negatedIndex = environment.getNextVariableString();
// final String truncatedNegatedIndex = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String shiftedTarget = environment.getNextVariableString();
// TODO: Due to a bug in the REIL BSH specification we can not truncate the result
// of the subtraction here. See the tests for an example of what goes wrong.
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createSub(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, "0", sourceResult.getSize(), sourceResult.getRegister(), OperandSize.WORD, negatedIndex));
// instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset++, OperandSize.WORD, negatedIndex,
// OperandSize.BYTE, "255", OperandSize.BYTE, truncatedNegatedIndex));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset++, targetResult.getSize(), targetResult.getRegister(), OperandSize.BYTE, negatedIndex, targetResult.getSize(), shiftedTarget));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset++, targetResult.getSize(), shiftedTarget, OperandSize.BYTE, "1", OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.CARRY_FLAG));
// Set the bit in the destination
final String shiftedIndex = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String andedResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, "1", sourceResult.getSize(), sourceResult.getRegister(), targetResult.getSize(), shiftedIndex));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createXor(offset++, targetResult.getSize(), targetResult.getRegister(), targetResult.getSize(), shiftedIndex, targetResult.getSize(), andedResult));
Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset++, targetOperand, andedResult, targetResult.getSize(), targetResult.getAddress(), targetResult.getType(), instructions);
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class CmpxchgTranslator method translate.
* Translates a CMPXCHG instruction to REIL code.
* @param environment A valid translation environment.
* @param instruction The CMPXCHG instruction to translate.
* @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
* @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction is
* not a CMPXCHG instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
TranslationHelpers.checkTranslationArguments(environment, instruction, instructions, "cmpxchg");
Preconditions.checkArgument(instruction.getOperands().size() == 2, "Error: Argument instruction is not a cmp instruction (invalid number of operands)");
final long baseOffset = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
long offset = baseOffset;
final List<? extends IOperandTree> operands = instruction.getOperands();
final IOperandTree targetOperand = operands.get(0);
final IOperandTree sourceOperand = operands.get(1);
// Load first operand.
final TranslationResult targetResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, targetOperand, true);
// Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
// Load second operand.
final TranslationResult sourceResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, sourceOperand, true);
// Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
// Compare the first operand to AL/AX/EAX
String xaxRegister;
switch(targetResult.getSize()) {
case BYTE:
xaxRegister = "al";
case WORD:
xaxRegister = "ax";
case DWORD:
xaxRegister = "eax";
throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: The first operand has to be BYTE/WORD/DWORD !");
String comparisonResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
OperandSize currentSize = targetResult.getSize();
// Subtract the first operand from AL/AX/EAX
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createSub(baseOffset + instructions.size(), currentSize, xaxRegister, currentSize, targetResult.getRegister(), currentSize, comparisonResult));
// Set the ZF if the two values were equal
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(baseOffset + instructions.size(), currentSize, comparisonResult, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.ZERO_FLAG));
// The control flow is as follows:
// Jump to secondWriteBack if not equal
// firstWriteBack
// Jump to terminatingNop (avoid falling through from the first case)
// secondWriteBack
// terminatingNop
// firstWriteBack: if the content of AL/AX/EAX is equal to the source operand,
// move sourceOperand to targetOperand.
final List<ReilInstruction> firstWriteBack = new ArrayList<ReilInstruction>();
Helpers.writeBack(environment, // reserve space for the first JCC
baseOffset + instructions.size() + 1, targetOperand, sourceResult.getRegister(), sourceResult.getSize(), targetResult.getAddress(), targetResult.getType(), firstWriteBack);
// Jump to secondWriteBack if not equal.
// Reserve space for the two JCC and firstWriteBack when calculating target address.
final long secondWriteBackOffset = instructions.size() + firstWriteBack.size() + 3;
final String secondWriteBackGoal = String.format("%d.%d", instruction.getAddress().toLong(), secondWriteBackOffset);
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createJcc(baseOffset + instructions.size(), currentSize, comparisonResult, OperandSize.ADDRESS, secondWriteBackGoal));
// Add the mov code that's executed if the condition is true.
// Create an operand representing the AL/AX/EAX register so that we can write back to it.
ReilOperandNode xAXOperandRoot = new ReilOperandNode(currentSize.toSizeString(), ExpressionType.SIZE_PREFIX);
ReilOperandNode xAXOperandLeaf = new ReilOperandNode(xaxRegister, ExpressionType.REGISTER);, xAXOperandLeaf);
ReilOperand xAXOperand = new ReilOperand(xAXOperandRoot);
// secondWriteBack: if the content of AL/AX/EAX is not equal to the source operand,
// move targetOperand to AL/AX/EAX.
final List<ReilInstruction> secondWriteBack = new ArrayList<ReilInstruction>();
Helpers.writeBack(environment, // reserve space for the second JCC
baseOffset + instructions.size() + 1, xAXOperand, targetResult.getRegister(), currentSize, null, /* Memory address of the writeBack target. Empty since target is a register. */
TranslationResultType.REGISTER, secondWriteBack);
// Jump to terminatingNop (avoid falling through from firstWriteBack).
// Reserve addresses for JCC and for secondWriteBack when calculating target address.
final long terminatingNopOffset = instructions.size() + secondWriteBack.size() + 2;
final String terminatingNopGoal = String.format("%d.%d", instruction.getAddress().toLong(), terminatingNopOffset);
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createJcc(baseOffset + instructions.size(), OperandSize.BYTE, "1", OperandSize.ADDRESS, terminatingNopGoal));
// Add the mov code that's executed if the condition is true.
// Add a terminating NOP, this makes it easier to get a target for the conditional jump.
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createNop(baseOffset + instructions.size()));
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class CCodeNodeParserTest method testAddZero.
public void testAddZero() throws ParserException, CPartialLoadException, IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException {
// 00000000: mov eax, [esp+0]
final MockCodeNodeProvider cnProvider = new MockCodeNodeProvider();
final MockCodeNodeData instruction2 = new MockCodeNodeData();
instruction2.nodeId = 5193;
instruction2.address = new CAddress(0x4180dd);
instruction2.mnemonic = "mov";
instruction2.operandPosition = 0;
instruction2.expressionId = 1;
instruction2.expressionType = 6;
instruction2.symbol = "b4";
instruction2.immediate = null;
instruction2.parentId = 0;
instruction2.replacement = null;
final MockCodeNodeData instruction3 = new MockCodeNodeData();
instruction3.nodeId = 5193;
instruction3.address = new CAddress(0x4180dd);
instruction3.mnemonic = "mov";
instruction3.operandPosition = 0;
instruction3.expressionId = 29;
instruction3.expressionType = 4;
instruction3.symbol = "ss:";
instruction3.immediate = null;
instruction3.parentId = 1;
instruction3.replacement = null;
final MockCodeNodeData instruction4 = new MockCodeNodeData();
instruction4.nodeId = 5193;
instruction4.address = new CAddress(0x4180dd);
instruction4.mnemonic = "mov";
instruction4.operandPosition = 0;
instruction4.expressionId = 30;
instruction4.expressionType = 7;
instruction4.symbol = "[";
instruction4.immediate = null;
instruction4.parentId = 29;
instruction4.replacement = null;
final MockCodeNodeData instruction5 = new MockCodeNodeData();
instruction5.nodeId = 5193;
instruction5.address = new CAddress(0x4180dd);
instruction5.mnemonic = "mov";
instruction5.operandPosition = 0;
instruction5.expressionId = 31;
instruction5.expressionType = 4;
instruction5.symbol = "+";
instruction5.immediate = null;
instruction5.parentId = 30;
instruction5.replacement = null;
final MockCodeNodeData instruction6 = new MockCodeNodeData();
instruction6.nodeId = 5193;
instruction6.address = new CAddress(0x4180dd);
instruction6.mnemonic = "mov";
instruction6.operandPosition = 0;
instruction6.expressionId = 32;
instruction6.expressionType = 5;
instruction6.symbol = "esp";
instruction6.immediate = null;
instruction6.parentId = 31;
instruction6.replacement = null;
final MockCodeNodeData instruction7 = new MockCodeNodeData();
instruction7.nodeId = 5193;
instruction7.address = new CAddress(0x4180dd);
instruction7.mnemonic = "mov";
instruction7.operandPosition = 0;
instruction7.expressionId = 498;
instruction7.expressionType = 2;
instruction7.symbol = null;
instruction7.immediate = "0";
instruction7.parentId = 31;
instruction7.replacement = "134h+var_134";
final MockCodeNodeData instruction1 = new MockCodeNodeData();
instruction1.nodeId = 5193;
instruction1.address = new CAddress(0x4180dd);
instruction1.mnemonic = "mov";
instruction1.operandPosition = 1;
instruction1.expressionId = 1594;
instruction1.expressionType = 2;
instruction1.symbol = null;
instruction1.immediate = "4561216";
instruction1.parentId = 0;
instruction1.replacement = null;;;;;;;;
final MockSqlProvider provider = new MockSqlProvider();
final MockModule module = new MockModule();
CFunctionContainerHelper.addFunction(module.getContent().getFunctionContainer(), new MockFunction(0));
final CCodeNodeParser p = new CCodeNodeParser(cnProvider, Lists.newArrayList(module), provider);
final List<CCodeNode> result = p.parse();
assertEquals(1, result.size());
assertEquals(1, Iterables.size(result.get(0).getInstructions()));
final ReilTranslator<INaviInstruction> translator = new ReilTranslator<INaviInstruction>();
try {
translator.translate(new StandardEnvironment(), Iterables.get(result.get(0).getInstructions(), 0));
} catch (final InternalTranslationException exception) {
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class CGraphFunctions method showDataflowGraph.
* Creates a new view that shows the data flow graph of a view.
* @param parent Window where the new view is shown.
* @param container Container where the new view is created.
* @param view The view whose data flow graph is created.
public static void showDataflowGraph(final CGraphWindow parent, final IViewContainer container, final INaviView view) {
try {
final INaviView dataflowView = CDataflowViewCreator.create(container, view);
CViewOpener.showView(parent, container, dataflowView, parent);
} catch (final InternalTranslationException e) {
final String innerMessage = "E00110: " + "Could not create dataflow graph";
final String innerDescription = CUtilityFunctions.createDescription(String.format("BinNavi could not create the data flow graph of view '%s'.", view.getName()), new String[] { "An error occurred in the REIL translator code." }, new String[] { "This is an internal error which you can not fix yourself. " + "Please report the bug to the zynamics support team." });, innerMessage, innerDescription);
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class CCodeNodeMenu method addRegisterOperandMenu.
private void addRegisterOperandMenu(final CGraphModel model, final COperandTreeNode treeNode, final INaviInstruction instruction, final List<ICodeNodeExtension> extensions, final INaviCodeNode codeNode) {
try {
add(new COperandsMenu(codeNode, instruction, extensions));
} catch (final InternalTranslationException | MaybeNullException exception) {
final TypeManager typeManager = model.getViewContainer().getModules().get(0).getTypeManager();
if (treeNode.getTypeSubstitution() == null) {
add(TypeSubstitutionAction.instantiateCreateTypeSubstitution(model.getParent(), typeManager, getStackFrame(model), treeNode));
} else {
add(new DeleteTypeSubstitutionMenuAction(typeManager, treeNode));
add(TypeSubstitutionAction.instantiateEditTypeSubstitution(model.getParent(), typeManager, getStackFrame(model), treeNode));