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Example 36 with InternalTranslationException

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class SetccTranslator method translate.

   * Translates a SETcc instruction to REIL code.
   * @param environment A valid translation environment.
   * @param instruction The SETcc instruction to translate.
   * @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
   * @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction is
   *         not a conditional set instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(environment, "Error: Argument environment can't be null");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(instruction, "Error: Argument instruction can't be null");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(instructions, "Error: Argument instructions can't be null");
    if (instruction.getOperands().size() != 1) {
        throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not a conditional setcc instruction (invalid number of operands)");
    final long reilOffsetBase = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
    long reilOffset = reilOffsetBase;
    // SETCC instructions have exactly one operand.
    final IOperandTree operand = instruction.getOperands().get(0);
    // Load the operand.
    final TranslationResult result = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, reilOffset, operand, false);
    final OperandSize size = result.getSize();
    final TranslationResultType type = result.getType();
    final String address = result.getAddress();
    // Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
    reilOffset = reilOffsetBase + instructions.size();
    final Pair<OperandSize, String> condition = conditionGenerator.generate(environment, reilOffset, instructions);
    reilOffset = reilOffsetBase + instructions.size();
    final String conditionRegister = condition.second();
    Helpers.writeBack(environment, reilOffset, operand, conditionRegister, size, address, type, instructions);
Also used : IOperandTree( TranslationResultType( InternalTranslationException( TranslationResult( OperandSize(

Example 37 with InternalTranslationException

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class CmpxchgTranslator method translate.

   * Translates a CMPXCHG instruction to REIL code.
   * @param environment A valid translation environment.
   * @param instruction The CMPXCHG instruction to translate.
   * @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
   * @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction is
   *         not a CMPXCHG instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
    TranslationHelpers.checkTranslationArguments(environment, instruction, instructions, "cmpxchg");
    Preconditions.checkArgument(instruction.getOperands().size() == 2, "Error: Argument instruction is not a cmp instruction (invalid number of operands)");
    final long baseOffset = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
    long offset = baseOffset;
    final List<? extends IOperandTree> operands = instruction.getOperands();
    final IOperandTree targetOperand = operands.get(0);
    final IOperandTree sourceOperand = operands.get(1);
    // Load first operand.
    final TranslationResult targetResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, targetOperand, true);
    // Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
    offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
    // Load second operand.
    final TranslationResult sourceResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, sourceOperand, true);
    // Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
    offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
    // Compare the first operand to AL/AX/EAX
    String xaxRegister;
    switch(targetResult.getSize()) {
        case BYTE:
            xaxRegister = "al";
        case WORD:
            xaxRegister = "ax";
        case DWORD:
            xaxRegister = "eax";
            throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: The first operand has to be BYTE/WORD/DWORD !");
    String comparisonResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
    OperandSize currentSize = targetResult.getSize();
    // Subtract the first operand from AL/AX/EAX
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createSub(baseOffset + instructions.size(), currentSize, xaxRegister, currentSize, targetResult.getRegister(), currentSize, comparisonResult));
    // Set the ZF if the two values were equal
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(baseOffset + instructions.size(), currentSize, comparisonResult, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.ZERO_FLAG));
    // The control flow is as follows:
    // Jump to secondWriteBack if not equal
    // firstWriteBack
    // Jump to terminatingNop (avoid falling through from the first case)
    // secondWriteBack
    // terminatingNop
    // firstWriteBack: if the content of AL/AX/EAX is equal to the source operand,
    // move sourceOperand to targetOperand.
    final List<ReilInstruction> firstWriteBack = new ArrayList<ReilInstruction>();
    Helpers.writeBack(environment, // reserve space for the first JCC
    baseOffset + instructions.size() + 1, targetOperand, sourceResult.getRegister(), sourceResult.getSize(), targetResult.getAddress(), targetResult.getType(), firstWriteBack);
    // Jump to secondWriteBack if not equal.
    // Reserve space for the two JCC and firstWriteBack when calculating target address.
    final long secondWriteBackOffset = instructions.size() + firstWriteBack.size() + 3;
    final String secondWriteBackGoal = String.format("%d.%d", instruction.getAddress().toLong(), secondWriteBackOffset);
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createJcc(baseOffset + instructions.size(), currentSize, comparisonResult, OperandSize.ADDRESS, secondWriteBackGoal));
    // Add the mov code that's executed if the condition is true.
    // Create an operand representing the AL/AX/EAX register so that we can write back to it.
    ReilOperandNode xAXOperandRoot = new ReilOperandNode(currentSize.toSizeString(), ExpressionType.SIZE_PREFIX);
    ReilOperandNode xAXOperandLeaf = new ReilOperandNode(xaxRegister, ExpressionType.REGISTER);, xAXOperandLeaf);
    ReilOperand xAXOperand = new ReilOperand(xAXOperandRoot);
    // secondWriteBack: if the content of AL/AX/EAX is not equal to the source operand,
    // move targetOperand to AL/AX/EAX.
    final List<ReilInstruction> secondWriteBack = new ArrayList<ReilInstruction>();
    Helpers.writeBack(environment, // reserve space for the second JCC
    baseOffset + instructions.size() + 1, xAXOperand, targetResult.getRegister(), currentSize, null, /* Memory address of the writeBack target. Empty since target is a register. */
    TranslationResultType.REGISTER, secondWriteBack);
    // Jump to terminatingNop (avoid falling through from firstWriteBack).
    // Reserve addresses for JCC and for secondWriteBack when calculating target address.
    final long terminatingNopOffset = instructions.size() + secondWriteBack.size() + 2;
    final String terminatingNopGoal = String.format("%d.%d", instruction.getAddress().toLong(), terminatingNopOffset);
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createJcc(baseOffset + instructions.size(), OperandSize.BYTE, "1", OperandSize.ADDRESS, terminatingNopGoal));
    // Add the mov code that's executed if the condition is true.
    // Add a terminating NOP, this makes it easier to get a target for the conditional jump.
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createNop(baseOffset + instructions.size()));
Also used : ReilInstruction( IOperandTree( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ReilOperand( InternalTranslationException( TranslationResult( OperandSize( ReilOperandNode(

Example 38 with InternalTranslationException

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class DecTranslator method translate.

   * Translates an DEC instruction to REIL code.
   * @param environment A valid translation environment
   * @param instruction The DEC instruction to translate
   * @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
   * @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction is
   *         not an DEC instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
    TranslationHelpers.checkTranslationArguments(environment, instruction, instructions, "dec");
    if (instruction.getOperands().size() != 1) {
        throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not an dec instruction (invalid number of operand)");
    final long baseOffset = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
    long offset = baseOffset;
    // DEC instructions have exactly one operand.
    final IOperandTree operand = instruction.getOperands().get(0);
    // Load the operand.
    final TranslationResult result = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, operand, true);
    // Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
    offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
    final String loadedRegister = result.getRegister();
    final OperandSize registerSize = result.getSize();
    final OperandSize nextSize = TranslationHelpers.getNextSize(registerSize);
    final String msbMask = String.valueOf(TranslationHelpers.getMsbMask(registerSize));
    final String shiftMsbLsbMask = String.valueOf(TranslationHelpers.getShiftMsbLsbMask(registerSize));
    final String truncMask = String.valueOf(TranslationHelpers.getAllBitsMask(registerSize));
    final String maskedMsb = environment.getNextVariableString();
    final String decResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
    final String maskedMsbResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
    final String maskedMsbNeg = environment.getNextVariableString();
    final String tempOF = environment.getNextVariableString();
    final String truncatedResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
    // Isolate the MSB of the operand
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset, registerSize, loadedRegister, registerSize, msbMask, registerSize, maskedMsb));
    // Decrement the value
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createSub(offset + 1, registerSize, loadedRegister, registerSize, "1", nextSize, decResult));
    // Isolate the MSB of the result and put it into the Sign Flag
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset + 2, nextSize, decResult, registerSize, msbMask, registerSize, maskedMsbResult));
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset + 3, registerSize, maskedMsbResult, registerSize, shiftMsbLsbMask, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.SIGN_FLAG));
    // The OF is only set if the result of the dec operation is 0x7F
    // OF = ( MSB(old) == 1 ) AND ( MSB(new) == 0 )
    // OF = MSB(old) AND NOT(MSB(new))
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createXor(offset + 4, registerSize, maskedMsbResult, registerSize, msbMask, registerSize, maskedMsbNeg));
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset + 5, registerSize, maskedMsb, registerSize, maskedMsbNeg, registerSize, tempOF));
    // Write the result into the Overflow Flag
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset + 6, registerSize, tempOF, registerSize, shiftMsbLsbMask, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.OVERFLOW_FLAG));
    // Truncate the result to fit into the target
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset + 7, nextSize, decResult, registerSize, truncMask, registerSize, truncatedResult));
    // Update the Zero Flag
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(offset + 8, registerSize, truncatedResult, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.ZERO_FLAG));
    // Write the truncated result back into the operand
    Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset + 9, operand, truncatedResult, registerSize, result.getAddress(), result.getType(), instructions);
Also used : IOperandTree( InternalTranslationException( TranslationResult( OperandSize(

Example 39 with InternalTranslationException

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class DivTranslator method translate.

   * Translates a DIV instruction to REIL code.
   * @param environment A valid translation environment
   * @param instruction The DIV instruction to translate
   * @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
   * @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction is
   *         not an DIV instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
    TranslationHelpers.checkTranslationArguments(environment, instruction, instructions, "div");
    if (instruction.getOperands().size() != 1) {
        throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not a div instruction (invalid number of operands)");
    final long baseOffset = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
    long offset = baseOffset;
    final List<? extends IOperandTree> operands = instruction.getOperands();
    final IOperandTree divisorOperand = operands.get(0);
    final OperandSize size = Helpers.getOperandSize(divisorOperand);
    // Load the dividend
    final TranslationResult resultDividend = Helpers.loadFirstDivOperand(environment, offset, size);
    // Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction
    offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
    final String dividend = resultDividend.getRegister();
    // Load the divisor
    final TranslationResult resultDivisor = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, divisorOperand, true);
    // Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction
    offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
    final String divisor = resultDivisor.getRegister();
    final String divResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
    final String modResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
    // Perform divison and modulo operation
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createDiv(offset++, size, dividend, size, divisor, size, divResult));
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createMod(offset++, size, dividend, size, divisor, size, modResult));
    // Write the result back and set the flags
    instructions.addAll(Helpers.writeDivResult(environment, offset++, divResult, modResult, size));
    offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
    // Undefine flags
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.AUXILIARY_FLAG));
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.CARRY_FLAG));
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.OVERFLOW_FLAG));
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.PARITY_FLAG));
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.SIGN_FLAG));
    instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.ZERO_FLAG));
Also used : IOperandTree( InternalTranslationException( TranslationResult( OperandSize(

Example 40 with InternalTranslationException

use of in project binnavi by google.

the class Helpers method moveAndMask.

   * Writes a value into a subregister.
   * @param environment A valid translation environment
   * @param offset The next unused REIL offset; new code is add here
   * @param valueSize Size of the value
   * @param value Value to write into the subregister
   * @param subRegister The target subregister
   * @param instructions List of instructions where the code is added
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException Thrown if arguments passed to the function are invalid
public static void moveAndMask(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final long offset, final OperandSize valueSize, final String value, final String subRegister, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws IllegalArgumentException, InternalTranslationException, IllegalArgumentException {
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(environment, "Error: Argument environment can't be null");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(value, "Error: Argument value can't be null");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(subRegister, "Error: Argument subRegister can't be null");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(valueSize, "Error: Argument valueSize can't be null");
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(instructions, "Error: Argument instructions can't be null");
    final String parentRegister = getParentRegister(subRegister);
    final OperandSize registerSize = getRegisterSize(subRegister);
    final OperandSize parentRegisterSize = getRegisterSize(parentRegister);
    final OperandSize archSize = environment.getArchitectureSize();
    // The subregister is too large => Not a subregister
    if (registerSize.getByteSize() >= archSize.getByteSize()) {
        throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Register is not a subregister");
    // The value is too large => Doesn't fit into a subregister
    if (valueSize.getByteSize() >= archSize.getByteSize()) {
        throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Value doesn't fit into a subregister");
    // The value is too large => Doesn't fit into a parent register
    if (valueSize.getByteSize() >= parentRegisterSize.getByteSize()) {
        throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Value doesn't fit into a parent register");
    final String mask = String.valueOf(getNegativeMask(subRegister));
    if (isHigher8BitRegister(subRegister)) {
        // AH, BH, CH and DH must be shifted into position first.
        final String shiftedValue = environment.getNextVariableString();
        final String maskedValue = environment.getNextVariableString();
        // Shift the value into place.
        instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset, valueSize, value, valueSize, "8", archSize, shiftedValue));
        // Clear the parts of the parent register that will be overwritten
        instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset + 1, archSize, parentRegister, archSize, mask, archSize, maskedValue));
        // Write the new value into the parent register.
        instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createOr(offset + 2, archSize, shiftedValue, archSize, maskedValue, archSize, parentRegister));
    } else {
        // No shifting necessary for subregisters that are already at the LSB
        final String maskedValue = environment.getNextVariableString();
        // Clear the relevant parts of the parent register and fill it with the new value.
        instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset, archSize, parentRegister, archSize, mask, archSize, maskedValue));
        instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createOr(offset + 1, valueSize, value, archSize, maskedValue, archSize, parentRegister));
Also used : InternalTranslationException( OperandSize(


InternalTranslationException ( OperandSize ( TranslationResult ( IOperandTree ( ReilInstruction ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 TranslationResultType ( INaviInstruction ( OperandType ( IOperandTreeNode ( BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)2 MockCodeNodeData ( MockCodeNodeProvider ( MockSqlProvider ( CCodeNodeParser ( MaybeNullException ( CCodeNode ( INaviCodeNode ( MockFunction ( MockModule (