use of in project binnavi by google.
the class LisTranslator method translate.
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
TranslationHelpers.checkTranslationArguments(environment, instruction, instructions, "lis");
if (instruction.getOperands().size() != 2) {
throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not a li instruction (invalid number of operands)");
final IOperandTreeNode literalOperand = instruction.getOperands().get(1).getRootNode().getChildren().get(0);
final IOperandTreeNode registerOperand = instruction.getOperands().get(0).getRootNode().getChildren().get(0);
long baseOffset = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
final BigInteger literalValue = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.valueOf(literalOperand.getValue())).shiftLeft(16);
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createStr(baseOffset++, OperandSize.DWORD, String.valueOf(literalValue), OperandSize.DWORD, registerOperand.getValue()));
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class ShlTranslator method translate.
// TODO(timkornau): Check this code again
* Translates a SHL instruction to REIL code.
* @param environment A valid translation environment.
* @param instruction The SHL instruction to translate.
* @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
* @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction is
* not an SHL instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(environment, "Error: Argument environment can't be null");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(instruction, "Error: Argument instruction can't be null");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(instructions, "Error: Argument instructions can't be null");
if (!instruction.getMnemonic().equals("shl") && !instruction.getMnemonic().equals("sal")) {
throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not a shl instruction (wrong mnemonic)");
if (instruction.getOperands().size() != 2) {
throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not a shl instruction (invalid number of operands)");
final long baseOffset = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
long offset = baseOffset;
final List<? extends IOperandTree> operands = instruction.getOperands();
// Load source operand.
final TranslationResult firstResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, operands.get(0), true);
// Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
// Load destination operand.
final TranslationResult secondResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, operands.get(1), true);
// Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
final OperandSize size1 = firstResult.getSize();
final OperandSize size2 = secondResult.getSize();
final OperandSize resultSize = TranslationHelpers.getNextSize(size1);
final String operand1 = firstResult.getRegister();
final String operand2 = secondResult.getRegister();
final String shiftMsbLsbValue = String.valueOf(TranslationHelpers.getShiftMsbLsbMask(size1));
final String msbMask = String.valueOf(TranslationHelpers.getMsbMask(size1));
final String truncateMask = String.valueOf(TranslationHelpers.getAllBitsMask(size1));
final String modValue = String.valueOf(size1.getBitSize());
final String carryMask = String.valueOf(Helpers.getCarryMask(size1));
final String shiftCarryValue = String.valueOf(-size1.getBitSize());
final String shiftMask = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String shiftMaskZero = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String shiftMaskLessOne = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String shiftMaskOne = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String result = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String truncatedResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String msbResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String carryResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
final int before = instructions.size();
final List<ReilInstruction> writebackInstructions = new ArrayList<>();
// Write the result of the SHR operation back into the target register
Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset + 16, operands.get(0), truncatedResult, size1, firstResult.getAddress(), firstResult.getType(), writebackInstructions);
// Make sure to shift less than the size1 of the register
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createMod(offset, size2, operand2, size2, modValue, size2, shiftMask));
// Find out if the shift mask is 0 and negate the result
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(offset + 1, size2, shiftMask, OperandSize.BYTE, shiftMaskZero));
// Find out if the shift mask is 1
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createSub(offset + 2, size2, "1", size2, shiftMask, size2, shiftMaskLessOne));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(offset + 3, size2, shiftMaskLessOne, OperandSize.BYTE, shiftMaskOne));
// Perform the shift
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset + 4, size1, operand1, size2, shiftMask, resultSize, result));
// Truncate the result to the correct size1
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset + 5, resultSize, result, size1, truncateMask, size1, truncatedResult));
// Don't change the flags if the shift value was zero (jump to writeBack).
final String jmpGoalWriteBack = String.format("%d.%d", instruction.getAddress().toLong(), before + 16);
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createJcc(offset + 6, OperandSize.BYTE, shiftMaskZero, OperandSize.ADDRESS, jmpGoalWriteBack));
// Extract the MSB of the result and shift it into the SF
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset + 7, resultSize, result, resultSize, msbMask, resultSize, msbResult));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset + 8, resultSize, msbResult, resultSize, shiftMsbLsbValue, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.SIGN_FLAG));
// Set the CF to the MSB of the result
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset + 9, resultSize, result, resultSize, carryMask, resultSize, carryResult));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset + 10, resultSize, carryResult, resultSize, shiftCarryValue, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.CARRY_FLAG));
// Set the ZF
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(offset + 11, size1, truncatedResult, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.ZERO_FLAG));
// The OF needs to be set to a different value if the shift-mask was 1
final String jmpGoal2 = String.format("%d.%d", instruction.getAddress().toLong(), before + 15);
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createJcc(offset + 12, OperandSize.BYTE, shiftMaskOne, OperandSize.ADDRESS, jmpGoal2));
// Set the OF to undefined if the shift-mask was positive but not 1
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset + 13, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.OVERFLOW_FLAG));
// Jump to writeBack.
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createJcc(offset + 14, OperandSize.BYTE, "1", OperandSize.ADDRESS, jmpGoalWriteBack));
// Set the OF if the shift-mask was 1.
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createXor(offset + 15, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.SIGN_FLAG, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.CARRY_FLAG, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.OVERFLOW_FLAG));
// Write back to the target register.
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class ShldTranslator method translate.
* Translates a SHL instruction to REIL code.
* @param environment A valid translation environment.
* @param instruction The SHL instruction to translate.
* @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
* @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction is
* not an SHL instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
TranslationHelpers.checkTranslationArguments(environment, instruction, instructions, "shld");
if (instruction.getOperands().size() != 3) {
throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not a shl instruction (invalid number of operands)");
// Distinct behaviour:
// 1. Shift value is 0
// 2. Shift value is 1
// 3. Shift value is too large
// 4. Shift value has right size
final long baseOffset = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
long offset = baseOffset;
final List<? extends IOperandTree> operands = instruction.getOperands();
// Load target value
final TranslationResult firstResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, operands.get(0), true);
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
final TranslationResult secondResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, operands.get(1), true);
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
// Load shift value
final TranslationResult thirdResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, operands.get(2), true);
final String truncatedShiftValue = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String truncatedShiftValueZero = environment.getNextVariableString();
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size();
// Test whether the shift value is zero (leads to no operation)
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset++, thirdResult.getSize(), thirdResult.getRegister(), OperandSize.BYTE, "31", OperandSize.BYTE, truncatedShiftValue));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, truncatedShiftValue, OperandSize.BYTE, truncatedShiftValueZero));
final int jumpInsertIndex1 = (int) (offset - baseOffset);
// Placeholder for jcc
// instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createJcc(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, truncatedShiftValue,
// OperandSize.ADDRESS, endAddress));
// If a shift happens, AF is undefined
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.AUXILIARY_FLAG));
// Test whether the shift value is too large (leads to an undefined result)
final String sizeSubtractionResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String sizeMaskingResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createSub(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, String.valueOf(firstResult.getSize().getBitSize()), OperandSize.BYTE, truncatedShiftValue, OperandSize.WORD, sizeSubtractionResult));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset++, OperandSize.WORD, sizeSubtractionResult, OperandSize.WORD, String.valueOf(0x8000), OperandSize.WORD, sizeMaskingResult));
final int jumpInsertIndex2 = (int) (offset - baseOffset);
// Placeholder for createJcc(offset++, OperandSize.WORD, sizeMaskingResult, OperandSize.ADDRESS,
// largeValueHandler));
// From here on, we know that the shift value is valid
final String shiftedFirstInput = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String shiftMask = String.valueOf(firstResult.getSize().getBitSize());
final OperandSize combinedSize = TranslationHelpers.getNextSize(firstResult.getSize());
final OperandSize extendedSize = TranslationHelpers.getNextSize(combinedSize);
final String combinedSource = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String shiftedResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
// Combine the operands into one operand
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset++, firstResult.getSize(), firstResult.getRegister(), firstResult.getSize(), shiftMask, combinedSize, shiftedFirstInput));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createOr(offset++, combinedSize, shiftedFirstInput, secondResult.getSize(), secondResult.getRegister(), combinedSize, combinedSource));
// Do the shift
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset++, combinedSize, combinedSource, OperandSize.BYTE, truncatedShiftValue, extendedSize, shiftedResult));
// Isolate the result
final String isolationMask = getAllButMask(combinedSize, firstResult.getSize());
final String isolationResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String shiftedIsolationResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset++, extendedSize, shiftedResult, combinedSize, isolationMask, combinedSize, isolationResult));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset++, combinedSize, isolationResult, OperandSize.BYTE, "-" + shiftMask, firstResult.getSize(), shiftedIsolationResult));
// Set the flags (TODO: Parity)
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(offset++, firstResult.getSize(), shiftedIsolationResult, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.ZERO_FLAG));
Helpers.generateSignFlagCode(environment, offset, shiftedIsolationResult, firstResult.getSize(), instructions);
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size() + 2;
final String tempCf = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String carryMask = String.valueOf(getCarryMask(combinedSize));
final String shiftCarryLsb = String.valueOf(-combinedSize.getBitSize());
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset++, extendedSize, shiftedResult, extendedSize, carryMask, extendedSize, tempCf));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset++, extendedSize, tempCf, extendedSize, shiftCarryLsb, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.CARRY_FLAG));
// Store the original input value in a temp register for OF calculation
final String tempInput = environment.getNextVariableString();
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createStr(offset++, firstResult.getSize(), firstResult.getRegister(), firstResult.getSize(), tempInput));
// Write the result back
Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset, operands.get(0), shiftedIsolationResult, firstResult.getSize(), firstResult.getAddress(), firstResult.getType(), instructions);
offset = baseOffset + instructions.size() + 2;
// Test whether the shift value is 1
final String shiftValueOne = environment.getNextVariableString();
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createSub(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, truncatedShiftValue, OperandSize.BYTE, "1", OperandSize.WORD, shiftValueOne));
final int jumpInsertIndex3 = (int) (offset - baseOffset);
// Placeholder for createJcc(offset++, OperandSize.WORD, shiftValueOne, OperandSize.ADDRESS,
// notOneHandler));
// The shift-value was 1 => Calculate the OF
final String xoredMsb = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String maskedMsb = environment.getNextVariableString();
final long msbMask = TranslationHelpers.getMsbMask(firstResult.getSize());
final long msbShift = TranslationHelpers.getShiftMsbLsbMask(firstResult.getSize());
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createXor(offset++, firstResult.getSize(), tempInput, firstResult.getSize(), shiftedIsolationResult, firstResult.getSize(), xoredMsb));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset++, firstResult.getSize(), xoredMsb, firstResult.getSize(), String.valueOf(msbMask), firstResult.getSize(), maskedMsb));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset++, firstResult.getSize(), maskedMsb, OperandSize.BYTE, String.valueOf(msbShift), OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.OVERFLOW_FLAG));
final int jumpInsertIndex4 = (int) (offset - baseOffset);
// Placeholder for createJcc(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, "1", OperandSize.ADDRESS, endAddress));
// Handle mod-value too large
final String largeValueHandler = String.format("%d.%d", instruction.getAddress().toLong(), offset - baseOffset);
final IOperandTree inputOperand = operands.get(0);
if (inputOperand.getRootNode().getChildren().get(0).getType() == {
final String operand = Helpers.getLeafValue(inputOperand.getRootNode());
final String undefRegister = Helpers.getOperandSize(inputOperand) == environment.getArchitectureSize() ? operand : Helpers.getParentRegister(operand);
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset++, environment.getArchitectureSize(), undefRegister));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.CARRY_FLAG));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.SIGN_FLAG));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.ZERO_FLAG));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.PARITY_FLAG));
// Handle shift value > 1 || shift value too large
final String notOneHandler = String.format("%d.%d", instruction.getAddress().toLong(), offset - baseOffset);
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset++, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.OVERFLOW_FLAG));
// The End
final String jmpGoalEnd = String.format("%d.%d", instruction.getAddress().toLong(), offset - baseOffset);
instructions.add(jumpInsertIndex1, ReilHelpers.createJcc(baseOffset + jumpInsertIndex1, OperandSize.BYTE, truncatedShiftValueZero, OperandSize.ADDRESS, jmpGoalEnd));
instructions.add(jumpInsertIndex2, ReilHelpers.createJcc(baseOffset + jumpInsertIndex2, OperandSize.WORD, sizeMaskingResult, OperandSize.ADDRESS, largeValueHandler));
instructions.add(jumpInsertIndex3, ReilHelpers.createJcc(baseOffset + jumpInsertIndex3, OperandSize.WORD, shiftValueOne, OperandSize.ADDRESS, notOneHandler));
instructions.add(jumpInsertIndex4, ReilHelpers.createJcc(baseOffset + jumpInsertIndex4, OperandSize.BYTE, "1", OperandSize.ADDRESS, jmpGoalEnd));
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class ShrTranslator method translate.
// TODO(timkornau): Check this code again
* Translates a SHR instruction to REIL code.
* @param environment A valid translation environment.
* @param instruction The SHR instruction to translate.
* @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
* @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction is
* not an SHR instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
TranslationHelpers.checkTranslationArguments(environment, instruction, instructions, "shr");
if (instruction.getOperands().size() != 2) {
throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not a shr instruction (invalid number of operands)");
final long reilOffsetBase = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
long offset = reilOffsetBase;
final List<? extends IOperandTree> operands = instruction.getOperands();
// Load source operand.
final TranslationResult firstResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, operands.get(0), true);
// Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
offset = reilOffsetBase + instructions.size();
// Load destination operand.
final TranslationResult secondResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, operands.get(1), true);
// Adjust the offset of the next REIL instruction.
offset = reilOffsetBase + instructions.size();
final OperandSize size1 = firstResult.getSize();
final OperandSize size2 = secondResult.getSize();
final OperandSize resultSize = TranslationHelpers.getNextSize(size1);
final String operand1 = firstResult.getRegister();
final String operand2 = secondResult.getRegister();
final String truncateMask = String.valueOf(TranslationHelpers.getAllBitsMask(size1));
final String modValue = String.valueOf(size1.getBitSize());
final String shiftMask = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String shiftMaskZero = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String shiftMaskLessOne = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String shiftMaskOne = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String shiftMaskNeg = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String result = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String truncatedResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String incShiftMaskNeg = environment.getNextVariableString();
final String decResult = environment.getNextVariableString();
final int before = instructions.size();
final List<ReilInstruction> writebackInstructions = new ArrayList<ReilInstruction>();
// Write the result of the SHR operation back into the target register
Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset + 17, operands.get(0), truncatedResult, size1, firstResult.getAddress(), firstResult.getType(), writebackInstructions);
// Make sure to shift less than the size1 of the register
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createMod(offset, size2, operand2, size2, modValue, size2, shiftMask));
// Find out if the shift mask is 0 and negate the result
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(offset + 1, size2, shiftMask, OperandSize.BYTE, shiftMaskZero));
// Find out if the shift mask is 1
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createSub(offset + 2, size2, "1", size2, shiftMask, size2, shiftMaskLessOne));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(offset + 3, size2, shiftMaskLessOne, OperandSize.BYTE, shiftMaskOne));
// Negate the shift-mask => BSH to the right
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createSub(offset + 4, size2, "0", size2, shiftMask, size2, shiftMaskNeg));
// Perform the shift
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset + 5, size1, operand1, size2, shiftMaskNeg, resultSize, result));
// Truncate the result to the correct size1
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset + 6, resultSize, result, size1, truncateMask, size1, truncatedResult));
// Don't change the flags if the shift value was zero (jump to writeBack).
final String jmpGoalWriteBack = String.format("%d.%d", instruction.getAddress().toLong(), before + 17);
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createJcc(offset + 7, OperandSize.BYTE, shiftMaskZero, OperandSize.ADDRESS, jmpGoalWriteBack));
// The SF is always 0
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createStr(offset + 8, OperandSize.BYTE, "0", OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.SIGN_FLAG));
// Set the CF to the last MSB shifted out of the register
// Perform another shift, this time by one position less and take the LSB
// This is only safe if the mask is not 0
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAdd(offset + 9, size2, shiftMaskNeg, size2, "1", size2, incShiftMaskNeg));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBsh(offset + 10, size1, operand1, size2, incShiftMaskNeg, size1, decResult));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createAnd(offset + 11, size1, decResult, OperandSize.BYTE, "1", OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.CARRY_FLAG));
// Set the ZF
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createBisz(offset + 12, size1, truncatedResult, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.ZERO_FLAG));
// The OF needs to be set to a different value if the shift-mask was 1
final String jmpGoal2 = String.format("%d.%d", instruction.getAddress().toLong(), before + 16);
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createJcc(offset + 13, OperandSize.BYTE, shiftMaskOne, OperandSize.ADDRESS, jmpGoal2));
// Set the OF to undefined if the shift-mask was positive but not 1
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createUndef(offset + 14, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.OVERFLOW_FLAG));
// Jump to writeBack.
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createJcc(offset + 15, OperandSize.BYTE, "1", OperandSize.ADDRESS, jmpGoalWriteBack));
// Set the OF if the shift-mask was 1
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createXor(offset + 16, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.SIGN_FLAG, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.CARRY_FLAG, OperandSize.BYTE, Helpers.OVERFLOW_FLAG));
// Write back to the target register.
use of in project binnavi by google.
the class XchgTranslator method translate.
// TODO(timkornau): Check this code again
* Translates a XCHG instruction to REIL code.
* @param environment A valid translation environment.
* @param instruction The XCHG instruction to translate.
* @param instructions The generated REIL code will be added to this list
* @throws InternalTranslationException if any of the arguments are null the passed instruction is
* not an XCHG instruction
public void translate(final ITranslationEnvironment environment, final IInstruction instruction, final List<ReilInstruction> instructions) throws InternalTranslationException {
TranslationHelpers.checkTranslationArguments(environment, instruction, instructions, "xchg");
if (instruction.getOperands().size() != 2) {
throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: Argument instruction is not a xchg instruction (invalid number of operands)");
final long reilOffsetBase = instruction.getAddress().toLong() * 0x100;
long offset = reilOffsetBase;
final List<? extends IOperandTree> operands = instruction.getOperands();
final IOperandTree firstOperand = operands.get(0);
final IOperandTree secondOperand = operands.get(1);
final OperandSize archSize = environment.getArchitectureSize();
// Load first operand.
final TranslationResult firstResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, firstOperand, true);
offset = reilOffsetBase + instructions.size();
// Load second operand.
final TranslationResult secondResult = Helpers.translateOperand(environment, offset, secondOperand, true);
offset = reilOffsetBase + instructions.size();
if (firstResult.getSize() != secondResult.getSize()) {
throw new InternalTranslationException("Error: The operands of XCHG instructions must have equal size");
final OperandSize size = firstResult.getSize();
final String firstRegister = firstResult.getRegister();
final String secondRegister = secondResult.getRegister();
if (firstResult.getType() == TranslationResultType.REGISTER) {
if (secondResult.getType() == TranslationResultType.REGISTER) {
if (size == archSize) {
final String temp = environment.getNextVariableString();
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createStr(offset, size, firstRegister, size, temp));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createStr(offset + 1, size, secondRegister, size, firstRegister));
instructions.add(ReilHelpers.createStr(offset + 2, size, temp, size, secondRegister));
Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset + instructions.size(), firstOperand, firstRegister, archSize, firstResult.getAddress(), firstResult.getType(), instructions);
Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset + instructions.size(), secondOperand, secondRegister, archSize, secondResult.getAddress(), secondResult.getType(), instructions);
} else {
Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset, secondOperand, firstRegister, size, secondResult.getAddress(), secondResult.getType(), instructions);
offset = reilOffsetBase + instructions.size();
Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset, firstOperand, secondRegister, size, firstResult.getAddress(), firstResult.getType(), instructions);
} else if (secondResult.getType() == TranslationResultType.MEMORY_ACCESS) {
Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset, secondOperand, firstRegister, size, secondResult.getAddress(), secondResult.getType(), instructions);
offset = reilOffsetBase + instructions.size();
Helpers.writeBack(environment, offset, firstOperand, secondRegister, size, firstResult.getAddress(), firstResult.getType(), instructions);
} else {
assert false;
} else {
assert false;