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Example 1 with PrimitiveData

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class RewriteGlobalsPass method resolveGlobal.

private void resolveGlobal(GlobalNode global) {
    // First check to see if this global matches a proto enum.  We do this because the enums from
    // the type registry have better type information and for applications with legacy globals
    // configs there is often overlap, so the order in which we check is actually important.
    // proto enums are dotted identifiers
    String name = global.getName();
    int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (lastDot > 0) {
        String enumTypeName = name.substring(0, lastDot);
        SoyType type = typeRegistry.getType(enumTypeName);
        if (type != null && type.getKind() == SoyType.Kind.PROTO_ENUM) {
            SoyProtoEnumType enumType = (SoyProtoEnumType) type;
            String enumMemberName = name.substring(lastDot + 1);
            Integer enumValue = enumType.getValue(enumMemberName);
            if (enumValue != null) {
                // TODO(lukes): consider introducing a new PrimitiveNode for enums
                global.resolve(enumType, new IntegerNode(enumValue, global.getSourceLocation()));
            } else {
                // If we found the type definition but not the value, then that's an error
                // regardless of whether we're allowing unbound globals or not.
      , ENUM_MEMBERSHIP_ERROR, enumMemberName, enumTypeName);
            // TODO(lukes): issue a warning if a registered global also matches
    // if that doesn't work, see if it was registered in the globals file.
    PrimitiveData value = compileTimeGlobals.get(global.getName());
    if (value != null) {
        PrimitiveNode expr = InternalValueUtils.convertPrimitiveDataToExpr(value, global.getSourceLocation());
        global.resolve(expr.getType(), expr);
Also used : PrimitiveNode( PrimitiveData( IntegerNode( SoyType( SoyProtoEnumType(

Example 2 with PrimitiveData

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class SoyUtils method parseCompileTimeGlobals.

 * Parses a globals file in the format created by {@link #generateCompileTimeGlobalsFile} into a
 * map from global name to primitive value.
 * @param inputSource A source that returns a reader for the globals file.
 * @return The parsed globals map.
 * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the globals file.
 * @throws IllegalStateException If the globals file is not in the correct format.
public static ImmutableMap<String, PrimitiveData> parseCompileTimeGlobals(CharSource inputSource) throws IOException {
    Builder<String, PrimitiveData> compileTimeGlobalsBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    ErrorReporter errorReporter = ErrorReporter.exploding();
    try (BufferedReader reader = inputSource.openBufferedStream()) {
        int lineNum = 1;
        for (String line = reader.readLine(); line != null; line = reader.readLine(), ++lineNum) {
            if (line.startsWith("//") || line.trim().length() == 0) {
            SourceLocation sourceLocation = new SourceLocation("globals", lineNum, 1, lineNum, 1);
            Matcher matcher = COMPILE_TIME_GLOBAL_LINE.matcher(line);
            if (!matcher.matches()) {
      , INVALID_FORMAT, line);
            String name =;
            String valueText =;
            ExprNode valueExpr = SoyFileParser.parseExprOrDie(valueText);
            // TODO: Consider allowing non-primitives (e.g. list/map literals).
            if (!(valueExpr instanceof PrimitiveNode)) {
                if (valueExpr instanceof GlobalNode || valueExpr instanceof VarRefNode) {
          , INVALID_VALUE, valueExpr.toSourceString());
                } else {
          , NON_PRIMITIVE_VALUE, valueExpr.toSourceString());
            // Default case.
            compileTimeGlobalsBuilder.put(name, InternalValueUtils.convertPrimitiveExprToData((PrimitiveNode) valueExpr));
Also used : SourceLocation( ExprNode( PrimitiveNode( PrimitiveData( ErrorReporter( VarRefNode( Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) BufferedReader( GlobalNode(

Example 3 with PrimitiveData

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class InternalValueUtils method convertCompileTimeGlobalsMap.

 * Converts a compile-time globals map in user-provided format into one in the internal format.
 * <p>The returned map will have the same iteration order as the provided map.
 * @param compileTimeGlobalsMap Map from compile-time global name to value. The values can be any
 *     of the Soy primitive types: null, boolean, integer, float (Java double), or string.
 * @return An equivalent map in the internal format.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the map contains an invalid value.
public static ImmutableMap<String, PrimitiveData> convertCompileTimeGlobalsMap(Map<String, ?> compileTimeGlobalsMap) {
    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, PrimitiveData> resultMapBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : compileTimeGlobalsMap.entrySet()) {
        Object valueObj = entry.getValue();
        PrimitiveData value;
        boolean isValidValue = true;
        try {
            SoyValue value0 = SoyValueConverter.INSTANCE.convert(valueObj).resolve();
            if (!(value0 instanceof PrimitiveData)) {
                isValidValue = false;
            value = (PrimitiveData) value0;
        } catch (SoyDataException sde) {
            isValidValue = false;
            // make compiler happy
            value = null;
        if (!isValidValue) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Compile-time globals map contains invalid value: " + valueObj + " for key: " + entry.getKey());
        resultMapBuilder.put(entry.getKey(), value);
Also used : PrimitiveData( ImmutableMap( Map(java.util.Map) SoyValue( ImmutableMap( SoyDataException(


PrimitiveData ( PrimitiveNode ( ImmutableMap ( SourceLocation ( SoyDataException ( SoyValue ( ErrorReporter ( ExprNode ( GlobalNode ( IntegerNode ( VarRefNode ( SoyProtoEnumType ( SoyType ( BufferedReader ( Map (java.util.Map)1 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)1