use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class GenCallCodeUtils method gen.
* Generates the JS expression for a given call.
* <p> Important: If there are CallParamContentNode children whose contents are not computable as
* JS expressions, then this function assumes that, elsewhere, code has been generated to define
* their respective 'param<n>' temporary variables.
* <p> Here are five example calls:
* <pre>
* {call some.func data="all" /}
* {call some.func data="$" /}
* {call some.func}
* {param goo = $moo /}
* {/call}
* {call some.func data="$boo"}
* {param goo}Blah{/param}
* {/call}
* {call some.func}
* {param goo}
* {for $i in range(3)}{$i}{/for}
* {/param}
* {/call}
* </pre>
* Their respective generated calls might be the following:
* <pre>
* some.func(opt_data)
* some.func(
* some.func({goo: opt_data.moo})
* some.func(soy.$$assignDefaults({goo: 'Blah'},
* some.func({goo: param65})
* </pre>
* Note that in the last case, the param content is not computable as JS expressions, so we assume
* that code has been generated to define the temporary variable 'param<n>'.
* @param callNode The call to generate code for.
* @param templateAliases A mapping of fully qualified calls to a variable in scope.
* @return The JS expression for the call.
public CodeChunk.WithValue gen(CallNode callNode, TemplateAliases templateAliases, TranslationContext translationContext, ErrorReporter errorReporter) {
// Build the JS CodeChunk for the callee's name.
CodeChunk.WithValue callee;
if (callNode instanceof CallBasicNode) {
// Case 1: Basic call.
// TODO(lukes): add the logic for the goog.require here. The simplest strategy requires a
// TemplateRegistry to detect external templates.
callee = CodeChunk.dottedIdNoRequire(templateAliases.get(((CallBasicNode) callNode).getCalleeName()));
} else {
// Case 2: Delegate call.
CallDelegateNode callDelegateNode = (CallDelegateNode) callNode;
CodeChunk.WithValue calleeId =;
ExprRootNode variantSoyExpr = callDelegateNode.getDelCalleeVariantExpr();
CodeChunk.WithValue variant;
if (variantSoyExpr == null) {
// Case 2a: Delegate call with empty variant.
} else {
// Case 2b: Delegate call with variant expression.
variant = new TranslateExprNodeVisitor(translationContext, errorReporter).exec(variantSoyExpr);
callee =, variant, callDelegateNode.allowEmptyDefault() ? LITERAL_TRUE : LITERAL_FALSE);
// Generate the data object to pass to callee
CodeChunk.WithValue objToPass = genObjToPass(callNode, templateAliases, translationContext, errorReporter);
// Generate the main call expression.
CodeChunk.WithValue call =, JsRuntime.OPT_IJ_DATA);
if (callNode.getEscapingDirectives().isEmpty()) {
return call;
// Apply escaping directives as necessary.
// The print directive system continues to use JsExpr, as it is a publicly available API and
// migrating it to CodeChunk would be a major change. Therefore, we convert our CodeChunks
// to JsExpr and back here.
JsExpr callResult = call.singleExprOrName();
RequiresCollector.IntoImmutableSet collector = new RequiresCollector.IntoImmutableSet();
for (SoyPrintDirective directive : callNode.getEscapingDirectives()) {
Preconditions.checkState(directive instanceof SoyJsSrcPrintDirective, "Contextual autoescaping produced a bogus directive: %s", directive.getName());
callResult = ((SoyJsSrcPrintDirective) directive).applyForJsSrc(callResult, ImmutableList.<JsExpr>of());
if (directive instanceof SoyLibraryAssistedJsSrcPrintDirective) {
for (String name : ((SoyLibraryAssistedJsSrcPrintDirective) directive).getRequiredJsLibNames()) {
return fromExpr(callResult, collector.get()).withInitialStatements(call.initialStatements());
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class SoyNodeCompiler method visitPrintNode.
protected Statement visitPrintNode(PrintNode node) {
if (node.getExpr().getRoot() instanceof FunctionNode) {
FunctionNode fn = (FunctionNode) node.getExpr().getRoot();
if (fn.getSoyFunction() instanceof LoggingFunction) {
return visitLoggingFunction(node, fn, (LoggingFunction) fn.getSoyFunction());
// evaluates to a SoyValueProvider. This will allow us to render incrementally.
if (areAllPrintDirectivesStreamable(node)) {
Label reattachPoint = new Label();
ExprRootNode expr = node.getExpr();
Optional<Expression> asSoyValueProvider = expressionToSoyValueProviderCompiler.compileAvoidingBoxing(expr, reattachPoint);
if (asSoyValueProvider.isPresent()) {
return renderIncrementally(asSoyValueProvider.get(), node.getChildren(), reattachPoint);
// otherwise we need to apply some non-streaming print directives, or the expression would
// require boxing to be a print directive (which usually means it is quite trivial).
Label reattachPoint = new Label();
SoyExpression value = compilePrintNodeAsExpression(node, reattachPoint);
// TODO(lukes): call value.render?
AppendableExpression renderSoyValue = appendableExpression.appendString(value.coerceToString()).labelStart(reattachPoint);
Statement stmt;
if (shouldCheckBuffer(node)) {
stmt = detachState.detachLimited(renderSoyValue);
} else {
stmt = renderSoyValue.toStatement();
return stmt;
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the class SoyNodeCompiler method visitSwitchNode.
protected Statement visitSwitchNode(SwitchNode node) {
// A few special cases:
// 1. only a {default} block. In this case we can skip all the switch logic and temporaries
// 2. no children. Just return the empty statement
// Note that in both of these cases we do not evalutate (or generate code) for the switch
// expression.
List<BlockNode> children = node.getChildren();
if (children.isEmpty()) {
return Statement.NULL_STATEMENT;
if (children.size() == 1 && children.get(0) instanceof SwitchDefaultNode) {
return visitChildrenInNewScope(children.get(0));
// otherwise we need to evaluate the switch variable and generate dispatching logic.
SoyExpression switchVar = exprCompiler.compile(node.getExpr());
Scope scope = variables.enterScope();
Variable variable = scope.createSynthetic(SyntheticVarName.forSwitch(node), switchVar, STORE);
Statement initializer = variable.initializer();
switchVar = switchVar.withSource(variable.local());
List<IfBlock> cases = new ArrayList<>();
Optional<Statement> defaultBlock = Optional.absent();
for (SoyNode child : children) {
if (child instanceof SwitchCaseNode) {
SwitchCaseNode caseNode = (SwitchCaseNode) child;
Label reattachPoint = new Label();
List<Expression> comparisons = new ArrayList<>();
for (ExprRootNode caseExpr : caseNode.getExprList()) {
comparisons.add(compareSoyEquals(switchVar, exprCompiler.compile(caseExpr, reattachPoint)));
Expression condition = BytecodeUtils.logicalOr(comparisons).labelStart(reattachPoint);
Statement block = visitChildrenInNewScope(caseNode);
cases.add(IfBlock.create(condition, block));
} else {
SwitchDefaultNode defaultNode = (SwitchDefaultNode) child;
defaultBlock = Optional.of(visitChildrenInNewScope(defaultNode));
Statement exitScope = scope.exitScope();
// generation that we could maybe use
return Statement.concat(initializer, ControlFlow.ifElseChain(cases, defaultBlock), exitScope);
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class GenPyCallExprVisitor method visitCallDelegateNode.
* Visits a delegate call node and builds the call expression to retrieve the function and execute
* it. The get_delegate_fn returns the function directly, so its output can be called directly.
* @param node The delegate call node.
* @return The call Python expression.
protected PyExpr visitCallDelegateNode(CallDelegateNode node) {
ExprRootNode variantSoyExpr = node.getDelCalleeVariantExpr();
PyExpr variantPyExpr;
if (variantSoyExpr == null) {
// Case 1: Delegate call with empty variant.
variantPyExpr = new PyStringExpr("''");
} else {
// Case 2: Delegate call with variant expression.
TranslateToPyExprVisitor translator = new TranslateToPyExprVisitor(localVarStack, errorReporter);
variantPyExpr = translator.exec(variantSoyExpr);
String calleeExprText = new PyFunctionExprBuilder("runtime.get_delegate_fn").addArg(node.getDelCalleeName()).addArg(variantPyExpr).addArg(node.allowEmptyDefault()).build();
String callExprText = calleeExprText + "(" + genObjToPass(node) + ", ijData)";
return escapeCall(callExprText, node.getEscapingDirectives());
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class GenPyExprsVisitor method visitPrintNode.
* Visiting a print node accomplishes 3 basic tasks. It loads data, it performs any operations
* needed, and it executes the appropriate print directives.
* <p>TODO(dcphillips): Add support for local variables once LetNode are supported.
* <p>Example:
* <pre>
* {$boo |changeNewlineToBr}
* {$goo + 5}
* </pre>
* might generate
* <pre>
* sanitize.change_newline_to_br(data.get('boo'))
* data.get('goo') + 5
* </pre>
protected void visitPrintNode(PrintNode node) {
TranslateToPyExprVisitor translator = new TranslateToPyExprVisitor(localVarExprs, errorReporter);
PyExpr pyExpr = translator.exec(node.getExpr());
// Process directives.
for (PrintDirectiveNode directiveNode : node.getChildren()) {
// Get directive.
SoyPrintDirective directive = directiveNode.getPrintDirective();
if (!(directive instanceof SoyPySrcPrintDirective)) {, UNKNOWN_SOY_PY_SRC_PRINT_DIRECTIVE, directiveNode.getName());
// Get directive args.
List<ExprRootNode> args = directiveNode.getArgs();
// Translate directive args.
List<PyExpr> argsPyExprs = new ArrayList<>(args.size());
for (ExprRootNode arg : args) {
// Apply directive.
pyExpr = ((SoyPySrcPrintDirective) directive).applyForPySrc(pyExpr, argsPyExprs);