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the class BidiDirectivesRuntime method bidiSpanWrap.
public static String bidiSpanWrap(BidiGlobalDir dir, SoyValue value) {
Dir valueDir = null;
if (value instanceof SanitizedContent) {
valueDir = ((SanitizedContent) value).getContentDirection();
BidiFormatter bidiFormatter = BidiFormatter.getInstance(dir.toDir());
// We always treat the value as HTML, because span-wrapping is only useful when its output will
// be treated as HTML (without escaping), and because |bidiSpanWrap is not itself specified to
// do HTML escaping in Soy. (Both explicit and automatic HTML escaping, if any, is done before
// calling |bidiSpanWrap because BidiSpanWrapDirective implements SanitizedContentOperator,
// but this does not mean that the input has to be HTML SanitizedContent. In legacy usage, a
// string that is not SanitizedContent is often printed in an autoescape="false" template or by
// a print with a |noAutoescape, in which case our input is just SoyData.) If the output will be
// treated as HTML, the input had better be safe HTML/HTML-escaped (even if it isn't HTML
// SanitizedData), or we have an XSS opportunity and a much bigger problem than bidi garbling.
String wrappedValue = bidiFormatter.spanWrap(valueDir, value.coerceToString(), true);
// produce actual SanitizedContent.
return wrappedValue;
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the class BidiDirectivesRuntime method bidiUnicodeWrap.
public static SoyString bidiUnicodeWrap(BidiGlobalDir dir, SoyValue value) {
// normalize null between tofu and jbcsrc
value = value == null ? NullData.INSTANCE : value;
ContentKind valueKind = null;
Dir valueDir = null;
if (value instanceof SanitizedContent) {
SanitizedContent sanitizedContent = (SanitizedContent) value;
valueKind = sanitizedContent.getContentKind();
valueDir = sanitizedContent.getContentDirection();
BidiFormatter bidiFormatter = BidiFormatter.getInstance(dir.toDir());
// We treat the value as HTML if and only if it says it's HTML, even though in legacy usage, we
// sometimes have an HTML string (not SanitizedContent) that is passed to an autoescape="false"
// template or a {print $foo |noAutoescape}, with the output going into an HTML context without
// escaping. We simply have no way of knowing if this is what is happening when we get
// non-SanitizedContent input, and most of the time it isn't.
boolean isHtml = valueKind == ContentKind.HTML;
String wrappedValue = bidiFormatter.unicodeWrap(valueDir, value.coerceToString(), isHtml);
// Unicode-wrapping safe HTML.
if (valueKind == ContentKind.TEXT || valueKind == ContentKind.HTML) {
// run.
return UnsafeSanitizedContentOrdainer.ordainAsSafe(wrappedValue, valueKind, dir.toDir());
// TEXT, or HTML.
if (valueKind != null) {
return StringData.forValue(wrappedValue);
// The input was not SanitizedContent, so our output isn't SanitizedContent either.
return StringData.forValue(wrappedValue);
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the class JsSrcMain method genJsSrc.
* Generates JS source code given a Soy parse tree, an options object, and an optional bundle of
* translated messages.
* @param soyTree The Soy parse tree to generate JS source code for.
* @param templateRegistry The template registry that contains all the template information.
* @param jsSrcOptions The compilation options relevant to this backend.
* @param msgBundle The bundle of translated messages, or null to use the messages from the Soy
* source.
* @param errorReporter The Soy error reporter that collects errors during code generation.
* @return A list of strings where each string represents the JS source code that belongs in one
* JS file. The generated JS files correspond one-to-one to the original Soy source files.
public List<String> genJsSrc(SoyFileSetNode soyTree, TemplateRegistry templateRegistry, SoyJsSrcOptions jsSrcOptions, @Nullable SoyMsgBundle msgBundle, ErrorReporter errorReporter) {
// VeLogInstrumentationVisitor add html attributes for {velog} commands and also run desugaring
// pass since code generator does not understand html nodes (yet).
new VeLogInstrumentationVisitor(templateRegistry).exec(soyTree);
try (GuiceSimpleScope.InScope inScope = apiCallScope.enter()) {
// Seed the scoped parameters.
BidiGlobalDir bidiGlobalDir = SoyBidiUtils.decodeBidiGlobalDirFromJsOptions(jsSrcOptions.getBidiGlobalDir(), jsSrcOptions.getUseGoogIsRtlForBidiGlobalDir());
ApiCallScopeUtils.seedSharedParams(inScope, msgBundle, bidiGlobalDir);
// Replace MsgNodes.
if (jsSrcOptions.shouldGenerateGoogMsgDefs()) {
Preconditions.checkState(bidiGlobalDir != null, "If enabling shouldGenerateGoogMsgDefs, must also set bidi global directionality.");
} else {
Preconditions.checkState(bidiGlobalDir == null || bidiGlobalDir.isStaticValue(), "If using bidiGlobalIsRtlCodeSnippet, must also enable shouldGenerateGoogMsgDefs.");
new InsertMsgsVisitor(msgBundle, errorReporter).insertMsgs(soyTree);
// Combine raw text nodes before codegen.
new CombineConsecutiveRawTextNodesPass().run(soyTree);
return createVisitor(jsSrcOptions, typeRegistry).gen(soyTree, templateRegistry, errorReporter);
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the class PySrcMain method genPySrc.
* Generates Python source code given a Soy parse tree and an options object.
* @param soyTree The Soy parse tree to generate Python source code for.
* @param pySrcOptions The compilation options relevant to this backend.
* @param currentManifest The namespace manifest for current sources.
* @param errorReporter The Soy error reporter that collects errors during code generation.
* @return A list of strings where each string represents the Python source code that belongs in
* one Python file. The generated Python files correspond one-to-one to the original Soy
* source files.
private List<String> genPySrc(SoyFileSetNode soyTree, SoyPySrcOptions pySrcOptions, ImmutableMap<String, String> currentManifest, ErrorReporter errorReporter) {
try (GuiceSimpleScope.InScope inScope = apiCallScope.enter()) {
// Seed the scoped parameters, for plugins
BidiGlobalDir bidiGlobalDir = SoyBidiUtils.decodeBidiGlobalDirFromPyOptions(pySrcOptions.getBidiIsRtlFn());
ApiCallScopeUtils.seedSharedParams(inScope, null, bidiGlobalDir);
return createVisitor(pySrcOptions, currentManifest).gen(soyTree, errorReporter);
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the class SharedModule method configure.
protected void configure() {
// Install the core directives.
install(new CoreDirectivesModule());
// Install default directive and function modules.
install(new BasicDirectivesModule());
install(new BidiDirectivesModule());
install(new BasicFunctionsModule());
install(new BidiFunctionsModule());
install(new I18nDirectivesModule());
// Create the API call scope.
GuiceSimpleScope apiCallScope = new GuiceSimpleScope();
bindScope(ApiCallScope.class, apiCallScope);
// Make the API call scope instance injectable.
// Bind unscoped providers for parameters in ApiCallScope (these throw exceptions).