use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class TranslateExprNodeVisitor method visitMapLiteralNode.
protected WithValue visitMapLiteralNode(MapLiteralNode node) {
// Map literal nodes are much simpler to translate than legacy object map literal nodes.
// Because they are implemented by ES6 Maps, there is no possibility that JSCompiler
// will mistakenly rename (or not rename) its keys, and no need to ever quote a key.
CodeChunk.WithValue map = codeGenerator.declarationBuilder().setRhs(CodeChunk.new_(id("Map")).call()).build().ref();
ImmutableList.Builder<CodeChunk> setCalls = ImmutableList.builder();
for (int i = 0; i < node.numChildren(); i += 2) {
ExprNode keyNode = node.getChild(i);
// Constructing a map literal with a null key is a runtime error.
CodeChunk.WithValue key =;
CodeChunk.WithValue value = visit(node.getChild(i + 1));
setCalls.add(map.dotAccess("set").call(key, value));
return map.withInitialStatements(;
use of in project closure-templates by google.
the class ConditionalBuilder method isRepresentableAsTernaryExpression.
private boolean isRepresentableAsTernaryExpression(ImmutableList<IfThenPair> pairs) {
if (pairs.size() != 1 || trailingElse == null) {
return false;
IfThenPair ifThen = Iterables.getOnlyElement(pairs);
CodeChunk.WithValue predicate = ifThen.predicate;
CodeChunk consequent = ifThen.consequent;
return consequent instanceof CodeChunk.WithValue && trailingElse instanceof CodeChunk.WithValue && predicate.initialStatements().containsAll(((WithValue) consequent).initialStatements()) && predicate.initialStatements().containsAll(((WithValue) trailingElse).initialStatements());