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Example 1 with SoyGeneralOptions

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class RenderVisitorTest method testRenderDelegateVariantCall.

public void testRenderDelegateVariantCall() throws Exception {
    String soyFileContent1 = "" + "{namespace ns1}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param greekB */\n" + "{template .callerTemplate}\n" + "  {delcall myApp.myDelegate variant=\"'alpha'\"}\n" + // variant is string
    "    {param boo: 'zzz' /}\n" + "  {/delcall}\n" + "  {delcall myApp.myDelegate variant=\"$greekB\"}\n" + // variant is expression
    "    {param boo: 'zzz' /}\n" + "  {/delcall}\n" + "  {delcall myApp.myDelegate variant=\"'gamma'\"}\n" + // variant "gamma" not implemented
    "    {param boo: 'zzz' /}\n" + "  {/delcall}\n" + "  {delcall myApp.myDelegate variant=\"test.GLOBAL\"}\n" + // variant is a global expression
    "    {param boo: 'zzz' /}\n" + "  {/delcall}\n" + "{/template}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate}\n" + // variant "" default
    "  000empty\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate variant=\"'alpha'\"}\n" + // variant "alpha" default
    "  000alpha\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate variant=\"'beta'\"}\n" + // variant "beta" default
    "  000beta\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate variant=\"test.GLOBAL\"}\n" + // variant using global
    "  000global\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n";
    String soyFileContent2 = "" + "{delpackage SecretFeature}\n" + "{namespace ns2}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate}\n" + // variant "" in SecretFeature
    "  111empty\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate variant=\"'alpha'\"}\n" + // "alpha" in SecretFeature
    "  111alpha\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate variant=\"'beta'\"}\n" + // "beta" in SecretFeature
    "  111beta\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate variant=\"test.GLOBAL\"}\n" + // variant using global
    "  111global\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n";
    String soyFileContent3 = "" + "{delpackage AlternateSecretFeature}\n" + "{namespace ns3}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate}\n" + // variant "" in AlternateSecretFeature
    "  222empty\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n" + "\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate variant=\"'alpha'\"}\n" + // variant "alpha" in Alternate
    "  222alpha\n" + "{/deltemplate}\n" + "/** @param boo */\n" + "{deltemplate myApp.myDelegate variant=\"test.GLOBAL\"}\n" + // variant using global
    "  222global\n" + // Note: No variant "beta" in AlternateSecretFeature.
    SoyGeneralOptions options = new SoyGeneralOptions();
    options.setCompileTimeGlobals(ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of("test.GLOBAL", 1));
    ParseResult result = SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forFileContents(soyFileContent1, soyFileContent2, soyFileContent3).options(options).errorReporter(FAIL).parse();
    Predicate<String> activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.alwaysFalse();
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(result, "ns1.callerTemplate", TEST_DATA, TEST_IJ_DATA, activeDelPackageNames)).isEqualTo("000alpha000beta000empty000global");
    activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.equalTo("SecretFeature");
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(result, "ns1.callerTemplate", TEST_DATA, TEST_IJ_DATA, activeDelPackageNames)).isEqualTo("111alpha111beta111empty111global");
    activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.equalTo("AlternateSecretFeature");
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(result, "ns1.callerTemplate", TEST_DATA, TEST_IJ_DATA, activeDelPackageNames)).isEqualTo("222alpha000beta222empty222global");
    activeDelPackageNames = Predicates.equalTo("NonexistentFeature");
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(result, "ns1.callerTemplate", TEST_DATA, TEST_IJ_DATA, activeDelPackageNames)).isEqualTo("000alpha000beta000empty000global");
    activeDelPackageNames ="NonexistentFeature", "AlternateSecretFeature"));
    assertThat(renderTemplateInFile(result, "ns1.callerTemplate", TEST_DATA, TEST_IJ_DATA, activeDelPackageNames)).isEqualTo("222alpha000beta222empty222global");
    try {
        renderTemplateInFile(result, "ns1.callerTemplate", TEST_DATA, TEST_IJ_DATA,"SecretFeature", "AlternateSecretFeature")));
        fail("expected RenderException");
    } catch (RenderException e) {
        assertThat(e).hasMessageThat().contains("For delegate template 'myApp.myDelegate:alpha', found two active implementations " + "with equal priority");
Also used : ParseResult( SoyGeneralOptions( Test(org.junit.Test)


ParseResult ( SoyGeneralOptions ( Test (org.junit.Test)1