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Example 1 with LetContentNode

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class VeLogInstrumentationVisitor method visitHtmlAttributeNode.

 * For HtmlAttributeNode that has a logging function as its value, replace the logging function
 * with its place holder, and append a new data attribute that contains all the desired
 * information that are used later by the runtime library.
protected void visitHtmlAttributeNode(HtmlAttributeNode node) {
    // Skip attributes that do not have a value.
    if (!node.hasValue()) {
    SourceLocation insertionLocation = node.getSourceLocation();
    for (FunctionNode function : SoyTreeUtils.getAllNodesOfType(node, FunctionNode.class)) {
        if (!(function.getSoyFunction() instanceof LoggingFunction)) {
        FunctionNode funcNode = new FunctionNode(VeLogJsSrcLoggingFunction.INSTANCE, insertionLocation);
        funcNode.addChild(new StringNode(function.getFunctionName(), QuoteStyle.SINGLE, insertionLocation));
        funcNode.addChild(new ListLiteralNode(function.getChildren(), insertionLocation));
        StandaloneNode attributeName = node.getChild(0);
        if (attributeName instanceof RawTextNode) {
            // If attribute name is a plain text, directly pass it as a function argument.
            funcNode.addChild(new StringNode(((RawTextNode) attributeName).getRawText(), QuoteStyle.SINGLE, insertionLocation));
        } else {
            // Otherwise wrap the print node or call node into a let block, and use the let variable
            // as a function argument.
            String varName = "soy_logging_function_attribute_" + counter;
            LetContentNode letNode = LetContentNode.forVariable(nodeIdGen.genId(), attributeName.getSourceLocation(), varName, null);
            // Adds a let var which references to the original attribute name, and move the name to
            // the let block.
            node.replaceChild(attributeName, new PrintNode(nodeIdGen.genId(), insertionLocation, /* isImplicit= */
            true, /* expr= */
            new VarRefNode(varName, insertionLocation, false, letNode.getVar()), /* attributes= */
            ImmutableList.of(), ErrorReporter.exploding()));
            node.getParent().addChild(node.getParent().getChildIndex(node), letNode);
            funcNode.addChild(new VarRefNode(varName, insertionLocation, false, letNode.getVar()));
        funcNode.addChild(new IntegerNode(counter++, insertionLocation));
        PrintNode loggingFunctionAttribute = new PrintNode(nodeIdGen.genId(), insertionLocation, /* isImplicit= */
        true, /* expr= */
        funcNode, /* attributes= */
        ImmutableList.of(), ErrorReporter.exploding());
        // Append the logging function attribute to its parent
        int appendIndex = node.getParent().getChildIndex(node) + 1;
        node.getParent().addChild(appendIndex, loggingFunctionAttribute);
        // Replace the original attribute value to the placeholder.
        HtmlAttributeValueNode placeHolder = new HtmlAttributeValueNode(nodeIdGen.genId(), insertionLocation, Quotes.DOUBLE);
        placeHolder.addChild(new RawTextNode(nodeIdGen.genId(), ((LoggingFunction) function.getSoyFunction()).getPlaceholder(), insertionLocation));
        node.replaceChild(node.getChild(1), placeHolder);
        // logging function in a html attribute value.
Also used : SourceLocation( ListLiteralNode( IntegerNode( FunctionNode( StandaloneNode( VarRefNode( StringNode( LoggingFunction( PrintNode( RawTextNode( LetContentNode( HtmlAttributeValueNode(

Example 2 with LetContentNode

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class TemplateParserTest method testParseLetStmt.

public void testParseLetStmt() throws Exception {
    String templateBody = "{@param boo : ?}\n" + "  {let $alpha: $ /}\n" + "  {let $beta kind=\"html\"}Boo!{/let}\n" + "  {let $gamma kind=\"html\"}\n" + "    {for $i in range($alpha)}\n" + "      {$i}{$beta}\n" + "    {/for}\n" + "  {/let}\n" + "  {let $delta kind=\"html\"}Boo!{/let}\n";
    List<StandaloneNode> nodes = parseTemplateContent(templateBody, FAIL).getChildren();
    assertEquals(4, nodes.size());
    LetValueNode alphaNode = (LetValueNode) nodes.get(0);
    assertEquals("alpha", alphaNode.getVarName());
    assertEquals("$", alphaNode.getExpr().toSourceString());
    LetContentNode betaNode = (LetContentNode) nodes.get(1);
    assertEquals("beta", betaNode.getVarName());
    assertEquals("Boo!", ((RawTextNode) betaNode.getChild(0)).getRawText());
    assertEquals(SanitizedContentKind.HTML, betaNode.getContentKind());
    LetContentNode gammaNode = (LetContentNode) nodes.get(2);
    assertEquals("gamma", gammaNode.getVarName());
    assertEquals(SanitizedContentKind.HTML, gammaNode.getContentKind());
    LetContentNode deltaNode = (LetContentNode) nodes.get(3);
    assertEquals("delta", deltaNode.getVarName());
    assertEquals("Boo!", ((RawTextNode) betaNode.getChild(0)).getRawText());
    assertEquals(SanitizedContentKind.HTML, deltaNode.getContentKind());
    // Test error case.
    TemplateSubject.assertThatTemplateContent("{let $alpha /}{/let}").causesError("parse error at '/}': expected }, ':', or identifier").at(1, 13);
    // Test error case.
    TemplateSubject.assertThatTemplateContent("{let $alpha: $}{/let}").causesError("parse error at '}': expected /}, ?, '?:', or, and, ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, +, -, *, /, " + "%, ., ?., [, or ?[").at(1, 22);
Also used : StandaloneNode( LetValueNode( LetContentNode( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with LetContentNode

use of in project closure-templates by google.

the class ResolveNamesVisitorTest method testLetContentSlotLifetime.

public void testLetContentSlotLifetime() {
    SoyFileSetNode soyTree = SoyFileSetParserBuilder.forFileContents(constructTemplateSource("{let $a kind=\"text\"}", // introduce an extra scope
    "  {if true}", "    {let $b: 2 /}", "    {$b}", "  {/if}", "{/let}", "{$a}")).parse().fileSet();
    new ResolveNamesVisitor(ErrorReporter.exploding()).exec(soyTree);
    TemplateNode n = soyTree.getChild(0).getChild(0);
    // 1 because each new $la binding overwrites the prior one
    LetContentNode aLetNode = (LetContentNode) n.getChild(0);
    LetValueNode bLetNode = (LetValueNode) ((IfCondNode) ((IfNode) aLetNode.getChild(0)).getChild(0)).getChild(0);
Also used : TemplateNode( LetValueNode( SoyFileSetNode( IfNode( LetContentNode( Test(org.junit.Test)


LetContentNode ( LetValueNode ( StandaloneNode ( Test (org.junit.Test)2 SourceLocation ( FunctionNode ( IntegerNode ( ListLiteralNode ( StringNode ( VarRefNode ( LoggingFunction ( HtmlAttributeValueNode ( IfNode ( PrintNode ( RawTextNode ( SoyFileSetNode ( TemplateNode (