use of in project OpenUnison by TremoloSecurity.
the class U2FServerUnison method getSignRequest.
public U2fSignRequest getSignRequest(String accountName, String appId) throws U2FException {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(">> getSignRequest " + accountName);
List<SecurityKeyData> securityKeyDataList = dataStore.getSecurityKeyData(accountName);
byte[] challenge = challengeGenerator.generateChallenge(accountName);
String challengeBase64 = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(challenge);
ImmutableList.Builder<RegisteredKey> registeredKeys = ImmutableList.builder();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(" challenge: " + Hex.encodeHexString(challenge));
for (SecurityKeyData securityKeyData : securityKeyDataList) {
SignSessionData sessionData = new SignSessionData(accountName, appId, challenge, securityKeyData.getPublicKey());
String sessionId = dataStore.storeSessionData(sessionData);
byte[] keyHandle = securityKeyData.getKeyHandle();
List<Transports> transports = securityKeyData.getTransports();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("-- Output --");
log.debug(" sessionId: " + sessionId);
log.debug(" keyHandle: " + Hex.encodeHexString(keyHandle));
String keyHandleBase64 = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(keyHandle);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("<< getRegisteredKey " + accountName);
registeredKeys.add(new RegisteredKey(U2FConsts.U2F_V2, keyHandleBase64, transports, appId, sessionId));
return new U2fSignRequest(challengeBase64,;
use of in project OpenUnison by TremoloSecurity.
the class U2FServerUnison method processRegistrationResponse.
public SecurityKeyData processRegistrationResponse(RegistrationResponse registrationResponse, long currentTimeInMillis) throws U2FException {
log.debug(">> processRegistrationResponse");
String sessionId = registrationResponse.getSessionId();
String clientDataBase64 = registrationResponse.getClientData();
String rawRegistrationDataBase64 = registrationResponse.getRegistrationData();
log.debug(">> rawRegistrationDataBase64: " + rawRegistrationDataBase64);
EnrollSessionData sessionData = dataStore.getEnrollSessionData(sessionId);
if (sessionData == null) {
throw new U2FException("Unknown session_id");
String appId = sessionData.getAppId();
String clientData = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(clientDataBase64));
byte[] rawRegistrationData = Base64.decodeBase64(rawRegistrationDataBase64);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("-- Input --");
log.debug(" sessionId: " + sessionId);
log.debug(" challenge: " + Hex.encodeHexString(sessionData.getChallenge()));
log.debug(" accountName: " + sessionData.getAccountName());
log.debug(" clientData: " + clientData);
log.debug(" rawRegistrationData: " + Hex.encodeHexString(rawRegistrationData));
RegisterResponse registerResponse = RawMessageCodec.decodeRegisterResponse(rawRegistrationData);
byte[] userPublicKey = registerResponse.getUserPublicKey();
byte[] keyHandle = registerResponse.getKeyHandle();
X509Certificate attestationCertificate = registerResponse.getAttestationCertificate();
byte[] signature = registerResponse.getSignature();
List<Transports> transports = null;
try {
transports = U2fAttestation.Parse(attestationCertificate).getTransports();
} catch (CertificateParsingException e) {
log.warn("Could not parse transports extension " + e.getMessage());
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("-- Parsed rawRegistrationResponse --");
log.debug(" userPublicKey: " + Hex.encodeHexString(userPublicKey));
log.debug(" keyHandle: " + Hex.encodeHexString(keyHandle));
log.debug(" attestationCertificate: " + attestationCertificate.toString());
log.debug(" transports: " + transports);
try {
log.debug(" attestationCertificate bytes: " + Hex.encodeHexString(attestationCertificate.getEncoded()));
} catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
throw new U2FException("Cannot encode certificate", e);
log.debug(" signature: " + Hex.encodeHexString(signature));
byte[] appIdSha256 = crypto.computeSha256(appId.getBytes());
byte[] clientDataSha256 = crypto.computeSha256(clientData.getBytes());
byte[] signedBytes = RawMessageCodec.encodeRegistrationSignedBytes(appIdSha256, clientDataSha256, keyHandle, userPublicKey);
Set<X509Certificate> trustedCertificates = dataStore.getTrustedCertificates();
boolean found = false;
for (X509Certificate trusted : trustedCertificates) {
try {
found = true;
} catch (InvalidKeyException | CertificateException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | NoSuchProviderException | SignatureException e) {
if (!found) {
if (!this.requireAttestation) {
log.warn("attestion cert is not trusted");
} else {
throw new U2FException("Attestation certificate is not trusted");
verifyBrowserData(new JsonParser().parse(clientData), "", sessionData);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Verifying signature of bytes " + Hex.encodeHexString(signedBytes));
if (!crypto.verifySignature(attestationCertificate, signedBytes, signature)) {
throw new U2FException("Signature is invalid");
// The first time we create the SecurityKeyData, we set the counter value to 0.
// We don't actually know what the counter value of the real device is - but it will
// be something bigger (or equal) to 0, so subsequent signatures will check out ok.
SecurityKeyData securityKeyData = new SecurityKeyData(currentTimeInMillis, transports, keyHandle, userPublicKey, attestationCertificate, /* initial counter value */
dataStore.addSecurityKeyData(sessionData.getAccountName(), securityKeyData);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("<< processRegistrationResponse");
return securityKeyData;
use of in project OpenUnison by TremoloSecurity.
the class U2FServerReferenceImpl method getSignRequest.
public U2fSignRequest getSignRequest(String accountName, String appId) throws U2FException {">> getSignRequest " + accountName);
List<SecurityKeyData> securityKeyDataList = dataStore.getSecurityKeyData(accountName);
byte[] challenge = challengeGenerator.generateChallenge(accountName);
String challengeBase64 = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(challenge);
ImmutableList.Builder<RegisteredKey> registeredKeys = ImmutableList.builder();" challenge: " + Hex.encodeHexString(challenge));
for (SecurityKeyData securityKeyData : securityKeyDataList) {
SignSessionData sessionData = new SignSessionData(accountName, appId, challenge, securityKeyData.getPublicKey());
String sessionId = dataStore.storeSessionData(sessionData);
byte[] keyHandle = securityKeyData.getKeyHandle();
List<Transports> transports = securityKeyData.getTransports();"-- Output --");" sessionId: " + sessionId);" keyHandle: " + Hex.encodeHexString(keyHandle));
String keyHandleBase64 = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(keyHandle);"<< getRegisteredKey " + accountName);
registeredKeys.add(new RegisteredKey(U2FConsts.U2F_V2, keyHandleBase64, transports, appId, sessionId));
return new U2fSignRequest(challengeBase64,;
use of in project OpenUnison by TremoloSecurity.
the class U2fAttestation method Parse.
* Parses a transport extension from an attestation certificate and returns
* a List of HardwareFeatures supported by the security key. The specification of
* the HardwareFeatures in the certificate should match their internal definition in
* device_auth.proto
* <p>The expected transport extension value is a BIT STRING containing the enabled
* transports:
* <p>FIDOU2FTransports ::= BIT STRING {
* bluetoothRadio(0), -- Bluetooth Classic
* bluetoothLowEnergyRadio(1),
* uSB(2),
* nFC(3)
* }
* <p>Note that the BIT STRING must be wrapped in an OCTET STRING.
* An extension that encodes BT, BLE, and NFC then looks as follows:
* <p>SEQUENCE (2 elem)
* OCTET STRING (1 elem)
* BIT STRING (4 bits) 1101
* @param cert the certificate to parse for extension
* @return the supported transports as a List of HardwareFeatures or null if no extension
* was found
* @throws CertificateParsingException
public static U2fAttestation Parse(X509Certificate cert) throws CertificateParsingException {
ASN1OctetString extValue = X509ExtensionParsingUtil.extractExtensionValue(cert, TRANSPORT_EXTENSION_OID);
if (extValue == null) {
// No Transport extension was found
return new U2fAttestation(null);
// Read out the BitString
ASN1Object asn1Object = X509ExtensionParsingUtil.getAsn1Object(extValue.getOctets());
if (asn1Object == null || !(asn1Object instanceof DERBitString)) {
throw new CertificateParsingException("No BitString found in transports extension");
DERBitString bitString = (DERBitString) asn1Object;
byte[] values = bitString.getBytes();
BitSet bitSet = BitSet.valueOf(values);
// We might have more defined transports than used by the extension
List<Transports> transports = new ArrayList<Transports>();
for (int i = 0; i < BITS_IN_A_BYTE; i++) {
if (bitSet.get(BITS_IN_A_BYTE - i - 1)) {
return new U2fAttestation(transports);
use of in project OpenUnison by TremoloSecurity.
the class U2FServerReferenceImpl method processRegistrationResponse.
public SecurityKeyData processRegistrationResponse(RegistrationResponse registrationResponse, long currentTimeInMillis) throws U2FException {">> processRegistrationResponse");
String sessionId = registrationResponse.getSessionId();
String clientDataBase64 = registrationResponse.getClientData();
String rawRegistrationDataBase64 = registrationResponse.getRegistrationData();">> rawRegistrationDataBase64: " + rawRegistrationDataBase64);
EnrollSessionData sessionData = dataStore.getEnrollSessionData(sessionId);
if (sessionData == null) {
throw new U2FException("Unknown session_id");
String appId = sessionData.getAppId();
String clientData = new String(Base64.decodeBase64(clientDataBase64));
byte[] rawRegistrationData = Base64.decodeBase64(rawRegistrationDataBase64);"-- Input --");" sessionId: " + sessionId);" challenge: " + Hex.encodeHexString(sessionData.getChallenge()));" accountName: " + sessionData.getAccountName());" clientData: " + clientData);" rawRegistrationData: " + Hex.encodeHexString(rawRegistrationData));
RegisterResponse registerResponse = RawMessageCodec.decodeRegisterResponse(rawRegistrationData);
byte[] userPublicKey = registerResponse.getUserPublicKey();
byte[] keyHandle = registerResponse.getKeyHandle();
X509Certificate attestationCertificate = registerResponse.getAttestationCertificate();
byte[] signature = registerResponse.getSignature();
List<Transports> transports = null;
try {
transports = U2fAttestation.Parse(attestationCertificate).getTransports();
} catch (CertificateParsingException e) {
Log.warning("Could not parse transports extension " + e.getMessage());
}"-- Parsed rawRegistrationResponse --");" userPublicKey: " + Hex.encodeHexString(userPublicKey));" keyHandle: " + Hex.encodeHexString(keyHandle));" attestationCertificate: " + attestationCertificate.toString());" transports: " + transports);
try {" attestationCertificate bytes: " + Hex.encodeHexString(attestationCertificate.getEncoded()));
} catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
throw new U2FException("Cannot encode certificate", e);
}" signature: " + Hex.encodeHexString(signature));
byte[] appIdSha256 = crypto.computeSha256(appId.getBytes());
byte[] clientDataSha256 = crypto.computeSha256(clientData.getBytes());
byte[] signedBytes = RawMessageCodec.encodeRegistrationSignedBytes(appIdSha256, clientDataSha256, keyHandle, userPublicKey);
Set<X509Certificate> trustedCertificates = dataStore.getTrustedCertificates();
if (!trustedCertificates.contains(attestationCertificate)) {
Log.warning("attestion cert is not trusted");
verifyBrowserData(new JsonParser().parse(clientData), "", sessionData);"Verifying signature of bytes " + Hex.encodeHexString(signedBytes));
if (!crypto.verifySignature(attestationCertificate, signedBytes, signature)) {
throw new U2FException("Signature is invalid");
// The first time we create the SecurityKeyData, we set the counter value to 0.
// We don't actually know what the counter value of the real device is - but it will
// be something bigger (or equal) to 0, so subsequent signatures will check out ok.
SecurityKeyData securityKeyData = new SecurityKeyData(currentTimeInMillis, transports, keyHandle, userPublicKey, attestationCertificate, /* initial counter value */
dataStore.addSecurityKeyData(sessionData.getAccountName(), securityKeyData);"<< processRegistrationResponse");
return securityKeyData;