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Example 6 with ResultPoint

use of in project zxing by zxing.

the class Detector method isValid.

private boolean isValid(ResultPoint point) {
    int x = MathUtils.round(point.getX());
    int y = MathUtils.round(point.getY());
    return isValid(x, y);
Also used : ResultPoint(

Example 7 with ResultPoint

use of in project zxing by zxing.

the class Detector method sampleGrid.

   * Creates a BitMatrix by sampling the provided image.
   * topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, and bottomLeft are the centers of the squares on the
   * diagonal just outside the bull's eye.
private BitMatrix sampleGrid(BitMatrix image, ResultPoint topLeft, ResultPoint topRight, ResultPoint bottomRight, ResultPoint bottomLeft) throws NotFoundException {
    GridSampler sampler = GridSampler.getInstance();
    int dimension = getDimension();
    float low = dimension / 2.0f - nbCenterLayers;
    float high = dimension / 2.0f + nbCenterLayers;
    return sampler.sampleGrid(image, dimension, dimension, // topleft
    low, // topleft
    low, // topright
    high, // topright
    low, // bottomright
    high, // bottomright
    high, // bottomleft
    low, // bottomleft
    high, topLeft.getX(), topLeft.getY(), topRight.getX(), topRight.getY(), bottomRight.getX(), bottomRight.getY(), bottomLeft.getX(), bottomLeft.getY());
Also used : GridSampler( ResultPoint(

Example 8 with ResultPoint

use of in project zxing by zxing.

the class Detector method sampleLine.

   * Samples a line.
   * @param p1   start point (inclusive)
   * @param p2   end point (exclusive)
   * @param size number of bits
   * @return the array of bits as an int (first bit is high-order bit of result)
private int sampleLine(ResultPoint p1, ResultPoint p2, int size) {
    int result = 0;
    float d = distance(p1, p2);
    float moduleSize = d / size;
    float px = p1.getX();
    float py = p1.getY();
    float dx = moduleSize * (p2.getX() - p1.getX()) / d;
    float dy = moduleSize * (p2.getY() - p1.getY()) / d;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (image.get(MathUtils.round(px + i * dx), MathUtils.round(py + i * dy))) {
            result |= 1 << (size - i - 1);
    return result;
Also used : ResultPoint(

Example 9 with ResultPoint

use of in project zxing by zxing.

the class Detector method transitionsBetween.

   * Counts the number of black/white transitions between two points, using something like Bresenham's algorithm.
private ResultPointsAndTransitions transitionsBetween(ResultPoint from, ResultPoint to) {
    // See QR Code Detector, sizeOfBlackWhiteBlackRun()
    int fromX = (int) from.getX();
    int fromY = (int) from.getY();
    int toX = (int) to.getX();
    int toY = (int) to.getY();
    boolean steep = Math.abs(toY - fromY) > Math.abs(toX - fromX);
    if (steep) {
        int temp = fromX;
        fromX = fromY;
        fromY = temp;
        temp = toX;
        toX = toY;
        toY = temp;
    int dx = Math.abs(toX - fromX);
    int dy = Math.abs(toY - fromY);
    int error = -dx / 2;
    int ystep = fromY < toY ? 1 : -1;
    int xstep = fromX < toX ? 1 : -1;
    int transitions = 0;
    boolean inBlack = image.get(steep ? fromY : fromX, steep ? fromX : fromY);
    for (int x = fromX, y = fromY; x != toX; x += xstep) {
        boolean isBlack = image.get(steep ? y : x, steep ? x : y);
        if (isBlack != inBlack) {
            inBlack = isBlack;
        error += dy;
        if (error > 0) {
            if (y == toY) {
            y += ystep;
            error -= dx;
    return new ResultPointsAndTransitions(from, to, transitions);
Also used : ResultPoint(

Example 10 with ResultPoint

use of in project zxing by zxing.

the class Detector method correctTopRightRectangular.

   * Calculates the position of the white top right module using the output of the rectangle detector
   * for a rectangular matrix
private ResultPoint correctTopRightRectangular(ResultPoint bottomLeft, ResultPoint bottomRight, ResultPoint topLeft, ResultPoint topRight, int dimensionTop, int dimensionRight) {
    float corr = distance(bottomLeft, bottomRight) / (float) dimensionTop;
    int norm = distance(topLeft, topRight);
    float cos = (topRight.getX() - topLeft.getX()) / norm;
    float sin = (topRight.getY() - topLeft.getY()) / norm;
    ResultPoint c1 = new ResultPoint(topRight.getX() + corr * cos, topRight.getY() + corr * sin);
    corr = distance(bottomLeft, topLeft) / (float) dimensionRight;
    norm = distance(bottomRight, topRight);
    cos = (topRight.getX() - bottomRight.getX()) / norm;
    sin = (topRight.getY() - bottomRight.getY()) / norm;
    ResultPoint c2 = new ResultPoint(topRight.getX() + corr * cos, topRight.getY() + corr * sin);
    if (!isValid(c1)) {
        if (isValid(c2)) {
            return c2;
        return null;
    if (!isValid(c2)) {
        return c1;
    int l1 = Math.abs(dimensionTop - transitionsBetween(topLeft, c1).getTransitions()) + Math.abs(dimensionRight - transitionsBetween(bottomRight, c1).getTransitions());
    int l2 = Math.abs(dimensionTop - transitionsBetween(topLeft, c2).getTransitions()) + Math.abs(dimensionRight - transitionsBetween(bottomRight, c2).getTransitions());
    if (l1 <= l2) {
        return c1;
    return c2;
Also used : ResultPoint( ResultPoint(


ResultPoint ( Result ( Paint ( Rect ( BitMatrix ( DecoderResult ( NotFoundException ( DetectorResult ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)20 ReaderException ( SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)13 ResultPointCallback ( Canvas ( ResultMetadataType ( BitArray ( QRCodeDecoderMetaData ( BarcodeFormat ( FormatException ( Decoder ( Detector (