use of in project zxing by zxing.
the class QRCodeWriter method renderResult.
// Note that the input matrix uses 0 == white, 1 == black, while the output matrix uses
// 0 == black, 255 == white (i.e. an 8 bit greyscale bitmap).
private static BitMatrix renderResult(QRCode code, int width, int height, int quietZone) {
ByteMatrix input = code.getMatrix();
if (input == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
int inputWidth = input.getWidth();
int inputHeight = input.getHeight();
int qrWidth = inputWidth + (quietZone * 2);
int qrHeight = inputHeight + (quietZone * 2);
int outputWidth = Math.max(width, qrWidth);
int outputHeight = Math.max(height, qrHeight);
int multiple = Math.min(outputWidth / qrWidth, outputHeight / qrHeight);
// Padding includes both the quiet zone and the extra white pixels to accommodate the requested
// dimensions. For example, if input is 25x25 the QR will be 33x33 including the quiet zone.
// If the requested size is 200x160, the multiple will be 4, for a QR of 132x132. These will
// handle all the padding from 100x100 (the actual QR) up to 200x160.
int leftPadding = (outputWidth - (inputWidth * multiple)) / 2;
int topPadding = (outputHeight - (inputHeight * multiple)) / 2;
BitMatrix output = new BitMatrix(outputWidth, outputHeight);
for (int inputY = 0, outputY = topPadding; inputY < inputHeight; inputY++, outputY += multiple) {
// Write the contents of this row of the barcode
for (int inputX = 0, outputX = leftPadding; inputX < inputWidth; inputX++, outputX += multiple) {
if (input.get(inputX, inputY) == 1) {
output.setRegion(outputX, outputY, multiple, multiple);
return output;
use of in project weex-example by KalicyZhou.
the class QRCodeWriter method renderResult.
// Note that the input matrix uses 0 == white, 1 == black, while the output matrix uses
// 0 == black, 255 == white (i.e. an 8 bit greyscale bitmap).
private static BitMatrix renderResult(QRCode code, int width, int height, int quietZone) {
ByteMatrix input = code.getMatrix();
if (input == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
int inputWidth = input.getWidth();
int inputHeight = input.getHeight();
int qrWidth = inputWidth + (quietZone * 2);
int qrHeight = inputHeight + (quietZone * 2);
int outputWidth = Math.max(width, qrWidth);
int outputHeight = Math.max(height, qrHeight);
int multiple = Math.min(outputWidth / qrWidth, outputHeight / qrHeight);
// Padding includes both the quiet zone and the extra white pixels to accommodate the requested
// dimensions. For example, if input is 25x25 the QR will be 33x33 including the quiet zone.
// If the requested size is 200x160, the multiple will be 4, for a QR of 132x132. These will
// handle all the padding from 100x100 (the actual QR) up to 200x160.
int leftPadding = (outputWidth - (inputWidth * multiple)) / 2;
int topPadding = (outputHeight - (inputHeight * multiple)) / 2;
BitMatrix output = new BitMatrix(outputWidth, outputHeight);
for (int inputY = 0, outputY = topPadding; inputY < inputHeight; inputY++, outputY += multiple) {
// Write the contents of this row of the barcode
for (int inputX = 0, outputX = leftPadding; inputX < inputWidth; inputX++, outputX += multiple) {
if (input.get(inputX, inputY) == 1) {
output.setRegion(outputX, outputY, multiple, multiple);
return output;
use of in project zxing by zxing.
the class DataMatrixWriter method encodeLowLevel.
* Encode the given symbol info to a bit matrix.
* @param placement The DataMatrix placement.
* @param symbolInfo The symbol info to encode.
* @return The bit matrix generated.
private static BitMatrix encodeLowLevel(DefaultPlacement placement, SymbolInfo symbolInfo) {
int symbolWidth = symbolInfo.getSymbolDataWidth();
int symbolHeight = symbolInfo.getSymbolDataHeight();
ByteMatrix matrix = new ByteMatrix(symbolInfo.getSymbolWidth(), symbolInfo.getSymbolHeight());
int matrixY = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < symbolHeight; y++) {
// Fill the top edge with alternate 0 / 1
int matrixX;
if ((y % symbolInfo.matrixHeight) == 0) {
matrixX = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < symbolInfo.getSymbolWidth(); x++) {
matrix.set(matrixX, matrixY, (x % 2) == 0);
matrixX = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < symbolWidth; x++) {
// Fill the right edge with full 1
if ((x % symbolInfo.matrixWidth) == 0) {
matrix.set(matrixX, matrixY, true);
matrix.set(matrixX, matrixY, placement.getBit(x, y));
// Fill the right edge with alternate 0 / 1
if ((x % symbolInfo.matrixWidth) == symbolInfo.matrixWidth - 1) {
matrix.set(matrixX, matrixY, (y % 2) == 0);
// Fill the bottom edge with full 1
if ((y % symbolInfo.matrixHeight) == symbolInfo.matrixHeight - 1) {
matrixX = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < symbolInfo.getSymbolWidth(); x++) {
matrix.set(matrixX, matrixY, true);
return convertByteMatrixToBitMatrix(matrix);
use of in project weex-example by KalicyZhou.
the class DataMatrixWriter method encodeLowLevel.
* Encode the given symbol info to a bit matrix.
* @param placement The DataMatrix placement.
* @param symbolInfo The symbol info to encode.
* @return The bit matrix generated.
private static BitMatrix encodeLowLevel(DefaultPlacement placement, SymbolInfo symbolInfo) {
int symbolWidth = symbolInfo.getSymbolDataWidth();
int symbolHeight = symbolInfo.getSymbolDataHeight();
ByteMatrix matrix = new ByteMatrix(symbolInfo.getSymbolWidth(), symbolInfo.getSymbolHeight());
int matrixY = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < symbolHeight; y++) {
// Fill the top edge with alternate 0 / 1
int matrixX;
if ((y % symbolInfo.matrixHeight) == 0) {
matrixX = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < symbolInfo.getSymbolWidth(); x++) {
matrix.set(matrixX, matrixY, (x % 2) == 0);
matrixX = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < symbolWidth; x++) {
// Fill the right edge with full 1
if ((x % symbolInfo.matrixWidth) == 0) {
matrix.set(matrixX, matrixY, true);
matrix.set(matrixX, matrixY, placement.getBit(x, y));
// Fill the right edge with alternate 0 / 1
if ((x % symbolInfo.matrixWidth) == symbolInfo.matrixWidth - 1) {
matrix.set(matrixX, matrixY, (y % 2) == 0);
// Fill the bottom edge with full 1
if ((y % symbolInfo.matrixHeight) == symbolInfo.matrixHeight - 1) {
matrixX = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < symbolInfo.getSymbolWidth(); x++) {
matrix.set(matrixX, matrixY, true);
return convertByteMatrixToBitMatrix(matrix);