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Example 1 with DexClassVisitor

use of com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexClassVisitor in project dex2jar by pxb1988.

the class DexWeaver method buildInvocationClz.

public String buildInvocationClz(DexFileVisitor dfv) {
    String typeName = getCurrentInvocationName();
    String typeNameDesc = "L" + typeName + ";";
    DexClassVisitor dcv = dfv.visit(DexConstants.ACC_PUBLIC, typeNameDesc, "Ljava/lang/Object;", new String[] { invocationInterfaceDesc });
    dcv.visitField(DexConstants.ACC_PRIVATE | DexConstants.ACC_FINAL, new Field(typeNameDesc, "thiz", "Ljava/lang/Object;"), null).visitEnd();
    dcv.visitField(DexConstants.ACC_PRIVATE | DexConstants.ACC_FINAL, new Field(typeNameDesc, "args", "[Ljava/lang/Object;"), null).visitEnd();
    dcv.visitField(DexConstants.ACC_PRIVATE | DexConstants.ACC_FINAL, new Field(typeNameDesc, "idx", "I"), null).visitEnd();
        DexMethodVisitor mv = dcv.visitMethod(DexConstants.ACC_PUBLIC | DexConstants.ACC_CONSTRUCTOR, new Method(typeNameDesc, "<init>", new String[] { "Ljava/lang/Object;", "[Ljava/lang/Object;", "I" }, "V"));
        DexCodeVisitor codeVisitor = mv.visitCode();
        codeVisitor.visitFieldStmt(Op.IPUT_OBJECT, 1, 0, new Field(typeNameDesc, "thiz", "Ljava/lang/Object;"));
        codeVisitor.visitFieldStmt(Op.IPUT_OBJECT, 2, 0, new Field(typeNameDesc, "args", "[Ljava/lang/Object;"));
        codeVisitor.visitFieldStmt(Op.IPUT, 3, 0, new Field(typeNameDesc, "idx", "I"));
        genSwitchMethod(dcv, typeNameDesc, "getMethodOwner", new CB() {

            public String getKey(Method mtd) {
                return toInternal(mtd.getOwner());
        genSwitchMethod(dcv, typeNameDesc, "getMethodName", new CB() {

            public String getKey(Method mtd) {
                return mtd.getName();
        genSwitchMethod(dcv, typeNameDesc, "getMethodDesc", new CB() {

            public String getKey(Method mtd) {
                return mtd.getDesc();
        DexMethodVisitor mv = dcv.visitMethod(DexConstants.ACC_PUBLIC, new Method(typeNameDesc, "getArguments", new String[0], "[Ljava/lang/Object;"));
        DexCodeVisitor code = mv.visitCode();
        code.visitFieldStmt(Op.IGET, 0, 1, new Field(typeNameDesc, "args", "[Ljava/lang/Object;"));
        code.visitStmt1R(Op.RETURN_OBJECT, 0);
        DexMethodVisitor mv = dcv.visitMethod(DexConstants.ACC_PUBLIC, new Method(typeNameDesc, "getThis", new String[0], "Ljava/lang/Object;"));
        DexCodeVisitor code = mv.visitCode();
        code.visitFieldStmt(Op.IGET, 0, 1, new Field(typeNameDesc, "thiz", "Ljava/lang/Object;"));
        code.visitStmt1R(Op.RETURN_OBJECT, 0);
        DexMethodVisitor mv = dcv.visitMethod(DexConstants.ACC_PUBLIC, new Method(typeNameDesc, "proceed", new String[0], "Ljava/lang/Object;"));
        DexCodeVisitor code = mv.visitCode();
        code.visitFieldStmt(Op.IGET, 0, 3, new Field(typeNameDesc, "thiz", "Ljava/lang/Object;"));
        code.visitFieldStmt(Op.IGET, 1, 3, new Field(typeNameDesc, "args", "[Ljava/lang/Object;"));
        code.visitFieldStmt(Op.IGET, 2, 3, new Field(typeNameDesc, "idx", "I"));
        DexLabel[] labels = new DexLabel[callbacks.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
            labels[i] = new DexLabel();
        code.visitPackedSwitchStmt(Op.PACKED_SWITCH, 2, 0, labels);
        code.visitTypeStmt(Op.NEW_INSTANCE, 0, 0, "Ljava/lang/RuntimeException;");
        code.visitConstStmt(Op.CONST_STRING, 1, "invalid idx");
        code.visitMethodStmt(Op.INVOKE_DIRECT, new int[] { 0, 1 }, new Method("Ljava/lang/RuntimeException;", "<init>", new String[] { "Ljava/lang/String;" }, "V"));
        code.visitStmt1R(Op.THROW, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
            Callback callback = callbacks.get(i);
            Method mCallback = (Method) callback.callback;
            if (callback.isStatic) {
                code.visitMethodStmt(Op.INVOKE_STATIC, new int[] { 1 }, mCallback);
            } else if (callback.isSpecial) {
                code.visitTypeStmt(Op.CHECK_CAST, 0, -1, mCallback.getOwner());
                code.visitMethodStmt(Op.INVOKE_VIRTUAL, new int[] { 0, 1 }, mCallback);
            } else {
                code.visitMethodStmt(Op.INVOKE_STATIC, new int[] { 0, 1 }, mCallback);
            code.visitStmt1R(Op.MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT, 0);
            code.visitStmt1R(Op.RETURN_OBJECT, 0);
    return typeName;
Also used : Field(com.googlecode.d2j.Field) DexCodeVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexCodeVisitor) DexLabel(com.googlecode.d2j.DexLabel) Method(com.googlecode.d2j.Method) DexClassVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexClassVisitor) DexMethodVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexMethodVisitor)

Example 2 with DexClassVisitor

use of com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexClassVisitor in project dex2jar by pxb1988.

the class AsmfierTest method test.

public void test() {
    ASMifierFileV fv = new ASMifierFileV(new File("target/asmftest").toPath(), "a.b");
    DexClassVisitor cv = fv.visit(ACC_PUBLIC, "La/f;", "Ljava/lang/Object;", null);
    DexFieldVisitor f2v = cv.visitField(ACC_PUBLIC, new Field("La/f;", "abc", "I"), null);
    DexMethodVisitor mv = cv.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_STATIC, new Method("La/f;", "zz", new String[0], "I"));
    DexAnnotationAble pv = mv.visitParameterAnnotation(2);
    DexAnnotationVisitor dav = pv.visitAnnotation("Leeeff;", Visibility.BUILD);
    DexCodeVisitor dcv = mv.visitCode();
    dcv.visitConstStmt(Op.FILL_ARRAY_DATA, 0, new int[] { 1, 2, 3 });
Also used : Field(com.googlecode.d2j.Field) ASMifierFileV(com.googlecode.d2j.util.ASMifierFileV) DexAnnotationAble(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexAnnotationAble) DexFieldVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexFieldVisitor) DexAnnotationVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexAnnotationVisitor) DexCodeVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexCodeVisitor) Method(com.googlecode.d2j.Method) DexClassVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexClassVisitor) File( DexMethodVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexMethodVisitor) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with DexClassVisitor

use of com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexClassVisitor in project dex2jar by pxb1988.

the class DexWeaverCmd method doCommandLine.

protected void doCommandLine() throws Exception {
    if (remainingArgs.length == 0) {
        throw new HelpException("no odex");
    final Map<String, Method> map = new HashMap<>();
    for (String ln : Files.readAllLines(config, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
        if (ln.startsWith("#") || ln.length() == 0) {
        String[] x = ln.split("=");
        map.put(x[0], parseMethod(x[1]));
    DexFileWriter out = new DexFileWriter();
    DexFileVisitor fv = new DexFileVisitor(out) {

        public DexClassVisitor visit(int access_flags, String className, String superClass, String[] interfaceNames) {
            DexClassVisitor dcv = super.visit(access_flags, className, superClass, interfaceNames);
            if (dcv != null) {
                return new DexClassVisitor(dcv) {

                    public DexMethodVisitor visitMethod(int accessFlags, Method method) {
                        DexMethodVisitor dmv = super.visitMethod(accessFlags, method);
                        if (dmv != null) {
                            return new DexMethodVisitor(dmv) {

                                public DexCodeVisitor visitCode() {
                                    DexCodeVisitor code = super.visitCode();
                                    if (code != null) {
                                        return new DexCodeVisitor(code) {

                                            public void visitMethodStmt(Op op, int[] args, Method method) {
                                                Method replaceTo = map.get(method.toString());
                                                if (replaceTo != null) {
                                                    switch(op) {
                                                        case INVOKE_DIRECT:
                                                        case INVOKE_INTERFACE:
                                                        case INVOKE_STATIC:
                                                        case INVOKE_SUPER:
                                                        case INVOKE_VIRTUAL:
                                                            super.visitMethodStmt(Op.INVOKE_STATIC, args, replaceTo);
                                                        case INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE:
                                                        case INVOKE_INTERFACE_RANGE:
                                                        case INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE:
                                                        case INVOKE_SUPER_RANGE:
                                                        case INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE:
                                                            super.visitMethodStmt(Op.INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE, args, replaceTo);
                                                } else {
                                                    super.visitMethodStmt(op, args, method);
                                    return code;
                        return dmv;
            return dcv;

        public void visitEnd() {
    for (String f : remainingArgs) {
        byte[] data = ZipUtil.readDex(new File(f).toPath());
        DexFileReader r = new DexFileReader(data);
    if (stub != null) {
        byte[] data = ZipUtil.readDex(stub);
        DexFileReader r = new DexFileReader(data);
        r.accept(new DexFileVisitor(out) {

            public void visitEnd() {
    byte[] data = out.toByteArray();
    Files.write(output, data);
Also used : Op(com.googlecode.d2j.reader.Op) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) DexFileWriter(com.googlecode.d2j.dex.writer.DexFileWriter) DexFileReader(com.googlecode.d2j.reader.DexFileReader) Method(com.googlecode.d2j.Method) DexFileVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexFileVisitor) DexCodeVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexCodeVisitor) DexClassVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexClassVisitor) File( DexMethodVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexMethodVisitor)

Example 4 with DexClassVisitor

use of com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexClassVisitor in project dex2jar by pxb1988.

the class DexWeaver method wrap.

public DexClassVisitor wrap(final String classNameDesc, final DexClassVisitor dcv) {
    return dcv == null ? null : new DexClassVisitor(dcv) {

        Map<MtdInfo, Method> cache = new HashMap<>();

        public DexMethodVisitor visitMethod(final int accessFlags, Method method) {
            final DexMethodVisitor dmv = superVisitDexMethod(accessFlags, method);
            final MtdInfo mapTo = findDefinedTargetMethod(method.getOwner(), method.getName(), method.getDesc());
            if (mapTo != null) {
                final Method t = new Method(method.getOwner(), buildMethodAName(method.getName()), method.getParameterTypes(), method.getReturnType());
                final Method src = method;
                return new DexMethodNode(accessFlags, method) {

                    public void visitEnd() {
                        DexCodeNode code = this.codeNode;
                        this.codeNode = null;
                        Op opcode;
                        if (Modifier.isStatic(access)) {
                            opcode = Op.INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE;
                        } else {
                            opcode = Op.INVOKE_VIRTUAL_RANGE;
                        generateMtdACode(opcode, t, mapTo, dmv, src);
                        // make sure public
                        int newAccess = (access & ~(DexConstants.ACC_PRIVATE | DexConstants.ACC_PROTECTED)) | DexConstants.ACC_PUBLIC;
                        code.accept(wrap(superVisitDexMethod(newAccess, t), dcv));
            } else {
                return wrap(dmv, dcv);

        private DexMethodVisitor wrap(DexMethodVisitor dmv, final DexClassVisitor classVisitor) {
            return dmv == null ? null : new DexMethodVisitor(dmv) {

                public DexCodeVisitor visitCode() {
                    return wrap(super.visitCode(), classVisitor);

        private DexCodeVisitor wrap(DexCodeVisitor dcv, final DexClassVisitor classVisitor) {
            return dcv == null ? null : new DexCodeVisitor(dcv) {

                public void visitMethodStmt(Op op, int[] args, Method method) {
                    MtdInfo mapTo = findTargetMethod(method.getOwner(), method.getName(), method.getDesc());
                    if (mapTo != null) {
                        Method methodA = cache.get(buildKey(method.getOwner(), method.getName(), method.getDesc()));
                        if (methodA == null) {
                            if (isStatic(op)) {
                                methodA = new Method(classNameDesc, buildMethodAName(method.getName()), method.getParameterTypes(), method.getReturnType());
                            } else {
                                methodA = new Method(classNameDesc, buildMethodAName(method.getName()), join(method.getOwner(), method.getParameterTypes()), method.getReturnType());
                            DexMethodVisitor dmv = classVisitor.visitMethod(DexConstants.ACC_PRIVATE | DexConstants.ACC_STATIC, methodA);
                            generateMtdACode(op, method, mapTo, dmv, method);
                            cache.put(buildKey(method.getOwner(), method.getName(), method.getDesc()), methodA);
                        super.visitMethodStmt(isRange(op) ? Op.INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE : Op.INVOKE_STATIC, args, methodA);
                    } else {
                        super.visitMethodStmt(op, args, method);

        private void generateMtdACode(Op opcode, Method t, MtdInfo mapTo, DexMethodVisitor dmv, Method src) {
            DexCodeVisitor dcv = dmv.visitCode();
            int countArge = countArgs(t);
            boolean haveThis = haveThis(opcode);
            int registers = 4 + (haveThis ? 1 : 0) + countArge;
            int argStart = 4;
            if (haveThis) {
                dcv.visitStmt2R(Op.MOVE_OBJECT, 0, argStart);
            } else {
                dcv.visitConstStmt(Op.CONST_4, 0, 0);
            if (t.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
                dcv.visitConstStmt(Op.CONST_4, 1, 0);
            } else {
                dcv.visitConstStmt(Op.CONST, 1, t.getParameterTypes().length);
                dcv.visitTypeStmt(Op.NEW_ARRAY, 1, 1, "[Ljava/lang/Object;");
                for (int i = 0; i < t.getParameterTypes().length; i++) {
                    char type = t.getParameterTypes()[i].charAt(0);
                    dcv.visitConstStmt(Op.CONST, 2, i);
                    box(type, argStart, 3, dcv);
                    dcv.visitStmt3R(Op.APUT_OBJECT, 3, 1, 2);
                    if (type == 'J' || type == 'D') {
                        argStart += 2;
                    } else {
                        argStart += 1;
            int nextIdx = callbacks.size();
            dcv.visitConstStmt(Op.CONST, 2, nextIdx);
            String miTypeDesc = "L" + getCurrentInvocationName() + ";";
            dcv.visitTypeStmt(Op.NEW_INSTANCE, 3, 0, miTypeDesc);
            dcv.visitMethodStmt(Op.INVOKE_DIRECT, new int[] { 3, 0, 1, 2 }, new Method(miTypeDesc, "<init>", new String[] { "Ljava/lang/Object;", "[Ljava/lang/Object;", "I" }, "V"));
            Method call = build(mapTo);
            dcv.visitMethodStmt(Op.INVOKE_STATIC, new int[] { 3 }, call);
            if (!"V".equals(t.getReturnType())) {
                switch(call.getReturnType().charAt(0)) {
                    case '[':
                    case 'L':
                        dcv.visitStmt1R(Op.MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT, 0);
                    case 'J':
                    case 'D':
                        dcv.visitStmt1R(Op.MOVE_RESULT_WIDE, 0);
                        dcv.visitStmt1R(Op.MOVE_RESULT, 0);
                unbox(t.getReturnType(), 0, dcv);
                switch(t.getReturnType().charAt(0)) {
                    case '[':
                    case 'L':
                        dcv.visitStmt1R(Op.RETURN_OBJECT, 0);
                    case 'J':
                    case 'D':
                        dcv.visitStmt1R(Op.RETURN_WIDE, 0);
                        dcv.visitStmt1R(Op.RETURN, 0);
            } else {
            Callback cb = new Callback();
            cb.idx = nextIdx;
            cb.callback = newMethodCallback(opcode, t);
   = src;
            cb.isSpecial = isSuper(opcode);
            cb.isStatic = isStatic(opcode);

        private Method newMethodCallback(Op opcode, Method t) {
            boolean isStatic = !haveThis(opcode);
            boolean isSuper = isSuper(opcode);
            Method m;
            if (isSuper || isStatic) {
                m = new Method(t.getOwner(), buildCallbackMethodName(t.getName()), new String[] { "[Ljava/lang/Object;" }, "Ljava/lang/Object;");
            } else {
                m = new Method(t.getOwner(), buildCallbackMethodName(t.getName()), new String[] { "Ljava/lang/Object;", "[Ljava/lang/Object;" }, "Ljava/lang/Object;");
            DexMethodVisitor dmv = superVisitDexMethod(DexConstants.ACC_PUBLIC | (isSuper ? 0 : DexConstants.ACC_STATIC), m);
            DexCodeVisitor dcv = dmv.visitCode();
            int totalRegs;
            int argStart;
            if (isStatic) {
                totalRegs = 1 + countArgs(t) + 1;
                argStart = totalRegs - 1;
            } else {
                totalRegs = 1 + countArgs(t) + 2;
                argStart = totalRegs - 2;
            int[] args = new int[countArgs(t) + (isStatic ? 0 : 1)];
            int args_index = 0;
            int i = 1;
            if (!isStatic) {
                if (i != argStart) {
                    dcv.visitStmt2R(Op.MOVE_OBJECT, i, argStart);
                if (!isSuper) {
                    dcv.visitTypeStmt(Op.CHECK_CAST, i, -1, t.getOwner());
                args[args_index++] = i;
            String[] parameterTypes = t.getParameterTypes();
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < parameterTypes.length; i1++) {
                String argType = parameterTypes[i1];
                dcv.visitConstStmt(Op.CONST, 0, i1);
                dcv.visitStmt3R(Op.AGET_OBJECT, i, argStart, 0);
                unbox(argType, i, dcv);
                args[args_index++] = i;
                if (argType.charAt(0) == 'J' || argType.charAt(0) == 'D') {
                    args[args_index++] = i + 1;
                    i += 2;
                } else {
                    i += 1;
            dcv.visitMethodStmt(opcode, args, t);
            if ("V".equals(t.getReturnType())) {
                dcv.visitConstStmt(Op.CONST, 0, 0);
            } else {
                switch(t.getReturnType().charAt(0)) {
                    case '[':
                    case 'L':
                        dcv.visitStmt1R(Op.MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT, 0);
                    case 'J':
                    case 'D':
                        dcv.visitStmt1R(Op.MOVE_RESULT_WIDE, 0);
                        dcv.visitStmt1R(Op.MOVE_RESULT, 0);
                box(t.getReturnType().charAt(0), 0, 0, dcv);
            dcv.visitStmt1R(Op.RETURN_OBJECT, 0);
            return m;

        private DexMethodVisitor superVisitDexMethod(int accessFlags, Method method) {
            return super.visitMethod(accessFlags, method);
Also used : Op(com.googlecode.d2j.reader.Op) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Method(com.googlecode.d2j.Method) DexCodeNode(com.googlecode.d2j.node.DexCodeNode) DexMethodNode(com.googlecode.d2j.node.DexMethodNode) DexCodeVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexCodeVisitor) DexClassVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexClassVisitor) DexMethodVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexMethodVisitor)

Example 5 with DexClassVisitor

use of com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexClassVisitor in project dex2jar by pxb1988.

the class DexClassNode method accept.

public void accept(DexFileVisitor dfv) {
    DexClassVisitor dcv = dfv.visit(access, className, superClass, interfaceNames);
    if (dcv != null) {
Also used : DexClassVisitor(com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexClassVisitor)


DexClassVisitor (com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexClassVisitor)5 Method (com.googlecode.d2j.Method)4 DexCodeVisitor (com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexCodeVisitor)4 DexMethodVisitor (com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexMethodVisitor)4 Field (com.googlecode.d2j.Field)2 Op (com.googlecode.d2j.reader.Op)2 File ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 DexLabel (com.googlecode.d2j.DexLabel)1 DexFileWriter (com.googlecode.d2j.dex.writer.DexFileWriter)1 DexCodeNode (com.googlecode.d2j.node.DexCodeNode)1 DexMethodNode (com.googlecode.d2j.node.DexMethodNode)1 DexFileReader (com.googlecode.d2j.reader.DexFileReader)1 ASMifierFileV (com.googlecode.d2j.util.ASMifierFileV)1 DexAnnotationAble (com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexAnnotationAble)1 DexAnnotationVisitor (com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexAnnotationVisitor)1 DexFieldVisitor (com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexFieldVisitor)1 DexFileVisitor (com.googlecode.d2j.visitors.DexFileVisitor)1 Test (org.junit.Test)1