use of com.graphhopper.matching.MapMatching in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class MatchCommand method run.
protected void run(Bootstrap<GraphHopperServerConfiguration> bootstrap, Namespace args, GraphHopperServerConfiguration configuration) {
GraphHopperConfig graphHopperConfiguration = configuration.getGraphHopperConfiguration();
GraphHopper hopper = new GraphHopper().init(graphHopperConfiguration);
PMap hints = new PMap();
hints.putObject("profile", args.get("profile"));
MapMatching mapMatching = new MapMatching(hopper, hints);
StopWatch importSW = new StopWatch();
StopWatch matchSW = new StopWatch();
Translation tr = new TranslationMap().doImport().getWithFallBack(Helper.getLocale(args.getString("instructions")));
final boolean withRoute = !args.getString("instructions").isEmpty();
XmlMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();
for (File gpxFile : args.<File>getList("gpx")) {
try {
Gpx gpx = xmlMapper.readValue(gpxFile, Gpx.class);
if (gpx.trk == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No tracks found in GPX document. Are you using waypoints or routes instead?");
if (gpx.trk.size() > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("GPX documents with multiple tracks not supported yet.");
List<Observation> measurements = GpxConversions.getEntries(gpx.trk.get(0));
MatchResult mr = mapMatching.match(measurements);
System.out.println("\tmatches:\t" + mr.getEdgeMatches().size() + ", gps entries:" + measurements.size());
System.out.println("\tgpx length:\t" + (float) mr.getGpxEntriesLength() + " vs " + (float) mr.getMatchLength());
String outFile = gpxFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".res.gpx";
System.out.println("\texport results to:" + outFile);
ResponsePath responsePath = new PathMerger(mr.getGraph(), mr.getWeighting()).doWork(PointList.EMPTY, Collections.singletonList(mr.getMergedPath()), hopper.getEncodingManager(), tr);
if (responsePath.hasErrors()) {
System.err.println("Problem with file " + gpxFile + ", " + responsePath.getErrors());
try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outFile))) {
long time = gpx.trk.get(0).getStartTime().map(Date::getTime).orElse(System.currentTimeMillis());
writer.append(GpxConversions.createGPX(responsePath.getInstructions(), gpx.trk.get(0).name != null ? gpx.trk.get(0).name : "", time, hopper.hasElevation(), withRoute, true, false, Constants.VERSION, tr));
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.err.println("Problem with file " + gpxFile);
System.out.println("gps import took:" + importSW.getSeconds() + "s, match took: " + matchSW.getSeconds());
use of com.graphhopper.matching.MapMatching in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class MapMatchingTest method testLoop.
* This test is to check that loops are maintained. GPX input:
public void testLoop(PMap hints) throws IOException {
MapMatching mapMatching = new MapMatching(graphHopper, hints);
// Need to reduce GPS accuracy because too many GPX are filtered out otherwise.
Gpx gpx = xmlMapper.readValue(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/tour2-with-loop.gpx"), Gpx.class);
MatchResult mr = mapMatching.match(GpxConversions.getEntries(gpx.trk.get(0)));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("Gustav-Adolf-Straße", "Leibnizstraße", "Hinrichsenstraße", "Tschaikowskistraße"), fetchStreets(mr.getEdgeMatches()));
assertEquals(mr.getGpxEntriesLength(), mr.getMatchLength(), 5);
use of com.graphhopper.matching.MapMatching in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class MapMatchingTest method testDistantPoints.
* This test is to check behavior over large separated routes: it should
* work if the user sets the maxVisitedNodes large enough. Input path:
* <p>
* Update: Seems to me that this test only tests a long route, not one with
* distant input points. createRandomGPXEntries currently creates very close input points.
* The length of the route doesn't seem to matter.
public void testDistantPoints(PMap hints) {
// OK with 1000 visited nodes:
MapMatching mapMatching = new MapMatching(graphHopper, hints);
ResponsePath route = graphHopper.route(new GHRequest(new GHPoint(51.23, 12.18), new GHPoint(51.45, 12.59)).setProfile("my_profile")).getBest();
List<Observation> inputGPXEntries = createRandomGPXEntriesAlongRoute(route);
MatchResult mr = mapMatching.match(inputGPXEntries);
assertEquals(route.getDistance(), mr.getMatchLength(), 2);
// GraphHopper travel times aren't exactly additive
assertThat(Math.abs(route.getTime() - mr.getMatchMillis()), is(lessThan(1000L)));
// not OK when we only allow a small number of visited nodes:
PMap opts = new PMap(hints).putObject(Parameters.Routing.MAX_VISITED_NODES, 1);
mapMatching = new MapMatching(graphHopper, opts);
try {
mr = mapMatching.match(inputGPXEntries);
fail("Expected sequence to be broken due to maxVisitedNodes being too small");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("Sequence is broken for submitted track"));
use of com.graphhopper.matching.MapMatching in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class MapMatchingTest method testDoWork.
* TODO: split this test up into smaller units with better names?
public void testDoWork(PMap hints) {
MapMatching mapMatching = new MapMatching(graphHopper, hints);
ResponsePath route2 = graphHopper.route(new GHRequest(new GHPoint(51.358735, 12.360574), new GHPoint(51.358594, 12.360032)).setProfile("my_profile")).getBest();
List<Observation> inputGPXEntries = createRandomGPXEntriesAlongRoute(route2);
MatchResult mr = mapMatching.match(inputGPXEntries);
// make sure no virtual edges are returned
int edgeCount = graphHopper.getGraphHopperStorage().getAllEdges().length();
for (EdgeMatch em : mr.getEdgeMatches()) {
assertTrue(em.getEdgeState().getEdge() < edgeCount, "result contains virtual edges:" + em.getEdgeState().toString());
// create street names
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("Platnerstraße"), fetchStreets(mr.getEdgeMatches()));
assertEquals(mr.getGpxEntriesLength(), mr.getMatchLength(), 1.5);
ResponsePath route1 = graphHopper.route(new GHRequest(new GHPoint(51.33099, 12.380267), new GHPoint(51.330531, 12.380396)).setProfile("my_profile")).getBest();
inputGPXEntries = createRandomGPXEntriesAlongRoute(route1);
mr = mapMatching.match(inputGPXEntries);
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("Windmühlenstraße", "Bayrischer Platz"), fetchStreets(mr.getEdgeMatches()));
assertEquals(mr.getGpxEntriesLength(), mr.getMatchLength(), .1);
ResponsePath route = graphHopper.route(new GHRequest(new GHPoint(51.377781, 12.338333), new GHPoint(51.323317, 12.387085)).setProfile("my_profile")).getBest();
inputGPXEntries = createRandomGPXEntriesAlongRoute(route);
mapMatching = new MapMatching(graphHopper, hints);
mr = mapMatching.match(inputGPXEntries);
assertEquals(route.getDistance(), mr.getMatchLength(), 0.5);
// GraphHopper travel times aren't exactly additive
assertThat(Math.abs(route.getTime() - mr.getMatchMillis()), is(lessThan(1000L)));
assertEquals(142, mr.getEdgeMatches().size());
use of com.graphhopper.matching.MapMatching in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class MapMatchingTest method testUTurns.
* This test is to check that U-turns are avoided when it's just measurement
* error, though do occur when a point goes up a road further than the
* measurement error. GPX input:
public void testUTurns(PMap hints) throws IOException {
hints = new PMap(hints).putObject(Parameters.Routing.HEADING_PENALTY, 50);
MapMatching mapMatching = new MapMatching(graphHopper, hints);
Gpx gpx = xmlMapper.readValue(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/tour4-with-uturn.gpx"), Gpx.class);
// with large measurement error, we expect no U-turn
MatchResult mr = mapMatching.match(GpxConversions.getEntries(gpx.trk.get(0)));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("Gustav-Adolf-Straße", "Funkenburgstraße"), fetchStreets(mr.getEdgeMatches()));
// with small measurement error, we expect the U-turn
mr = mapMatching.match(GpxConversions.getEntries(gpx.trk.get(0)));
assertEquals(Arrays.asList("Gustav-Adolf-Straße", "Funkenburgstraße"), fetchStreets(mr.getEdgeMatches()));