use of com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class CHTurnCostTest method test_issue1593_full.
@ValueSource(strings = { DIJKSTRA_BI, ASTAR_BI })
public void test_issue1593_full(String algo) {
// 6 5
// 1<-x-4-x-3
// || |
// |x7 x8
// || /
// 2---
NodeAccess na = graph.getNodeAccess();
na.setNode(0, 49.407117, 9.701306);
na.setNode(1, 49.406914, 9.703393);
na.setNode(2, 49.404004, 9.709110);
na.setNode(3, 49.400160, 9.708787);
na.setNode(4, 49.400883, 9.706347);
EdgeIteratorState edge0 = GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, true, encoder, graph.edge(4, 3).setDistance(194.063000));
EdgeIteratorState edge1 = GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, true, encoder, graph.edge(1, 2).setDistance(525.106000));
EdgeIteratorState edge2 = GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, true, encoder, graph.edge(1, 2).setDistance(525.106000));
EdgeIteratorState edge3 = GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, false, encoder, graph.edge(4, 1).setDistance(703.778000));
EdgeIteratorState edge4 = GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, true, encoder, graph.edge(2, 4).setDistance(400.509000));
// cannot go 4-2-1 and 1-2-4 (at least when using edge1, there is still edge2!)
setRestriction(edge4, edge1, 2);
setRestriction(edge1, edge4, 2);
// cannot go 3-4-1
setRestriction(edge0, edge3, 4);
LocationIndexTree index = new LocationIndexTree(graph, new RAMDirectory());
List<GHPoint> points = Arrays.asList(// 8 (on edge4)
new GHPoint(49.401669187194116, 9.706821649608745), // 5 (on edge0)
new GHPoint(49.40056349818417, 9.70767186472369), // 7 (on edge2)
new GHPoint(49.406580835146556, 9.704665738628218), // 6 (on edge3)
new GHPoint(49.40107534698834, 9.702248694088528));
List<Snap> snaps = new ArrayList<>(points.size());
for (GHPoint point : points) {
snaps.add(index.findClosest(point.getLat(), point.getLon(), EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES));
QueryGraph queryGraph = QueryGraph.create(chGraph.getBaseGraph(), snaps);
RoutingAlgorithm chAlgo = new CHRoutingAlgorithmFactory(chGraph, queryGraph).createAlgo(new PMap().putObject(ALGORITHM, algo));
Path path = chAlgo.calcPath(5, 6);
// there should not be a path from 5 to 6, because first we cannot go directly 5-4-6, so we need to go left
// to 8. then at 2 we cannot go on edge 1 because of another turn restriction, but we can go on edge 2 so we
// travel via the virtual node 7 to node 1. From there we cannot go to 6 because of the one-way so we go back
// to node 2 (no u-turn because of the duplicate edge) on edge1. And this is were the journey ends: we cannot
// go to 8 because of the turn restriction from edge1 to edge4 -> there should not be a path!
assertFalse(path.isFound(), "there should not be a path, but found: " + path.calcNodes());
use of com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class CHTurnCostTest method testFiniteUTurnCost_virtualViaNode.
@ValueSource(strings = { DIJKSTRA_BI, ASTAR_BI })
public void testFiniteUTurnCost_virtualViaNode(String algo) {
// if there is an extra virtual node it can be possible to do a u-turn that otherwise would not be possible
// and so there can be a difference between CH and non-CH... therefore u-turns at virtual nodes are forbidden
// 4->3->2->1-x-0
// |
// 5->6
GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, false, encoder, graph.edge(4, 3).setDistance(0));
GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, false, encoder, graph.edge(3, 2).setDistance(0));
GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, false, encoder, graph.edge(2, 1).setDistance(0));
GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, true, encoder, graph.edge(1, 0).setDistance(0));
GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, false, encoder, graph.edge(1, 5).setDistance(0));
GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, false, encoder, graph.edge(5, 6).setDistance(0));
updateDistancesFor(graph, 4, 0.1, 0.0);
updateDistancesFor(graph, 3, 0.1, 0.1);
updateDistancesFor(graph, 2, 0.1, 0.2);
updateDistancesFor(graph, 1, 0.1, 0.3);
updateDistancesFor(graph, 0, 0.1, 0.4);
updateDistancesFor(graph, 5, 0.0, 0.3);
updateDistancesFor(graph, 6, 0.0, 0.4);
// not allowed to turn right at node 1 -> we have to take a u-turn at node 0 (or at the virtual node...)
setRestriction(2, 1, 5);
chConfig = chConfigs.get(1);
prepareCH(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
LocationIndexTree index = new LocationIndexTree(graph, new RAMDirectory());
GHPoint virtualPoint = new GHPoint(0.1, 0.35);
Snap snap = index.findClosest(, virtualPoint.lon, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
QueryGraph chQueryGraph = QueryGraph.create(graph, snap);
assertEquals(3, snap.getClosestEdge().getEdge());
QueryRoutingCHGraph routingCHGraph = new QueryRoutingCHGraph(chGraph, chQueryGraph);
RoutingAlgorithm chAlgo = new CHRoutingAlgorithmFactory(routingCHGraph).createAlgo(new PMap().putObject(ALGORITHM, algo));
Path path = chAlgo.calcPath(4, 6);
assertEquals(IntArrayList.from(4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 5, 6), path.calcNodes());
Snap snap2 = index.findClosest(, virtualPoint.lon, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
QueryGraph queryGraph = QueryGraph.create(graph, snap2);
assertEquals(3, snap2.getClosestEdge().getEdge());
Weighting w = queryGraph.wrapWeighting(chConfig.getWeighting());
Dijkstra dijkstra = new Dijkstra(queryGraph, w, TraversalMode.EDGE_BASED);
Path dijkstraPath = dijkstra.calcPath(4, 6);
assertEquals(IntArrayList.from(4, 3, 2, 1, 7, 0, 7, 1, 5, 6), dijkstraPath.calcNodes());
assertEquals(dijkstraPath.getWeight(), path.getWeight(), 1.e-2);
assertEquals(dijkstraPath.getDistance(), path.getDistance(), 1.e-2);
assertEquals(dijkstraPath.getTime(), path.getTime());
use of com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class QueryRoutingCHGraphTest method getBaseGraph.
public void getBaseGraph() {
GHUtility.setSpeed(60, true, true, encoder, graph.edge(0, 1).setDistance(10));
CHConfig chConfig = CHConfig.edgeBased("x", weighting);
CHStorage chStore = graph.createCHStorage(chConfig);
RoutingCHGraph routingCHGraph = graph.createCHGraph(chStore, chConfig);
QueryGraph queryGraph = QueryGraph.create(graph, Collections.<Snap>emptyList());
assertSame(graph.getBaseGraph(), routingCHGraph.getBaseGraph());
QueryRoutingCHGraph queryCHGraph = new QueryRoutingCHGraph(routingCHGraph, queryGraph);
assertSame(queryGraph, queryCHGraph.getBaseGraph());
use of com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class QueryRoutingCHGraphTest method withVirtualEdges.
public void withVirtualEdges() {
// 2 3
// 0-x-1-2
// 3
na.setNode(0, 50.00, 10.00);
na.setNode(1, 50.00, 10.10);
na.setNode(2, 50.00, 10.20);
EdgeIteratorState edge = addEdge(graph, 0, 1);
addEdge(graph, 1, 2);
assertEquals(2, graph.getEdges());
CHConfig chConfig = CHConfig.edgeBased("x", weighting);
CHStorage chStore = graph.createCHStorage(chConfig);
RoutingCHGraph routingCHGraph = graph.createCHGraph(chStore, chConfig);
Snap snap = new Snap(50.00, 10.05);
QueryGraph queryGraph = QueryGraph.create(graph, Collections.singletonList(snap));
QueryRoutingCHGraph queryCHGraph = new QueryRoutingCHGraph(routingCHGraph, queryGraph);
assertEquals(4, queryCHGraph.getNodes());
assertEquals(2 + 4, queryCHGraph.getEdges());
assertNodesConnected(queryCHGraph, 1, 2, true);
// virtual edges at virtual node 3
assertNodesConnected(queryCHGraph, 0, 3, true);
assertNodesConnected(queryCHGraph, 3, 1, true);
// out-iter at real node
RoutingCHEdgeIterator outIter = queryCHGraph.createOutEdgeExplorer().setBaseNode(2);
assertNextEdge(outIter, 2, 1, 1);
// in-iter at real node
RoutingCHEdgeIterator inIter = queryCHGraph.createInEdgeExplorer().setBaseNode(2);
assertNextEdge(inIter, 2, 1, 1);
// out-iter at real node next to virtual node
outIter = queryCHGraph.createOutEdgeExplorer().setBaseNode(0);
assertNextEdge(outIter, 0, 3, 2);
// in-iter at real node next to virtual node
inIter = queryCHGraph.createInEdgeExplorer().setBaseNode(1);
assertNextEdge(inIter, 1, 3, 3);
assertNextEdge(inIter, 1, 2, 1);
// out-iter at virtual node
outIter = queryCHGraph.createOutEdgeExplorer().setBaseNode(3);
assertNextEdge(outIter, 3, 0, 2);
assertNextEdge(outIter, 3, 1, 3);
// in-iter at virtual node
inIter = queryCHGraph.createInEdgeExplorer().setBaseNode(3);
assertNextEdge(inIter, 3, 0, 2);
assertNextEdge(inIter, 3, 1, 3);
use of com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class QueryRoutingCHGraphTest method getLevel.
public void getLevel() {
// 0-x-1
na.setNode(0, 50.00, 10.00);
na.setNode(1, 50.00, 10.10);
EdgeIteratorState edge = addEdge(graph, 0, 1);
CHConfig chConfig = CHConfig.edgeBased("x", weighting);
CHStorage chStore = graph.createCHStorage(chConfig);
RoutingCHGraph routingCHGraph = graph.createCHGraph(chStore, chConfig);
CHStorageBuilder chBuilder = new CHStorageBuilder(chStore);
chBuilder.setLevel(0, 5);
chBuilder.setLevel(1, 7);
Snap snap = new Snap(50.00, 10.05);
QueryGraph queryGraph = QueryGraph.create(graph, Collections.singletonList(snap));
QueryRoutingCHGraph queryCHGraph = new QueryRoutingCHGraph(routingCHGraph, queryGraph);
assertEquals(5, queryCHGraph.getLevel(0));
assertEquals(7, queryCHGraph.getLevel(1));
assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, queryCHGraph.getLevel(2));