use of com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class Router method routeAlt.
protected GHResponse routeAlt(GHRequest request, Solver solver) {
if (request.getPoints().size() > 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Currently alternative routes work only with start and end point. You tried to use: " + request.getPoints().size() + " points");
GHResponse ghRsp = new GHResponse();
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch().start();
DirectedEdgeFilter directedEdgeFilter = solver.createDirectedEdgeFilter();
List<Snap> snaps = ViaRouting.lookup(encodingManager, request.getPoints(), solver.createSnapFilter(), locationIndex, request.getSnapPreventions(), request.getPointHints(), directedEdgeFilter, request.getHeadings());
ghRsp.addDebugInfo("idLookup:" + sw.stop().getSeconds() + "s");
QueryGraph queryGraph = QueryGraph.create(ghStorage, snaps);
PathCalculator pathCalculator = solver.createPathCalculator(queryGraph);
boolean passThrough = getPassThrough(request.getHints());
boolean forceCurbsides = getForceCurbsides(request.getHints());
if (passThrough)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Alternative paths and " + PASS_THROUGH + " at the same time is currently not supported");
if (!request.getCurbsides().isEmpty())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Alternative paths do not support the " + CURBSIDE + " parameter yet");
ViaRouting.Result result = ViaRouting.calcPaths(request.getPoints(), queryGraph, snaps, directedEdgeFilter, pathCalculator, request.getCurbsides(), forceCurbsides, request.getHeadings(), passThrough);
if (result.paths.isEmpty())
throw new RuntimeException("Empty paths for alternative route calculation not expected");
// each path represents a different alternative and we do the path merging for each of them
PathMerger pathMerger = createPathMerger(request, solver.weighting, queryGraph);
for (Path path : result.paths) {
PointList waypoints = getWaypoints(snaps);
ResponsePath responsePath = pathMerger.doWork(waypoints, Collections.singletonList(path), encodingManager, translationMap.getWithFallBack(request.getLocale()));
ghRsp.getHints().putObject("visited_nodes.sum", result.visitedNodes);
ghRsp.getHints().putObject("visited_nodes.average", (float) result.visitedNodes / (snaps.size() - 1));
return ghRsp;
use of com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class MiniGraphUI method createAlgo.
private RoutingAlgorithm createAlgo(GraphHopper hopper) {
Profile profile = hopper.getProfiles().iterator().next();
if (useCH) {
RoutingCHGraph chGraph = hopper.getCHGraphs().get(profile.getName());"CH algo, profile: " + profile.getName());
QueryGraph qGraph = QueryGraph.create(hopper.getGraphHopperStorage(), fromRes, toRes);
QueryRoutingCHGraph queryRoutingCHGraph = new QueryRoutingCHGraph(chGraph, qGraph);
return new CHDebugAlgo(queryRoutingCHGraph, mg);
} else {
LandmarkStorage landmarks = hopper.getLandmarks().get(profile.getName());
RoutingAlgorithmFactory algoFactory = (g, w, opts) -> {
RoutingAlgorithm algo = new LMRoutingAlgorithmFactory(landmarks).createAlgo(g, w, opts);
if (algo instanceof AStarBidirection) {
return new DebugAStarBi(g, w, opts.getTraversalMode(), mg).setApproximation(((AStarBidirection) algo).getApproximation());
} else if (algo instanceof AStar) {
return new DebugAStar(g, w, opts.getTraversalMode(), mg);
} else if (algo instanceof DijkstraBidirectionRef) {
return new DebugDijkstraBidirection(g, w, opts.getTraversalMode(), mg);
} else if (algo instanceof Dijkstra) {
return new DebugDijkstraSimple(g, w, opts.getTraversalMode(), mg);
return algo;
AlgorithmOptions algoOpts = new AlgorithmOptions().setAlgorithm(Algorithms.ASTAR_BI);"algoOpts:" + algoOpts + ", weighting: " + landmarks.getWeighting() + ", profile: " + profile.getName());
QueryGraph qGraph = QueryGraph.create(graph, fromRes, toRes);
return algoFactory.createAlgo(qGraph, landmarks.getWeighting(), algoOpts);
use of com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class PrepareLandmarksTest method testLandmarkStorageAndRouting.
public void testLandmarkStorageAndRouting() {
// create graph with lat,lon
// 0 1 2 ...
// 15 16 17 ...
Random rand = new Random(0);
int width = 15, height = 15;
DecimalEncodedValue avSpeedEnc = encoder.getAverageSpeedEnc();
BooleanEncodedValue accessEnc = encoder.getAccessEnc();
for (int hIndex = 0; hIndex < height; hIndex++) {
for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < width; wIndex++) {
int node = wIndex + hIndex * width;
// do not connect first with last column!
double speed = 20 + rand.nextDouble() * 30;
if (wIndex + 1 < width)
graph.edge(node, node + 1).set(accessEnc, true, true).set(avSpeedEnc, speed);
// avoid dead ends
if (hIndex + 1 < height)
graph.edge(node, node + width).set(accessEnc, true, true).set(avSpeedEnc, speed);
updateDistancesFor(graph, node, -hIndex / 50.0, wIndex / 50.0);
Directory dir = new RAMDirectory();
LocationIndexTree index = new LocationIndexTree(graph, dir);
int lm = 5, activeLM = 2;
Weighting weighting = new FastestWeighting(encoder);
LMConfig lmConfig = new LMConfig("car", weighting);
LandmarkStorage store = new LandmarkStorage(graph, dir, lmConfig, lm);
// landmarks should be the 4 corners of the grid:
int[] intList = store.getLandmarks(1);
assertEquals("[0, 14, 70, 182, 224]", Arrays.toString(intList));
// two landmarks: one for subnetwork 0 (all empty) and one for subnetwork 1
assertEquals(2, store.getSubnetworksWithLandmarks());
assertEquals(0, store.getFromWeight(0, 224));
double factor = store.getFactor();
assertEquals(4671, Math.round(store.getFromWeight(0, 47) * factor));
assertEquals(3640, Math.round(store.getFromWeight(0, 52) * factor));
long weight1_224 = store.getFromWeight(1, 224);
assertEquals(5525, Math.round(weight1_224 * factor));
long weight1_47 = store.getFromWeight(1, 47);
assertEquals(921, Math.round(weight1_47 * factor));
// grid is symmetric
assertEquals(weight1_224, store.getToWeight(1, 224));
assertEquals(weight1_47, store.getToWeight(1, 47));
// prefer the landmarks before and behind the goal
int[] activeLandmarkIndices = new int[activeLM];
Arrays.fill(activeLandmarkIndices, -1);
store.chooseActiveLandmarks(27, 47, activeLandmarkIndices, false);
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int idx : activeLandmarkIndices) {
// TODO should better select 0 and 224?
assertEquals(Arrays.asList(224, 70), list);
PrepareLandmarks prepare = new PrepareLandmarks(new RAMDirectory(), graph, lmConfig, 4);
LandmarkStorage lms = prepare.getLandmarkStorage();
AStar expectedAlgo = new AStar(graph, weighting, tm);
Path expectedPath = expectedAlgo.calcPath(41, 183);
PMap hints = new PMap().putObject(Parameters.Landmark.ACTIVE_COUNT, 2);
// landmarks with A*
RoutingAlgorithm oneDirAlgoWithLandmarks = new LMRoutingAlgorithmFactory(lms).createAlgo(graph, weighting, new AlgorithmOptions().setAlgorithm(ASTAR).setTraversalMode(tm).setHints(hints));
Path path = oneDirAlgoWithLandmarks.calcPath(41, 183);
assertEquals(expectedPath.getWeight(), path.getWeight(), .1);
assertEquals(expectedPath.calcNodes(), path.calcNodes());
assertEquals(expectedAlgo.getVisitedNodes() - 135, oneDirAlgoWithLandmarks.getVisitedNodes());
// landmarks with bidir A*
RoutingAlgorithm biDirAlgoWithLandmarks = new LMRoutingAlgorithmFactory(lms).createAlgo(graph, weighting, new AlgorithmOptions().setAlgorithm(ASTAR_BI).setTraversalMode(tm).setHints(hints));
path = biDirAlgoWithLandmarks.calcPath(41, 183);
assertEquals(expectedPath.getWeight(), path.getWeight(), .1);
assertEquals(expectedPath.calcNodes(), path.calcNodes());
assertEquals(expectedAlgo.getVisitedNodes() - 162, biDirAlgoWithLandmarks.getVisitedNodes());
// landmarks with A* and a QueryGraph. We expect slightly less optimal as two more cycles needs to be traversed
// due to the two more virtual nodes but this should not harm in practise
Snap fromSnap = index.findClosest(-0.0401, 0.2201, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
Snap toSnap = index.findClosest(-0.2401, 0.0601, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
QueryGraph qGraph = QueryGraph.create(graph, fromSnap, toSnap);
RoutingAlgorithm qGraphOneDirAlgo = new LMRoutingAlgorithmFactory(lms).createAlgo(qGraph, weighting, new AlgorithmOptions().setAlgorithm(ASTAR).setTraversalMode(tm).setHints(hints));
path = qGraphOneDirAlgo.calcPath(fromSnap.getClosestNode(), toSnap.getClosestNode());
expectedAlgo = new AStar(qGraph, weighting, tm);
expectedPath = expectedAlgo.calcPath(fromSnap.getClosestNode(), toSnap.getClosestNode());
assertEquals(expectedPath.getWeight(), path.getWeight(), .1);
assertEquals(expectedPath.calcNodes(), path.calcNodes());
assertEquals(expectedAlgo.getVisitedNodes() - 135, qGraphOneDirAlgo.getVisitedNodes());
use of com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class BlockAreaWeightingTest method testBlockVirtualEdges_QueryGraph.
public void testBlockVirtualEdges_QueryGraph() {
GraphEdgeIdFinder.BlockArea bArea = new GraphEdgeIdFinder.BlockArea(graph);
// add base graph edge to fill caches and trigger edgeId cache search (without virtual edges)
GHIntHashSet set = new GHIntHashSet();
bArea.add(new Circle(0.0025, 0.0025, 1), set);
LocationIndex index = new LocationIndexTree(graph, graph.getDirectory()).prepareIndex();
Snap snap = index.findClosest(0.005, 0.005, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
QueryGraph queryGraph = QueryGraph.create(graph, snap);
BlockAreaWeighting instance = new BlockAreaWeighting(new FastestWeighting(encoder), bArea);
EdgeIterator iter = queryGraph.createEdgeExplorer().setBaseNode(snap.getClosestNode());
int blockedEdges = 0, totalEdges = 0;
while ( {
if (Double.isInfinite(instance.calcEdgeWeight(iter, false)))
assertEquals(1, blockedEdges);
assertEquals(2, totalEdges);
use of com.graphhopper.routing.querygraph.QueryGraph in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class Router method routeVia.
protected GHResponse routeVia(GHRequest request, Solver solver) {
GHResponse ghRsp = new GHResponse();
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch().start();
DirectedEdgeFilter directedEdgeFilter = solver.createDirectedEdgeFilter();
List<Snap> snaps = ViaRouting.lookup(encodingManager, request.getPoints(), solver.createSnapFilter(), locationIndex, request.getSnapPreventions(), request.getPointHints(), directedEdgeFilter, request.getHeadings());
ghRsp.addDebugInfo("idLookup:" + sw.stop().getSeconds() + "s");
// (base) query graph used to resolve headings, curbsides etc. this is not necessarily the same thing as
// the (possibly implementation specific) query graph used by PathCalculator
QueryGraph queryGraph = QueryGraph.create(ghStorage, snaps);
PathCalculator pathCalculator = solver.createPathCalculator(queryGraph);
boolean passThrough = getPassThrough(request.getHints());
boolean forceCurbsides = getForceCurbsides(request.getHints());
ViaRouting.Result result = ViaRouting.calcPaths(request.getPoints(), queryGraph, snaps, directedEdgeFilter, pathCalculator, request.getCurbsides(), forceCurbsides, request.getHeadings(), passThrough);
if (request.getPoints().size() != result.paths.size() + 1)
throw new RuntimeException("There should be exactly one more point than paths. points:" + request.getPoints().size() + ", paths:" + result.paths.size());
// here each path represents one leg of the via-route and we merge them all together into one response path
ResponsePath responsePath = concatenatePaths(request, solver.weighting, queryGraph, result.paths, getWaypoints(snaps));
ghRsp.getHints().putObject("visited_nodes.sum", result.visitedNodes);
ghRsp.getHints().putObject("visited_nodes.average", (float) result.visitedNodes / (snaps.size() - 1));
return ghRsp;