use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class QueryGraphTest method testIteration_Issue163.
public void testIteration_Issue163() {
EdgeFilter outEdgeFilter = new DefaultEdgeFilter(encodingManager.getEncoder("car"), false, true);
EdgeFilter inEdgeFilter = new DefaultEdgeFilter(encodingManager.getEncoder("car"), true, false);
EdgeExplorer inExplorer = g.createEdgeExplorer(inEdgeFilter);
EdgeExplorer outExplorer = g.createEdgeExplorer(outEdgeFilter);
int nodeA = 0;
int nodeB = 1;
/* init test graph: one directional edge going from A to B, via virtual nodes C and D
* (C)-(D)
* / \
* A B
g.getNodeAccess().setNode(nodeA, 1, 0);
g.getNodeAccess().setNode(nodeB, 1, 10);
g.edge(nodeA, nodeB, 10, false).setWayGeometry(Helper.createPointList(1.5, 3, 1.5, 7));
// assert the behavior for classic edgeIterator
assertEdgeIdsStayingEqual(inExplorer, outExplorer, nodeA, nodeB);
// setup query results
EdgeIteratorState it = GHUtility.getEdge(g, nodeA, nodeB);
QueryResult res1 = createLocationResult(1.5, 3, it, 1, QueryResult.Position.EDGE);
QueryResult res2 = createLocationResult(1.5, 7, it, 2, QueryResult.Position.EDGE);
QueryGraph q = new QueryGraph(g);
q.lookup(Arrays.asList(res1, res2));
int nodeC = res1.getClosestNode();
int nodeD = res2.getClosestNode();
inExplorer = q.createEdgeExplorer(inEdgeFilter);
outExplorer = q.createEdgeExplorer(outEdgeFilter);
// assert the same behavior for queryGraph
assertEdgeIdsStayingEqual(inExplorer, outExplorer, nodeA, nodeC);
assertEdgeIdsStayingEqual(inExplorer, outExplorer, nodeC, nodeD);
assertEdgeIdsStayingEqual(inExplorer, outExplorer, nodeD, nodeB);
use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class QueryGraphTest method testOneWayLoop_Issue162.
public void testOneWayLoop_Issue162() {
// do query at x, where edge is oneway
// |\
// | x
// 0<-\
// |
// 1
NodeAccess na = g.getNodeAccess();
na.setNode(0, 0, 0);
na.setNode(1, 0, -0.001);
g.edge(0, 1, 10, true);
// in the case of identical nodes the wayGeometry defines the direction!
EdgeIteratorState edge = g.edge(0, 0).setDistance(100).setFlags(carEncoder.setProperties(20, true, false)).setWayGeometry(Helper.createPointList(0.001, 0, 0, 0.001));
QueryResult qr = new QueryResult(0.0011, 0.0009);
qr.calcSnappedPoint(new DistanceCalc2D());
QueryGraph qg = new QueryGraph(g);
EdgeExplorer ee = qg.createEdgeExplorer();
assertTrue(qr.getClosestNode() > 1);
assertEquals(2, GHUtility.count(ee.setBaseNode(qr.getClosestNode())));
EdgeIterator iter = ee.setBaseNode(qr.getClosestNode());;
assertTrue(iter.toString(), iter.isForward(carEncoder));
assertFalse(iter.toString(), iter.isBackward(carEncoder));;
assertFalse(iter.toString(), iter.isForward(carEncoder));
assertTrue(iter.toString(), iter.isBackward(carEncoder));
use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class QueryGraphTest method testLoopStreet_Issue151.
public void testLoopStreet_Issue151() {
// do query at x should result in ignoring only the bottom edge 1-3 not the upper one => getNeighbors are 0, 5, 3 and not only 0, 5
// 0--1--3--4
// | |
// x---
g.edge(0, 1, 10, true);
g.edge(1, 3, 10, true);
g.edge(3, 4, 10, true);
EdgeIteratorState edge = g.edge(1, 3, 20, true).setWayGeometry(Helper.createPointList(-0.001, 0.001, -0.001, 0.002));
AbstractRoutingAlgorithmTester.updateDistancesFor(g, 0, 0, 0);
AbstractRoutingAlgorithmTester.updateDistancesFor(g, 1, 0, 0.001);
AbstractRoutingAlgorithmTester.updateDistancesFor(g, 3, 0, 0.002);
AbstractRoutingAlgorithmTester.updateDistancesFor(g, 4, 0, 0.003);
QueryResult qr = new QueryResult(-0.0005, 0.001);
qr.calcSnappedPoint(new DistanceCalc2D());
QueryGraph qg = new QueryGraph(g);
EdgeExplorer ee = qg.createEdgeExplorer();
assertEquals(GHUtility.asSet(0, 5, 3), GHUtility.getNeighbors(ee.setBaseNode(1)));
use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class RoundTripRoutingTemplateTest method testLookupAndCalcPaths_simpleSquareGraph.
public void testLookupAndCalcPaths_simpleSquareGraph() {
Graph g = createSquareGraph();
// start at node 0 and head south, make sure the round trip is long enough to reach most southern node 6
GHPoint start = new GHPoint(1, -1);
double heading = 180.0;
int numPoints = 2;
double roundTripDistance = 670000;
GHRequest ghRequest = new GHRequest(Collections.singletonList(start), Collections.singletonList(heading));
ghRequest.getHints().put(Parameters.Algorithms.RoundTrip.POINTS, numPoints);
ghRequest.getHints().put(Parameters.Algorithms.RoundTrip.DISTANCE, roundTripDistance);
LocationIndex locationIndex = new LocationIndexTree(g, new RAMDirectory()).prepareIndex();
RoundTripRoutingTemplate routingTemplate = new RoundTripRoutingTemplate(ghRequest, new GHResponse(), locationIndex, 1);
List<QueryResult> stagePoints = routingTemplate.lookup(ghRequest.getPoints(), carFE);
assertEquals(3, stagePoints.size());
assertEquals(0, stagePoints.get(0).getClosestNode());
assertEquals(6, stagePoints.get(1).getClosestNode());
assertEquals(0, stagePoints.get(2).getClosestNode());
QueryGraph queryGraph = new QueryGraph(g);
Weighting weighting = new FastestWeighting(carFE);
List<Path> paths = routingTemplate.calcPaths(queryGraph, new RoutingAlgorithmFactorySimple(), new AlgorithmOptions(DIJKSTRA_BI, weighting, tMode));
// make sure the resulting paths are connected and form a round trip starting and ending at the start node 0
assertEquals(2, paths.size());
assertEquals(Helper.createTList(0, 7, 6, 5), paths.get(0).calcNodes());
assertEquals(Helper.createTList(5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0), paths.get(1).calcNodes());
use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class RoundTripRoutingTemplateTest method testCalcRoundTrip.
public void testCalcRoundTrip() throws Exception {
Weighting weighting = new FastestWeighting(carFE);
Graph g = createTestGraph(true);
RoundTripRoutingTemplate rTripRouting = new RoundTripRoutingTemplate(new GHRequest(), new GHResponse(), null, 1);
LocationIndex locationIndex = new LocationIndexTree(g, new RAMDirectory()).prepareIndex();
QueryResult qr4 = locationIndex.findClosest(0.05, 0.25, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
assertEquals(4, qr4.getClosestNode());
QueryResult qr5 = locationIndex.findClosest(0.00, 0.05, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
assertEquals(5, qr5.getClosestNode());
QueryResult qr6 = locationIndex.findClosest(0.00, 0.10, EdgeFilter.ALL_EDGES);
assertEquals(6, qr6.getClosestNode());
QueryGraph qGraph = new QueryGraph(g);
qGraph.lookup(qr4, qr5);
rTripRouting.setQueryResults(Arrays.asList(qr5, qr4, qr5));
List<Path> paths = rTripRouting.calcPaths(qGraph, new RoutingAlgorithmFactorySimple(), new AlgorithmOptions(DIJKSTRA_BI, weighting, tMode));
assertEquals(2, paths.size());
assertEquals(Helper.createTList(5, 6, 3, 4), paths.get(0).calcNodes());
assertEquals(Helper.createTList(4, 8, 7, 6, 5), paths.get(1).calcNodes());
qGraph = new QueryGraph(g);
qGraph.lookup(qr4, qr6);
rTripRouting.setQueryResults(Arrays.asList(qr6, qr4, qr6));
paths = rTripRouting.calcPaths(qGraph, new RoutingAlgorithmFactorySimple(), new AlgorithmOptions(DIJKSTRA_BI, weighting, tMode));
assertEquals(2, paths.size());
assertEquals(Helper.createTList(6, 3, 4), paths.get(0).calcNodes());
assertEquals(Helper.createTList(4, 8, 7, 6), paths.get(1).calcNodes());