use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class RoundTripRoutingTemplate method generateValidPoint.
private QueryResult generateValidPoint(GHPoint from, double distanceInMeters, double heading, EdgeFilter edgeFilter) {
int tryCount = 0;
while (true) {
GHPoint generatedPoint = Helper.DIST_EARTH.projectCoordinate(from.getLat(), from.getLon(), distanceInMeters, heading);
QueryResult qr = locationIndex.findClosest(generatedPoint.getLat(), generatedPoint.getLon(), edgeFilter);
if (qr.isValid())
return qr;
distanceInMeters *= 0.95;
if (tryCount >= maxRetries)
return null;
use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class GtfsReader method connectStopsToStreetNetwork.
private void connectStopsToStreetNetwork() {
EdgeFilter filter = new EverythingButPt(encoder);
for (Stop stop : feed.stops.values()) {
QueryResult locationQueryResult = walkNetworkIndex.findClosest(stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon, filter);
int streetNode;
if (!locationQueryResult.isValid()) {
streetNode = i++;
nodeAccess.setNode(streetNode, stop.stop_lat, stop.stop_lon);
graph.edge(streetNode, streetNode, 0.0, false);
} else {
streetNode = locationQueryResult.getClosestNode();
gtfsStorage.getStationNodes().put(stop.stop_id, streetNode);
use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class RoutingAlgorithmWithOSMIT method runAlgo.
* @param withCH if true also the CH and LM algorithms will be tested which need
* preparation and takes a bit longer
Graph runAlgo(TestAlgoCollector testCollector, String osmFile, String graphFile, List<OneRun> forEveryAlgo, String importVehicles, boolean withCH, String vehicle, String weightStr, boolean is3D) {
// for different weightings we need a different storage, otherwise we would need to remove the graph folder
// everytime we come with a different weighting
// graphFile += weightStr;
AlgoHelperEntry algoEntry = null;
OneRun tmpOneRun = null;
try {
Helper.removeDir(new File(graphFile));
GraphHopper hopper = new GraphHopperOSM().setStoreOnFlush(true).setCHEnabled(false).setDataReaderFile(osmFile).setGraphHopperLocation(graphFile).setEncodingManager(new EncodingManager(importVehicles));
if (osmFile.contains("krautsand"))
hopper.setMinNetworkSize(0, 0);
// avoid that path.getDistance is too different to path.getPoint.calcDistance
// always enable landmarks
if (withCH)
if (is3D)
hopper.setElevationProvider(new SRTMProvider(DIR));
TraversalMode tMode = importVehicles.contains("turn_costs=true") ? TraversalMode.EDGE_BASED_2DIR : TraversalMode.NODE_BASED;
FlagEncoder encoder = hopper.getEncodingManager().getEncoder(vehicle);
HintsMap hints = new HintsMap().setWeighting(weightStr).setVehicle(vehicle);
Collection<AlgoHelperEntry> prepares = RoutingAlgorithmIT.createAlgos(hopper, hints, tMode);
EdgeFilter edgeFilter = new DefaultEdgeFilter(encoder);
for (AlgoHelperEntry entry : prepares) {
algoEntry = entry;
LocationIndex idx = entry.getIdx();
for (OneRun oneRun : forEveryAlgo) {
tmpOneRun = oneRun;
List<QueryResult> list = oneRun.getList(idx, edgeFilter);
testCollector.assertDistance(algoEntry, list, oneRun);
return hopper.getGraphHopperStorage();
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (algoEntry == null)
throw new RuntimeException("cannot handle file " + osmFile + ", " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
throw new RuntimeException("cannot handle " + algoEntry.toString() + ", for " + tmpOneRun + ", file " + osmFile + ", " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
} finally {
// Helper.removeDir(new File(graphFile));
use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class RoundTripRoutingTemplate method lookup.
public List<QueryResult> lookup(List<GHPoint> points, FlagEncoder encoder) {
if (points.size() != 1 || ghRequest.getPoints().size() != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("For round trip calculation exactly one point is required");
final double distanceInMeter = ghRequest.getHints().getDouble(RoundTrip.DISTANCE, 10000);
final long seed = ghRequest.getHints().getLong(RoundTrip.SEED, 0L);
double initialHeading = ghRequest.getFavoredHeading(0);
final int roundTripPointCount = Math.min(20, ghRequest.getHints().getInt(RoundTrip.POINTS, 2 + (int) (distanceInMeter / 50000)));
final GHPoint start = points.get(0);
TourStrategy strategy = new MultiPointTour(new Random(seed), distanceInMeter, roundTripPointCount, initialHeading);
queryResults = new ArrayList<>(2 + strategy.getNumberOfGeneratedPoints());
EdgeFilter edgeFilter = new DefaultEdgeFilter(encoder);
QueryResult startQR = locationIndex.findClosest(, start.lon, edgeFilter);
if (!startQR.isValid())
throw new PointNotFoundException("Cannot find point 0: " + start, 0);
GHPoint last = start;
for (int i = 0; i < strategy.getNumberOfGeneratedPoints(); i++) {
double heading = strategy.getHeadingForIteration(i);
QueryResult result = generateValidPoint(last, strategy.getDistanceForIteration(i), heading, edgeFilter);
if (result == null) {
ghResponse.addError(new IllegalStateException("Could not find a valid point after " + maxRetries + " tries, for the point:" + last));
return Collections.emptyList();
last = result.getSnappedPoint();
return queryResults;
use of in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class RoundTripRoutingTemplate method calcPaths.
public List<Path> calcPaths(QueryGraph queryGraph, RoutingAlgorithmFactory algoFactory, AlgorithmOptions algoOpts) {
pathList = new ArrayList<>(queryResults.size() - 1);
AvoidEdgesWeighting avoidPathWeighting = new AvoidEdgesWeighting(algoOpts.getWeighting());
algoOpts = AlgorithmOptions.start(algoOpts).algorithm(Parameters.Algorithms.ASTAR_BI).weighting(avoidPathWeighting).build();
algoOpts.getHints().put(Algorithms.AStarBi.EPSILON, 2);
long visitedNodesSum = 0L;
QueryResult start = queryResults.get(0);
for (int qrIndex = 1; qrIndex < queryResults.size(); qrIndex++) {
RoutingAlgorithm algo = algoFactory.createAlgo(queryGraph, algoOpts);
// instead getClosestNode (which might be a virtual one and introducing unnecessary tails of the route)
// use next tower node -> getBaseNode or getAdjNode
// Later: remove potential route tail
QueryResult startQR = queryResults.get(qrIndex - 1);
int startNode = (startQR == start) ? startQR.getClosestNode() : startQR.getClosestEdge().getBaseNode();
QueryResult endQR = queryResults.get(qrIndex);
int endNode = (endQR == start) ? endQR.getClosestNode() : endQR.getClosestEdge().getBaseNode();
Path path = algo.calcPath(startNode, endNode);
visitedNodesSum += algo.getVisitedNodes();
// it is important to avoid previously visited nodes for future paths
ghResponse.getHints().put("visited_nodes.sum", visitedNodesSum);
ghResponse.getHints().put("visited_nodes.average", (float) visitedNodesSum / (queryResults.size() - 1));
return pathList;