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Example 76 with GHPoint

use of com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class LocationIndexTree method calculateRMin.

 * Calculates the distance to the nearest tile border, where the tile border is the rectangular
 * region with dimension 2*paddingTiles + 1 and where the center tile contains the given lat/lon
 * coordinate
final double calculateRMin(double lat, double lon, int paddingTiles) {
    GHPoint query = new GHPoint(lat, lon);
    long key = keyAlgo.encode(query);
    GHPoint center = new GHPoint();
    keyAlgo.decode(key, center);
    // deltaLat and deltaLon comes from the LocationIndex:
    double minLat = - (0.5 + paddingTiles) * deltaLat;
    double maxLat = + (0.5 + paddingTiles) * deltaLat;
    double minLon = center.lon - (0.5 + paddingTiles) * deltaLon;
    double maxLon = center.lon + (0.5 + paddingTiles) * deltaLon;
    double dSouthernLat = - minLat;
    double dNorthernLat = maxLat -;
    double dWesternLon = query.lon - minLon;
    double dEasternLon = maxLon - query.lon;
    // convert degree deltas into a radius in meter
    double dMinLat, dMinLon;
    if (dSouthernLat < dNorthernLat) {
        dMinLat = distCalc.calcDist(, query.lon, minLat, query.lon);
    } else {
        dMinLat = distCalc.calcDist(, query.lon, maxLat, query.lon);
    if (dWesternLon < dEasternLon) {
        dMinLon = distCalc.calcDist(, query.lon,, minLon);
    } else {
        dMinLon = distCalc.calcDist(, query.lon,, maxLon);
    double rMin = Math.min(dMinLat, dMinLon);
    return rMin;
Also used : GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint)

Example 77 with GHPoint

use of com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class QueryResult method calcSnappedPoint.

 * Calculates the closet point on the edge from the query point.
public void calcSnappedPoint(DistanceCalc distCalc) {
    if (closestEdge == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException("No closest edge?");
    if (snappedPoint != null)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Calculate snapped point only once");
    PointList fullPL = getClosestEdge().fetchWayGeometry(3);
    double tmpLat = fullPL.getLatitude(wayIndex);
    double tmpLon = fullPL.getLongitude(wayIndex);
    double tmpEle = fullPL.getElevation(wayIndex);
    if (snappedPosition != Position.EDGE) {
        snappedPoint = new GHPoint3D(tmpLat, tmpLon, tmpEle);
    double queryLat = getQueryPoint().lat, queryLon = getQueryPoint().lon;
    double adjLat = fullPL.getLatitude(wayIndex + 1), adjLon = fullPL.getLongitude(wayIndex + 1);
    if (distCalc.validEdgeDistance(queryLat, queryLon, tmpLat, tmpLon, adjLat, adjLon)) {
        GHPoint tmpPoint = distCalc.calcCrossingPointToEdge(queryLat, queryLon, tmpLat, tmpLon, adjLat, adjLon);
        double adjEle = fullPL.getElevation(wayIndex + 1);
        snappedPoint = new GHPoint3D(, tmpPoint.lon, (tmpEle + adjEle) / 2);
    } else
        // outside of edge boundaries
        snappedPoint = new GHPoint3D(tmpLat, tmpLon, tmpEle);
Also used : PointList(com.graphhopper.util.PointList) GHPoint3D(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint3D) GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint)

Example 78 with GHPoint

use of com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class SpatialKeyAlgoTest method testBijectionBug2.

public void testBijectionBug2() {
    for (long i = 4; i <= 64; i += 4) {
        SpatialKeyAlgo algo = new SpatialKeyAlgo((int) i);
        long keyX = algo.encode(1, 1);
        GHPoint coord = new GHPoint();
        algo.decode(keyX, coord);
        long keyY = algo.encode(, coord.lon);
        GHPoint coord2 = new GHPoint();
        algo.decode(keyY, coord2);
        double dist = new DistanceCalcEarth().calcDist(, coord.lon,, coord2.lon);
        assertEquals(0, dist, 1e-5);
    // System.out.println("\n\n##" + i + "\nkeyX:" + BitUtil.BIG.toBitString(keyX));
    // System.out.println("keyY:" + BitUtil.BIG.toBitString(keyY));
    // System.out.println("distanceX:" + dist + " precision:" + precision + " difference:" + (dist - precision) + " factor:" + dist / precision);
Also used : GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) DistanceCalcEarth(com.graphhopper.util.DistanceCalcEarth) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 79 with GHPoint

use of com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class QueryGraphTest method testMultipleVirtualNodes.

public void testMultipleVirtualNodes() {
    // snap to edge which has pillar nodes
    EdgeIterator iter = g.createEdgeExplorer().setBaseNode(1);;
    QueryResult res1 = createLocationResult(2, 1.7, iter, 1, PILLAR);
    QueryGraph queryGraph = new QueryGraph(g);
    assertEquals(new GHPoint(1.5, 1.5), res1.getSnappedPoint());
    assertEquals(3, res1.getClosestNode());
    assertEquals(4, getPoints(queryGraph, 0, 3).getSize());
    PointList pl = getPoints(queryGraph, 3, 1);
    assertEquals(2, pl.getSize());
    assertEquals(new GHPoint(1.5, 1.5), pl.toGHPoint(0));
    assertEquals(new GHPoint(1, 2.5), pl.toGHPoint(1));
    EdgeIteratorState edge = GHUtility.getEdge(queryGraph, 3, 1);
    assertNotNull(queryGraph.getEdgeIteratorState(edge.getEdge(), 3));
    assertNotNull(queryGraph.getEdgeIteratorState(edge.getEdge(), 1));
    edge = GHUtility.getEdge(queryGraph, 3, 0);
    assertNotNull(queryGraph.getEdgeIteratorState(edge.getEdge(), 3));
    assertNotNull(queryGraph.getEdgeIteratorState(edge.getEdge(), 0));
    // snap again => new virtual node on same edge!
    iter = g.createEdgeExplorer().setBaseNode(1);;
    res1 = createLocationResult(2, 1.7, iter, 1, PILLAR);
    QueryResult res2 = createLocationResult(1.5, 2, iter, 0, EDGE);
    queryGraph = new QueryGraph(g);
    queryGraph.lookup(Arrays.asList(res1, res2));
    assertEquals(4, res2.getClosestNode());
    assertEquals(new GHPoint(1.300019, 1.899962), res2.getSnappedPoint());
    assertEquals(3, res1.getClosestNode());
    assertEquals(new GHPoint(1.5, 1.5), res1.getSnappedPoint());
    assertEquals(4, getPoints(queryGraph, 3, 0).getSize());
    assertEquals(2, getPoints(queryGraph, 3, 4).getSize());
    assertEquals(2, getPoints(queryGraph, 4, 1).getSize());
    assertNull(GHUtility.getEdge(queryGraph, 4, 0));
    assertNull(GHUtility.getEdge(queryGraph, 3, 1));
Also used : QueryResult( GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 80 with GHPoint

use of com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint in project graphhopper by graphhopper.

the class QueryGraphTest method testOneVirtualNode.

public void testOneVirtualNode() {
    EdgeExplorer expl = g.createEdgeExplorer();
    // snap directly to tower node => pointList could get of size 1?!?
    // a)
    EdgeIterator iter = expl.setBaseNode(2);;
    QueryGraph queryGraph = new QueryGraph(g);
    QueryResult res = createLocationResult(1, -1, iter, 0, TOWER);
    assertEquals(new GHPoint(0, 0), res.getSnappedPoint());
    // b)
    res = createLocationResult(1, -1, iter, 1, TOWER);
    queryGraph = new QueryGraph(g);
    assertEquals(new GHPoint(1, 0), res.getSnappedPoint());
    // c)
    iter = expl.setBaseNode(1);;
    res = createLocationResult(1.2, 2.7, iter, 0, TOWER);
    queryGraph = new QueryGraph(g);
    assertEquals(new GHPoint(1, 2.5), res.getSnappedPoint());
    // node number stays
    assertEquals(3, queryGraph.getNodes());
    // snap directly to pillar node
    queryGraph = new QueryGraph(g);
    iter = expl.setBaseNode(1);;
    res = createLocationResult(2, 1.5, iter, 1, PILLAR);
    assertEquals(new GHPoint(1.5, 1.5), res.getSnappedPoint());
    assertEquals(3, res.getClosestNode());
    assertEquals(4, getPoints(queryGraph, 0, 3).getSize());
    assertEquals(2, getPoints(queryGraph, 3, 1).getSize());
    queryGraph = new QueryGraph(g);
    res = createLocationResult(2, 1.7, iter, 1, PILLAR);
    assertEquals(new GHPoint(1.5, 1.5), res.getSnappedPoint());
    assertEquals(3, res.getClosestNode());
    assertEquals(4, getPoints(queryGraph, 0, 3).getSize());
    assertEquals(2, getPoints(queryGraph, 3, 1).getSize());
    // snap to edge which has pillar nodes
    queryGraph = new QueryGraph(g);
    res = createLocationResult(1.5, 2, iter, 0, EDGE);
    assertEquals(new GHPoint(1.300019, 1.899962), res.getSnappedPoint());
    assertEquals(3, res.getClosestNode());
    assertEquals(4, getPoints(queryGraph, 0, 3).getSize());
    assertEquals(2, getPoints(queryGraph, 3, 1).getSize());
    // snap to edge which has no pillar nodes
    queryGraph = new QueryGraph(g);
    iter = expl.setBaseNode(2);;
    res = createLocationResult(0.5, 0.1, iter, 0, EDGE);
    assertEquals(new GHPoint(0.5, 0), res.getSnappedPoint());
    assertEquals(3, res.getClosestNode());
    assertEquals(2, getPoints(queryGraph, 0, 3).getSize());
    assertEquals(2, getPoints(queryGraph, 3, 2).getSize());
Also used : QueryResult( GHPoint(com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint) Test(org.junit.Test)


GHPoint (com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint)100 Test (org.junit.Test)52 GHRequest (com.graphhopper.GHRequest)25 GHResponse (com.graphhopper.GHResponse)23 QueryResult ( PathWrapper (com.graphhopper.PathWrapper)10 DistanceCalcEarth (com.graphhopper.util.DistanceCalcEarth)5 GraphHopperOSM (com.graphhopper.reader.osm.GraphHopperOSM)4 EncodingManager (com.graphhopper.routing.util.EncodingManager)4 PointList (com.graphhopper.util.PointList)4 PointNotFoundException (com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.PointNotFoundException)4 BBox (com.graphhopper.util.shapes.BBox)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 GHPoint3D (com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint3D)3 IntArrayList (com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList)2 ArrayNode (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode)2 ReaderWay (com.graphhopper.reader.ReaderWay)2 EdgeFilter (com.graphhopper.routing.util.EdgeFilter)2 FastestWeighting (com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.FastestWeighting)2 Graph (