use of com.graphql_java_generator.client.request.ObjectResponse in project graphql-maven-plugin-project by graphql-java-generator.
the class SubscriptionTypeExecutor method newCharacterWithBindValues.
* This method registers a subscription, by executing a direct partial request against the GraphQL server. This
* subscription is one of the fields defined in the GraphQL subscription object. The queryResponseDef contains the
* part of the subscription that <B><U>is after</U></B> the subscription name (see the sample below), for instance
* "{id name}" if you want these two fields to be sent in the notifications you'll receive for this
* subscription.<BR/>
* You must also provide a callback instance of the {@link SubscriptionCallback}, and the parameter for the
* subscription as parameter for this method. For instance, if the subscription subscribeToNewPost has one parameter
* <I>boardName</I> (as defined in the GraphQL schema):
* <PRE>
* SubscriptionClient client;
* void setup() {
* subscriptionType = new SubscriptionType("http://localhost:8180/graphql/subscription");
* }
* void exec() {
* Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
* params.put("anOptionalParam", "a param value");
* // PostSubscriptionCallback implement SubscriptionCallback<Post>, as Post is the returned type for the
* // subscribeToNewPost subscription. Its onMessage(T) method will be called for each notification of this
* // subscription.
* client = subscriptionType.subscribeToNewPost(
* "{id date author publiclyAvailable title(param: ?anOptionalParam) content}",
* new PostSubscriptionCallback(), "Board name 1", // The parameter(s) of the subscription if any, are
* // directly sent as parameter for this method
* params // The bind variable you defined in your query are in this map.
* );
* }
* void freeResources() {
* client.unsubscribe();
* }
* </PRE>
* @param queryResponseDef
* The response definition of the subscription, in the native GraphQL format (see here above)
* @param subscriptionCallback
* An instance of SubscriptionCallback<Character>. Its {@link SubscriptionCallback#onMessage(Object)}
* will be called for each notification received from this subscription.
* @param parameters
* The list of values, for the bind variables defined in the subscription. If there is no bind variable
* in the defined subscription, this argument may be null or an empty {@link Map}
* @throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
* When an error occurs during the request preparation, typically when building the
* {@link ObjectResponse}
* @throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
* When an error occurs during the request execution, typically a network error, an error from the
* GraphQL server or if the server response can't be parsed
public SubscriptionClient newCharacterWithBindValues(String queryResponseDef, SubscriptionCallback<Character> subscriptionCallback, Map<String, Object> parameters) throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException {
logger.debug("Executing subscription 'newCharacter': {} ", queryResponseDef);
ObjectResponse objectResponse = getNewCharacterResponseBuilder().withQueryResponseDef(queryResponseDef).build();
return newCharacter(objectResponse, subscriptionCallback, parameters);
use of com.graphql_java_generator.client.request.ObjectResponse in project graphql-maven-plugin-project by graphql-java-generator.
the class QueryExecutorImpl_StarWars_Test method test_buildRequest_Episode_idNameAppearsInFriendsName.
* Build a request with one parameter (ID), and a {@link Character} as the response.
* @throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
* @throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
void test_buildRequest_Episode_idNameAppearsInFriendsName() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException, GraphQLRequestExecutionException {
// Preparation
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put("queryTypeHeroEpisode", Episode.NEWHOPE);
// The response should contain id and name
ObjectResponse objectResponse = queryType.getHeroResponseBuilder().withQueryResponseDef("{ id\nname\rappearsIn\tfriends{name}}").build();
// Go, go, go
String request = objectResponse.buildRequestAsString(parameters);
// Verification
assertEquals("{\"query\":\"query{hero(episode:NEWHOPE){id name appearsIn friends{name __typename} __typename}}\"}", request);
use of com.graphql_java_generator.client.request.ObjectResponse in project graphql-maven-plugin-project by graphql-java-generator.
the class QueryExecutorImpl_StarWars_Test method test_buildRequest_Episode_idNameAppearsInFriendsName_nullMap.
* Build a request with one parameter (ID), and a {@link Character} as the response.
* @throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException
* @throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException
void test_buildRequest_Episode_idNameAppearsInFriendsName_nullMap() throws GraphQLRequestPreparationException, GraphQLRequestExecutionException {
// The response should contain id and name
ObjectResponse objectResponse = queryType.getHeroResponseBuilder().withQueryResponseDef("\t\n\r {\t\n\r id\t\n\r name\t\n\r appearsIn\t\n\r friends\t\n\r {\t\n\r name\t\n\r }\t\n\r }\t\n\r ").build();
// Go, go, go
// No map given (null instead)
String request = objectResponse.buildRequestAsString(null);
// Verification
assertEquals("{\"query\":\"query{hero{id name appearsIn friends{name __typename} __typename}}\"}", request);
use of com.graphql_java_generator.client.request.ObjectResponse in project graphql-maven-plugin-project by graphql-java-generator.
the class QueryExecutorImpl_StarWars_Test method test_parseResponse_OK_noFriends.
void test_parseResponse_OK_noFriends() throws GraphQLResponseParseException, IOException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException {
// Preparation
List<InputParameter> parameters = new ArrayList<>();
parameters.add(InputParameter.newHardCodedParameter("", "episode", Episode.NEWHOPE, "Episode", false, 0, false));
// The response should contain id and name
ObjectResponse objectResponse = queryType.getHeroResponseBuilder().withQueryResponseDef(" { id appearsIn friends { name } } ").build();
String rawResponse = "{\"data\":{\"hero\":{\"id\":\"An id\",\"name\":\"A hero's name\",\"appearsIn\":[\"NEWHOPE\",\"JEDI\"],\"friends\":null, \"__typename\": \"Human\"}}}";
// Go, go, go
Object response = parseResponseForStarWarsSchema(rawResponse, objectResponse, QueryType.class);
// Verification
assertTrue(response instanceof QueryType, "response instanceof QueryTypeHero");
Character character = ((QueryType) response).getHero();
assertTrue(character instanceof Human, "character instanceof QueryTypeHero");
assertEquals(Human.class.getName(), character.getClass().getName());
assertEquals("An id", character.getId(), "id");
assertEquals("A hero's name", character.getName(), "name");
List<Episode> episodes = character.getAppearsIn();
assertEquals(2, episodes.size(), "2 episodes");
assertEquals(Episode.NEWHOPE, episodes.get(0), "First episode");
assertEquals(Episode.JEDI, episodes.get(1), "Second episode");
assertNull(character.getFriends(), "He has no friends! :( ");
use of com.graphql_java_generator.client.request.ObjectResponse in project graphql-maven-plugin-project by graphql-java-generator.
the class QueryExecutorImpl_allGraphqlCases_Test method buildRequest_withEnum_withDirectives_prepared.
void buildRequest_withEnum_withDirectives_prepared() throws GraphQLRequestExecutionException, GraphQLRequestPreparationException, JsonProcessingException {
// Preparation
String query = "{\n" + " id @anotherTestDirective @testDirective ( value: \"id1 value\", anotherValue:\" something else for id1 \")\n" + //
" name\n" + " appearsIn @testDirective(value: \"a value2\", anotherValue:\"something else2\")\n" + //
" friends {\n" + " id @anotherTestDirective\n" + " name @testDirective(value: \"a value3\", anotherValue:\"something_else3\") @anotherTestDirective\n" + //
" }\n" + "}\n";
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put("myQueryTypeWithEnumEpisode", Episode.JEDI);
ObjectResponse objectResponse = myQueryType.getWithEnumResponseBuilder().withQueryResponseDef(query).build();
// Go, go, go
String request = objectResponse.buildRequestAsString(parameters);
// Verification
"{\"query\":\"query{withEnum(episode:JEDI)" + "{id @anotherTestDirective @testDirective(value:\\\"id1 value\\\",anotherValue:\\\" something else for id1 \\\") " + //
"name " + "appearsIn @testDirective(value:\\\"a value2\\\",anotherValue:\\\"something else2\\\") " + //
"friends{id @anotherTestDirective name @testDirective(value:\\\"a value3\\\",anotherValue:\\\"something_else3\\\") @anotherTestDirective " + //
"__typename} __typename}}\"" + "}", request);
// Go, go, go
Map<String, Object> map = objectResponse.buildRequestAsMap(parameters);
// Verification
checkRequestMap(map, //
"query{withEnum(episode:JEDI)" + "{id @anotherTestDirective @testDirective(value:\"id1 value\",anotherValue:\" something else for id1 \") " + //
"name " + "appearsIn @testDirective(value:\"a value2\",anotherValue:\"something else2\") " + //
"friends{id @anotherTestDirective name @testDirective(value:\"a value3\",anotherValue:\"something_else3\") @anotherTestDirective " + "__typename} __typename}}", null, null);