use of com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback in project weixin-boot by guhanjie.
the class AccessTokenKit method refreshToken.
@Scheduled(fixedRate = 6000000)
public synchronized void refreshToken() {"Starting to refresh access token...");
try {
String url = WeixinConstants.API_ACCESS_TOKEN;
url = url.replaceAll("APPID", weixinContants.APPID);
url = url.replaceAll("APPSECRET", weixinContants.APPSECRET);
WeixinHttpUtil.sendGet(url, new WeixinHttpCallback() {
public void process(String json) {
AccessToken at = JSONObject.parseObject(json, AccessToken.class);
if (at != null && at.getAccess_token() != null) {
token = at.getAccess_token();"Success to refresh access token:[{}].", token);
} else {
LOGGER.error("Failed to refresh access token.");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to refresh access token.", e);
use of com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback in project weixin-boot by guhanjie.
the class UserKit method getUserInfoByOauth2.
public static UserInfo getUserInfoByOauth2(final String openid, final String accsstoken) {"Starting to get user[{}] info by oauth2.0...", openid);
final UserInfo user = new UserInfo();
try {
String url = WeixinConstants.OAUTH2_GET_USER_INFO;
url = url.replaceAll("OPENID", openid);
url = url.replaceAll("ACCESS_TOKEN", accsstoken);
WeixinHttpUtil.sendGet(url, new WeixinHttpCallback() {
public void process(String json) {
UserInfo ui = JSONObject.parseObject(json, UserInfo.class);
if (ui != null && ui.getOpenid() != null) {
try {
PropertyUtils.copyProperties(user, ui);"Success to get user info:[{}] by oauth2.0.", json);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("error in coping user properties");
} else {
LOGGER.error("Failed to get user[{}] info by oauth2.0.", openid);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to get user[{}] info by oauth2.0.", openid);
return user;
use of com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback in project weixin-boot by guhanjie.
the class UserKit method getUserInfo.
public static UserInfo getUserInfo(final String openid) {"Starting to get user[{}] info...", openid);
final UserInfo user = new UserInfo();
try {
String url = WeixinConstants.API_USER_INFO;
url = url.replaceAll("OPENID", openid);
WeixinHttpUtil.sendGet(url, new WeixinHttpCallback() {
public void process(String json) {
UserInfo ui = JSONObject.parseObject(json, UserInfo.class);
if (ui != null && ui.getOpenid() != null) {
try {
PropertyUtils.copyProperties(user, ui);"Success to get user info:[{}].", json);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("error in coping user properties");
} else {
LOGGER.error("Failed to get user[{}] info.", openid);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to get user[{}] info.", openid);
return user;
use of com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback in project weixin-boot by guhanjie.
the class WeixinController method oauth2.
@RequestMapping(value = "oauth2", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void oauth2(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
LOGGER.debug("entering oauth2 return url for weixin...");
final HttpSession session = req.getSession();
final HttpServletResponse response = resp;
String originState = (String) session.getAttribute(AppConstants.SESSION_KEY_OAUTH_STATE);
// 根据state校验是否是刚刚发出的授权申请,防止CSRF跨站伪造攻击
String state = req.getParameter("state");
if (!state.equals(originState)) {
LOGGER.warn("The state[{}] does not match original value[{}]. You may be a victim of CSRF.", state, originState);
resp.getWriter().write("Authentication failed. It may be CSRF attack.");
String code = req.getParameter("code");
String url = WeixinConstants.OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN;
url = url.replaceAll("APPID", weixinContants.APPID);
url = url.replaceAll("SECRET", weixinContants.APPSECRET);
url = url.replaceAll("CODE", code);
WeixinHttpUtil.sendGet(url, new WeixinHttpCallback() {
public void process(String json) {
AccessToken at = JSONObject.parseObject(json, AccessToken.class);
if (at != null && at.getAccess_token() != null && at.getOpenid() != null) {
// 拿到accesstoken,绑定到对应的人
final String token = at.getAccess_token();
final String openid = at.getOpenid();"User authentication successful, access token:[{}], openid:[{}].", token, openid);
session.setAttribute(AppConstants.SESSION_KEY_ACCESS_TOKEN, token);
session.setAttribute(AppConstants.SESSION_KEY_OPEN_ID, openid);
User user = userService.getUserByOpenId(openid);
if (user == null) {
user = new User();
UserInfo userInfo = UserKit.getUserInfoByOauth2(openid, token);
if (StringUtils.isNumeric(userInfo.getSubscribe_time())) {
user.setSubscribeTime(new Date(Long.parseLong(userInfo.getSubscribe_time())));
session.setAttribute(AppConstants.SESSION_KEY_USER, user);
try {
String returnURL = (String) session.getAttribute(AppConstants.SESSION_KEY_RETURN_URL);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(returnURL)) {
response.getWriter().write("Welcome, user authentication successful.");
} else {
// 跳转回原来地址
LOGGER.debug("redirecting back to last request[{}] for user.", returnURL);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("error in user authentication for weixin oauth2.0.", e);
} else {
LOGGER.error("User authentication failed in weixin oauth2.0, error response:[{}].", json);