Search in sources :

Example 1 with WeixinHttpCallback

use of com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback in project weixin-boot by guhanjie.

the class MessageKit method sendKFMsg.

public static void sendKFMsg(String openids, String content) {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(openids)) {
        LOGGER.warn("send order msg to KF, but no kf openids.");
    String[] ids = openids.split(",");
    for (final String openid : ids) {"starting to send message to KF[{}]...", openid);
        try {
            String url = WeixinConstants.API_KF_SEND_MSG;
            String str = new String("{" + "    \"touser\":\"OPENID\"," + "    \"msgtype\":\"text\"," + "    \"text\":" + "    {" + "         \"content\":\"ContentText\"" + "    }" + "}");
            str = str.replaceAll("OPENID", openid);
            str = str.replaceAll("ContentText", content);
            LOGGER.debug("message content: [{}]", str);
            HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity(str, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
            WeixinHttpUtil.sendPost(url, entity, new WeixinHttpCallback() {

                public void process(String json) {
                    ErrorEntity t = JSONObject.parseObject(json, ErrorEntity.class);
                    if (t != null && t.getErrcode() != null && t.getErrmsg() != null) {
                        if (t.getErrcode().equals("0") && t.getErrmsg().equals("ok"))
                  "Success to post message to KF[{}].", openid);
                    LOGGER.error("Failed to post message to KF, error:[{}].", json);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("error to post message[{}] to KF[{}].", content, openid);
Also used : StringEntity(org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity) HttpEntity(org.apache.http.HttpEntity) ErrorEntity(com.guhanjie.weixin.model.ErrorEntity) IOException( WeixinHttpCallback(com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback)

Example 2 with WeixinHttpCallback

use of com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback in project weixin-boot by guhanjie.

the class PayKit method search.

 * Method Name:	search<br/>
 * Description:			[该接口提供所有微信支付订单的查询,商户可以通过查询订单接口主动查询订单状态,完成下一步的业务逻辑。]<br/>
 * 								需要调用查询接口的情况:<br/>
 * 								◆ 当商户后台、网络、服务器等出现异常,商户系统最终未接收到支付通知;<br/>
 * 								◆ 调用支付接口后,返回系统错误或未知交易状态情况;<br/>
 *								◆ 调用被扫支付API,返回USERPAYING的状态;<br/>
 * 								◆ 调用关单或撤销接口API之前,需确认支付状态;
 * @author				GUHANJIE
 * @time					2016年9月30日 下午2:25:42
 * @param orderid
 * @param appid
 * @param mchid
 * @param mchkey
 * @return Map<K,V>: {<br/>result: SUCCESS/FAIL, <br/>out_trade_no: orderid, <br/>total_fee: 100, time_end: ***, <br/>openid:***<br/>}
 * @throws IOException
public static Map<String, String> search(final Order order, final String appid, final String mchid, final String mchkey) throws IOException {
    if (order == null) {
        LOGGER.warn("order can not be nulll in search order.");
        return null;
    }"starting to search payment for order:[{}]...", order.getId());
    final Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>();
    result.put("out_trade_no", String.valueOf(order.getId()));
    final String nonceStr = String.valueOf(new Random().nextInt(10000));
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    // 公众账号ID
    map.put("appid", appid);
    // 商户号
    map.put("mch_id", mchid);
    // 商户订单号
    map.put("out_trade_no", String.valueOf(order.getId()));
    // 随机字符串
    map.put("nonce_str", nonceStr);
    // 签名
    map.put("sign", sign(map, mchkey));
    String reqStr = XmlUtil.map2xmlstr(map);
    LOGGER.debug("=====set request for weixin search payment:[{}].", reqStr);
    HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity(reqStr, ContentType.create("application/xml", Consts.UTF_8));
    WeixinHttpUtil.sendPost(WeixinConstants.API_PAY_ORDERQUERY, entity, new WeixinHttpCallback() {

        public void process(String respBody) {
            Map<String, String> map = XmlUtil.xmlstr2map(respBody);
            LOGGER.debug("=====got response from weixin search payment:[{}].", map);
            // 返回状态码SUCCESS/FAIL,此字段是通信标识,非交易标识,交易是否成功需要查看result_code来判断
            String return_code = map.get("return_code");
            // 返回信息
            String return_msg = map.get("return_msg");
            if (!"SUCCESS".equals(return_code)) {
                LOGGER.error("fail to get response for weixin search payment api, cause:[{}]", return_msg);
                result.put("result", return_code);
                result.put("err_msg", "订单查询失败: " + return_msg);
            // 验签
            String signature = sign(map, mchkey);
            // 签名
            String sign = map.get("sign");
            if (sign == null || !sign.equals(signature)) {
                LOGGER.warn("signature validation failed, this response maybe fake!");
                result.put("result", "FAIL");
                result.put("err_msg", "验签失败");
            // 验证随机字符串nonce,防CSRF攻击
            // String nonce_str = map.get("nonce_str");                                            //随机字符串
            // if(!nonceStr.equals(nonce_str)) {
            // LOGGER.warn("nonce not matched(CSRF warning), this response maybe fake!");
            // result.put("result", "FAIL");
            // result.put("err_msg", "随机字符串不匹配");
            // return;
            // }
            // 根据业务结果,执行后续业务操作
            // 业务结果
            String result_code = map.get("result_code");
            if (!"SUCCESS".equals(result_code)) {
                // 错误代码
                String err_code = map.get("err_code");
                // 错误代码描述
                String err_code_des = map.get("err_code_des");
                LOGGER.error("error in weixin search payment, cause: err_code=[{}], err_code_des=[{}]", err_code, err_code_des);
                result.put("result", result_code);
                result.put("err_msg", "pay search fail: " + err_code + ", " + err_code_des);
            // 用户OpenId
            String openid = map.get("openid");
            // 交易状态(SUCCESS—支付成功、REFUND—转入退款、NOTPAY—未支付、CLOSED—已关闭、REVOKED—已撤销(刷卡支付)、USERPAYING--用户支付中、PAYERROR--支付失败(其他原因,如银行返回失败)、)
            String trade_state = map.get("trade_state");
            // 商户订单号
            String out_trade_no = map.get("out_trade_no");
            // 订单总金额,单位为分
            String total_fee = map.get("total_fee");
            // 支付完成时间,格式为yyyyMMddHHmmss,如2009年12月25日9点10分10秒表示为20091225091010。
            String time_end = map.get("time_end");
            // 对当前查询订单状态的描述和下一步操作的指引
            String trade_state_desc = map.get("trade_state_desc");
            // String settlement_total_fee = map.get("settlement_total_fee");		//应结订单金额=订单金额-非充值代金券金额,应结订单金额<=订单金额
            // String transaction_id = map.get("transaction_id");						//微信支付订单号
            // String appid = map.get("appid");                                                        //公众账号ID
            // String mch_id = map.get("mch_id");                                                  //商户号
            // String device_info = map.get("device_info");                                        //设备号
            // String is_subscribe = map.get("is_subscribe");                                //用户是否关注公众账号,Y-关注,N-未关注,仅在公众账号类型支付有效
            // String trade_type = map.get("trade_type");                                  //交易类型JSAPI
            // String bank_type = map.get("bank_type");                                     //付款银行(银行类型,采用字符串类型的银行标识)
            // String fee_type = map.get("fee_type");											//货币种类
            // String cash_fee = map.get("cash_fee");											//货币种类
  "success to search weixin payment for order:[{}]: " + "openid=[{}], trade_state=[{}], total_fee=[{}], out_trade_no=[{}], time_end=[{}], trade_state_desc=[{}]", order.getId(), openid, trade_state, total_fee, out_trade_no, time_end, trade_state_desc);
            if (!"SUCCESS".equals(trade_state)) {
                // 支付不成功
                LOGGER.warn("trade failed, trade_state:[{}], trade_state_desc:[{}]", trade_state, trade_state_desc);
                result.put("result", trade_state);
                result.put("err_msg", "订单支付不成功:" + trade_state_desc);
            if (order.getAmount().intValue() != Integer.valueOf(total_fee) / 100) {
                // 支付金额与订单金额不一致
                LOGGER.warn("trade exception, amount not matched: topay=[{}], payed=[{}]", order.getAmount(), total_fee);
            // result.put("result", "FAIL");
            // result.put("err_msg", "订单支付金额有误:topay="+order.getAmount()+", payed="+ total_fee);
            // return;
            result.put("total_fee", total_fee);
            result.put("time_end", time_end);
            result.put("openid", openid);
            result.put("result", "SUCCESS");
    return result;
Also used : StringEntity(org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity) Random(java.util.Random) HttpEntity(org.apache.http.HttpEntity) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) WeixinHttpCallback(com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback)

Example 3 with WeixinHttpCallback

use of com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback in project weixin-boot by guhanjie.

the class MediaKit method postMedia.

public static String postMedia(String path, String type) {
    LOGGER.debug("starting to post media: path[{}] type[{}]...", path, type);
    final WeixinMedia wm = new WeixinMedia();
    try {
        String url = WeixinConstants.API_POST_MEDIA;
        url = url.replace("TYPE", type);
        FileBody fb = new FileBody(new File(path));
        HttpEntity entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addPart("media", fb).build();
        WeixinHttpUtil.sendPost(url, entity, new WeixinHttpCallback() {

            public void process(String json) {
                WeixinMedia t = JSONObject.parseObject(json, WeixinMedia.class);
                if (t != null && t.getMedia_id() != null) {
          "Success to post media:[{}].", t.getMedia_id());
                } else {
                    LOGGER.error("Failed to post media.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("error post media: type[{}], path[{}]", type, path);
    return wm.getMedia_id();
Also used : WeixinMedia(com.guhanjie.weixin.model.WeixinMedia) FileBody(org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.FileBody) HttpEntity(org.apache.http.HttpEntity) File( WeixinHttpCallback(com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback)

Example 4 with WeixinHttpCallback

use of com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback in project weixin-boot by guhanjie.

the class PayKit method unifiedorder.

 * Method Name:	unifiedorder<br/>
 * Description:			[除被扫支付场景以外,商户系统先调用该接口在微信支付服务后台生成预支付交易单,
 *                              返回正确的预支付交易回话标识后再按扫码、JSAPI、APP等不同场景生成交易串调起支付。]
 * @author				guhanjie
 * @time					2016年9月30日 上午1:39:12
 * @param request
 * @param order
 * @param appid
 * @param mchid
 * @throws IOException
public static String unifiedorder(HttpServletRequest request, final Order order, final String appid, final String mchid, final String mchkey) throws IOException {
    if (order == null) {
        LOGGER.warn("order can not be nulll in unified order.");
        return null;
    }"starting to unified order to weixin for order:[{}]...", order.getId());
    final StringBuilder prepayId = new StringBuilder();
    final String nonceStr = String.valueOf(new Random().nextInt(10000));
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    // 公众账号ID
    map.put("appid", appid);
    // 商户号
    map.put("mch_id", mchid);
    // 设备号(PC网页或公众号内支付请传"WEB")
    map.put("device_info", "WEB");
    // 随机字符串
    map.put("nonce_str", nonceStr);
    // 商品描述
    map.put("body", "上海尊涵搬家-搬家服务");
    // map.put("detail", "商品详细列表,使用Json格式,传输签名前请务必使用CDATA标签将JSON文本串保护起来。");          //商品详情
    // map.put("attach", "附加数据,在查询API和支付通知中原样返回,该字段主要用于商户携带订单的自定义数据");
    // 商户订单号
    map.put("out_trade_no", order.getId().toString());
    // 货币类型
    map.put("fee_type", "CNY");
    int money = order.getAmount().intValue() * 100;
    if (order.getTip() != null) {
        money += order.getTip().intValue() * 100;
    // 总金额,订单总金额,单位为分
    map.put("total_fee", String.valueOf(money));
    // 用户端IP
    map.put("spbill_create_ip", HttpUtil.getIpAddress(request));
    // 交易起始时间,格式为yyyyMMddHHmmss
    map.put("time_start", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss", Locale.CHINA).format(new Date()));
    // map.put("time_expire", "订单失效时间,格式为yyyyMMddHHmmss,最短失效时间间隔必须大于5分钟");                       //交易结束时间
    // map.put("goods_tag", "WXG");                                                          //商品标记
    // 通知地址,接收微信支付异步通知回调地址
    map.put("notify_url", WeixinConstants.API_PAY_CALLBACK);
    // 交易类型
    map.put("trade_type", "JSAPI");
    // map.put("product_id", "此id为二维码中包含的商品ID,商户自行定义");//商品ID
    // map.put("limit_pay", "no_credit--指定不能使用信用卡支付");               //支付方式
    // 用户标识
    map.put("openid", (String) request.getSession().getAttribute(AppConstants.SESSION_KEY_OPEN_ID));
    // 签名
    map.put("sign", sign(map, mchkey));
    String reqOrderStr = XmlUtil.map2xmlstr(map);
    LOGGER.debug("=====set request for weixin unified order:[{}].", reqOrderStr);
    HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity(reqOrderStr, ContentType.create("application/xml", Consts.UTF_8));
    WeixinHttpUtil.sendPost(WeixinConstants.API_PAY_UNIFIEDORDER, entity, new WeixinHttpCallback() {

        public void process(String respBody) {
            Map<String, String> map = XmlUtil.xmlstr2map(respBody);
            LOGGER.debug("=====got response from weixin unified order:[{}].", map);
            // 返回状态码SUCCESS/FAIL,此字段是通信标识,非交易标识,交易是否成功需要查看result_code来判断
            String return_code = map.get("return_code");
            // 返回信息
            String return_msg = map.get("return_msg");
            // 公众账号ID
            String appid = map.get("appid");
            // 商户号
            String mch_id = map.get("mch_id");
            // 设备号
            String device_info = map.get("device_info");
            // 随机字符串
            String nonce_str = map.get("nonce_str");
            // 签名
            String sign = map.get("sign");
            // 业务结果
            String result_code = map.get("result_code");
            // 错误代码
            String err_code = map.get("err_code");
            // 错误代码描述
            String err_code_des = map.get("err_code_des");
            // 交易类型JSAPI
            String trade_type = map.get("trade_type");
            // 预支付交易会话ID
            String prepay_id = map.get("prepay_id");
            // 二维码链接
            String code_url = map.get("code_url");
            if (!"SUCCESS".equals(return_code)) {
                LOGGER.error("fail to get response for weixin unified order api, cause:[{}]", return_msg);
            // 验签
            String signature = sign(map, mchkey);
            if (sign == null || !sign.equals(signature)) {
                LOGGER.warn("signature validation failed, this response maybe fake!");
            // 根据业务结果,执行后续业务操作
            if (!"SUCCESS".equals(result_code)) {
                LOGGER.error("error in weixin unified order, cause: err_code=[{}], err_code_des=[{}]", err_code, err_code_des);
            // 成功,则返回JSAPI需要的预支付ID
  "success to get weixin prepay id:[{}] for order:[{}]", prepay_id, order.getId());
    return prepayId.toString();
Also used : HttpEntity(org.apache.http.HttpEntity) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Date(java.util.Date) StringEntity(org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity) Random(java.util.Random) SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) WeixinHttpCallback(com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback)

Example 5 with WeixinHttpCallback

use of com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback in project weixin-boot by guhanjie.

the class PayKit method closeorder.

 * Method Name:	closeorder<br/>
 * Description:			[关单接口,以下情况需要调用]:<br/>
 *                            ◆ 商户订单支付失败需要生成新单号重新发起支付,要对原订单号调用关单,避免重复支付;<br/>
 *                            ◆ 系统下单后,用户支付超时,系统退出不再受理,避免用户继续,请调用关单接口。<br/>
 *                        <b>注意:订单生成后不能马上调用关单接口,最短调用时间间隔为5分钟。</b>
 * @author				guhanjie
 * @time					2016年10月16日 下午7:00:56
public static boolean closeorder(final Order order, final String appid, final String mchid, final String mchkey) throws IOException {
    if (order == null) {
        LOGGER.warn("order can not be nulll in close order.");
        return false;
    }"starting to close payment for order:[{}]...", order.getId());
    final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("");
    final String nonceStr = String.valueOf(new Random().nextInt(10000));
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    // 公众账号ID
    map.put("appid", appid);
    // 商户号
    map.put("mch_id", mchid);
    // 商户订单号
    map.put("out_trade_no", String.valueOf(order.getId()));
    // 随机字符串
    map.put("nonce_str", nonceStr);
    // 签名
    map.put("sign", sign(map, mchkey));
    String reqStr = XmlUtil.map2xmlstr(map);
    LOGGER.debug("=====set request for weixin search payment:[{}].", reqStr);
    HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity(reqStr, ContentType.create("application/xml", Consts.UTF_8));
    WeixinHttpUtil.sendPost(WeixinConstants.API_PAY_CLOSEORDER, entity, new WeixinHttpCallback() {

        public void process(String respBody) {
            Map<String, String> map = XmlUtil.xmlstr2map(respBody);
            LOGGER.debug("=====got response from weixin close payment:[{}].", map);
            // 返回状态码SUCCESS/FAIL,此字段是通信标识,非交易标识,交易是否成功需要查看result_code来判断
            String return_code = map.get("return_code");
            // 返回信息
            String return_msg = map.get("return_msg");
            if (!"SUCCESS".equals(return_code)) {
                LOGGER.error("fail to get response for weixin close payment api, cause:[{}]", return_msg);
            // 验签
            String signature = sign(map, mchkey);
            // 签名
            String sign = map.get("sign");
            if (sign == null || !sign.equals(signature)) {
                LOGGER.warn("signature validation failed, this response maybe fake!");
            // 验证随机字符串nonce,防CSRF攻击
            // String nonce_str = map.get("nonce_str");                                            //随机字符串
            // if(!nonceStr.equals(nonce_str)) {
            // LOGGER.warn("nonce not matched(CSRF warning), this response maybe fake!");
            // result.put("result", "FAIL");
            // result.put("err_msg", "随机字符串不匹配");
            // return;
            // }
            // 根据业务结果,执行后续业务操作
            // 业务结果
            String result_code = map.get("result_code");
            if (!"SUCCESS".equals(result_code)) {
                // 错误代码
                String err_code = map.get("err_code");
                // 错误代码描述
                String err_code_des = map.get("err_code_des");
                LOGGER.error("error in weixin close payment, cause: err_code=[{}], err_code_des=[{}]", err_code, err_code_des);
  "success to close weixin payment for order[{}].", order.getId());
    return "success".equals(result.toString());
Also used : StringEntity(org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity) Random(java.util.Random) HttpEntity(org.apache.http.HttpEntity) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) WeixinHttpCallback(com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback)


WeixinHttpCallback (com.guhanjie.weixin.WeixinHttpUtil.WeixinHttpCallback)9 HttpEntity (org.apache.http.HttpEntity)5 StringEntity (org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity)4 UserInfo (com.guhanjie.weixin.model.UserInfo)3 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 Random (java.util.Random)3 AccessToken (com.guhanjie.weixin.model.AccessToken)2 IOException ( Date (java.util.Date)2 User (com.guhanjie.model.User)1 ErrorEntity (com.guhanjie.weixin.model.ErrorEntity)1 WeixinMedia (com.guhanjie.weixin.model.WeixinMedia)1 File ( SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)1 HttpServletResponse (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)1 HttpSession (javax.servlet.http.HttpSession)1 FileBody (org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.FileBody)1 Scheduled (org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled)1 RequestMapping (org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping)1