use of com.gzoumix.semisolver.constraint.Constraint in project abstools by abstools.
the class ContractInference method typeInference.
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 2.3. Statments
public ResultInferenceStmt typeInference(AssignStmt astmt) {
_log.logDebug("Contract Inference for the AssignStmt");
String name = astmt.getVar().getName();
Contract contract;
Constraint c;
ITypingEnvironmentVariableType X;
Exp exp = astmt.getValue();
if (exp instanceof PureExp) {
ResultInferencePureExp resValue = typeInferenceAsPure((PureExp) exp);
contract = _df.newContractEmpty();
c = _df.newConstraint();
X = resValue.getVariableType();
} else {
ResultInferenceEffExp resValue = typeInference((EffExp) exp);
contract = resValue.getContract();
c = resValue.getConstraint();
X = resValue.getRecord();
_log.logDebug("AssignStmt Sub-Expression Finished");
if (_env.isField(name)) {
c.addEquation(new ASTNodeInformation(astmt), _env.getVariableRecord(name), (IRecord) X);
} else {
_env.putVariable(name, X);
return new ResultInferenceStmt(contract, c, _env);
use of com.gzoumix.semisolver.constraint.Constraint in project abstools by abstools.
the class ContractInference method typeInference.
public ResultInferenceEffExp typeInference(Call call) {
_log.logDebug("Contract Inference for a " + ((call instanceof SyncCall) ? "Synchronous" : "Asynchronous") + " method Call");
ITypingEnvironmentVariableType r;
GroupName aprime = _df.newGroupName();
// 1. Get the method interface
Type t = call.getCallee().getType();
ClassDecl cl;
if (t.isInterfaceType()) {
cl = _intertoclass.get(((InterfaceType) t).getDecl());
} else {
cl = _cd;
String nameOfClass;
String nameOfMethod;
LinkedList<IRecord> s = new LinkedList<>();
if (cl == _emptyDecl) {
// we are in presence of an non implemented interface
// in that case, we don't know how the method would behave, and
// simply put a null contract.
_log.logError("Class retrival failed!!!");
nameOfClass = _dummyClass;
nameOfMethod = _dummyMethod;
// return new ResultInferenceEffExp( _df.newRecordVariable(),
// _df.newContractEmpty(), _df.newConstraint(), _env);
} else {
nameOfClass = cl.getName();
nameOfMethod = call.getMethod();
ResultInferencePureExp resParam;
for (PureExp p : call.getParams()) {
resParam = typeInferenceAsPure(p);
// else
// 2. Collect contracts and
// deadlock.constraints.constraint.Constraints from the call
ResultInferencePureExp resCallee = typeInferenceAsPure(call.getCallee());
Contract contract = _df.newContractEmpty();
Constraint c = _df.newConstraint();
// cast to IRecord as the callee cannot be a future
IRecord callee = (IRecord) resCallee.getVariableType();
// 3. Construct the record for the return value
IRecord Y = _df.newRecordVariable();
// 4. pack up the result
MethodInterface mi = _df.newMethodInterface(callee, s, Y);
c.addSemiEquation(new ASTNodeInformation(call), _env.getMethod(nameOfClass, nameOfMethod), mi);
if (call instanceof SyncCall) {
r = Y;
contract.add(_df.newContractSyncInvk(call, nameOfClass, nameOfMethod, mi));
} else if (call instanceof AsyncCall) {
IRecord calleeShape = createInstance(cl, aprime);
c.addEquation(new ASTNodeInformation(call), callee, calleeShape);
r = new TypingEnvironmentVariableTypeFuture();
_env.putFuture((TypingEnvironmentVariableTypeFuture) r, new TypingEnvironmentFutureTypeUntick(_df.newRecordFuture(aprime, Y), new ContractElementInvk(call, nameOfClass, nameOfMethod, mi)));
} else if (call instanceof AwaitAsyncCall) {
// same stuff as for async calls
// AwaitAsyncCall are actually rewritten in the AST if the flag
// public static boolean Model.doAACrewrite is set to true;
// objects of this kind are rewritten at the ast level as
// AsyncCall + await (+ get)
IRecord calleeShape = createInstance(cl, aprime);
c.addEquation(new ASTNodeInformation(call), callee, calleeShape);
r = new TypingEnvironmentVariableTypeFuture();
_env.putFuture((TypingEnvironmentVariableTypeFuture) r, new TypingEnvironmentFutureTypeUntick(_df.newRecordFuture(aprime, Y), new ContractElementInvk(call, nameOfClass, nameOfMethod, mi)));
} else {
// should not happen
r = null;
_log.logError("Unexpected call type");
_log.logDebug("End Contract Inference for the Call");
return new ResultInferenceEffExp(r, contract, c, _env);
use of com.gzoumix.semisolver.constraint.Constraint in project abstools by abstools.
the class ContractInference method typeInference.
public ResultInference typeInference(ClassDecl cd) {
ResultInference res = new ResultInference();
if (cd == _emptyDecl)
return res;
_log.logDebug("Contract Inference for the class \"" + cd.getName() + "\"");
_cd = cd;
// 1. Methods
for (MethodImpl m : cd.getMethods()) {
// 2. Init
MethodInterface mi = _env.getMethod(cd.getName(), _initName);
IRecord thisRecord = mi.getThis();
_a = ((RecordPresent) thisRecord).getRoot();
Constraint c = _df.newConstraint();
Contract cp, cf;
_env.putVariable(_this, thisRecord);
// 2.1. Field assignments
for (FieldDecl f : cd.getFields()) {
if (f.hasInitExp()) {
ResultInferencePureExp tmp = typeInferenceAsPure(f.getInitExp());
c.addEquation(new ASTNodeInformation(f), ((RecordPresent) thisRecord).getField(f.getName()), _env.getRecord(tmp.getVariableType()));
// 2.2. Init block
if (cd.hasInitBlock()) {
ResultInferenceStmt resInitBlock = typeInference(cd.getInitBlock());
cp = resInitBlock.getContract();
cf = _df.newContractEmpty();
for (TypingEnvironment te : resInitBlock.getEnvironment()) cf = _df.newContractUnion(cd.getInitBlock(), cf, _df.newContract(te.unsync(cd.getInitBlock())));
} else {
cp = _df.newContractEmpty();
cf = _df.newContractEmpty();
// 2.3. add the call to run if the method exists.
if (_env.getMethod(cd.getName(), _runName) != null) {
ASTNode node = (cd.hasInitBlock() ? cd.getInitBlock() : cd);
MethodInterface mirun = _df.newMethodInterface(thisRecord, new LinkedList<>(), _df.newRecordVariable());
c.addSemiEquation(new ASTNodeInformation(node), _env.getMethod(cd.getName(), _runName), mirun);
List<Contract> tmp = new LinkedList<>();
tmp.add(_df.newContractInvk(node, cd.getName(), _runName, mirun));
cf = _df.newContractParallel(node, tmp);
res.add(cd.getName(), _initName, _df.newMethodContract(mi, cp, cf));
_log.logDebug("Inference for the class \"" + cd.getName() + "\" Finished");
return res;
use of com.gzoumix.semisolver.constraint.Constraint in project abstools by abstools.
the class ContractInference method typeInference.
// TODO:
// CaseExp : PureExp ::= Expr:PureExp Branch:CaseBranch* ;
// CaseBranch ::= Left:Pattern Right:PureExp ;
// abstract Pattern ;
// PatternVarUse: Pattern ::= <Name>;
// PatternVar: Pattern ::= Var:PatternVarDecl;
// ConstructorPattern: Pattern ::= <Constructor> Param:Pattern*;
// LiteralPattern: Pattern ::= Literal:LiteralExp;
// UnderscorePattern: Pattern;
// 2.4.2. Expressions with side effects.
public ResultInferenceEffExp typeInference(NewExp newExp) {
_log.logDebug("Contract Inference for the NewExp");
// 1. Create the record for the new object, and collect contract and
// constraints from arguments
ClassDecl cl = (ClassDecl) (newExp.lookup(new KindedName(Kind.CLASS, newExp.getClassName())));
LinkedList<RecordField> fields = new LinkedList<>();
int i = 0;
Contract contract = _df.newContractEmpty();
Constraint c = _df.newConstraint();
// 1.1. Params
ResultInferencePureExp resParam;
for (PureExp p : newExp.getParams()) {
resParam = typeInferenceAsPure(p);
ITypingEnvironmentVariableType x = _env.getRecord(resParam.getVariableType());
IRecord r = _env.getRecord(x);
fields.add(_df.newRecordField(cl.getParam(i).getName(), r));
_env.putVariable(cl.getParam(i).getName(), r);
// 1.2. Fields
for (FieldDecl f : cl.getFields()) {
if (f.hasInitExp()) {
resParam = typeInferenceAsPure(f.getInitExp());
RecordField newRecordField = _df.newRecordField(f.getName(), (IRecord) resParam.getVariableType());
_env.putVariable(f.getName(), (IRecord) resParam.getVariableType());
} else {
fields.add(_df.newRecordField(f.getName(), _df.newRecordVariable()));
// 1.3. Group Name
// depends if the new object is in the same cog or not
GroupName aprime;
if (!newExp.hasLocal()) {
aprime = _df.newGroupName();
} else {
aprime = _a;
IRecord r = _df.newRecordPresent(aprime, fields);
// 1.4. Calling the init of r
MethodInterface miinit = _df.newMethodInterface(r, new LinkedList<>(), _df.newRecordVariable());
c.addSemiEquation(new ASTNodeInformation(newExp), _env.getMethod(cl.getName(), _initName), miinit);
contract.add(_df.newContractInvk(newExp, cl.getName(), _initName, miinit));
_log.logDebug("End Contract Inference for the NewExp");
return new ResultInferenceEffExp(r, contract, c, _env);
use of com.gzoumix.semisolver.constraint.Constraint in project abstools by abstools.
the class ContractInference method typeInference.
public ResultInferenceStmt typeInference(AwaitStmt astmt) {
_log.logDebug("Contract Inference for the AwaitStmt");
Contract contract;
Constraint c = _df.newConstraint();
GroupName aprime = _df.newGroupName();
// 1. First look if there is some annotation defined
Iterator<Annotation> it = astmt.getAnnotations().iterator();
if (it.hasNext()) {
PureExp dep =;
ResultInferencePureExp resAnn = typeInferenceAsPure(dep);
contract = _df.newContractAwait(astmt, aprime, _a);
_log.logDebug("AwaitStmt Annotation Finished");
c.addEquation(new ASTNodeInformation(astmt), (IRecord) resAnn.getVariableType(), createInstance(dep.getType(), _cd, aprime));
return new ResultInferenceStmt(contract, c, _env);
} else {
ResultInferencePureExp resGuard = typeInference(astmt.getGuard());
_log.logDebug("AwaitStmt Sub-Expression Finished");
if (resGuard.getVariableType() instanceof TypingEnvironmentVariableTypeFuture) {
ITypingEnvironmentFutureType z = _env.getFuture((TypingEnvironmentVariableTypeFuture) resGuard.getVariableType());
if (z instanceof TypingEnvironmentFutureTypeUntick) {
_env.putFuture((TypingEnvironmentVariableTypeFuture) resGuard.getVariableType(), new TypingEnvironmentFutureTypeTick(z.getRecord()));
c.addEquation(new ASTNodeInformation(astmt), z.getRecord(), _df.newRecordFuture(aprime, _df.newRecordVariable()));
contract = _df.newContract(_df.newContractElementParallel(_df.newContractInvkA(astmt, ((TypingEnvironmentFutureTypeUntick) z).getContract(), new ContractElementAwait(astmt, _a, aprime)), _env.unsync(astmt)));
} else {
try {
c.addEquation(new ASTNodeInformation(astmt), z.getRecord(), _df.newRecordFuture(aprime, _df.newRecordVariable()));
} catch (Exception e) {
contract = _df.newContractEmpty();
} else {
// the guard in the await is not a future.
// maybe a boolean or something else, in any case, we cannot
// manage it for now
_log.logWarning("WARNING: the guard of the await statement is not a future. Assumed an empty contract");
contract = _df.newContractEmpty();
return new ResultInferenceStmt(contract, c, _env);