use of org.abs_models.frontend.typechecker.InterfaceType in project abstools by abstools.
the class ContractInference method typeInference.
public ResultInferenceEffExp typeInference(Call call) {
_log.logDebug("Contract Inference for a " + ((call instanceof SyncCall) ? "Synchronous" : "Asynchronous") + " method Call");
ITypingEnvironmentVariableType r;
GroupName aprime = _df.newGroupName();
// 1. Get the method interface
Type t = call.getCallee().getType();
ClassDecl cl;
if (t.isInterfaceType()) {
cl = _intertoclass.get(((InterfaceType) t).getDecl());
} else {
cl = _cd;
String nameOfClass;
String nameOfMethod;
LinkedList<IRecord> s = new LinkedList<>();
if (cl == _emptyDecl) {
// we are in presence of an non implemented interface
// in that case, we don't know how the method would behave, and
// simply put a null contract.
_log.logError("Class retrival failed!!!");
nameOfClass = _dummyClass;
nameOfMethod = _dummyMethod;
// return new ResultInferenceEffExp( _df.newRecordVariable(),
// _df.newContractEmpty(), _df.newConstraint(), _env);
} else {
nameOfClass = cl.getName();
nameOfMethod = call.getMethod();
ResultInferencePureExp resParam;
for (PureExp p : call.getParams()) {
resParam = typeInferenceAsPure(p);
// else
// 2. Collect contracts and
// deadlock.constraints.constraint.Constraints from the call
ResultInferencePureExp resCallee = typeInferenceAsPure(call.getCallee());
Contract contract = _df.newContractEmpty();
Constraint c = _df.newConstraint();
// cast to IRecord as the callee cannot be a future
IRecord callee = (IRecord) resCallee.getVariableType();
// 3. Construct the record for the return value
IRecord Y = _df.newRecordVariable();
// 4. pack up the result
MethodInterface mi = _df.newMethodInterface(callee, s, Y);
c.addSemiEquation(new ASTNodeInformation(call), _env.getMethod(nameOfClass, nameOfMethod), mi);
if (call instanceof SyncCall) {
r = Y;
contract.add(_df.newContractSyncInvk(call, nameOfClass, nameOfMethod, mi));
} else if (call instanceof AsyncCall) {
IRecord calleeShape = createInstance(cl, aprime);
c.addEquation(new ASTNodeInformation(call), callee, calleeShape);
r = new TypingEnvironmentVariableTypeFuture();
_env.putFuture((TypingEnvironmentVariableTypeFuture) r, new TypingEnvironmentFutureTypeUntick(_df.newRecordFuture(aprime, Y), new ContractElementInvk(call, nameOfClass, nameOfMethod, mi)));
} else if (call instanceof AwaitAsyncCall) {
// same stuff as for async calls
// AwaitAsyncCall are actually rewritten in the AST if the flag
// public static boolean Model.doAACrewrite is set to true;
// objects of this kind are rewritten at the ast level as
// AsyncCall + await (+ get)
IRecord calleeShape = createInstance(cl, aprime);
c.addEquation(new ASTNodeInformation(call), callee, calleeShape);
r = new TypingEnvironmentVariableTypeFuture();
_env.putFuture((TypingEnvironmentVariableTypeFuture) r, new TypingEnvironmentFutureTypeUntick(_df.newRecordFuture(aprime, Y), new ContractElementInvk(call, nameOfClass, nameOfMethod, mi)));
} else {
// should not happen
r = null;
_log.logError("Unexpected call type");
_log.logDebug("End Contract Inference for the Call");
return new ResultInferenceEffExp(r, contract, c, _env);
use of org.abs_models.frontend.typechecker.InterfaceType in project abstools by abstools.
the class JavaBackend method getQualifiedString.
public static String getQualifiedString(Type absType) {
String res = null;
if (absType.isDataType()) {
DataTypeType dt = (DataTypeType) absType;
res = dataTypeMap.get(dt.getDecl().getName());
if (res != null)
return res;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (dt.hasTypeArgs() && !containsUnboundedType(dt.getTypeArgs())) {
boolean first = true;
for (Type t : dt.getTypeArgs()) {
if (first)
first = false;
return getQualifiedString(dt.getDecl()) + sb.toString();
* if (dt.hasTypeArgs() && !containsUnboundedType(dt.getTypeArgs()))
* {
* sb.append("<"); boolean first = true; for (Type t :
* dt.getTypeArgs()) { if (first) first = false; else
* sb.append(','); sb.append(getQualifiedString(t)); }
* sb.append(">"); }
} else if (absType.isInterfaceType()) {
InterfaceType it = (InterfaceType) absType;
return getQualifiedString(it.getDecl());
} else if (absType.isTypeParameter()) {
TypeParameter tp = (TypeParameter) absType;
return tp.getDecl().getName();
} else if (absType.isBoundedType()) {
BoundedType bt = (BoundedType) absType;
if (bt.hasBoundType())
return getQualifiedString(bt.getBoundType());
return "?";
} else if (absType.isAnyType()) {
return "java.lang.Object";
} else if (absType.isUnionType()) {
return getQualifiedString(((UnionType) absType).getOriginatingClass());
throw new RuntimeException("Type " + absType.getClass().getName() + " not yet supported by Java backend");