use of com.hazelcast.jet.JetInstance in project hazelcast-jet-reference-manual by hazelcast.
the class LogDebug method s3.
static void s3() {
// tag::s3[]
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
p.drawFrom(Sources.<String>list("inputList")).flatMap(line -> traverseArray(line.toLowerCase().split("\\W+"))).filter(word -> !word.isEmpty()).peek().groupingKey(wholeItem()).aggregate(counting()).drainTo("counts"));
// end::s3[]
// tag::s4[]
JetInstance jet = Jet.newJetInstance();
try {
jet.getList("inputList").addAll(asList("The quick brown fox", "jumped over the lazy dog"));
} finally {
// end::s4[]
use of com.hazelcast.jet.JetInstance in project hazelcast-jet-reference-manual by hazelcast.
the class StartTwoInstances method main.
// tag::s2[]
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
JetInstance jet = Jet.newJetInstance();
// work with Jet
} finally {
use of com.hazelcast.jet.JetInstance in project hazelcast-jet-reference-manual by hazelcast.
the class WordCountCoreApi method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// tag::s0[]
DAG dag = new DAG();
Vertex source = dag.newVertex("source", SourceProcessors.readMapP("lines"));
// end::s0[]
// tag::s1[]
// (lineNum, line) -> words
Pattern delimiter = Pattern.compile("\\W+");
Vertex tokenize = dag.newVertex("tokenize", Processors.flatMapP((Entry<Integer, String> e) -> traverseArray(delimiter.split(e.getValue().toLowerCase())).filter(word -> !word.isEmpty())));
// end::s1[]
// tag::s2[]
// word -> (word, count)
Vertex accumulate = dag.newVertex("accumulate", Processors.accumulateByKeyP(singletonList(wholeItem()), counting()));
// end::s2[]
// tag::s3[]
// (word, count) -> (word, count)
Vertex combine = dag.newVertex("combine", Processors.combineByKeyP(counting(), Util::entry));
// end::s3[]
// tag::s4[]
Vertex sink = dag.newVertex("sink", SinkProcessors.writeMapP("counts"));
// end::s4[]
// tag::s5[]
dag.edge(between(source, tokenize)).edge(// <1>
between(tokenize, accumulate).partitioned(wholeItem(), Partitioner.HASH_CODE)).edge(// <2>
between(accumulate, combine).distributed().partitioned(entryKey())).edge(between(combine, sink));
// end::s5[]
JetInstance jet = Jet.newJetInstance();
try {
IMap<Integer, String> map = jet.getMap("lines");
map.put(0, "It was the best of times,");
map.put(1, "it was the worst of times,");
map.put(2, "it was the age of wisdom,");
map.put(3, "it was the age of foolishness,");
map.put(4, "it was the epoch of belief,");
map.put(5, "it was the epoch of incredulity,");
map.put(6, "it was the season of Light,");
map.put(7, "it was the season of Darkness");
map.put(8, "it was the spring of hope,");
map.put(9, "it was the winter of despair,");
map.put(10, "we had everything before us,");
map.put(11, "we had nothing before us,");
map.put(12, "we were all going direct to Heaven,");
map.put(13, "we were all going direct the other way --");
map.put(14, "in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of " + "its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for " + "evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.");
// Expected output:
// [heaven=1, times=2, of=12, its=2, far=1, light=1, noisiest=1,
// the=14, other=1, incredulity=1, worst=1, hope=1, on=1, good=1, going=2,
// like=1, we=4, was=11, best=1, nothing=1, degree=1, epoch=2, all=2,
// that=1, us=2, winter=1, it=10, present=1, to=1, short=1, period=2,
// had=2, wisdom=1, received=1, superlative=1, age=2, darkness=1, direct=2,
// only=1, in=2, before=2, were=2, so=1, season=2, evil=1, being=1,
// insisted=1, despair=1, belief=1, comparison=1, some=1, foolishness=1,
// or=1, everything=1, spring=1, authorities=1, way=1, for=2]
} finally {
use of com.hazelcast.jet.JetInstance in project hazelcast-jet-reference-manual by hazelcast.
the class Configuration method s3.
static void s3() {
// tag::s3[]
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
JetInstance jet = Jet.newJetClient(clientConfig);
// end::s3[]
use of com.hazelcast.jet.JetInstance in project hazelcast-jet-reference-manual by hazelcast.
the class Configuration method s2.
static void s2() {
// tag::s2[]
JetConfig jetConfig = new JetConfig();
JetInstance jet = Jet.newJetInstance(jetConfig);
// end::s2[]