use of com.hazelcast.jet.config.JobConfig in project hazelcast-jet by hazelcast.
the class StreamKafkaPTest method integrationTest.
private void integrationTest(ProcessingGuarantee guarantee) throws Exception {
int messageCount = 20;
JetInstance[] instances = new JetInstance[2];
Arrays.setAll(instances, i -> createJetMember());
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
p.drawFrom(KafkaSources.kafka(properties, topic1Name, topic2Name)).drainTo(Sinks.list("sink"));
JobConfig config = new JobConfig();
Job job = instances[0].newJob(p, config);
for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) {
produce(topic1Name, i, Integer.toString(i));
produce(topic2Name, i - messageCount, Integer.toString(i - messageCount));
IList<Object> list = instances[0].getList("sink");
assertTrueEventually(() -> {
assertEquals(messageCount * 2, list.size());
for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) {
Entry<Integer, String> entry1 = createEntry(i);
Entry<Integer, String> entry2 = createEntry(i - messageCount);
assertTrue("missing entry: " + entry1, list.contains(entry1));
assertTrue("missing entry: " + entry2, list.contains(entry2));
}, 5);
if (guarantee != ProcessingGuarantee.NONE) {
// wait until the items are consumed and a new snapshot appears
assertTrueEventually(() -> assertTrue(list.size() == messageCount * 2));
IMapJet<Long, Object> snapshotsMap = instances[0].getMap(SnapshotRepository.snapshotsMapName(job.getId()));
Long currentMax = maxSuccessfulSnapshot(snapshotsMap);
assertTrueEventually(() -> {
Long newMax = maxSuccessfulSnapshot(snapshotsMap);
assertTrue("no snapshot produced", newMax != null && !newMax.equals(currentMax));
System.out.println("snapshot " + newMax + " found, previous was " + currentMax);
// Bring down one member. Job should restart and drain additional items (and maybe
// some of the previous duplicately).
for (int i = messageCount; i < 2 * messageCount; i++) {
produce(topic1Name, i, Integer.toString(i));
produce(topic2Name, i - messageCount, Integer.toString(i - messageCount));
assertTrueEventually(() -> {
assertTrue("Not all messages were received", list.size() >= messageCount * 4);
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * messageCount; i++) {
Entry<Integer, String> entry1 = createEntry(i);
Entry<Integer, String> entry2 = createEntry(i - messageCount);
assertTrue("missing entry: " + entry1.toString(), list.contains(entry1));
assertTrue("missing entry: " + entry2.toString(), list.contains(entry2));
}, 10);
// cancel the job
assertTrueEventually(() -> assertTrue(job.getFuture().isDone()));
use of com.hazelcast.jet.config.JobConfig in project hazelcast-jet by hazelcast.
the class WatermarkCoalescer_IntegrationTest method when_i1_activeNoWm_i2_activeNoWm_then_wmForwardedAfterDelay.
public void when_i1_activeNoWm_i2_activeNoWm_then_wmForwardedAfterDelay() {
dag = createDag(mode, singletonList(wm(100)), singletonList(wm(150)));
JobConfig config = new JobConfig().setMaxWatermarkRetainMillis(5000);
long time = System.nanoTime();
instance.newJob(dag, config);
assertTrueEventually(() -> assertEquals(1, sinkList.size()), 3);
assertEquals("wm(100)", sinkList.get(0));
assertTrueEventually(() -> assertEquals(2, sinkList.size()), 6);
assertEquals("wm(150)", sinkList.get(1));
long elapsedMs = NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - time);
assertTrue("Too little elapsed time, WM probably emitted immediately: " + elapsedMs, elapsedMs > 3000);
use of com.hazelcast.jet.config.JobConfig in project hazelcast-jet by hazelcast.
the class WatermarkCoalescer_IntegrationTest method when_i1_active_i2_active_then_wmForwardedImmediately.
public void when_i1_active_i2_active_then_wmForwardedImmediately() {
dag = createDag(mode, singletonList(wm(100)), singletonList(wm(100)));
JobConfig config = new JobConfig().setMaxWatermarkRetainMillis(5000);
instance.newJob(dag, config);
assertTrueEventually(() -> assertEquals(1, sinkList.size()), 3);
assertEquals("wm(100)", sinkList.get(0));
use of com.hazelcast.jet.config.JobConfig in project hazelcast-jet by hazelcast.
the class WatermarkCoalescer_IntegrationTest method when_i1_idle_i2_idle_then_idleMessageForwardedImmediately.
public void when_i1_idle_i2_idle_then_idleMessageForwardedImmediately() {
dag = createDag(mode, singletonList(IDLE_MESSAGE), singletonList(IDLE_MESSAGE));
JobConfig config = new JobConfig().setMaxWatermarkRetainMillis(5000);
instance.newJob(dag, config);
// the idle message should not be presented to the processor
assertTrueAllTheTime(() -> assertEquals(0, sinkList.size()), 3);
use of com.hazelcast.jet.config.JobConfig in project hazelcast-jet by hazelcast.
the class WatermarkCoalescer_IntegrationTest method when_i1_activeNoWm_i2_aheadAndIdle_then_wmForwardedAfterADelay.
public void when_i1_activeNoWm_i2_aheadAndIdle_then_wmForwardedAfterADelay() {
dag = createDag(mode, singletonList(entry(1, 1)), asList(wm(150), IDLE_MESSAGE));
JobConfig config = new JobConfig().setMaxWatermarkRetainMillis(5000);
instance.newJob(dag, config);
assertTrueEventually(() -> assertEquals(1, sinkList.size()), 3);
assertEquals(entry(1, 1), sinkList.get(0));
long time = System.nanoTime();
assertTrueEventually(() -> assertEquals(2, sinkList.size()), 6);
assertEquals("wm(150)", sinkList.get(1));
long elapsedMs = NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - time);
assertTrue("Too little elapsed time, WM probably emitted immediately", elapsedMs > 3000);