use of com.hazelcast.jet.sql.impl.opt.logical.FullScanLogicalRel in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class IndexScanMapPhysicalRule method onMatch.
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
FullScanLogicalRel logicalScan = call.rel(0);
PartitionedMapTable table = table(logicalScan);
for (RelNode indexScan : IndexResolver.createIndexScans(logicalScan, table.getIndexes())) {
use of com.hazelcast.jet.sql.impl.opt.logical.FullScanLogicalRel in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class IndexResolver method buildCollationTrait.
* Builds a collation with collation fields re-mapped according to the table projections.
* @param scan the logical map scan
* @param index the index
* @param ascs the collation of index fields
* @return the new collation trait
private static RelCollation buildCollationTrait(FullScanLogicalRel scan, MapTableIndex index, List<Boolean> ascs) {
if (index.getType() != SORTED) {
return RelCollations.of(Collections.emptyList());
List<RelFieldCollation> fields = new ArrayList<>(index.getFieldOrdinals().size());
HazelcastTable table = OptUtils.extractHazelcastTable(scan);
// Extract those projections that are direct input field references. Only those can be used
// for index access
List<Integer> fieldProjects = table.getProjects().stream().filter(expr -> expr instanceof RexInputRef).map(inputRef -> ((RexInputRef) inputRef).getIndex()).collect(Collectors.toList());
for (int i = 0; i < index.getFieldOrdinals().size(); ++i) {
Integer indexFieldOrdinal = index.getFieldOrdinals().get(i);
int remappedIndexFieldOrdinal = fieldProjects.indexOf(indexFieldOrdinal);
if (remappedIndexFieldOrdinal == -1) {
// The field is not used in the query
Direction direction = ascs.get(i) ? ASCENDING : DESCENDING;
RelFieldCollation fieldCollation = new RelFieldCollation(remappedIndexFieldOrdinal, direction);
return RelCollations.of(fields);