use of com.hazelcast.spi.impl.tenantcontrol.impl.TenantControlServiceImpl in project hazelcast by hazelcast.
the class ProxyRegistry method doCreateProxy.
private DistributedObjectFuture doCreateProxy(String name, UUID source, boolean initialize, DistributedObjectFuture proxyFuture, boolean local) {
boolean publishEvent = !local;
DistributedObject proxy;
try {
TenantControlServiceImpl tenantControlService = proxyService.nodeEngine.getTenantControlService();
TenantControl tenantControl = tenantControlService.getTenantControl(serviceName, name);
if (tenantControl == null) {
if (initialize && service instanceof TenantContextAwareService) {
try {
tenantControl = tenantControlService.initializeTenantControl(serviceName, name);
} catch (Exception e) {
// log and throw exception to be handled in outer catch block
proxyService.logger.warning("Error while initializing tenant control for service '" + serviceName + "' and object '" + name + "'", e);
throw e;
} else {
tenantControl = TenantControl.NOOP_TENANT_CONTROL;
proxy = service.createDistributedObject(name, source, local);
if (initialize && proxy instanceof InitializingObject) {
try {
((InitializingObject) proxy).initialize();
} catch (Exception e) {
// log and throw exception to be handled in outer catch block
proxyService.logger.warning("Error while initializing proxy: " + proxy, e);
throw e;
proxyFuture.set(proxy, initialize);
if ( {;
} catch (Throwable e) {
// proxy creation or initialization failed
// deregister future to avoid infinite hang on future.get()
throw rethrow(e);
EventService eventService = proxyService.nodeEngine.getEventService();
ProxyEventProcessor callback = new ProxyEventProcessor(proxyService.listeners.values(), CREATED, serviceName, name, proxy, source);
if (publishEvent) {
publish(new DistributedObjectEventPacket(CREATED, serviceName, name, source));
return proxyFuture;