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Example 1 with AccountBalance

use of com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalance in project hedera-sdk-java by hashgraph.

the class ScheduledTransactionMultiSigThresholdExample method main.

// public static void main(String[] args) throws PrecheckStatusException, IOException, TimeoutException, ReceiptStatusException {
public static void main(String[] args) throws PrecheckStatusException, TimeoutException, ReceiptStatusException {
    Client client = Client.forName(HEDERA_NETWORK);
    // Defaults the operator account ID and key such that all generated transactions will be paid for
    // by this account and be signed by this key
    client.setOperator(OPERATOR_ID, OPERATOR_KEY);
    // Generate four new Ed25519 private, public key pairs.
    PrivateKey[] privateKeys = new PrivateKey[4];
    PublicKey[] publicKeys = new PublicKey[4];
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        PrivateKey key = PrivateKey.generateED25519();
        privateKeys[i] = key;
        publicKeys[i] = key.getPublicKey();
        System.out.println("public key " + (i + 1) + ": " + publicKeys[i]);
        System.out.println("private key " + (i + 1) + ": " + privateKeys[i]);
    // require 3 of the 4 keys we generated to sign on anything modifying this account
    KeyList transactionKey = KeyList.withThreshold(3);
    Collections.addAll(transactionKey, publicKeys);
    TransactionResponse transactionResponse = new AccountCreateTransaction().setKey(transactionKey).setInitialBalance(Hbar.fromTinybars(1)).setAccountMemo("3-of-4 multi-sig account").execute(client);
    // This will wait for the receipt to become available
    TransactionReceipt txAccountCreateReceipt = transactionResponse.getReceipt(client);
    AccountId multiSigAccountId = Objects.requireNonNull(txAccountCreateReceipt.accountId);
    System.out.println("3-of-4 multi-sig account ID: " + multiSigAccountId);
    AccountBalance balance = new AccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(multiSigAccountId).execute(client);
    System.out.println("Balance of account " + multiSigAccountId + ": " + balance.hbars.toTinybars() + " tinybar.");
    // schedule crypto transfer from multi-sig account to operator account
    TransactionResponse transferToSchedule = new TransferTransaction().addHbarTransfer(multiSigAccountId, Hbar.fromTinybars(-1)).addHbarTransfer(Objects.requireNonNull(client.getOperatorAccountId()), Hbar.fromTinybars(1)).schedule().freezeWith(client).sign(// add 1 signature`
    TransactionReceipt txScheduleReceipt = transferToSchedule.getReceipt(client);
    System.out.println("Schedule status: " + txScheduleReceipt.status);
    ScheduleId scheduleId = Objects.requireNonNull(txScheduleReceipt.scheduleId);
    System.out.println("Schedule ID: " + scheduleId);
    TransactionId scheduledTxId = Objects.requireNonNull(txScheduleReceipt.scheduledTransactionId);
    System.out.println("Scheduled tx ID: " + scheduledTxId);
    // add 2 signature
    TransactionResponse txScheduleSign1 = new ScheduleSignTransaction().setScheduleId(scheduleId).freezeWith(client).sign(privateKeys[1]).execute(client);
    TransactionReceipt txScheduleSign1Receipt = txScheduleSign1.getReceipt(client);
    System.out.println("1. ScheduleSignTransaction status: " + txScheduleSign1Receipt.status);
    // add 3 signature
    TransactionResponse txScheduleSign2 = new ScheduleSignTransaction().setScheduleId(scheduleId).freezeWith(client).sign(privateKeys[2]).execute(client);
    TransactionReceipt txScheduleSign2Receipt = txScheduleSign2.getReceipt(client);
    System.out.println("2. ScheduleSignTransaction status: " + txScheduleSign2Receipt.status);
    // query schedule
    ScheduleInfo scheduleInfo = new ScheduleInfoQuery().setScheduleId(scheduleId).execute(client);
    // query triggered scheduled tx
    TransactionRecord recordScheduledTx = new TransactionRecordQuery().setTransactionId(scheduledTxId).execute(client);
Also used : PrivateKey(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.PrivateKey) AccountId(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountId) PublicKey(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.PublicKey) ScheduleSignTransaction(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleSignTransaction) KeyList(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.KeyList) AccountBalanceQuery(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalanceQuery) TransactionReceipt(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.TransactionReceipt) ScheduleInfoQuery(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleInfoQuery) ScheduleId(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleId) ScheduleInfo(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleInfo) TransactionId(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.TransactionId) TransactionRecordQuery(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.TransactionRecordQuery) TransactionResponse(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.TransactionResponse) AccountBalance(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalance) Client(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Client) TransferTransaction(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.TransferTransaction) AccountCreateTransaction(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountCreateTransaction) TransactionRecord(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.TransactionRecord)

Example 2 with AccountBalance

use of com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalance in project hedera-sdk-java by hashgraph.

the class ScheduledTransferExample method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws TimeoutException, PrecheckStatusException, ReceiptStatusException {
    Client client = Client.forName(HEDERA_NETWORK);
    // Defaults the operator account ID and key such that all generated transactions will be paid for
    // by this account and be signed by this key
    client.setOperator(OPERATOR_ID, OPERATOR_KEY);
         * A scheduled transaction is a transaction that has been proposed by an account,
         * but which requires more signatures before it will actually execute on the Hedera network.
         * For example, if Alice wants to transfer an amount of Hbar to Bob, and Bob has
         * receiverSignatureRequired set to true, then that transaction must be signed by
         * both Alice and Bob before the transaction will be executed.
         * To solve this problem, Alice can propose the transaction by creating a scheduled
         * transaction on the Hedera network which, if executed, would transfer Hbar from
         * Alice to Bob.  That scheduled transaction will have a ScheduleId by which we can
         * refer to that scheduled transaction.  Alice can communicate the ScheduleId to Bob, and
         * then Bob can use a ScheduleSignTransaction to sign that scheduled transaction.
         * Bob has a 30 minute window in which to sign the scheduled transaction, starting at the
         * moment that Alice creates the scheduled transaction.  If a scheduled transaction
         * is not signed by all of the necessary signatories within the 30 minute window,
         * that scheduled transaction will expire, and will not be executed.
         * Once a scheduled transaction has all of the signatures necessary to execute, it will
         * be executed on the Hedera network automatically.  If you create a scheduled transaction
         * on the Hedera network, but that transaction only requires your signature in order to
         * execute and no one else's, that scheduled transaction will be automatically
         * executed immediately.
    PrivateKey bobsKey = PrivateKey.generateED25519();
    AccountId bobsId = new AccountCreateTransaction().setReceiverSignatureRequired(true).setKey(bobsKey).setInitialBalance(new Hbar(10)).freezeWith(client).sign(bobsKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client).accountId;
    System.out.println("Alice's ID: " + client.getOperatorAccountId().toStringWithChecksum(client));
    System.out.println("Bob's ID: " + bobsId.toStringWithChecksum(client));
    AccountBalance bobsInitialBalance = new AccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(bobsId).execute(client);
    System.out.println("Bob's initial balance:");
    TransferTransaction transferToSchedule = new TransferTransaction().addHbarTransfer(client.getOperatorAccountId(), new Hbar(-10)).addHbarTransfer(bobsId, new Hbar(10));
    System.out.println("Transfer to be scheduled:");
         * The payerAccountId is the account that will be charged the fee
         * for executing the scheduled transaction if/when it is executed.
         * That fee is separate from the fee that we will pay to execute the
         * ScheduleCreateTransaction itself.
         * To clarify: Alice pays a fee to execute the ScheduleCreateTransaction,
         * which creates the scheduled transaction on the Hedera network.
         * She specifies when creating the scheduled transaction that Bob will pay
         * the fee for the scheduled transaction when it is executed.
         * If payerAccountId is not specified, the account who creates the scheduled transaction
         * will be charged for executing the scheduled transaction.
    ScheduleId scheduleId = new ScheduleCreateTransaction().setScheduledTransaction(transferToSchedule).setPayerAccountId(bobsId).execute(client).getReceipt(client).scheduleId;
    System.out.println("The scheduleId is: " + scheduleId.toStringWithChecksum(client));
         * Bob's balance should be unchanged.  The transfer has been scheduled, but it hasn't been executed yet
         * because it requires Bob's signature.
    AccountBalance bobsBalanceAfterSchedule = new AccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(bobsId).execute(client);
    System.out.println("Bob's balance after scheduling the transfer (should be unchanged):");
         * Once Alice has communicated the scheduleId to Bob, Bob can query for information about the
         * scheduled transaction.
    ScheduleInfo scheduledTransactionInfo = new ScheduleInfoQuery().setScheduleId(scheduleId).execute(client);
    System.out.println("Info about scheduled transaction:");
         * getScheduledTransaction() will return an SDK Transaction object identical to the transaction
         * that was scheduled, which Bob can then inspect like a normal transaction.
    Transaction<?> scheduledTransaction = scheduledTransactionInfo.getScheduledTransaction();
    // We happen to know that this transaction is (or certainly ought to be) a TransferTransaction
    if (scheduledTransaction instanceof TransferTransaction) {
        TransferTransaction scheduledTransfer = (TransferTransaction) scheduledTransaction;
        System.out.println("The scheduled transfer transaction from Bob's POV:");
    } else {
        System.out.println("The scheduled transaction was not a transfer transaction.");
        System.out.println("Something has gone horribly wrong.  Crashing...");
    new ScheduleSignTransaction().setScheduleId(scheduleId).freezeWith(client).sign(bobsKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client);
    AccountBalance balanceAfterSigning = new AccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(bobsId).execute(client);
    System.out.println("Bob's balance after signing the scheduled transaction:");
    ScheduleInfo postTransactionInfo = new ScheduleInfoQuery().setScheduleId(scheduleId).execute(client);
    System.out.println("Info on the scheduled transaction, executedAt should no longer be null:");
    // Clean up
    new AccountDeleteTransaction().setTransferAccountId(client.getOperatorAccountId()).setAccountId(bobsId).freezeWith(client).sign(bobsKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client);
Also used : PrivateKey(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.PrivateKey) AccountId(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountId) ScheduleSignTransaction(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleSignTransaction) AccountBalanceQuery(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalanceQuery) AccountDeleteTransaction(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountDeleteTransaction) Hbar(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Hbar) ScheduleInfoQuery(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleInfoQuery) ScheduleId(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleId) ScheduleInfo(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleInfo) AccountBalance(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalance) Client(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Client) TransferTransaction(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.TransferTransaction) AccountCreateTransaction(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountCreateTransaction) ScheduleCreateTransaction(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleCreateTransaction)

Example 3 with AccountBalance

use of com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalance in project hedera-sdk-java by hashgraph.

the class ValidateChecksumExample method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws TimeoutException, PrecheckStatusException {
    Client client = Client.forName(HEDERA_NETWORK);
    // Defaults the operator account ID and key such that all generated transactions will be paid for
    // by this account and be signed by this key
    client.setOperator(OPERATOR_ID, OPERATOR_KEY);
         * Entity IDs, such as TokenId and AccountId, can be constructed from strings.
         * For example, the AccountId.fromString(inputString) static method will attempt to parse
         * the input string and construct the expected AccountId object, and will throw an
         * IllegalArgumentException if the string is incorrectly formatted.
         * From here on, we'll talk about methods on accountId, but equivalent methods exist
         * on every entity ID type.
         * fromString() expects the input to look something like this: "1.2.3-asdfg".
         * Here, 1 is the shard, 2 is the realm, 3 is the number, and "asdfg" is the checksum.
         * The checksum can be used to ensure that an entity ID was inputted correctly.
         * For example, if the string being parsed is from a config file, or from user input,
         * it could contain typos.
         * You can use accountId.getChecksum() to get the checksum of an accountId object that was constructed
         * using fromString().  This will be the checksum from the input string.  fromString() will merely
         * parse the string and create an AccountId object with the expected shard, realm, num, and checksum
         * values.  fromString() will NOT verify that the AccountId maps to a valid account on the Hedera
         * network, and it will not verify the checksum.
         * To verify a checksum, call accountId.validateChecksum(client).  If the checksum
         * is invalid, validateChecksum() will throw a BadEntityIdException, otherwise it will return normally.
         * The validity of a checksum depends on which network the client is connected to (EG mainnet or
         * testnet or previewnet).  For example, a checksum that is valid for a particular shard/realm/num
         * on mainnet will be INVALID for the same shard/realm/num on testnet.
         * As far as fromString() is concerned, the checksum is optional.
         * If you use fromString() to generate an AccountId from a string that does not include a checksum,
         * such as "1.2.3", fromString() will work, but a call to the getChecksum() method on the resulting
         * AccountId object will return null.
         * Generally speaking, AccountId objects can come from three places:
         * 1) AccountId.fromString(inString)
         * 2) new AccountId(shard, realm, num)
         * 3) From the result of a query
         * In the first case, the AccountId object will have a checksum (getChecksum() will not return null) if
         * the input string included a checksum, and it will not have a checksum if the string did not
         * include a checksum.
         * In the second and third cases, the AccountId object will not have a checksum.
         * If you call accountId.validateChecksum(client) and accountId has no checksum to validate,
         * validateChecksum() will silently pass, and will not throw an exception.
         * accountId.toString() will stringify the account ID with no checksum,
         * accountId.toStringWithChecksum(client) will stringify the account ID with the correct checksum
         * for that shard/realm/num on the client's network.
    System.out.println("An example of manual checksum validation:");
    while (true) {
        try {
            System.out.print("Enter an account ID with checksum: ");
            String inString = INPUT_SCANNER.nextLine();
            // Throws IllegalArgumentException if incorrectly formatted
            AccountId id = AccountId.fromString(inString);
            System.out.println("The ID with no checksum is " + id.toString());
            System.out.println("The ID with the correct checksum is " + id.toStringWithChecksum(client));
            if (id.getChecksum() == null) {
                System.out.println("You must enter a checksum.");
            System.out.println("The checksum entered was " + id.getChecksum());
            // Throws BadEntityIdException if checksum is incorrect
            AccountBalance balance = new AccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(id).execute(client);
            // exit the loop
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException exc) {
        } catch (BadEntityIdException exc) {
            System.out.println("You entered " + exc.shard + "." + exc.realm + "." + exc.num + "-" + exc.presentChecksum + ", the expected checksum was " + exc.expectedChecksum);
         * It is also possible to perform automatic checksum validation.
         * Automatic checksum validation is disabled by default, but it can be enabled with
         * client.setAutoValidateChecksums(true).  You can check whether automatic checksum
         * validation is enabled with client.isAutoValidateChecksumsEnabled().
         * When this feature is enabled, the execute() method of a transaction or query
         * will automatically check the validity of checksums on any IDs in the
         * transaction or query.  It will throw an IllegalArgumentException if an
         * invalid checksum is encountered.
    System.out.println("An example of automatic checksum validation:");
    while (true) {
        try {
            System.out.print("Enter an account ID with checksum: ");
            AccountId id = AccountId.fromString(INPUT_SCANNER.nextLine());
            if (id.getChecksum() == null) {
                System.out.println("You must enter a checksum.");
            AccountBalance balance = new AccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(id).execute(client);
            // exit the loop
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException exc) {
    System.out.println("Example complete!");
Also used : BadEntityIdException(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.BadEntityIdException) AccountId(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountId) AccountBalance(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalance) AccountBalanceQuery(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalanceQuery) Client(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Client)

Example 4 with AccountBalance

use of com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalance in project hedera-sdk-java by hashgraph.

the class AccountAliasExample method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws TimeoutException, PrecheckStatusException, ReceiptStatusException {
    Client client = Client.forName(HEDERA_NETWORK);
    // Defaults the operator account ID and key such that all generated transactions will be paid for
    // by this account and be signed by this key
    client.setOperator(OPERATOR_ID, OPERATOR_KEY);
         * Hedera supports a form of lazy account creation.
         * You can "create" an account by generating a private key, and then deriving the public key,
         * without any need to interact with the Hedera network.  The public key more or less acts as the user's
         * account ID.  This public key is an account's aliasKey: a public key that aliases (or will eventually alias)
         * to a Hedera account.
         * An AccountId takes one of two forms: a normal AccountId with a null aliasKey member takes the form 0.0.123,
         * while an account ID with a non-null aliasKey member takes the form
         * 0.0.302a300506032b6570032100114e6abc371b82dab5c15ea149f02d34a012087b163516dd70f44acafabf7777
         * Note the prefix of "0.0." indicating the shard and realm.  Also note that the aliasKey is stringified
         * as a hex-encoded ASN1 DER representation of the key.
         * An AccountId with an aliasKey can be used just like a normal AccountId for the purposes of queries and
         * transactions, however most queries and transactions involving such an AccountId won't work until Hbar has
         * been transferred to the aliasKey account.
         * There is no record in the Hedera network of an account associated with a given aliasKey
         * until an amount of Hbar is transferred to the account.  The moment that Hbar is transferred to that aliasKey
         * AccountId is the moment that that account actually begins to exist in the Hedera ledger.
    System.out.println("\"Creating\" a new account");
    PrivateKey privateKey = PrivateKey.generateED25519();
    PublicKey publicKey = privateKey.getPublicKey();
    // Assuming that the target shard and realm are known.
    // For now they are virtually always 0 and 0.
    AccountId aliasAccountId = publicKey.toAccountId(0, 0);
    System.out.println("New account ID: " + aliasAccountId);
    System.out.println("Just the aliasKey: " + aliasAccountId.aliasKey);
         * Note that no queries or transactions have taken place yet.
         * This account "creation" process is entirely local.
         * AccountId.fromString() can construct an AccountId with an aliasKey.
         * It expects a string of the form 0.0.123 in the case of a normal AccountId, or of the form
         * 0.0.302a300506032b6570032100114e6abc371b82dab5c15ea149f02d34a012087b163516dd70f44acafabf7777
         * in the case of an AccountId with aliasKey.  Note the prefix of "0.0." to indicate the shard and realm.
         * If the shard and realm are known, you may use PublicKey.fromString().toAccountId() to construct the
         * aliasKey AccountId
    AccountId fromString = AccountId.fromString("0.0.302a300506032b6570032100114e6abc371b82dab5c15ea149f02d34a012087b163516dd70f44acafabf7777");
    AccountId fromKeyString = PublicKey.fromString("302a300506032b6570032100114e6abc371b82dab5c15ea149f02d34a012087b163516dd70f44acafabf7777").toAccountId(0, 0);
    System.out.println("Transferring some Hbar to the new account");
    new TransferTransaction().addHbarTransfer(OPERATOR_ID, new Hbar(10).negated()).addHbarTransfer(aliasAccountId, new Hbar(10)).execute(client).getReceipt(client);
    AccountBalance balance = new AccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(aliasAccountId).execute(client);
    System.out.println("Balances of the new account: " + balance);
    AccountInfo info = new AccountInfoQuery().setAccountId(aliasAccountId).execute(client);
    System.out.println("Info about the new account: " + info);
         * Note that once an account exists in the ledger, it is assigned a normal AccountId, which can be retrieved
         * via an AccountInfoQuery.
         * Users may continue to refer to the account by its aliasKey AccountId, but they may also
         * now refer to it by its normal AccountId
    System.out.println("The normal account ID: " + info.accountId);
    System.out.println("The alias key: " + info.aliasKey);
    System.out.println("Example complete!");
Also used : PrivateKey(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.PrivateKey) AccountId(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountId) PublicKey(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.PublicKey) AccountBalance(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalance) AccountInfoQuery(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountInfoQuery) AccountBalanceQuery(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalanceQuery) Hbar(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Hbar) Client(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Client) TransferTransaction(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.TransferTransaction) AccountInfo(com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountInfo)


AccountBalance (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalance)4 AccountBalanceQuery (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountBalanceQuery)4 AccountId (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountId)4 Client (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Client)4 PrivateKey (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.PrivateKey)3 TransferTransaction (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.TransferTransaction)3 AccountCreateTransaction (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountCreateTransaction)2 Hbar (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Hbar)2 PublicKey (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.PublicKey)2 ScheduleId (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleId)2 ScheduleInfo (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleInfo)2 ScheduleInfoQuery (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleInfoQuery)2 ScheduleSignTransaction (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleSignTransaction)2 AccountDeleteTransaction (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountDeleteTransaction)1 AccountInfo (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountInfo)1 AccountInfoQuery (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.AccountInfoQuery)1 BadEntityIdException (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.BadEntityIdException)1 KeyList (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.KeyList)1 ScheduleCreateTransaction (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.ScheduleCreateTransaction)1 TransactionId (com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.TransactionId)1