use of com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Client in project hedera-sdk-java by hashgraph.
the class CustomFeesExample method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws TimeoutException, PrecheckStatusException, ReceiptStatusException {
Client client = Client.forName(HEDERA_NETWORK);
// Defaults the operator account ID and key such that all generated transactions will be paid for
// by this account and be signed by this key
client.setOperator(OPERATOR_ID, OPERATOR_KEY);
// Create three accounts, Alice, Bob, and Charlie. Alice will be the treasury for our example token.
// Fees only apply in transactions not involving the treasury, so we need two other accounts.
PrivateKey aliceKey = PrivateKey.generateED25519();
AccountId aliceId = new AccountCreateTransaction().setInitialBalance(new Hbar(10)).setKey(aliceKey).freezeWith(client).sign(aliceKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client).accountId;
PrivateKey bobKey = PrivateKey.generateED25519();
AccountId bobId = new AccountCreateTransaction().setInitialBalance(new Hbar(10)).setKey(bobKey).freezeWith(client).sign(bobKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client).accountId;
PrivateKey charlieKey = PrivateKey.generateED25519();
AccountId charlieId = new AccountCreateTransaction().setInitialBalance(new Hbar(10)).setKey(charlieKey).freezeWith(client).sign(charlieKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client).accountId;
System.out.println("Alice: " + aliceId);
System.out.println("Bob: " + bobId);
System.out.println("Charlie: " + charlieId);
// Let's start with a custom fee list of 1 fixed fee. A custom fee list can be a list of up to
// 10 custom fees, where each fee is a fixed fee or a fractional fee.
// This fixed fee will mean that every time Bob transfers any number of tokens to Charlie,
// Alice will collect 1 Hbar from each account involved in the transaction who is SENDING
// the Token (in this case, Bob).
CustomFixedFee customHbarFee = new CustomFixedFee().setHbarAmount(new Hbar(1)).setFeeCollectorAccountId(aliceId);
List<CustomFee> hbarFeeList = Collections.singletonList(customHbarFee);
// In this example the fee is in Hbar, but you can charge a fixed fee in a token if you'd like.
// EG, you can make it so that each time an account transfers Foo tokens,
// they must pay a fee in Bar tokens to the fee collecting account.
// To charge a fixed fee in tokens, instead of calling setHbarAmount(), call
// setDenominatingTokenId(tokenForFee) and setAmount(tokenFeeAmount).
// Setting the feeScheduleKey to Alice's key will enable Alice to change the custom
// fees list on this token later using the TokenFeeScheduleUpdateTransaction.
// We will create an initial supply of 100 of these tokens.
TokenId tokenId = new TokenCreateTransaction().setTokenName("Example Token").setTokenSymbol("EX").setAdminKey(aliceKey).setSupplyKey(aliceKey).setFeeScheduleKey(aliceKey).setTreasuryAccountId(aliceId).setCustomFees(hbarFeeList).setInitialSupply(100).freezeWith(client).sign(aliceKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client).tokenId;
System.out.println("Token: " + tokenId);
TokenInfo tokenInfo1 = new TokenInfoQuery().setTokenId(tokenId).execute(client);
System.out.println("Custom Fees according to TokenInfoQuery:");
// We must associate the token with Bob and Charlie before they can trade in it.
new TokenAssociateTransaction().setAccountId(bobId).setTokenIds(Collections.singletonList(tokenId)).freezeWith(client).sign(bobKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client);
new TokenAssociateTransaction().setAccountId(charlieId).setTokenIds(Collections.singletonList(tokenId)).freezeWith(client).sign(charlieKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client);
// give all 100 tokens to Bob
new TransferTransaction().addTokenTransfer(tokenId, bobId, 100).addTokenTransfer(tokenId, aliceId, -100).freezeWith(client).sign(aliceKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client);
Hbar aliceHbar1 = new AccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(aliceId).execute(client).hbars;
System.out.println("Alice's Hbar balance before Bob transfers 20 tokens to Charlie: " + aliceHbar1);
TransactionRecord record1 = new TransferTransaction().addTokenTransfer(tokenId, bobId, -20).addTokenTransfer(tokenId, charlieId, 20).freezeWith(client).sign(bobKey).execute(client).getRecord(client);
Hbar aliceHbar2 = new AccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(aliceId).execute(client).hbars;
System.out.println("Alices's Hbar balance after Bob transfers 20 tokens to Charlie: " + aliceHbar2);
System.out.println("Assessed fees according to transaction record:");
// Let's use the TokenUpdateFeeScheduleTransaction with Alice's key to change the custom fees on our token.
// TokenUpdateFeeScheduleTransaction will replace the list of fees that apply to the token with
// an entirely new list. Let's charge a 10% fractional fee. This means that when Bob attempts to transfer
// 20 tokens to Charlie, 10% of the tokens he attempts to transfer (2 in this case) will be transferred to
// Alice instead.
// Fractional fees default to FeeAssessmentMethod.INCLUSIVE, which is the behavior described above.
// If you set the assessment method to EXCLUSIVE, then when Bob attempts to transfer 20 tokens to Charlie,
// Charlie will receive all 20 tokens, and Bob will be charged an _additional_ 10% fee which
// will be transferred to Alice.
CustomFractionalFee customFractionalFee = new CustomFractionalFee().setNumerator(1).setDenominator(10).setMin(1).setMax(10).setFeeCollectorAccountId(aliceId);
List<CustomFee> fractionalFeeList = Collections.singletonList(customFractionalFee);
new TokenFeeScheduleUpdateTransaction().setTokenId(tokenId).setCustomFees(fractionalFeeList).freezeWith(client).sign(aliceKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client);
TokenInfo tokenInfo2 = new TokenInfoQuery().setTokenId(tokenId).execute(client);
System.out.println("Custom Fees according to TokenInfoQuery:");
Map<TokenId, Long> aliceTokens3 = new AccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(aliceId).execute(client).tokens;
System.out.println("Alice's token balance before Bob transfers 20 tokens to Charlie: " + aliceTokens3);
TransactionRecord record2 = new TransferTransaction().addTokenTransfer(tokenId, bobId, -20).addTokenTransfer(tokenId, charlieId, 20).freezeWith(client).sign(bobKey).execute(client).getRecord(client);
Map<TokenId, Long> aliceTokens4 = new AccountBalanceQuery().setAccountId(aliceId).execute(client).tokens;
System.out.println("Alices's token balance after Bob transfers 20 tokens to Charlie: " + aliceTokens4);
System.out.println("Token transfers according to transaction record:");
System.out.println("Assessed fees according to transaction record:");
// clean up
new TokenDeleteTransaction().setTokenId(tokenId).freezeWith(client).sign(aliceKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client);
new AccountDeleteTransaction().setAccountId(charlieId).setTransferAccountId(client.getOperatorAccountId()).freezeWith(client).sign(charlieKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client);
new AccountDeleteTransaction().setAccountId(bobId).setTransferAccountId(client.getOperatorAccountId()).freezeWith(client).sign(bobKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client);
new AccountDeleteTransaction().setAccountId(aliceId).setTransferAccountId(client.getOperatorAccountId()).freezeWith(client).sign(aliceKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client);
use of com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Client in project hedera-sdk-java by hashgraph.
the class DeleteAccountExample method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws TimeoutException, PrecheckStatusException, ReceiptStatusException {
Client client = Client.forName(HEDERA_NETWORK);
// Defaults the operator account ID and key such that all generated transactions will be paid for
// by this account and be signed by this key
client.setOperator(OPERATOR_ID, OPERATOR_KEY);
// Generate a Ed25519 private, public key pair
PrivateKey newKey = PrivateKey.generateED25519();
PublicKey newPublicKey = newKey.getPublicKey();
System.out.println("private key = " + newKey);
System.out.println("public key = " + newPublicKey);
TransactionResponse transactionResponse = new AccountCreateTransaction().setKey(newKey).setInitialBalance(new Hbar(2)).execute(client);
// This will wait for the receipt to become available
TransactionReceipt receipt = transactionResponse.getReceipt(client);
AccountId newAccountId = Objects.requireNonNull(receipt.accountId);
System.out.println("account = " + newAccountId);
new AccountDeleteTransaction().setTransactionId(TransactionId.generate(newAccountId)).setAccountId(newAccountId).setTransferAccountId(OPERATOR_ID).freezeWith(client).sign(newKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client);
use of com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Client in project hedera-sdk-java by hashgraph.
the class ConsensusPubSubChunkedExample method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws TimeoutException, PrecheckStatusException, ReceiptStatusException, InterruptedException, InvalidProtocolBufferException {
Client client = Client.forName(HEDERA_NETWORK);
// Defaults the operator account ID and key such that all generated transactions will be paid for
// by this account and be signed by this key
client.setOperator(OPERATOR_ID, OPERATOR_KEY);
// generate a submit key to use with the topic
PrivateKey submitKey = PrivateKey.generateED25519();
// make a new topic ID to use
TopicId newTopicId = new TopicCreateTransaction().setTopicMemo("hedera-sdk-java/ConsensusPubSubChunkedExample").setSubmitKey(submitKey).execute(client).getReceipt(client).topicId;
assert newTopicId != null;
System.out.println("for topic " + newTopicId);
// Let's wait a bit
System.out.println("wait 10s to propagate to the mirror ...");
// setup a mirror client to print out messages as we receive them
new TopicMessageQuery().setTopicId(newTopicId).subscribe(client, topicMessage -> {
System.out.println("at " + topicMessage.consensusTimestamp + " ( seq = " + topicMessage.sequenceNumber + " ) received topic message of " + topicMessage.contents.length + " bytes");
// get a large file to send
String bigContents = readResources("large_message.txt");
System.out.println("about to prepare a transaction to send a message of " + bigContents.length() + " bytes");
// prepare a message send transaction that requires a submit key from "somewhere else"
@Var Transaction<?> transaction = new TopicMessageSubmitTransaction().setMaxChunks(// this is 10 by default
// serialize to bytes so we can be signed "somewhere else" by the submit key
byte[] transactionBytes = transaction.toBytes();
// now pretend we sent those bytes across the network
// parse them into a transaction so we can sign as the submit key
transaction = Transaction.fromBytes(transactionBytes);
// view out the message size from the parsed transaction
// this can be useful to display what we are about to sign
long transactionMessageSize = ((TopicMessageSubmitTransaction) transaction).getMessage().size();
System.out.println("about to send a transaction with a message of " + transactionMessageSize + " bytes");
// sign with that submit key
// now actually submit the transaction
// get the receipt to ensure there were no errors
// noinspection InfiniteLoopStatement
while (true) {
System.out.println("waiting ...");
// noinspection BusyWait
use of com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Client in project hedera-sdk-java by hashgraph.
the class ConsensusPubSubExample method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException, PrecheckStatusException, ReceiptStatusException {
Client client = Client.forName(HEDERA_NETWORK);
// Defaults the operator account ID and key such that all generated transactions will be paid for
// by this account and be signed by this key
client.setOperator(OPERATOR_ID, OPERATOR_KEY);
TransactionResponse transactionResponse = new TopicCreateTransaction().execute(client);
TransactionReceipt transactionReceipt = transactionResponse.getReceipt(client);
TopicId topicId = Objects.requireNonNull(transactionReceipt.topicId);
System.out.println("New topic created: " + topicId);
new TopicMessageQuery().setTopicId(topicId).subscribe(client, resp -> {
String messageAsString = new String(resp.contents, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
System.out.println(resp.consensusTimestamp + " received topic message: " + messageAsString);
// noinspection InfiniteLoopStatement
for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
new TopicMessageSubmitTransaction().setTopicId(topicId).setMessage("hello, HCS! " + i).execute(client).getReceipt(client);
use of com.hedera.hashgraph.sdk.Client in project hedera-sdk-java by hashgraph.
the class DeleteFileExample method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws PrecheckStatusException, TimeoutException, ReceiptStatusException {
Client client = Client.forName(HEDERA_NETWORK);
// Defaults the operator account ID and key such that all generated transactions will be paid for
// by this account and be signed by this key
client.setOperator(OPERATOR_ID, OPERATOR_KEY);
// The file is required to be a byte array,
// you can easily use the bytes of a file instead.
String fileContents = "Hedera hashgraph is great!";
TransactionResponse transactionResponse = new FileCreateTransaction().setKeys(OPERATOR_KEY).setContents(fileContents).setMaxTransactionFee(new Hbar(2)).execute(client);
TransactionReceipt receipt = transactionResponse.getReceipt(client);
FileId newFileId = Objects.requireNonNull(receipt.fileId);
System.out.println("file: " + newFileId);
// now delete the file
TransactionResponse fileDeleteTransactionResponse = new FileDeleteTransaction().setFileId(newFileId).execute(client);
// if this doesn't throw then the transaction was a success
System.out.println("File deleted successfully.");
new FileInfoQuery().setFileId(newFileId).execute(client);
// note the above fileInfo will fail with FILE_DELETED due to a known issue on Hedera